Doto : I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like you guys do.
kas1965 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. This show is real when it comes to showing a real true workings of a busy city ER. When I...
Cap'n Kirk : Great analogy. I honestly have no idea WTH they are going for...
girlfreddy : I don't ever remember watching an episode with my mouth hanging open so long. That was one...
Libs368 : What even is this show now? The pacing this season is extremely jarring. Clearly they put...
Rasnac : Well Trojan war is a legend so it is hard to place in history, but if we except the conven...
McShagan : Giving this another watch.
jamieoglindsey0 : First time watching this.. as soon as I saw the Duck and Drake I was hooked as that in Lee...
theghettophilosopher : meh
Yurocalling : I agree incredibly gifted actress, almost criminally underused and criminally underrated/o...
Doto : I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like you guys do.