burgermeister : Literal slave owners slept with black women all the time. Just sayin'
Alien : 👍🏼
Monkey Spanker : Looks pretty good, thank you.
Alien : https://www.primewire.tf/tv/245521-the-odyssey Just another one to enjoy.
Betamax78 : D(e)I Ray . More proselytizing than it is storytelling
Birdsforme : This film brings Homer's Odyssey to life in an forceful way. Binoche and Fiennes are perf...
McShagan : Don't look at me!
Rasnac : I am an archeologist. I worked in digs in Aegean sea cost of Anatolia very close to Troy. ...
magiczoo : I used to adore this show too, but I think the same thing is happening here that happens w...
IceKreamSundaze : absolutely, and rachel weis is still fineeee but the phat Egyptian guy has some hilarious...
burgermeister : Literal slave owners slept with black women all the time. Just sayin'