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Creator: Annai
Posted: 3 years ago

13 favorites


Movie: Shadow Puppets ( 2007 )
Eight strangers with no memories find themselves trapped in an abandoned facility. As they desperately try to find answers and escape, their own Shadows attempt to consume them from the darkness.
Movie: The Line ( 2011 )
The story centers around veteran assassin Mark Shields as he tracks down, Pelon, the elusive head of the Salazar Crime Cartel. Through twists of fate, Shields ends up with a local woman, Olivia who is also fighting her own demons for the sake of her daughter. Set in the rich and atmospheric backdrop of Tijuana, Mexico, La Linea (The Line) is full of action, drama and finds its soul in the plight of the characters that inhabit the most dangerous city in North America.
Movie: Dominick and Eugene ( 1988 )
Dominick and Eugene are twins, but Dominick is a little bit slow due to an accident in his youth. They live together, with Dominick working as garbage man to put Eugene through medical school. Their relationship becomes strained when Eugene must decide between his devotion to his brother, or his need to go away to complete his training. Things are also not helped by Dominick's co-worker, or Eugene's budding romance.
Movie: Crazy Times ( 1981 )
Follows the exploits of three teenage friends sharing the good times back at Rockaway Beach, Queens, New York during the summer of 1955.
Movie: Just the Way You Are ( 1984 )
Susan Berlanger, a New York based concert flutist, is currently in the pit orchestra for a ballet company where her best friend Lisa Elliott is a dancer. Susan's parents are helping arrange a European concert tour to increase her professional profile. She is considering accepting the marriage proposal of straight-laced investment banker Frank Bantam, it a marriage of convenience for both with Frank still in the closet, and Susan facing her own man problems. Having contracted a case of viral encephalitis...
Movie: The Dead Will Tell ( 2004 )
In New Orleans, the lawyer Emily Parker meets the handsome Billy Hytner by chance; they date and fall immediately in love for each other. One month later, Billy proposes her and gives an engagement ring he bought in an antiquary shop. From this moment on, Emily has visions of a weird woman and she decides to investigate about the previous owner of the antique ring. She discovers that the woman that is haunting her is Marie Salinger, who disappeared in 1969, and the police had found only her severed finger with the ring. Her fiancé Paul Hamlin was accused of the murder but considered not-guilty by the jury. Meanwhile, Emily meets Billy's parents and is not accepted by her future mother-in-law Beth Hytner. Emily continues to investigate the murder, disclosing the truth about Marie's death.
Movie: The Last Winter ( 1984 )
Tells the story of two women seeking leads to their missing husbands after the end of the Yom Kippur War (1973). A relationship builds between them when each identified her husband in the same blurred image of a foreign newsreel.
Movie: Trapped ( 1989 )
Kathleen Quinlan is a woman working late in her locked High-Rise office building who along with Bruce Abbot struggle to elude a killer (Ben Loggins) trying to kill them.
Movie: Terrified ( 1995 )
Traumatized after witnessing her jealous husband kill her adulterous lover and then himself, an unbalanced, nymphomaniac young woman finds herself stalked by an unknown assailant, but she cannot make anyone believe her desperate situation.
Movie: Catherine the Great ( 1996 )
In this romanticized biography, a small German principality's inexperienced princess, Catherine, becomes the bride of czarevitch Peter, the mad and abusive nephew and heir of the Russian czarina Elizabeth. From Elizabeth she learns the cynical ropes of wielding absolute imperial power at any cost, including sacrificing her lover, young guards officer Saltykov, who must give her an heir that Peter can't and is then sent abroad. After Elizabeth's death, she quickly moves to seize power with military and court support. She then works to enlarge and modernize the empire, again putting statesmanship ahead of her lover, a military genius who defeats the Ottomans and governs the conquered territories for her.
Movie: The Evictors ( 1979 )
A young couple, just married, rents a house in a village in Louisiana. But they are not welcome because the inhabitants of the village look upon them with distrust. Meanwhile, in the house they rented, were happening strange things from the past...
Movie: Spook Busters ( 1946 )
The Bowery Boys--Slip, Sach, Bobby, Whitey & Chuck--start their own exterminating service, and get a job which takes them to a spooky old abandoned mansion in the middle of the night. Meeting up with pal Gabe and his new French bride, the boys are tormented by mad scientists who try to convince them the place is haunted and then kidnap Sach in order to place his brain inside a gorilla.
Movie: Teenage Exorcist ( 1991 )
A college grad student moves into an old mansion and is soon beset by evil demons who possess her and make her life a living hell.
Movie: The Cat Creeps ( 1946 )
A black cat is suspected of being possessed by the spirit of a elderly murdered woman.
Movie: The Haunted House ( 1921 )
A bank clerk ends up in a seemingly haunted house that is actually a thieves' hideout.
Movie: House of Darkness ( 1948 )
A young man visiting a house that turns out to be haunted is terrorized by the ghost of a man who had been murdered there years before.
Movie: Sweet Poison ( 1991 )
A convict on the run from the law kidnaps a couple who are on their way to a funeral. He finds that he got more than he bargained for when he realizes the man's sexy wife is falling for him.
Movie: Deadly Whispers ( 1995 )
When Kathy Acton is found dead, her parents, Tom and Carol, swear they will find her assailant. But as the investigation gets under way, it appears that the only remaining suspect is the girl's father. Carol is torn between the love for her husband and the story the police tells.
Movie: Going Ape! ( 1981 )
When his father, who owned a circus, dies Foster inherits $5-million--and three orangutans. But there's a condition: if he gives away the orangutans, or if just one gets sick or dies during the next three years, the zoological society will get all the money. So not only must he deal with three apes and an annoyed girlfriend, but he must also deal with kooky new roommate Laszlo who came from the circus to help with the apes, a greedy zoological society's president, three bumbling henchmen, and a cranky landlord.
Movie: Murder Can Hurt You! ( 1980 )
Spoof of TV crime dramas. Someone is murdering all the great detectives and cops, and it's up to the remaining few to find the killer and stop him.
Movie: North Shore Fish ( 1997 )
Movie: Nightmare in Columbia County ( 1991 )
The recounting of a terrible crime that wracked a family and galvanized police in South Carolina in the 1980's.
Movie: Hadley's Rebellion ( 1987 )
Movie: The Lady Forgets ( 1989 )
A woman bumps her head after a mugging and loses her memory for the last 2 years. Confused and dazed, she frantically tries to piece together the last 2 years and find her identity while being on the run from people from her previous life.
Movie: Wholly Moses! ( 1980 )
An all-star comedy cast hams it up in this hilarious Biblical spoof.
Movie: Lovesick ( 1983 )
A psychiatrist, who falls in love with a patient, is visited by the spirit of Sigmund Freud, who gives him advice on how to handle it.
Movie: 30 Is a Dangerous Age, Cynthia ( 1968 )
Rupert Street, a piano player and composer, decides to write a musical and marry before he reaches his thirtieth birthday. One minor problem: he'll be 30 in six weeks...
Movie: The Muppets Go to the Movies ( 1981 )
Along with Dudley Moore and Lily Tomlin, the Muppets spoof classic movies such as "The Wizard of Oz," "Casablanca," and even artsy Ingmar Bergman movies. They also promote their then-upcoming film "The Great Muppet Caper."
Movie: For Love Alone ( 1986 )
A poor young woman in 1930's Australia falls in love with a dashing but arrogant teacher who preaches free love and watered down socialist precepts. She follows him to England, meeting a gentle banker en route. The film follows her relationships as they are transformed in England.
Movie: One Against the Wind ( 1991 )
Mary Lindell works for the French Red Cross in occupied France during World War II and helps Allied airmen who have been shot down to escape to the unoccupied side. Her activities are complicated by her high profile and her daughter's love affair with a German officer. Based on the true story.
Movie: Country Life ( 1995 )
Adaptation of Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya" set in rural Australia in the 1920's. Jack Dickens and his niece Sally run the family farm to support brother-in-law Alexander as a (supposedly brilliant) literary critic in London. Action begins when Alexander returns with his beautiful young wife Deborah, revealing himself as an arrogant failure and wanting to sell the farm out from under Jack. Blakemore introduces themes about Australia's separation from England, as well as expanding the pacifist and ecological philosophies espoused by the local Doctor Max Askey.
Movie: The Revengers' Comedies ( 1999 )
Depressed businessman Henry Bell and aristocrat Karen Knightly save each other's lives one night when they are ready to jump off London's Tower Bridge. Karen invents a revenge plot - she will punish Henry's enemy Bruce Tick and Henry will destroy the life of Karen's enemy Imogen.
Movie: Angel ( 2007 )
The rise and fall of a young eccentric British writer, in the early 20th century.
Movie: I Was a Mail Order Bride ( 1982 )
On a bet with one of his practical-joking partners, a Los Angeles lawyer responds to an ad from a pretty Chicago magazine writer offering herself as a bridal candidate as an investigative reporting assignment, and then makes another bet that he can keep the relationship platonic for two weeks.
Movie: Kojak: None So Blind ( 1990 )
After a flighty young woman accidentally witnesses a Mob hit in an Italian restaurant, New York Police Inspector Theo Kojak must both protect her from an unscrupulous Dutch hitman, and bring Mob kingpin Tony Salducci to justice.
Movie: Hollywood Party ( 1934 )
Jimmy Durante is jungle star Schnarzan the Conqueror, but the public is tiring of his fake lions. So when Baron Munchausen comes to town with real man-eating lions, Durante throws a big party with so that he might use the lions in his next movie. His film rival sneaks into the party to buy the lions before Durante.
Movie: Space Raiders ( 1984 )
A futuristic, sensitive tale of adventure and confrontation when a 10 year old boy is accidentally kidnapped by a spaceship filled with a motley crew of space pirates.
Movie: End of Summer ( 1997 )
A young woman returns to her annual summer retreat and is reunited with a lover from the past. Their passion reignited, they make up for lost time. However, a younger visitor, intent on breaking up the couple, tries to woo the gentleman away. This causes a stir in the relationship, and adultery, jealousy, drama, and passion ensue.
Movie: Crazy in Love ( 1992 )
Three generations of women live on a small island off the coast of Washington state with their men, with whom they have no end of problems. While making a documentary of marital violence, Georgie finds herself giving into the overwhelming jealous urges that put a strain on her marriage. Through revelations about her parents and sister's relationships and her own flirtation, Georgie comes to grips with life on and off the island.
Movie: Yesterday's Hero ( 1979 )
A has-been, alcoholic former soccer star determines to make a comeback. He gets help from his former girlfriend, now a rock star, and her partner.
Movie: The Great Riviera Bank Robbery ( 1980 )
A group of fascists plan to finance their work by pulling off a bank robbery.
Movie: Car 54, Where Are You? ( 1994 )
Brash NYC policeman Officer Gunther Toody is partnered with stiff, by-the-book Officer Francis Muldoon to protect an important mafia witness prior to testifying against orgainzed crime in Brooklyn, all the while dealing with their personal lives, overbearing spouses, common criminals, arms dealers, and their officious boss Captain Anderson.
Movie: Die Deutschmeister ( 1955 )
Movie: Lady Mobster ( 1988 )
A woman decides to take revenge for the assassination of her parents and therefore hunts some members of a mafia gang of criminals.
Movie: Cradle Will Rock ( 2000 )
A true story of politics and art in the 1930s U.S., focusing on a leftist musical drama and attempts to stop its production.
Movie: Dead on Sight ( 1994 )
A psychic woman has visions of the Clock Killer's past and future murders.
Movie: It Nearly Wasn't Christmas ( 1989 )
Feeling unneeded, a disillusioned Santa Claus (Charles Durning) quits Christmas. Through the selflessness of a little girl looking to reunite her parents for Christmas (and the help of his bumbling chief elf, Philpot (Bruce Vilanch), Santa and the child travel across America and Santa discovers that people really do need him and care about other people.
Movie: Not Quite Human II ( 1989 )
Chip, the android boy is back. This time, he is off to college, suffering from a computer virus and in love with Roberta, another android. Will there be a happy ending?
Movie: Millennium ( 1989 )
An NTSB investigator seeking the cause of an airline disaster meets a warrior woman from 1000 years in the future. She replaces the people from airplanes before they crash with corpses with the same features.
Movie: Dead Before Dawn ( 1993 )
Based upon a true story. Wife with young family finds life becoming unbearable with her successful, but violent and abusive, husband. After filing for divorce, she quickly learns that her husband, through fear of his personal life embarrassing his clients, has commissioned an assassin to murder her before going to court. Unfortunately, for him, the hired assassin turns out to be an FBI agent. The FBI convince her that she must "pretend" to have been murdered in order to prove her husband's involvement.
Movie: Roman Holiday ( 1987 )
Remake of the 1953 original. Princess Elysa is touring Rome, and decides to get 'out and about' away from her normal life. She meets with an American reporter and his photographer, who show her the sites. The reporter is initially more interested in a story than the Princess, but begins to fall for Her Highness...
Movie: BUtterfield 8 ( 1960 )
A Manhattan call girl has a tragic affair with a rich married man.
Movie: Intensity ( 1997 )
Chyna Shepherd is a twenty-six-year-old psychology student who survived an extremely troubled past. While visiting Laura Templeton's house, a farm in the Napa Valley, a serial killer named Edgler Foreman Vess breaks into the house, taking Laura and killing her parents. Chyna survives and manages to follow him. In doing so, she learns of Vess's captive: a young, innocent girl, Ariel, trapped in Vess's home far from the Napa Valley. Chyna feels a great sense of responsibility for this girl, and she travels deeper into her nightmare.
Movie: Finger of Guilt ( 1956 )
A married movie studio executive's life starts to unravel when he is stalked by a seductively beautiful woman he claims he does not know.
Movie: Slash 3 ( 2015 )
5 months after Jack Anderson and Jonathan Franco were attacked by Cody and Amanda, Jack and his thought to be dead girlfriend move to Massachusetts to start a new life in a new school. Soon after their arrival, things begin to happen in a much to familiar way. A new ghostface killer has risen. This's personal.
Movie: Jamaica Inn ( 1985 )
The respected squire of a quiet Cornish village is in reality the leader of a gang of murderous pirates who attack passing ships, kill their crews and steal their cargoes.
Movie: Hungry Hill ( 1947 )
Much to the consternation of the local townsfolk, the very rich Copper John Brodrick begins to develop a copper mine on Hungry Hill. He imports Cornish workers hoping to eventually entice the locals into working for him. His son, known as Greyhound John, isn't so sure anything will endear them to the locals. The opposition to the Brodricks is lead by the Donovan family and he gives them fair warning to stay off the property. When one of the protesters is killed while trying to help himself to some of the copper, the townspeople attack the facilities resulting in a great many more deaths - including one of Brodrick's sons, Henry - when the gunpowder store explodes. It marks the true beginning of a feud that will last for decades. Brodrick rebuilds his facilities and Greyhound John returns from London where he is studying the law after his sister tells him Fanny Rosa has also returned. A cave-in at the mine kills another member of the Donovan family but the younger John contracts typhoid and dies. Copper John lives on hoping his grandson Johnny will take over but he joins the army. When he finally inherits the estate, he has his own troubles to deal with.