Playlists > For Those Who Crave Chaos of the Mind

For Those Who Crave Chaos of the Mind

…here is a playlist that will upset and overstimulate your neurons, sometimes in the best of ways, occasionally in the worst. But the experience is always exalting.

Creator: snazzydetritus
Posted: 3 years ago

17 favorites


Movie: A Clockwork Orange ( 1972 )
In the future, a sadistic gang leader is imprisoned and volunteers for a conduct-aversion experiment, but it doesn't go as planned.
Movie: Fantastic Planet ( 1973 )
Slaves and masters dominate the narrative of the faraway world of Ygam. Set around the lifespan of Terr, a minute human shaped Om slave, and pet, of the giant blue alien Draags. Escaping into the wilderness and with a device used for intellectual advancement of the Draags, Terr finds refuge and support from fellow Oms and using the learning tool, he finds that knowledge is power and then sets to use the new found knowledge to revolt against the Draag masters...
Movie: Oldboy ( 2003 )
After being kidnapped and imprisoned for fifteen years, Oh Dae-Su is released, only to find that he must find his captor in five days.
Movie: Persona ( 1967 )
A nurse is put in charge of a mute actress and finds that their personae are melding together.
Movie: Get Out ( 2017 )
A young African-American visits his White girlfriend's parents for the weekend, where his simmering uneasiness about their reception of him eventually reaches a boiling point.
Movie: The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover ( 1989 )
The wife of an abusive criminal finds solace in the arms of a kind regular guest in her husband's restaurant.
Movie: Lady Vengeance ( 2005 )
After being wrongfully imprisoned for thirteen years and having her child taken away from her, a woman seeks revenge through increasingly brutal means.
Movie: Suspiria ( 1977 )
An American newcomer to a prestigious German ballet academy comes to realize that the school is a front for something sinister amid a series of grisly murders.
Movie: House ( 1977 )
A schoolgirl and six of her classmates travel to her aunt's country home, which turns out to be haunted.
Movie: Killer Joe ( 2012 )
When a debt puts a young man's life in danger, he turns to putting a hit out on his evil mother in order to collect the insurance.
Movie: Delicatessen ( 1992 )
Post-apocalyptic surrealist black comedy about the landlord of an apartment building who occasionally prepares a delicacy for his odd tenants.
Movie: Barbarella ( 1968 )
Barbarella, an astronaut from the 41st century, sets out to find and stop the evil scientist Durand Durand, whose Positronic Ray threatens to bring evil back into the galaxy.
Movie: Romeo Is Bleeding ( 1994 )
A womanizing, crooked cop on the payroll of the mafia is confronted with the reality of his double life after he is asked to kill a beautiful and ruthless Russian gangster.
Movie: Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom ( 1976 )
In World War II Italy, four fascist libertines round up nine adolescent boys and girls and subject them to one hundred and twenty days of physical, mental and sexual torture.
Movie: Lilya 4-Ever ( 2002 )
Sixteen-year-old Lilja and her only friend, the young boy Volodja, live in Estonia, fantasizing about a better life. One day, Lilja falls in love with Andrej, who is going to Sweden, and invites Lilja to come along and start a new life.
Movie: Funny Games ( 1998 )
Two seemingly well-educated young men, who call each other Paul and Peter among other names, approach a family on vacation. They are, apparently, friends of the neighbors, and, at the beginning, their true intentions are not known, but soon, the family is imprisoned and tortured in its own house violently, which the viewers are forced mostly to imagine and to share a certain complicity with the criminals. It might be some kind of game with the lives of husband, wife, son, and dog, but why are they doing it?
Movie: A Zed & Two Noughts ( 1985 )
Twin zoologists lose their wives in a car accident and become obsessed with decomposing animals.
Movie: The Skin I Live In ( 2011 )
A brilliant plastic surgeon, haunted by past tragedies, creates a type of synthetic skin that withstands any kind of damage. His guinea pig: a mysterious and volatile woman who holds the key to his obsession.
Movie: The Aristocrats ( 2005 )
One hundred superstar comedians tell the same very, VERY dirty, filthy joke--one shared privately by comics since Vaudeville.
Movie: Perfect Blue ( 1998 )
A retired pop singer turned actress' sense of reality is shaken when she is stalked by an obsessed fan and seemingly a ghost of her past.
Movie: Waking Life ( 2002 )
A man shuffles through a dream meeting various people and discussing the meanings and purposes of the universe.
Movie: Happiness ( 1998 )
The lives of several individuals intertwine as they go about their lives in their own unique ways, engaging in acts which society as a whole might find disturbing in a desperate search for human connection.
Movie: Irréversible ( 2002 )
Events over the course of one traumatic night in Paris unfold in reverse-chronological order as the beautiful Alex is brutally raped and beaten by a stranger in the underpass.
Movie: L.I.E. ( 2002 )
A 15-year-old Long Island boy loses everything and everyone he knows, soon becoming involved in a relationship with a much older man.
Movie: Daisies ( 1966 )
After realizing that all world is spoiled, Marie and Marie are committed to be spoiled themselves. They rip off older men, feast in lavish meals and do all kinds of mischief. But what is all this leading to?
Movie: Kwaidan ( 1965 )
A collection of four Japanese folk tales with supernatural themes.
Movie: The Bird with the Crystal Plumage ( 1970 )
An American expatriate in Rome witnesses an attempted murder that is connected to an ongoing killing spree in the city, and despite himself and his girlfriend being targeted by the killer, he conducts his own investigation.
Movie: Tristana ( 1970 )
Shortly after her mother's death, an innocent and youthful woman will find refuge into the household of her middle-aged aristocratic guardian, who will submit her to his sexual advances.
Movie: Drowning by Numbers ( 1988 )
Tired of her husband's philandering ways, the mother of two daughters drowns her husband. With the reluctant help of the local coroner, the murder is covered up. Her daughters are having similar problems with relationships, and tend to follow their mother's example, and the coroner becomes reluctantly involved in their murders as well. As the plot progresses, visual and spoken numbers appear in the scenes, counting from one to one hundred.
Movie: A Tale of Two Sisters ( 2003 )
A family is haunted by the tragedies of deaths within the family.
Movie: Antichrist ( 2009 )
A grieving couple retreat to their cabin in the woods, hoping to repair their broken hearts and troubled marriage, but nature takes its course and things go from bad to worse.
Movie: Repulsion ( 1965 )
A sex-repulsed woman who disapproves of her sister's boyfriend sinks into depression and has horrific visions of rape and violence.
Movie: Alice ( 1989 )
A surrealistic revision of Alice in Wonderland.
Movie: Fat Girl ( 2001 )
Two sisters confront their sexual attitudes and experiences while on a family holiday.
Movie: Nowhere ( 1997 )
A group of teenagers try to sort out their lives and emotions while bizarre experiences happen to each one, including alien abductions, bad acid trips, bisexual experiences, suicides, bizarre deaths, and a rape by a TV star. All of this happens before "the greatest party of the year".
Movie: Gummo ( 1997 )
Lonely residents of a tornado-stricken Ohio town wander the deserted landscape trying to fulfill their boring, nihilistic lives.
Movie: Enter the Void ( 2010 )
An American drug dealer living in Tokyo is betrayed by his best friend and killed in a drug deal. His soul, observing the repercussions of his death, seeks resurrection.
Movie: Aria ( 1987 )
10 short films by 10 different directors, set to arias by different composers.
Movie: The Collected Shorts of Jan Svankmajer: The Early Years Vol. 1 ( 2003 )
Compilation of some of the early shorts of acclaimed Czech animator Jan Svankmajer.
Movie: The Doom Generation ( 1995 )
Jordan White and Amy Blue, two troubled teens, pick up an adolescent drifter, Xavier Red. Together, the threesome embark on a sex and violence-filled journey through an America of psychos and quickiemarts.
Movie: Sweet Movie ( 1974 )
After winning the "most virgin" contest, Miss Canada is married to a rich milk tycoon. But she quickly flees the marriage to experience the world around her, full of sweetness and anarchy.
Movie: I Spit on Your Grave ( 1978 )
An aspiring writer is repeatedly gang-raped, humiliated, and left for dead by four men whom she systematically hunts down to seek revenge.
Movie: Alice in Wonderland ( 1966 )
A girl named Alice (Anne-Marie Mallik) falls down a rabbit-hole and wanders into the strange Wonderland.
Movie: Ellie Parker ( 2006 )
A hilarious comic portrait of a young woman's struggle for integrity, happiness and a Hollywood acting career.
Movie: Schizopolis ( 1997 )
Fletcher Munson, the lethargic employee of a pseudo-religious self help company, and his doppelganger, the friendly but dull dentist Dr. Jeffrey Korchek.
Movie: Me and You and Everyone We Know ( 2005 )
'Me and You and Everyone We Know' is a poetic and penetrating observation of how people struggle to connect with one another in an isolating contemporary world. Christine Jesperson is a lonely artist and "Eldercab" driver who uses her fantastical artistic visions to draw her aspirations and objects of desire closer to her. Richard Swersey, a newly-single shoe salesman and father of two boys, is prepared for amazing things to happen, but when he meets the captivating Christine, he panics. Life is not so oblique for Richard's six-year-old Robby, who is having a risqué Internet romance with a stranger, or Robby's 14-year-old brother Peter, who becomes the guinea pig for neighborhood girls practicing for their future of romance and marriage.
Movie: Life During Wartime ( 2010 )
Friends, family, and lovers struggle to find love, forgiveness, and meaning in an almost war-torn world riddled with comedy and pathos.
Movie: The Color of Pomegranates ( 1982 )
The life of the Armenian poet Sayat-Nova, from childhood to death, his spiritual journey, artistic endeavors and inner conflicts within the cultural and historical context of Armenia, hailed as revolutionary by Mikhail Vartanov.
Movie: Three... Extremes ( 2004 )
An Asian cross-cultural trilogy of horror films from accomplished indie directors.
Movie: Liquid Sky ( 1983 )
Invisible aliens in a tiny flying saucer come to Earth looking for heroin. They land on top of a New York apartment inhabited by a drug dealer and her androgynous, bisexual nymphomaniac lover, who's also a fashion model. The aliens soon find the human pheromones created in the brain during orgasm preferable to heroin, and the model's casual sex partners begin disappearing. This increasingly bizarre scenario's observed by a lonely woman in the building across the street, a German scientist who's following the aliens, and an equally androgynous, drug-addicted male model (both models are played by Anne Carlisle). Darkly funny and thoroughly weird.
Movie: Baise-moi ( 2000 )
Two young women, marginalised by society, go on a destructive tour of sex and violence. Breaking norms and killing men - and shattering the complacency of polite cinema audiences.
Movie: The Wall ( 2012 )
A woman inexplicably finds herself cut off from all human contact when an invisible, unyielding wall suddenly surrounds the countryside. Accompanied by her loyal dog Lynx, she becomes immersed in a world untouched by civilization and ruled by the laws of nature.
Movie: Who Are You, Polly Maggoo? ( 1966 )
In this excoriating satire of the fashion industry, Polly Maggoo is a 20-year-old Brooklyn-born fashion model in Paris, on the runway at the big shows where magazine editor Ms. Maxwell is the reigning opinion maker. The ridiculous passes for sublime. Polly becomes the subject of an episode of a vapid TV news documentary series called "Qui êtes-vous?" and is pursued by the filmmaker and by the prince of Borodine, a small country in the Soviet bloc. We watch as the documentary is shot, we await Polly's arrival in the principality, we observe a lunch in the suburbs, and we learn of her childhood. Is there more to Polly than her pretty face? Is anything below the surface?