grasshopper rex : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Be glad this is a kinder, gentler PW. Not so very long ago, your persistent trolling in th...
Birdsforme : A bit of trivia. The song playing at the memorial was "Oh very young" by Cat Stevens (197...
FillipW : Great Movie
Silvergirl01 : yeah, thanks, i know how to use google and tried that before writing a comment. i was as...
Lulusbay : Is there really any point in putting in a REQUEST LINKS? How does this work? I have a bu...
elin : This is such a fun watch!
(⌐■_■) : The plot kinda follows real life in that mere HOURS after a marriage; it can seem reasonab...
grasshopper rex : Your comment was removed because of the irrelevant political bullshit you spewed in it.
augusts1 : It is a fun movie. Haven't seen it in ages so I think it's time for a rewatch. Such a grea...
grasshopper rex : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Be glad this is a kinder, gentler PW. Not so very long ago, your persistent trolling in th...