Playlists > Ufo-Archives


Documentaries and TvShows about Ufos,Aliens,Ancient Astronaut Theory etc.
And all the related topics:
Science,Space,History,Religion, Mythology, Archeology etc.
Includes all points of view, from Academic to Conspiracy Theory (Tinfoil hatters and Debunkers included)
Some Tv Shows only feature 1 or 2 related episodes on Ufos

Creator: cabezondemelon
Posted: 3 years ago

51 favorites


Movie: Lights in the Sky ( 2020 )
WARNING: UFO enthusiasts edit this summary with wrong information. Please report this issue if you see it. Thank you. Krista, Lights in the Sky creator
Movie: Majic ( 2019 )
An anti-conspiracy video blogger thinks she is slipping into an alternate reality after being approached by an old man claiming to have worked for the legendary Majestic-12 (aka majic), the covert US spy agency, created after the UFO incident at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
Movie: Aliens, Cryptids and Creatures, Top Ten Real Monsters ( 2023 )
Earth was Paranormal before humans ever existed. Sea Serpents, Bigfoot, Thunderbirds and weird Crytpids and Aliens are nothing new. 150- Earth was Paranormal before humans ever existed. Real Monsters from Sea Serpents, Bigfoot, Thunderbirds Weird Crytpids and even Aliens are actually nothing new.
Movie: The Shape of Shadows ( 2023 )
This documentary delves into Utah's supernatural mysteries, from UFO sightings to haunting ritual circles and other unexplained phenomena.
Movie: Pyramid World: Aliens and Origins ( 2023 )
They are the most enigmatic structures on the face of the Earth. Monolithic wonders found on every continent designed with precise alignments to the stars and ancient energy grids. Encoded with vast knowledge about the history of the planet and constructed with technological sophistication beyond our current abilities, they are monuments of the past epochs like no oth...Read all
Movie: Alien Outer Space: UFOs on the Moon and Beyond ( 2023 )
Aliens are monitoring planet Earth watching mankind from afar and quite possibly using our planet as a resource for their agenda. The human species does the same on our home planet, we monitor and experiment on lower species in our hierarchy of evolution - we test and probe, and do so for our own benefit. Governments have denied the existence of UFOs, yet the number o...Read all
Movie: The Mysterious Origins of Man ( 1996 )
Based on archaeological discoveries the documentary challenges the official stance of the contemporary scientific community on the origins of man evolving from an ape and the supposedly gradual advance of human knowledge.
Movie: The Falcon Lake Incident ( 2023 )
Throughout the evolutionary course of history, extraterrestrials have not only visited our planet but have gone much further. The Falcon Lake UFO incident is one of the most chilling cases of all time. Stephen Michalak, in 1967, is in Manitoba on business when he is burned by a UFO. This is the most documented, disturbing and famous case ever seen where not only verba...Read all
Movie: Novus Ordo Alienorum ( 2023 )
Dive into a documentary on government-alien ties with experts Luca Riguzzi and Gaspare de Lama. Explore Earth's diverse ET beings and our shared bond. Challenge what you know, ponder our world's vast potential.
Movie: UFO Government Files Declassified ( 2023 )
Governments keep secrets. But what happens when these secrets can't be covered up any longer? The mystery of UFO's or unidentified flying objects has intrigued and confused the public for decades. This documentary explores declassified government files that can finally point to the existence of UFOs.
Movie: Incredible UFO Encounters ( 2023 )
Discover the UFO encounters that changed history. With expert analysis and eye witness accounts, these are some of the most compelling alien stories ever told.
Movie: Demonic Aliens: UFOs from Inner Space ( 2023 )
Are what we call "Aliens" actually demonic forces and using the phenomenon to further their agenda on earth? With negative effects on many people, from burns to psychological damage, it would seem there are nefarious forces at work here on earth that may not be from outer space. The bible speaks of entities upon the earth before man as well as ten dimensions that scie...Read all
Movie: Alien Witnesses: Real UFO Encounters ( 2023 )
More and more people are realizing that UFOs and Aliens were indeed real all along and that we've all been deceived and manipulated by the forces that control the world. Explore astonishing Alien encounters and harrowing experiences of very real candid people.
Movie: I Want to Believe 3: Aliens Among Us ( 2023 )
I Want to Believe 3 explores the possibility of extraterrestrial life and the search for it.
Movie: Unexplained Case Files: Extraordinary Encounters ( 2023 )
Creatures, crypt-ids, alien encounters, Bigfoot, and the return of Planet X, all suggest that our world is full of fantastical phantoms living among us.
Movie: The Interdimensional Connection ( 2022 )
With more military data and whistleblower accounts being released periodically, it's becoming increasingly difficult to discount the UFO phenomena. So...where do they come from? For many ufologists posing the question of origination, the answer lies outside of the limits of our senses. Deep within the electromagnetic spectrum. Frequencies that exist within our reality...Read all
Movie: Leaked: Top Secret UFO Report ( 2023 )
Governments have secrets. After years of silences, secrecy and classified documents, researchers struck gold as a previously hidden Pentagon UFO report was discovered. This began a storm of revelations that took investigators closer than ever before to solving the mystery of the alien autopsy and to finally finding out what really happened in the desert of Roswell in ...Read all
Movie: Uncovering the Alien Autopsy ( 2023 )
The footage that rocked the world- alleged to have being captured on a top secret military base. This was footage of an actual autopsy conducted by two disguised military scientists on the bodies of creatures not of this world. Discovered in 1995, this footage divided the world- could this be evidence of life from other worlds? Could this be evidence that governments ...Read all
Movie: Extraterrestrial Encounters: The Greys ( 2023 )
Who are the Grey Aliens? Dive into their possible motives in key events: The Roswell Incident, the Hill Abduction, and Travis Walton's encounter.
Movie: Dulce Base: The New Illuminati ( 2023 )
Deep underneath New Mexico, a secret would be hiding. Since the mid-1970s, mysterious and terrifying phenomena have persistently occurred in the small community of Dulce: lights in the sky, mutilations of cattle, strange creatures and alien abductions. This has made Dulce a true Mecca for mystery lovers; As new witnesses came forward speaking of their experiences, the...Read all
Movie: Reptilians ( 2024 )
The story explores the conspiracy theory of reptilian beings secretly controlling humanity, delving into its origins, cultural impact and the psychology behind such beliefs regarding extraterrestrial enigmas.
Movie: Roswell: The Truth Exposed ( 2022 )
Beginning at a 30-year reunion for members of a military nuclear bomb unit, flashbacks are presented that follow the attempts of Major Jesse Marcel to discover the truth about strange debris found on a local rancher's field in July of 1947. Told by his superiors that what he has found is nothing more than a downed weather balloon, Marcel maintains his military duty un...Read all
Movie: Space Masons and the Alien Conspiracy ( 2023 )
Buzz Aldrin is not only an accomplished astronaut and engineer but also a member of the Freemasons. Explore the fascinating world of Aldrin and the Masonic brotherhood, uncovering the hidden history that has been influencing the course of the world for centuries.
Movie: Breaking the Science Barrier ( 2023 )
Is Einstein wrong? Are black holes, dark matter, Big Bang mere fantasies? Are ancient myths actually history? There is a new cosmology which mainstream science labels "pseudo-science" - is it because their power is threatened?