Playlists > RandomOddness


This is just a personal nag list of films I’m curious about & am sharing the list. A conversation, recommendation, review, synopsis of a premise can lead anyone down a rabbit hole of curiosity. List is modified constantly.

Over 150 pages. It’s random. It’s odd. This list is big & weird. Many are grouped where possible: either by director, actor, genre such as sci-fi, fantasy, adventure, heists, superhero, timey-wimey, psychotronic, salacious, ridiculous, absurd, new wave, whatever.

Think small, get small. That is for the compartmentalized inside the small tiny box. Limits for the limited. Stay in your lane. Or go Big & Weird. Liberate. Color outside the lines. No limits for the limitless. It’s all valid.

Welcome to The Bottomless Pit.

☆ For a list of 2100 addictively bingable tv shows, use the sort widgets to eliminate all films & trim the list to a mere 21 pages.

If you're reading this & are currently feeling like a lost kitten if there's no download to what you want, send me a pm & I'll help. May or may not have it, but it doesn't hurt to private message. I really will share & make a post just for you. In the file SHARING community, hoarders are not rewarded with adverts here. New links with no download option = no clicky for you.

☆ Wouldn't it be nice to put big walls of text like this in spoilers? When looking for films, it's nifty to sort by Rank to see what others value- by Views to see those with likely links- or unlikely if you're a contributor- or by Release Date to view by era so that types like grindhouse & new wave are likely to be grouped together, qv.

Adult fare is the oddness that knits the list together & is comprehensive at over 5200 provocative titles with all known unsimulated mainstream explicit works. Majority is filmed cinematic release. Straight to video is mostly avoided. When there’s cheese, exploitative grindhouse is favored over silicone softcore. Most are grouped by easter egg content, which are very atypical & controversial. Many are foreign & very taboo. •¨

Consanguinamory 1-3, 7-11, 15, 19, 33, 36, 41-42, 44, 46, 55-56, 58-61, 70, 84-85, 89-91, 93-96, 98-106, 111. Swingers & Nymphs 3, 5, 11, 29-31, 33-34, 36, 42-50, 53, 55-61, 65, 67, 69-70, 72, 79, 83, 84-86, 88-106, 110-111, 115, 124, 127-131, 135-136, 140-141, 146-153. DAU 1, 51, 128. Red Shoe Diaries 40, 82-83. Emmanuelle 141 (x19), Pinay 134-136, 140-144, 146-153.

Oceans 54, 66-67, 69, 77-80, 86-88, 99, 102, 104, 134, 140, 149-151. Islands 46, 80-81, 84, 96, 104, 124, 129, Beaches 61, 80-81, 96, 129. Bikinis 47, 81-82, 95. Nudism 13, 33, 38, 48-49, 56, 78-79, 82-85, 89, 128, 147. Bellydance 38-39, 103.

►The more fantastic type stuffeths of a timey-wimey sci-fi adventure flavor has a large section starting at pages 15-18 & 20 going all the way to 28, listing over 1400 titles contiguously in just those genres, including:

-myths- 24-25, 30, 32, 34, 40-41, 45-46, 54, 63-64, 69, 78, 85, 93, 95, 115, 131, 140-141.
-fairy tales- 23-24, 30-32, 37, 40, 50-51, 54, 58-64, 66, 69, 72, 76, 84-86, 88-89, 93, 96-97, 99, 134-135, 141, 146, 149, 151, 153.
-Marvel-DC- etc.- 7, 26-29, 34-37, 43-44, 46, 48-54, 58-64, 67, 69, 71, 73, 77, 84-86, 89, 95, 97, 99, 103, 105, 110-111, 115, 124, 127-131, 134-135, 149, 151.
-Comic books, Bill Finger, Stan Lee, 26-27, 31, 43-44, 58-64, 69, 71-72, 77, 85, 99-100, 127-131, 134-135, 153.
-Dreams & Consciousness 1, 15-16, 18-21, 26, 30, 34, 84-85, 96, 99-100, 103, 111, 128, 131, 134.
-AI-Robots 15-17, 26, 30-31, 33, 43, 45, 50, 52, 54, 57, 63, 80, 84, 88, 95-96, 99, 102-103. 105, 111, 129, 131, 136, 140-141, 147-151, 153.
-literary works of adventure & everything that can be found regarding alternate history-time travel 18, 20-22, 46-70, 75, 77, 85-86, 88-89, 92-96, 100, 103-106. 111, 130-131, 134-135, 141, 146, 148, 151, 153, etc.

░░░░░▒▓▌►There are over 1000 titles in time travel alone.◄▐▓▒░░░░░

Page guide can be scanned. Groupings flow from one another organically as possible. Ergo other genres like sword & sandals & great one-off works like Lexx, Branded, Valerian, Equilibrium & now obscure shows like Sanctuary, Orphan Black, Incorporated, Mr. Robot can be found this way.

►Other clusters of this type are found on 29-31, 34, 40-41, 44, 46-72, 75, 77, 85-88-89, 91, 93, 95-99, 103-105, 134-136, 141, 146, 148, 150-151, 153, but are peppered throughout on most pages.

►This includes:
-PK Dick 15-20, 30-31, 33, 43-44, 47, 61, 69, 74, 77, 96, 128.
-Wells 18, 20-22, 25, 30, 40-41, 45, 48-49, 85, 88. AC Clark 16, 36.
-Asimov 16, 36, 57, 72-73. Verne 25, 34, 40, 42, 57, 64, 67, 84-85, 104, 136. Crichton 16-17, 21, 25, 41, 52. Ambrose Bierce 31. Gaiman 13, 23, 34, 40, 52. Plato 25, 31, 115, Homer 60, 61, Euripides 41, Sophocles 44, 85. Apollonius 40, 61. Tennyson 39. Pratchett 22, 29. Douglas Adams 3, 6, 58, 63, 84. Kipling 24, 38, 105, 135. Swift 30. Lindgren 26, 39, 57. Jordan 20, 88. Cervantes 21, 53, 129. Stevenson 55, 78, 88, 90, 103, 106. Huxley 13, 15, 47. Bradbury 20, 42, 88. Tolkien 24, 45, 124, 135. Burroughs, Heinlein. 47, 59, 64, 98, 135. Victor Hugo 66. Johnston McCulley 67. Kate Mosse 32. Vonnegut 15, 20. Van Allsburg 18, 25, 88. GRR Martin 26, 31, 120, 135. AC Doyle 25, 128. Melville 1, 102. Philip Pullman 22. Stieg Larsson 19, 88. Coleridge 47. Alex Garland 95. Dickens 50, 98, 124. Browning 47. Charles Perrault 23-24, 103. The Read 149. George Stewart 150. Works attributed to Shakespeare 2, 13, 15, 38, 98, 103, 124, 129, 136, 149-150, 153, etc.

Some will be everywhere whether they wrote the story or not; such as Wells if it involves Time; Asimov if it involves AI-Robots- Dick if it involves reality- & there's lots of all that.

Tesla 1, 11, 37, 55, 65, 124, 135. Zen 12-13, 28, 84, 98, 100, 102-104, 124, 129, 135-136, 140-141, 148, 150-152 (x22). Crowley, Leary, Ram Dass, Albert Hofman, Abbie Hoffman 13, 28, 134. RA Wilson 12. Bukowski 8, 39, 42, 136. Hunter Thompson 22, 57, 134. Chomsky, Nader 12, 48, 54-55. Dostoevsky 57. DH Lawrence 3, 43, 57, 101-102. Emmanuelle Arsan 10, 44, 55, 105. William S Burrows 87, 134. Atwood 40. Kerouac 4, 41, 47. Anne Frank 40, 55, 87, 105. Jane Campion 69, 100. Irvine Welsh 11, 19, 42, 53, 88. Hannah Arendt 87, Eva Ionesco 11. Pilger 54, 56. Helen Keller 58. Slavoj Zizek 58. Larry Niven 87. Tolstoy 93. Ginsberg 47. Anais Nin 47, 120. Kesey 47, 51, 98. Rumi 98. Chopra 12, 13, 28, 98. Thich Nhat Hanh 98. Terence McKenna 102. Balzac 103. Carlos Castaneda 104. Frank Wedekind

Anthologies 18, 20, 50, 53, 58, 64-65, 84, 99, 135.
-DoctorWho 17, 34, 50, 120, 146, 149. SG-1 17, 110, 115, 124.
-Star Trek 17-18, 20, 39-40, 43, 52-53, 58-59, 66-67, 96, 111, 115, 127, 134-136, 141. Roddenberry 128, 134-135.
-Star Wars 17, 31, 34, 39-40, 43, 45, 47, 54-55, 65, 72, 115, 124, 135, 150.
-BSG 15, 40, 51, 72, 110, 150. Farscape 15, 31, 96. Lexx, Tron 15, 43.
-Planet of The Apes 31, 39. Mad Max reboot 50. Dune 16, 31, 40, 57-58, 110. Body Swap 20, 62-63. Inner Space 18. Starhunter 91. Nightflyers 135. Cheesy cornball space fantasy 33, 40, 46-47, 51, 88, 96, 105-106, 129, 134-135, 151. Space Above & Beyond 150.

Indiana Jones & Quatermain 25, 46. Brass Age 25, 42, 68, 84.
-Pirates 20, 24-25, 39, 54-55, 58-59, 64, 66, 68, 70, 75, 78-81, 88, 91, 94-95, 115, 131, 147, 153. Dumas 24, 54, 76, 93, 106, 150. Zorro 63, 67, 87, 94, 103, 105-106, 115. Robin Hood 24, 33, 64, 66, 103, 120. Queen Of Swords, Crossbow 97.
-Wonka, Poppins, Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Oz, Alice, Pan, faeries 23-24, 30, 36-37, 40, 59-60, 64, 66, 69-72, 77, 85, 97, 99, 102-103, 136, 140, 146, 151-153. Snow Queen 22, 59, 150. McPhee 88. Hanna Diyab (Aladdin, etc.) 105. HG Anderson 136. TomThumb & Thumbelina 141.

►Metropolis, Gattaca, Code 46, Iron Sky, Thirteenth Floor, Dark City, eXistenZ, Transcendence 15, Matrix 15, 31, 86.

Selected listings from a few pages:

Free Guy, Archenemy, Bicentennial Man, Lathe Of Heaven, Westworld, Humans, Falling Skies, A.I., S1m0ne, Ex Machina, Robotropolis, Logan’sRun, SilentRunning, SoylentGreen, Zardoz, AlteredStates, Colossus, Postman, CQ, Lunopolis, Moonwalkers, Capricorn One 16.

►Moon, Love, Event Horizon, Supernova, Sunshine, The Signal, The Host, Dominion, The 5th Wave, Mars Attacks, DayTheEarthStoodStill, Childhood’s End, Jupiter Ascending, Another Earth, Push, Jumper, Chronicle, Surrogates, Fifth Element, IAmNumberFour, Limitless, Lucy, Hackers, Teknolust, Ender’s Game, Tomorrowland, Dark Matter 17.

►Zathura, Black Hole, Cleopatra 2525, Infinity Chamber, Psi Factor, Black Mirror, One Step Beyond, Outer Limits, Electric Dreams, EarlyEdition, They Live, Donnie Darko, RequiemForADream, Pi, ReconstructionOfWilliamZero, The Congress, Dissonance, Anomalisa, Dragonfly, The Fountain, Memory Lane, Memento, Normal, Pillow Book, LaAntena, Forbidden Room, BrandUponTheBrain, Careful, Inception, WhatDreamsMayCome, Final Cut, Enter The Void, Nowhere, InlandEmpire, Awaken, Waking, Sexy Evil Genius, Byzantium, OnlyLoversLeftAlive, Youth Without Youth, 2 Hearts, Always, BeforeIFall, Between Worlds, Hereafter, Downsizing, DefendingYourLife, Everyday, Nothing, Riverworld, The Awakening, CityOfLostChildren, Society, 18.

Suspira, DaveMadeAMaze, StayTuned, TheGame, HappyBirthday, TheForgotten, ChildrenOfMen, Joe Black, Southland Tales, Lost River, GoneByDawn, WristCuttersALoveStory, Mullholland Drive, Crimson Peak, MapsToTheStars, SuburbanMayhem, Ecstasy, TheScribbler, ChancesAre, To Gillian On Her 37th Birthday, Twilight Zone The Movie, FROM ABOVE, Bliss, Funhouse, Girl With The Dragon Tattoo trilogy, Jackie, ADORE, Birth, Womb, The Dreamers, Before I Go To Sleep, Eyes Wide Shut 19.

Sucker Punch, Amazing Stories x2, Twilight Zone x6, ThePrisoner, TheWave, Palm Springs, JohnDiesAtTheEnd, DestinyTurnsOnTheRadio, Beforeigners, TalesFromTheLoop, Russian Doll, Sliders, TimeAfterTime, Timeless, Travelers, ManInTheHighCastle, MinorityReport, Paycheck, Scanner Darkly, Next, Impostor, Adjustment Bureau, Mr Nobody, BenjaminButton, BladeRunner, KillBill, ClanOfTheCavebear, BigEmpty, Cashback, Dancing At The Blue Iguana, The Blue Iguana, AtPlayInTheFieldsOfTheLord, OnceUponATimeInHollywood, 12 Monkeys, Tideland, Brazil, BaronMunchausen, ImaginariumOfDoctorParnassus, MrMagorium’s Wonder Emporium, Zero Theorem, 20.

►TheManWhoKilledDonQuixote, Jabberwocky, FisherKing, Toys, BeingHuman, DeadPoetsSociety, Gothic, Ink, Inkheart, PansLabyrinth, Crystal’s Shadow, GroundhogDay, Selfless, Winter’sTale, The Guitar, DeathBecomesHer, The Man From Earth, Dr Strange, AgeOfAdaline, FutureMan, 12:01, About Time, Edge Of Tomorrow, Predestination, Purple Rose Of Cairo, Repeaters, Retroactive, The Lake House, The Nines, LyleSwannTimerider, Timer, InTime, TimeTravelersWife, AllInTime, Click, Slipstream, Sliding Doors, Looper, We Are The Flesh, Dark, TwentyBucks, Metropia, Lost Highway, Blast From The Past, EternalSunshineOfTheSpotlessMind 21.

Tree Of Knowledge, Tree Of Life, Book Of Life, 2:22, 2:37, WhereTheBuffaloRoam, Fear&Loathing, PsychedelicPink, TheBlackCat, TheRaven, RoughMagic, ThePrestige, LordOfIllusions, TheIllusionist, Presto, ColourOfMagic, Knowing, TheGift, TheBox, TheBrassTeapot, MatingHabitsOfTheEarthboundHuman, WhatPlanetAreYouFrom, MeetDave, LostInSpace, Clockstoppers, Network, ExecutiveAction, ParallaxView, FallingDown, Rampage trilogy, AssaultOnWallStreet, Mindwalk, Identicals, Equals, TheIsland, Parallels, BestFriendsForever, I Origins, Advantageous, Time Traveller, The Love War, LetThemDieLikeLovers, AdultWednesdayAddams, TheBlackCauldron, HisDarkMaterials, GoldenCompass, SecretOfMoonacre, CityOfEmber, MazeRunner trilogy, MidasBox, AllegroNonTroppo, RogerRabbit 22.

Tank Girl, Bridge To Terabithia, James & The Giant Peach, Epic, WorldOfArrietty, Hugo, The Last Of England, The Magic Flute, BelladonnaOfSadness, MirrorMask, AdventuresOfAdeleBlancSec, BeautifulFantastic, BeautifulCreatures, Bedtime Stories, The Cobbler, HubieHalloween, Tale Of Tales, Nekrotronic, Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Ferngully, Aladdin, Happily N’Ever After, Princess Bride, Stardust, Enchanted, Tangled 23.

►TinkerBell, EmeraldCity, Tabu, Tarzan, EndOfTheSpear, JungleBook, Emerald Forest, Nim’s Island, SleepingDictionary, Brave, KingArthur, Merlin, Wizards, Jack & The Beanstalk, Eragon, Earthsea, BlackTulip, Milady, ThreeMuskateers, Man In The Iron Mask, CountOfMonteCristo, Treasure Island, Pirates Of Silicon Valley, TheLibertine, TheHobbit, LordOfTheRings, SeventhSon, HelenOfTroy, One Night With The King 24.

Agora, GodsOfEgypt, Clash Of The Titans, Immortals, Percy Jackson, Atlantis, Aquaman, KingKong, OneMillionYearsBC, 10000BC, JohnCarter, Primal, Jumanji, Jurassic Park, TheLostWorld, BeastMaster, Sheena, Beastly, BlackSails, Pathfinder, Caligula, The Fall, Jack Of All Trades, BriscoeCounty, Tales Of The Gold Monkey, Jewel Of The Nile, LeagueOfExtraordinaryGentlemen, KingSolomonsMines, TheLibrarian, Night At The Museum, NationalTreasure, Strings, TheTimeMachine, TimeAfterTime, SomewhereInTime, Around The World In 80 Days, 25.

ChittyBangBang, Pippi Longstocking, MortalEngines, UpsideDown, Spiderwick, MissPeregrine, SecretGarden, James Vs His Future Self, Moontrap, BulletProofMonk, 7 Splinters In Time, Marjorie Prime, Other Life, Radius, Tau, Upgrade, Red, Unbreakable, TheLastShot, SimpleFavor, Tut, TheLoveWitch, UsualSuspects, MrRight, TheAccountant, Choke, Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind, Serenity, DonPeyote, FordVsFerrari, NolansBatman trilogy, Arkham, Joker, Catwoman, Colossal, BatBabe, Daredevil, Elektra, WonderWoman, ISIS, My Super ExGirlfriend, Electra Woman & DynaGirl, Kick Ass, MysteriesOfTheUnseenWorld, 26.

RIPD, DeadPool, Green Lantern, 6 Underground, PaperMan, JupitersLegacy, FantasticFour, DarkAngel, VenusRising, JessicaJones, FleshGordon, Titans, DoomPatrol, SuicideSquad, Legion, Hancock, Watchmen, GuardiansOfTheGalaxy, MysteryMen, Super, Birdman, SuperBob, Punisher, TheCrow, IronMan, Thor, CaptainAmerica, Avengers, Antman, XMen, WandaVision, Hawkeye, SheHulk, Loki, WhatIf, NewMutants, Freaks, UmbrellaAcademy, GreenHornet, Darkman, WitchBlade, The Shadow 27.

Gotham, HarleyQuinn, BurtonsBatman, AnimatedBatman, Batgirl, Rocketeer, Krypton, Superman, Supergirl, V For Vendetta, SinCity, Divergent trilogy, Hunger Games, Chemical Wedding, Our Home, MyPsychedelicLoveStory, ConceivingAda, MondoHollywood, DMT, ShamansOfTheAmazon, PsychedlicSexKicks, PeyoteDreams, MDMA, Mescaline, MondoPsychedelia, HamiltonsPharmacopeia, MushroomPark, American Drug War, Guns And Weed, Firesign Theater, ItsNotYourFaultYoureStupid 28.

►King Arthur, Gulliver’s Travels, Warehouse 13, Lore, STRANGE ANGEL, The Shape Of Water, TimeWarp, Quantum Project, Dreamscape, ItalianJob, Snatch, RocknRolla, Casino, Wild At Heart, Lost In Oz, TheButterflyTree, TheVoid, FirstMenInTheMoon, Terminator 2070, TheChronicle, Jan Svankmajer, AliceInSpanishWonderland, MaliceInWonderland 30.

►Stuntwomen DoubleDare, EpicWarriorWomen, LastKingdom, ShutEye, Bloom, The 100, Little Fish, The Feed, Altered Carbon, I Am Mother, Ascension, Solaris, The Titan, Serenity, Ancient Mysteries, Animatrix, TheMandalaEffect, Renaissance, AnArtificialReality, TimeSlip, Platos Cave, Alien Messiah, Guide To Meditation, Sex&Broadcasting, TheLoveMachine, FLIPPIN RVs, HyperNormalisation, The Trial, Shadow Government, HitlersEscapeToArgentina, The Wave 31.

►OnceUponATime, TellMeAStory, Missions, NoGodsNoMasters, DarkWeb, Spielberg’s Taken, Buck Rogers, On The Beach, Master Of The World, ThePrisoner (remake), Morgan, HandmaidsTale (original), RepoMen, Eerie Indiana, Relic Hunter, Century Hotel, Odyssey5, TheSaltonSea, Fargo, Jason&TheArgonauts, Waterworld, TheTimeMachine, Kleptocrats, Americas Hidden Stories, Being John Malkovich 40.

►Girl’s Guide To 21st Century Sex, Kissing On The Mouth, Liberte, Versailles (tv), A Bigger Splash, Mosquito Coast, Casting Couch, Monogamish, Erotic Traveler (tv), Slutty Wives Club, Animated Spiderman x6, Time Travel, Making of Silent Running (doc) 49.

I Love Dick, The Sky At Night, Earth Moods, Cube trilogy, InterviewWithTheAssassin, TheTimeMachine, ManWithTheMagicBox, The Family Man, Journeyman (tv), MyFutureBoyfriend, Paradox x3, Starman x4, Amelia 2.0, LiveDieRepeat, Otherworld (tv), Thor, S Darko, YesterdayMachine, TalentedMrRipley, RoyalTenenbaums, Skycaptain, Political Assassination Of Don Siegelman, Libido The Urge To Love, SpiritOf76, 50.

Future Self, The One, Fortress, Resonance Beings Of Frequency, LoveFactor, Plurality, Time Chasers, Adventure Inc (tv), Mutant X (tv), Mirrors, Masters Of Illusion (tv), Magicians Life Of The Impossible, OurMagic, The Next Great Magician (tv), The Magicians (tv), DeathByMagic (tv), Magic Island, The Magicians House (tv), MagicMoments, Ken Kesey Magic Trip, Magic Mushrooms, MagicMedicine, Magic Door, Bureau Of Magical Things (tv), 51.

SUNRISE, TheWhitePrincess (tv), Metamorphoses, Superman RedSon, Doorways, 7 Days (tv), Eden Hotel, SubRosa, The Naked Wytche, Megalopolis, Cinderella, The Odyssey (tv), The Shakespeare Code, Illuminati, Lovers&OtherRelatives, Oldboy (remake), NudesInLimbo, TheScore, Superpower, Needle In A Timestack 60.

►Alicja, Swinging Wives, HalfSister FullLove, Naughty Nymphs, CantervilleGhost, Book Of Vision, Songs To Have Sex To, LuxÆterna, TheScythian, SandsOfOblivion, DeathOnTheNile, TimeTravellersWife (tv), FallingWater (tv), AmericanGigolo (tv), Alteration, NaturalWorld, WhoOwnsWater, Vanishing Of The Bees, Americans In Bed, ThreeDaysOfTheCondor, Thomas Crown Affair (original), PhantomOfTheOpera, WitchesOfEastEnd (tv), UniversalHorror (doc), LonChaney, MaeWest, JeanHarlow (docs), MarilynMonroe (docs x9), JayneMansfield (doc) 70.

►Night Of Magic, ClaraBow (doc), AgeOfBallyhoo, LouiseBrooks (doc & bio), Complicated Women, Freak Brothers, MaxFleischer (doc), CharlieChaplan (docs), Abbot&Costello (bio), Groucho (docs), StanLaurel (bio), DorothyDandrdge (doc), JosephineBaker (bio), Martin&Lewis (bio), RatPack (bio), DeanMartin (doc), MarionDavies (doc), Trumbo (docs), RememberWENN (tv), SarahBernhardt (doc), Monroe (docs), DianaDors (doc), BettiePage (doc), TempestStorm (doc), AvaGardner (doc), RitaHayworth (bios), MaryPickford (docs), SophiaLoren (doc), JudyGarland, HedyLamar (doc), Veritas, XMen pilot, Metamorphoses, Maximilian (tv), Mrs Fletcher (tv), Hung (tv), Family Fang, Bad Words, The Do Over 71.

►SilentNight, HowTheWestWasLost, FckForForest, Sherpa, Kaamelott, 13th, RipOffMadoffScammingAmerica, ClassAndCulture, Chronos, MapsPowerPlunderAndPossession, , Ava, VoyageOfTheDamned, GreatBarrierReef, SecretsOfTheForbiddenCity, FlyingV, Kosmos, BrusslesBusiness, ReturnToTreasureIsland, TheCorporateCoupDeTat, TheCorporation, AllGovernmentsLie, InDebtWeTrust, LebowskiFans, AmericanAutumn, AmericanCoup, Gia, MadTV (animated), Biosphere, SecondComingOfSuzanne, SondraLocke x5, SCOTTLAND x5, CouldYouSurviveInABreadline, WALES x2, IRELAND-Celts x31, CosmicDisclosure (GiaTv), 78

DreamRaider, Witcher, Spiderman Spiderverse, TheHitchiker (tv anthology), HitchhikersGuide (tv), BurningPalms, TwilightOfTheGods, BruceLee (doc), Psychedelica, Bates Motel, Ancient Apocalypse, Storybook, JOE PERA, 20000 Leagues Under The Sea (tv) 84.

►Birds Of Prey Huntress Batgirl, Animated GreenLantern x5, Animated Superman x2, Zatanna x3, LostInOz, TheInvisibleMan, TheDefenders, LaughingMan Joker, Spiderman NoWayHome, David Lynch (doc), TimeKid, 20000 Leagues Under The Sea, CatRun, Mindshock, OnceInABlueMoon, TheRealChaplin, TheLoft, KingArthur, LetsDoIt!, SamGiancana, JackRuby, PattyHearst, AynRand, Skynet, Antigone, Elektra, Oedipus, ShatnerInSpace, YesTheyreControllingOurMinds, 85.

►Natalie Wood (doc), Michael Caine (doc), Jane Fonda (doc), LennyBruce (bio), Bob Carol Ted & Alice, Cinderella x2, War & Peace, HiddenOrigins, DeepSpace, Initiation, Open Minds, Reminiscence, ThreeMuskateers, Sex Actually, KillerBimbos, GirlBombs, Pornorama, Playgirl, Tristan & Isolde, Camelot, Bonnie Prince Charlie, 93.

TheDirtyMindOfYoungSally, The Endgame, France, Theremin, TheElectricMan, The Fairy, FairytaleTrueStory, TinkerbellFairyRescue, TaleOfAFairy, TheFairyFaith, BurlesqueFairytales, Sex (film), Sex (tv), HansChristianAndersenMyLifeAsAFairyTale, PhilosophyInTheBoudoir, FairytaleCastlesOfKingLudwigII, L.FrankBaumOzFairylogue&RadioPlays, SexySisters, Emanuelle In Bangkok, Batbabe, AncientWorlds (tv), Transcendental Object At The End Of Time, Alien Dreamtime, AlchemicalDream Rebirth Of The Great Work, MarilynMonroe x18, GoodKingDagobert, 102.

Fantastic Beasts (x3), YouMeHer, Joysticks, Spaced, Spartacus, IAmDBCooper, PassionOfMind, JusticeLeagueXrwby, Oppenheimer, WizardsOfWaverlyPlace (x3), Ironheart, LootingHistory, Discontinued, Don’tWorryDarling, Dune, Simulant, , Reinos, Madrid1987, FADO, MastersOfScienceFiction, WhyOnEarth, HowToBlowUpAPipeline, TrutherIAmNotAConspiracyTheorist, JFK, StarfleetAcademy, Nightwing (tv), TimeBandits, ShiverOfTheVampires, Pandorum,, HistoryOfTheWorldPtII, 111.

Daisies, JonathanStrange&MrNorrell, Rubber, PearlsOfTheDeep, SwallowsAndAmazons (x5), MagicFlute (x2), TheBorrowers (x5), BedknobsAndBroomsticks, SerpentOfTheNile, StarTrekOdyssey, Warehouse13, HoratioHornblower (x9), AmericanHistoryX, EmbraceOfTheSerpent, TheFlash, TheNymph, ThreeMusketeers, StarTrekCaptainsSummit, Cuties, Homegrown, LiquidTV, Swing, BeyondTheValleyOfTheDolls, JohnTuckerMustDie, MagnaCharta, AGoodOldFashionedOrgy, FutureOfWorkAndDeath, WaltWhitman (doc), 115.

North, DEFCON-4, Toomorrow, LeCoupleTemoin, Schizopolis, ModFuckExplosion, OrphanBlackEchoes, AKnightOfTheSeven Kingdoms, BlueEyeSamurai, AnaisNin (x2), Shogun (x2), MarleneJobert (x10), Illuminati, Marlowe, Beacon23, Nausicaa, TheYoungNurses, Primal, SallyKirkland, JohnLear, CriesOfEcstasyBlowsOfDeath, StandingUp, 120.

►Eric Rohmer (x8), Teenage Hitchhikers, Suntan, CannabisAndCancer, LoveIt-LeaveIt, Darwin, KingAndConqueror, OliverTwist, Code8-II, TheHobbit, SurvivingExtinction, CosmicFront, Eco-Terrorist, Tesla, DoctorsOfTheDarkSide, EnchantedApril, SiliconCowboys, XMen97, TheAssissinationOfTrotsky, 4Presidents, ProjectSERPO, ClosedCircuit, PromisedLand, FantasticBritain, NeonHeartache, RebelMoonII, IvoryTower, TheLoveStatue, SurvivingTheHolocaust, Camille2000, BenjaminSniddlegrassAndTheCauldronOfPenguins, PeppermintSoda, DoNoHarm, IMarriedAStrangePerson, Batman (x2), GoingOM, SevenWondersOfTheWorld, NeuronsToNirvana, StoryOfFoodWaste, SchoolForUnclaimedGirls, TheAlleyCats, 124.

► GarbagePailKids, ThePassSystem, Ghostkiller, BeforeColombus (x3), LivingWithLeopards, WrongIsRight, BringMeTheHeadOfAlfredoGarcia, TheDivineNymph, TheArrow, TwiceToldTales, TheLostWorld, 4-DMan, TheWorldsGreatestFair, TheNest, AnimalFarm, Aggie, Sirocco, Napoleon, Charly, FlowersForAlgernon, BoraBora, TheBigFix, DustOfTheStars, DeathOfABeaurocrat, StoryOfDCComics, HiddenCity, F-IsForFake, WatchersInTheWoods, InvadersOfTheLostGold, JFKSinatraMafia, SpiritsOfTheAirGremlinsInTheClouds, ManWhoBroke1000Chains, BankOfDave, PhilTippett, Trashi, AndroidApocalypse, HotWivesClub, Pervertigo, KingOfArcades, 129.

► InLiesWeTrustTheCIAHollywood&Bioterrorism, WeatherUnderground, CriminalFoundationsFraudulentHumanitarianOrganizations, CharlottesWeb, JurassicPunk, Romeo&Juliet, Hamlet, TheSubstance, OrsonWellesx2, BerkeleyInTheSixties, Wildcat, AbacuSmallEnoughToJail, LiliStCyr, TheGreenKnight, KonTiki, PenthouseLoveStories, FelliniNarrates, MaryMillington, 1922GenocideOfTheGreeksInTurkey, OmegaDoom, TheArmenianGenocide, CERN, CarolineCherie, LucreceBorgia, Uglies, LoversOfVerona, FirstMenInTheMoon, BareWenchProject, Throuple, DivorceCorp, TheLastHeist, HeavyMetal, TheManWhoKnewInfinity, 50YearsOfStarTrek, SonOfSinbad, 1492ConquestOfParadise, VisitorsOfTheArkanaGalaxy. 136

►Classic Halloween fun type stuff is everywhere ie: 20, 49-50. Newer listings are 58-66, 69-71, 89, 93, 97, 99, 102-103, 105-106, 110-111, 115, 120, 129-131, 134-136, 140-141, 147, 150-151, 153. This includes offbeat cartoons & odd animation such as the brothers Quay 140-141, 149-150, 153.

Illusion 13-14, 22, 29-30, 38, 42, 45, 51, 63, 68, 75, 94-95, 135, 140, 153. Houdini 68, 72. Ricky Jay, Penn & Teller 22. Derren Brown 30.

-100 Years Of Horror 99, Dark Shadows 56-58, 146. Lovecraft 85, 135, 151. Grimm 10, 23, 57, 66, 86, 89, 96, 99. Lon Chaney 66, 70. Karloff, Lugosi, 22, 41, 45, 53. Erzibet Bathory 13, 68. Mary Shelley 21, 45, 48, 61-64, 68, 77, 88. Poe 22, 43, 53, 66, 88, 110, 134-135, 140, 150. Vlad 68. Nosferatu 134. Bruce Campbell 25, 64, 77, 85. Richard O’Brien 1, 64, 153. 13 Ghosts 134. Cabinet Of Dr Caligari 134. House Of The Long Shadows 134. Romero, Hooper 64. Stevenson 135-136. Cassandra Peterson as Elvira 34, 58, 60, 70, 135, 141 which was supposed to be Maila Nurmi as Vampira 65 but the studio stole Maila’s intellectual property & applied it to the persona renamed Elvira instead, changing just enough to keep Maila from winning her lawsuits for infringement & plagiarism. Precisely what they’re doing with Roddenberry’s intellectual property now, but he’s too dead to sue anyone.

Full Metal Alchemist 39, 45. All 16 Ghost In The Shell items 72-73. CowBoyBeBop 72. All 23 Lupin III tv movies 76 from 1971-2019 including the original show 73 & film 77, 135. About 500 titles of various anime styles 35, 40, 54, 58, 61, 69, 87, 94-96, 105, 128, 132, 135, 140, 147, 149-151. Big cluster -► 72-77, 79 ranging from elevated narrative & progressive topics to outlandish nonsense. Those with links listed 1st flowing into those that need link contributions.

Heists, Hoaxes, Cons & Revenge 1-9, 14, 18-22, 28-37, 39-43, 45-46, 51, 57-59-61, 63, 65-67, 69, 71, 79, 84-85, 88, 92-96, 98-99, 103, 105, 129, 131, 134-136, 141, 146-151.
Bonnie & Clyde 51, 59.

Simon Bolivar 52, 131. Che Guevara 54. Sacco & Vanzetti 38. El Lute 39. Jacques Mesrine 32, 124. Lucio Flavio 40. Ramirez Sanchez 55. Lagartijo 97.

Lady Chatterley 3, 43, 101-102, Madame Bovary 35, 56, 131. Fanny Hill 14, 131. Moll Flanders 39, 57. Mata Hari 38, 120. Don Juan 105. Casanova 50, 68, 70. The Good Witch 55.

Native Americans: Sitting Bull, Geronimo, Hiawatha, AIM, Sacagawea, Pocahontas 19, 23, 25, 40, 55-57, 64, 78, 87-88, 96, 98, 103, 129, 135-136, 141, 151.

British Isles, Ireland, Scotland, Henry VIII, Tudors, Stuarts, Plantagenets, Lancasters, Yorks, etc. 11-12, 30, 35, 38, 40, 47, 55, 57-60, 66-68, 70, 72, 78-82, 84-85, 87-88, 93, 95-97, 99, 103-104, 106, 129-131, 135-136, 149, 151.

Boudica 44. Temujin- Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, Marco Polo 51. Tibet 12-13. Australia, New Zealand, 34, 85, 88, 96, 98.
-Romany (Gypsies) 14, 38, 59, 88, 93, 99, 130, 147.

Civilization 31, 33, 40-41, 44, 54 57-58, 68-69, 78, 84, 95, 99-100, 102-103, 105, 140, 147, 151-152. Cunk 149. Hannibal- Carthage 25, 54, 104.
-Egypt 12, 24-26, 32, 34, 47, 54, 58, 61, 68-70, 80, 87, 95, 99, 140, 146, 151.
-Cleopatra 24-25, 80, 90, 120. Alexander The Great 24, 120.
-Greece 13, 24-25, 31, 40-44, 47, 57, 60-61, 68-69, 72, 79, 81, 84-85, 97, 99, 103, 110, 115, 120, 124, 131, 135, 140, 146, 149, 151. Hypatia, Titans, Vikings, Spartacus 25, 68, 74, 79, 84, 96, 101, 110, 120, 131, 135.

-Rome 25, 38, 43-44, 47, 53-54, 56-57, 65-66, 68-69, 79, 84, 97-98, 105, 115, 147, 149, 151.

Had this utterly unoriginal parasitic robber culture- that stole everything from those it committed atrocities against- died in its crib, the world would be a better place. Before Rome there was Light. After Rome darkness. That's why it's called The Dark Ages. It did much to destroy the sum total of knowledge & technology of the ancient world. Do as Lennon suggested & *Imagine* none of it happened. Seriously.

►If Psychedelics are your trip, go to 26, 28-29, 51, 58-60, 83-84, 90, 96-97, 99, 102-103, 124, 134-135, 146-148, 151.

►Ridiculed Forbidden sciences & hardened subversive journalism 2-4, 11-13, 31, 33-34, 36, 40, 42, 44-70, 72, 77-88, 90, 93-95-105, 110-111, 120, 124, 127-131, 134-136, 140-141, 146, 148-153, which features such topics as:

Unschooling, JFK, 911, corporatism, imperialism, not so secret societies, secret space programs, secret science, elitism, brainwashing, oligarchy, anarchism, poisoning of the food supply, fluoridation of water, planned obsolescence, The Murrah Building, money as debt, money & politics as tools of slavery, the foreign corporation which isn't part of the U.S. or the government- known as The Fed, Break Away Civilizations, the U.N.'s Agenda 21, The FDA's Codex Alimentarius, Big Pharma, the endless government staged public shootings upon its own people for the war on the 2nd Amendment (real people would target government & corporations - not their own - only fascists would target ordinary people in ordinary places - the most Liberal thing a person can do is arm themselves to keep the government frightened - government has -no right- to arm, armor, militarize & defend itself against its own citizens. Government only has a privilege to serve the people who created it & be very frightened that privilege will be revoked in order to replace it with anything better when it can no longer justify itself). Free Love, Sexual Freedom, alternative lifestyles, Nudism, Swinging, Genetic Sexual Attraction, censorship, revisionism, et. al. and more via Gia, EarthFiles, TheOtherSideOfMidnight, DarkJournalist, Rense, Qwaym, etc. Avoid hatespeech type areas as well as yootoob, which is not a valid content delivery medium. There are better non-centralized, non-monetized independently reviewed sources that don't push unconstitutional mentally ill uncivilized backwards unevolved fascist right wing agendas & religion that taints & hijacks information. If you're one the willfully ignorant deniers of recorded history & science that engages in ridicule & shaming normal people who are awake, that's you're self-imposed problem, and it's you wearing the tin-foil hat to keep your disorder in place. Take the funny metal hat off & join the human race. Wake up & lose the attitude. Or just go to the funny farm, but you're in humanity's way and we're progressing forward without you, not devolving backward with you. The rhetoric of this list is that it's odd. But not that kind of odd.

UFOs-Ancient Astronauts 2-4, 12, 31, 33-34, 40-41, 44, 47, 51-52, 54-55, 57, 59-61, 64, 69, 72, 79-80, 86-88, 93, 96, 103-106, 124, 129, 134, 136, 141, 151, 153.

Secret Science 1-4, 12, 33, 37-38, 47, 50-51, 54, 61, 65, 78.
-Health, Food & Water, Rogue Science 13, 15, 40-41, 44-45, 53-54, 56, 61, 65, 67, 70, 79, 86-87, 94-95, 99, 101, 103-105, 110-111, 120, 124, 128, 131-132, 134-136, 141, 146, 148, 151-152. Big Pharma 42, 54, 69, 135.

Corporatism-Privatization 12-13, 15, 40, 48, 51, 54, 60, 78, 85, 103, 110, 120, 127-129, 146.
-Money-Greed 6, 12-13, 40, 43-44, 50-52, 56, 58-61, 69, 78, 88, 94, 97, 127-129, 134, 136, 140-141, 146, 148-149, 151.

Reincarnation & Death 12-13, 18-21, 28, 34, 37-38, 42, 44, 47, 49-50, 54, 57, 59, 64, 66-69, 72, 80, 87-88, 101, 135, 153. Anti-Religion 1, 13, 36, 69, 105, 128, 136, 151.

Mind Control 1-3, 12-13, 31-32, 37, 40, 46-48, 51-62, 64, 72, 77-78, 80, 85-86, 103-104, 115, 136, 141, 151.

JFK 2, 29, 31, 38, 44, 50-51, 53, 80, 85, 87, 111, 124, 129, 135, 148, 152.
-Revisionism 1-3, 11-13, 36, 44, 50-51, 53-61, 69, 71, 78-79, 84, 86, 93, 95, 111, 124, 127-129, 136, 146, 149, 153. Political atrocities 2-3, 8, 11, 13, 18-19, 22, 31-34, 36-38, 40-43-44, 46-48, 50-51, 53-59-60, 66, 77-78, 87-88, 95-97, 99-105, 110, 115, 120, 124, 127-129, 131, 135-136, 140, 146-153.

Hefner-Flint-Free Speech, Dissent 1, 3, 12-13, 29, 36, 40, 45, 47-50, 52-59, 61, 65, 67, 78, 80, 85, 87, 93, 95-97, 100, 102-105, 111, 127-129, 135, 140-141, 146, 150-152. Anarchism 2-3, 13, 33, 36, 38, 40, 93, 110-111, 124, 129, 136, 146, 149-151-153. Subgenius 19. Carlin 59, 98, 115. George Noory 95. Barry Crimmins 129. Cheech&Chong 131.

Where possible, effort is made to locate social-nature docs at the bottom or top of pages.

Drive-Ins 40, 43, 53. Cinema 1, 14, 30-31, 34, 41, 45, 50, 53-54, 56-59, 65-66, 69-72, 78-80, 82, 84, 86-87, 93, 96-99, 103, 120, 131, 134-136, 141, 148-149, 151.
-Cars 26, 31, 34, 44-45, 67, 69, 72, 77, 82, 84, 86-89, 91, 96-98, 111, 115, 124, 130.
-Music 1, 12, 29, 36, 40, 47-48, 61-63, 68-70, 78-81, 88, 91-92, 95, 97, 99, 102-103, 105-106, 110, 115, 129-130, 134-136, 140-141, 146-147, 149, 151, 153. Cirque 30, 141, 144, 150.

Cats 11, 33, 40, 46, 57, 64, 67-70, 72, 96, 99-100, 104, 129, 136, 140-141, 149-151, 153. Cartoons 44, 49, 52, 54, 59-64, 66-67, 69, 71, 85, 94-97, 103-104, 111, 115, 128, 131-132, 135-136, 140, 145, 147, 149-154.

There’s also plenty of stuff about & by artists & photographers:
29, 39-41, 45-47, 51, 53, 57-59, 67, 69, 71-72, 78, 80, 82-84, 86-87, 93-94, 96-100, 103, 105, 111, 120, 129, 135-136, 149-151, 153.
Renoir 3. Seraphine 42. Giger 17. Lumiere 39. Melies 71, 80. Arbus 71. Serrano 59. Bunny Yeager 55, 89. Klimt, Shiele, Gauguin, Warhol 37, 55, 95. Frida Kahlo 8, 96, 98, 100, 124. Dali 50, 134. Rembrandt 51. Botticelli 84, 131. Estes, Gentileschi 58. Louis Wain 64. Ron English 78. Vasulkas 86. Bronzino 47. Van Gogh 87, 97, 134, 140. Oscar Domínguez 94. Tina Modotti 96. MARJORIE CAMERON 30, 97. Chick Strand 97. Stan Brakhage 97. Jonas Mekas 98. Yoko Ono 98. Cocteau 47, 97. Picasso 98-99. LeBrun 100. Escher 100. Klimt 100. ROSALEEN NORTON 100. Caravaggio 101. Maya Deren 120. The Painter & The Thief 134. TheGlassCastle 135. Salgado 136. Goya 149. DaVinci 149-150.
Hard science & pop science such as Mythbusters 29. Bill Nye 30. CERN 58, 136. Isaac Newton 51. Oppenheimer 78, 111, 115, 151. Invisible Worlds, 78. Absolute Zero 86. Catalyst, Through The Wormhole 99. Naked Science 105. Hawking 115, 140. Darwin, CosmicFront 124. StemCells, EdgeOfAllWeKnow 131. SrinivasaRamanujan 136. Einstein 136, 150. AdaLovelace 140, Various 134-136, 140-141, 146-150.

►A complete guide of actors & directors would be ridiculous, but if you're familiar with their works, then you'll recognize art & titles.

►Among them: Jordorowsky 16. Gilliam 20-21, 23, 129. Lynch 18-21, 35-36, 51, 85, Cronenberg 5, 19, 39, Ken Russell 1, 9, 13, 16, 58-59, 140, Godard 1, 16, 49, 100, 120, Guy Maddin 18, 34, 148, Kubrick 16, 19, 29, 44, 68, 148 Fellini 1, 43, 51, 89, 97, 136, Pasolini 1, 9, 13, 15, 91, 153, Uwe Bole 22, Louis Malle 5, 9, 11, 15, 43, Araki 7, 18, 20, Bertolucci 10, 11, Aronofsky 18-19, Lang 15, Anger 37, 43, 53, 97, Tarantino 4, 7-8, 14, 20, 55, 84, 99, Linklater 8, Nolan 18, D’Amato 10, 36, 60, 90, Argento 8-9, 19, 24, 53, Brass 1, 15, 29, 34, 39, 102, 141, Gainsbourg 9, 35, 41, 65, 104, Beson 15, 17, 23, 48, 52, Bennett 10, Theroux 8, 44, 46, 49, Eustache 44, Corman 14, 48, 53, 64, Russ Meyer 14, 57, Von Trier 38, Sarno 14, 91, 100, Hamilton 10, Pallardy 10, Mel Brooks 13, 61 111, Salvatore Samperi 61, Greenaway 6, 13, 18-20, 37, Burton 61, Herschell Gordon Lewis 83, Hooper 19, 64, Romero 64, Trumbo 18, 71, Doris Wishman 13, 83, Woody Allen 4, 104, Coppola 18, Wes Anderson 40, 47, 50, 86, Carl Mayer 60, Smith 1, 19, Paul Leni 66, RKelly 18-19, 50, Carpenter 16-18, Laemmle, 65-66, James Whale 45, Ritchie 30, Peckinpah 35, 129, Donner 48, Spielberg 16, 18, 20, 41, Barry Mahon 89, Levinson 19, Mamet 19, Trumbull 16, Altman 1, Ernst Hofbauer 13-14, 91, Bogdanovich 95, Scorsese 98, Curtis Harrington 23, 38, 97, Casey Malone 49, Francois Ozon 105, Lucile Hadzihalilovic 131, Torgny Wickman 131, Maxwell Anderson, Boorman, Dante, Miller, DePalma, Larson, Polanski, Kinski, Stone, Landis, Directors works are scattered since they tend to be grouped by content, genre & actor.

This list cannot be alphabetized, however it's easy to find a name simply by pressing keys -CTRL F- on your browser to bring up search box & enter the name. Wah-La. Easy as pie. Personally, I prefer to copy & paste stuff. Keeps the highlighted text from jumping around.

►Some are: Swinton 6, 8, 15, 17-21, 23, 28, 49, 67, 86, 88, 101, Collette 5-6, 26, 46, 86, 104, Winslet 6, 8-9, 21, 28, 66, 68, 98, Binoche 3, 8, 43, 46, 85, Delpy 8, 10, 13, 36, 85, Beart 36, 105, Bisset 36, 59, 90, 104, Tatou 36, Mirren 3, 11, 24-26, 37, 46, 49, 63, 66, 68, 85, 93, VanHouten 9, 19, JCollins 36, 47, 140, RWright 18-20, 23, 26, 39, 52, EDWIGE FENECH 10, 35, 56, 61, Kingston 39, 44, 51, 57, Deneuve 1. 3, 39, 60. 71 92, JJL 2, 4, 15, 18, 55, 84, 103, RobinWilliams 6, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 88, 151, Birkin 37, 41, 70, 90, 104, LouDoillon 104, Gainsbourg 5, 9, 35, 70-71, 100, 104, H Hunter 5, 18-19, 88, Krige 2, 8, OrnellaMuti 2, 42, 60, 66. 90, Hudson 5, 66, Goldie 14, 32, 134, Hayek 1, 3, 7-8, 14, 23, 29, DLane 6, 17, 51, 97, SBennett 7, 10, ZPalmer 7, 17, JRichardson 3, 15, 17, 19, 24, 46, 48, 61, 72, 88, Tomei 5, 7, Hope Davis 4, 5, 21, 62, Baccarin 2, 27, 31, 70, 84, 88, 102, Dyer 6, 41, Kinski 7, 51, 70, 98-99, Pfeiffer 2, 13, 19, 23, 27-28, 36, 58, 97, Carol Kane 3, 7, 9, 45, 88, 140, Rossellini 19, 31, 36, 53, 55-58, 60, P Arquette 8, 21, ML Parker 26-27, 85, E Green 19, 26, 58, 91, 93, JLewis 5, 7, 21, 53, 96, Statham 5-6, 14, 52, 54, 65, Weisz 4, 6, 9, 18, 23, 25, 34, 55, 66, Harrelson 3, 7, 14, 19, 62, 85, JMoore 5, 19, 20, 24, 55, 80, 106, OChaplin 37, S Weaver 4, 8, 17-18, 23, 64, CAMoss 4, 8, 15-16, 18, 20, 27, 40, 45, 87, Barkin 4, Beckinsale 4, 8, 13, 21, 23, 57, 61, 71, I Fisher 5-6, 18, 23, Kreuk 17-19, 23-24, 99, OliviaWilliams 8, 17, 40, 41, Hathaway 23, 26-28, 98-99, Russo 4, 27, Carroll Baker 34, 106, Grier 14, Greer 6, 24-25, 34, 104, Hemingway 9, 34, Winnick 6, 20, Shue 7, 14, 49, 68, Whitaker 8, Posey 14, Bellucci 9, 15, 23, 29, 100, Vikander 16, 52, 54, 68, JLadd 2, 18, 20, Braga 33, BMurray 1, 6, 8, 18, 21-22, 30, 36, 40, 64, 86, 88, 134, Walken 4, 6-8, 16, 19, 47, 53, 68, 92, Linney 4, 37, 41, 57, PSHoffman 4-5, 12, 19, 71, 80, DeVito 3-4, 28, 87, LBlair 44, 96, Burton 10, Garcia 7, 40, Watts 1, 6, 19, 23, 27-28, 53, Connery 16, 25, 93, 97, 129, Heston 16, Hopper 4, 14-15, 20, 40, 42, S Neill 16-18, 24, 25, 53-54, 68, 88, SadieFrost 16, 53, Willis 14, 17, 19-22, 26, 28, 48, 57, 94, MMcDowell 1, 6. 16, 18, 23, 25-26, 54, 90, 92-93, Thornton 9, 14, 57, Pitt 6, 19-20, 24, Ricci 4, 7, 37, 61, 66, 96, Rockwell 11, 17, 19, 26, 43, 63, Lucy Liu 7, 20, 53, 55, 79, 87, MGriffith 4, 115, Keough 5, 52-53, 59, Jane March 14, Ryder 6, 16, 20, 53, 61 141,, Seimetz 16, 18, 41, 49, 53, K Lenz 15, 27, 55, DAngelo 1, 53, Friel 6, 17, 23, 53, 68, Morgan Saylor 15, G Anderson 4-5, 16, 93, 98, BFonda 4, 7, 22-23, 36, 84, Mol 15, 44, 53, Barrymore 5-6, 23, Baldwin 4, 6, 8, 26-27, 61, 87, 92, Bale 4, 6, 8, 15, 22, 26, Polley 6, 20, 58, Sophie Lowe 5, 19, 40, Olesya Rulin 5, Pacino 4-5, 16, 30, 85, 92, JKing 5, 99, Ryan 4, HGraham 5, 8, 15, 35, 58, 66-67, 87, Silverstone 5, 8, 28, Chastain 6, 19, 23, 29, 53, 78, KTurner 5, 9, 23, 25, 62, KellyHu 7, 31, 52, Severance 15, 53, Hampshire 5, 33, Milano 6, TFitzgerald 55, 68, Wasikowska 18-19, 55-56, 85, Mia Goth 19, 39, Fairchild 6, 27, Kidman 19, 22, 71, Cornish 17, 19-20, 26, Mimi Rogers 8, 22, 55, 84, Bello 6, Sobieski 7, 15, 19, 85, Hopkins 5, 7, 16, 19, 25, 27, 31, 36, 88, 93, TatianaMaslany 8, 15, SylviaKristel 10, 38, 55-56, 131, Liv Tyler 9, 16, 24, 95, Amy Adams 8, 16, 55, 71, 80, NGWagner 8, JConnelly 9, 15, 18, RMara 16, 19, Woodley 19, 28, KELLY MACDONALD 7, 11, 20, 23-24, 26, 42, 53, 66, 88, Lopez 9, LauraGemser 10, 60, MariaBonnevie 11, Brewster 6, Argento 8-9, 24, 58, Sandler 8, 21, 23, 62, 71, 90, 140-141, Flockhart 7, 13, Newman 4-5, JLawrence 8, 17, 19, 27-28, 32, 53, 88, TeresaPalmer 12, 17, 23, EmilyMortimer 6, 24, 55, 106, Paltrow 3, 21, 27, 50, 71, LolitaDavidovich 7, VivianWu 6, 18, 20, AyaCash 7, Vanity 32, BoDerek 38, 46, Judd 5, 10, 28, MoonBloodgood 8, 25, 61, MGeorge 19, 37, 46, Heche 92, Maya Thurman Hawke 6, 20, Thurman 15, 20, 28, 30, 55, DHannah 20, 55, 68, 92, 98, Halle Berry 14, 27-28, 41, 55, 124, Alba 24, 27-28, 37, MadeleineStowe 20, KellyReilly 53, 70, 88, BettiePage 29, 43-44, 55, 71, Bateman 2, 5, 20, 41, 71, Daddario 19-20, 34, 53, 94, Blanchett 8, 20, 24, 47, 57, 61, 86, 93, 106, Blunt 8, 19-21, 23, 63, 68, DeNiro 5, 11, 19-20, 30, 88, 106, JStiles 10, 35, 42, 44, 57, Wuhrer 42, Constance Wu 8, 22, 55, Depp 1, 6, 8, 16, 22-24, 26, 35, 50, 61, 70, 92, Edgely 40, 131, J Biel 6, 20, CBell 55, Buscemi 7, 23, 53, 80, 149, Morton 4, 16, 20, Downey 8, 19, 27, MDouglas 19, 22, 25, 27, 45, STurner 26-27, 53, 94, Julie Andrews 23, 46, 93, 99, Cage 3, 5, 8, 15, 18, 20, 22-23, 25, 43, Saldana 1, 18, 27, 84, Applegate 2, 105, 131, Giamatti 6, 9, 57, 68, Brosnan 8, 25, 88, 103, Sienna Miller 19, 23, 46, 104, Reynolds 7, 16, 27, S Stone 8, 17, 25, 45, 66, 70, Keaton 27-28, 55, Arterton 2, 19, 23, 88, Lori Petty 7, 23, 46, ZoeKazan 6, 16 Renner 23, 27, Dunst 24, 26-27, 55, 71, Lively 21, 26-27, C Hendricks 1, 18-19, 62, Hudgeons 5, 20, 25, Moretz 17, 19, 26, 58, 64, Clive Owen 9, 15, 19, 28, Gina Nolan 25, Kendrick 26, 46, 62, Sean Young 16, 20, 55, 66, 89, 98, Portman 17, 20, 27-28, 47, 104, Claudia Black 15, 17, 31, 41, 65, DANA PLATO 36, 81, ERWood 1, 5, 16, 29, Basinger 27-28, 61, 64, 93, Forlani 1, 19, 36, 55, 93-94, Cruz 3, 105, TNewton 16, 19, BaiLing 19, 35, 56, 96, DFanning 9, 17, 20, 64, 84, MQualley 3, 20, 95, 104, JamieChung 20, 35, 84, SydneRome 39, Appleby 2, 15, 98, 105, SashaGrey 15, 19, 56-58, Jovovich 11, 17, 48, 106, Hawkins 8, 30, ClaireDanes 19, 23, 36, StephanieLeonidas 58, Chriqui 31, 56, 78, 85, 99, Bel Powley 13, 57, ElizabethCervantes 57, BCooper 8, 17, 88, Valentina Cervi 58, Theresa Russell 36, 47, 58-59, CEvans 15, 27, Embeth Davidtz 16, 64, Laila Robins 36, 96, Bean 25-26, 37, 87, 93, ZoeKravitz 57, 99, NoraArnezeder 58, RoxaneDurane 58, Kunis 2, 17, 29, 94, MCaine 8, 26, 39, 87, 93, 97-98, 105, Marling 17, Lake Bell 19, 84, Sydney Sweeney 10, 58, Glenne Headly 8, Wiig 16, Addison Timlin 4, 16, 144, Hera Hilmar 26, Ringwald 36, KRitter 27, 85, 99, Tanya Roberts 24, Debbie Harry 20, Michelle Phillips 3, HannaMarks 3, Inbar Lavi 3, Emily Meade 36, 84, 95, SherylLee 36, Nicholson 7, 28, 53, 64, 98, Hahn 3, 50, 71, Brit Robertson 36, 62, 72, 105, HannahMurray 20, 66, Bardot 41, 43, 65, SukiWaterhouse 20, AbigailSpencer 20, DeArmas 34, 66, 103, Alexa Davalos 20, Tierney 66, JaimeMurray 25, 58, LilyCollins 4, Martha Higareda 31, 57-58, Browning 20, 66, CharlotteLebon 58, Brooke Shields 11, 29, JodieComer 16, 43, 60, LAURA ANTONELLI 60, 94, 100, 129, Ekland 39, 59, 93, Agostina Belli 61, Sinise 15, 19-20, A OToole 66, P OToole 8, 68, 98, 106, Ewa Aulin 61, CHAPLIN 51, 71, 85, Isabelle Adjani 66, Dunaway 40, 70, 78, Amy Smart 33, 65, MurielCatala 66-67, DanaDelaney 67, 96, SaffronBurrows 6, 8, 21, 24, 37, 67, ChowYunFat 65-66, Minnie Driver 67, SarahGadon 68-69, NRichardson 21, 40, 66, Annabelle Wallis 68, 78, RoseLeslie 70, LizzieBrochere 70, Roth 18, 85, 92, Aykroyd 64, 86, VimalaPons 71, IndiaMenuez 3, 15, 71, ChiaraMastroianni 71, ChristaTheret 3, 71, Pegg 4, 18, 62, MONROE 29, 39, 53, 70-71, 87, 97, 102, 151, 153, HEDY LAMARR 3, 71, LolaCreton 3, 71, GROUCHO 71, Oberon 84, CLARA BOW 3, 71, Solene Rigot 3, 71, Soledad Miranda 39, FrancesConroy 26, 57, 72, 106, MollyParker 61, 70, 72, Mabry 48, 87, SBlair 61-62, 84, Lindy Booth 40, SondraLocke 78, Gershon 7, 19, 34, 53, 85, FionaDourif 3, 80, Belinda Lee 84, Goldblum 4, 25, 67, 70, 88, 100, KatyaBerger 9-10, VMadsen 9, 58, 84, Swanson 36, 62, 88, 131, JanetMcTeer 6, 20, 23, 27-28, 41, 67, 85, 95, JBridges 78, 80, Goodman 6, 18, 80, Mia Sara 30, 84-85, 98, JMalone 18, 20, 95, JTemple 20, 66, Leah Cairns 20, 85, 131, Fenn 85, Rachael Taylor 27, 85, Findlay 15, 23, 32, TRACHTENBERG 18-19, 147, Amira Casar 49, DianaDors 2, 71, ErinMoriarity 34, 62, CFisher 17, 19, 31, 62, Mansfield 1, 70, 93, EmmaStone 27, 62, 88, DakotaJohnson 19, 49, 91, MikeMeyers 1, 62, 64, Gellar 19, 23, Mann 18, 62, Tunney 17, 62, 69, Deutch 18, 62, Ronan 19, 22, 86, Plaza 4, 62-63, 90, 96, 105, CPlummer 20, 36, 93, 97, NikkiReed 4-5, BryceHoward 18, 25, 57, DMoore 7, 15, 87, 92, AliciaWitt 36, 58, 85, Catherine Bach 30, KatharineIsabelle 6, 58, Aselton 19, 40, VictoriaPratt 14, 18, 25, 51, Agutter 16, Whirry 21, 101, ChristinMilioti 20, 43, TLords 15, 44, 62, Lawless 23, 25, Punch 29, 62, Damon 4, 8, 18, 20, 42, MegTilly 5, 87, 98, LDern 18, 25, 30, BDern 16, PazVega 8, 11, 84-85, MRodriguez 36, 87, JimCarey 4, 21, 37, 62, 87, FreyaAllan 41, 69, 84, KGillan 69, 88, Heady 26, 29, 69, Thirlby 4, 29, MichelleFairley 26, 60, Paquin 2, 6, OConnor 14, 56, ElizaSwensen 88, EmmaThompson 13, 88, SamaraWeaving 63, 89, CFarrell 4, 19, HayleyAtwell 4, 65, 93, Diaz 22, 87, SophiaLoren 90, ReneBond 90, ErinBrown 90-91, 96, KristinScottThomas 91 95, 106, 153, Preston 3, 89, TanyaAllen 91, MoiraKelly 5, 51, 92, Steenburgen 25, 87, 95, Hershey 98, LANA WOOD 93, Middleton 93, DyanCannon 31, 93, LilyJames 93, ValeriePerrine 93, GaiteJansen 36, 93, Spaak 104, MariluHenner 93, FEMI BENUSSI 94-95, Riseborough 93, VictoriaAbril 93-94, 104, Monaghan 19, 88, INGRID STEEGER 95, SybillDanning 95, AlisonPill 95, SaskiaReeves 68, 95, AngelaSarafyan 16, 96, ElsaPataky 97, Nadiuska 131, KarenAllen 25, 50, 88, AnnabellaSciorra 18, 57, VFarmiga 87, 98, Winger 98, LindaFiorentino 1, 98, R Arquette 98-99, ElodieBouchez 16, 70, 102, SophieAubrey 99, MarinaFois 71, 99, MarleeMaitlin 99, JulieChristie 100-101, MarieJoseeCroze 18, 102, VirginieLedoyen 102, LolaNaymark 102, CharlotteBest 97, Zima 62, 104, 144, CarolBouquet 102, SandyJohnson 102, AngelaMolina 102-103, DaphnePatakia 103, Agata Buzek 103, FrankaPotente 104, Rampling 102, 104, ClioGoldsmith 104, Clooney 6-7, 9, 14, 17-18, 26, 31, JennyTamburi 131, AnneBennent 131, BarboraBobulova 96, Kellerman 134, KarenBlack 146, ValeriaBruniTedeschi 147, CatherineWalker 147, LivUlman 149, MaribelVerdu 149, BusterKeaton 149, AdelaideClemens 151, BetsyRussell 141, JaniceKelly 141, KristiSomers 141, RENEBOND 141, BeckyLeBeau 141, SilviaDionisio 140, JanetAgren 140, ChristopherLee 150, Price, G Butler, Hardy, Nolte, Cleese, Hackman, Redford, Dafoe, Stevenson, Kingsley, Robbins, Macey, Astin, JHurt, DSutherland, Fishburne, Oldman, DelToro, Skarsgaard, etc.

★ Some actors works that aren’t listed here are instead listed here: Comedy

There are different ways to group things. Quite often seemingly unrelated things do have something in common. Most of the time it's either content, actor, genre, director, or era- so there are entire pages or clusters that are related in some way. But there are also obvious hard breaks in content since there has to be.
It's informative to see the ability to make films decline starting circa 2017 since new filmmakers are often dumbed down & incompetent. It's a dying art. Digital abuse & social engineering = bad mojo.

★ Some have become so undervalued & rare that they’re now obscure. Others have frustrated me by not having links, so it’s a mixed bag of peculiarity.

★ There’s certainly some z-grade cheese here, but also some pretty odd stuff too. Cross pollination happens.

★ Various titles to look into.
A lot have been found. Some haven’t.
Go find them & add some links. ¸¸.•¨

A note: Some films have no photo or maybe no synopsis but do indeed have links.

● Contributors cannot magickally have links for everything just because a page for it exists since contributors don’t make the pages. Software does that, not people, since it is mirroring IMDB & TVmaze. Software makes the pages, posts the pics, does all the work. It’s all automated.


● Only later are links placed WHEN POSSIBLE. Some things are very rare & hard to find. If you are unwilling to contribute the link yourself, then you’re out of luck.

● Do not type ANYTHING on the show page. This means do not ask for, request, hint around or otherwise whine about links or requests on a show page EVER. Do NOT do this.

● The first rule of Link Club is:
you don’t make posts on show pages about Link Club. In other words, keep your requests to yourself. Do NOT make requests, demands or otherwise. Do that IN THE FORUM. This is a private site that has free access. You are in someone else’s house. For free. Be civil.

Sometimes (but not always) the only accepted link providers for this domain are Vimeo, Dailymotion & the accursed corporate monetized toobsite. If perchance that’s the way it is, then use your search options & good luck to you in finding treasure from the playlists.

This list isn’t a portal to a toob site. If you dig those sites, go there. Use their search to find what you want & stay. This list is for actual downloadable movies & shows. Videos that cannot be found easily. This list doesn’t exist to generate traffic for sites that stream only with no option to download. Care is given that anything originally listed is connected to a DOWNLOADABLE post.

Toob site link hijacking should be disabled since linking to those sites will guarantee that posts from a valid DOWNLOAD host will NEVER appear on the front page- preventing fans from knowing when brand new posts are made. It's not rocket science. Those who prefer downloading over streaming are invited to discourage toob sites.

Info can’t be provided as to where to find old link sources other than to say that DuckDuckGo is your friend. Or try They are a TRUE independent search engine with their own bots & index. Most others are a front-end to an actual search engine, but with the trackers stripped out. DDG & Brave are examples of that. They’re NOT search engines. Don’t have their own web crawler bots or index? Then they’re NOT search engines. They’re front-ends with the Biing engine on the back-end. Not unlike having a 35 Chevy on a 55 frame - yeah can’t even spell my name. Dropped out of school when I was 22. What can I do to satisfy yoooo. I’m a Hooligan. (Peter Criss 1977). is also a good place to dig around for stuff. Playlists like this will have some links, but are also useful as a reference, not unlike IMDB or TVmaze.

✔ Requests ARE currently accepted by this site IN THE FORUM, but sometimes they aren’t, which is too bad. When it gets like that, it’s best to suck it up & move on.

Creator: random000
Posted: 4 years ago

204 favorites


Movie: American Geisha ( 1986 )
On a trip to Japan, an American student watches the lives of the Geishas in a tea house.
Movie: Normal ( 2015 )
A young woman's birthright hides a dark secret.
Movie: Mansfield 66/67 ( 2017 )
MANSFIELD 66/67 is about the last two years of movie goddess Jayne Mansfield's life, and the rumours swirling around her untimely death.
Movie: The Man Without Gravity ( 2019 )
Oscar comes to light on a stormy night, in the hospital of a small town and immediately we understand that there is something extraordinary in him : Does not obey the law of gravity. It floats in the air, hovers in the lightest room of a balloon, in front of the incredulous look of the mother and grandmother. The two women run away with the baby and decide to keep it hidden from the eyes of the world for many, many years. Only little Agata knows her secret. Until the day that Oscar decides that the whole world must know who he really is "The Man without Gravity" .
Movie: Jubilee ( 1978 )
Queen Elisabeth I travels 400 years into the future to witness the appalling revelation of a dystopian London overrun by corruption and a vicious gang of punk guerrilla girls led by the new Monarch of Punk.
Movie: The Genius Club ( 2006 )
Seven geniuses, with IQs over 200, are plucked from their lives on Christmas Eve to try to solve the world's problems in one night.
Movie: Abnormal Attraction ( 2018 )
In a world where mythical creatures are real, monsters and humans are forced to coexist; and as prejudice and insecurity pulls everyone apart, three separate storylines manage to come together.
Movie: Ellie Parker ( 2006 )
A hilarious comic portrait of a young woman's struggle for integrity, happiness and a Hollywood acting career.
Movie: Desert Blue ( 1998 )
An academic obsessed with "roadside attractions" and his tv-star daughter finally discover the world's largest ice cream cone, the centerpiece for an old gold-rush town struggling to stay on the map. They end up staying longer than expected because of an accident that spilled an unknown cola ingredient all over the highway. They spend the next few days with the various residents of the town which include a teenage girl who loves to blow things up and a boy trying to keep alive his fathers dream of building a beachside resort in the middle of the desert.
Movie: Aria ( 1987 )
10 short films by 10 different directors, set to arias by different composers.
Movie: A Bird of the Air ( 2011 )
A man in search of his past, and a woman who lives in the moment, are brought together when they pursue the origins of a stray parrot in this comedic and romantic drama.
Movie: Blue My Mind ( 2018 )
A seemingly normal teenage girl faces overwhelming body transformations that put her existence into question.
Movie: Digital Dreams ( 1983 )
This fanciful film playfully documents Wyman's celebrated life. From his impoverished childhood of England. through the early years of the Stones, to his relationship with longtime girlfriend Astrid and his current obsession with computers.
Movie: I Kill Giants ( 2018 )
Barbara Thorson struggles through life by escaping into a fantasy life of magic and monsters.
Movie: Dr. Strange ( 1978 )
Thomas Lindmer (Sir John Mills), a world-weary sorcerer, foresees the return to Earth of his ancient adversary Morgan LeFey (Jessica Walter), who has been granted dominance over men's souls by The Nameless One (David Hooks). In order to combat her evil magic, Lindmer must pass the Guardianship of the Light onto a young psychiatry-resident, Dr. Stephen Strange (Peter Hooten), who has no inkling of his destiny.
Movie: Fast Color ( 2019 )
After years in hiding, a woman is forced to go on the run when her superhuman abilities are discovered. Years after having abandoned her family, the only place she has left to hide is home.
Movie: Interreflections ( 2020 )
In a quest for a new, more humane society, a counter-culture revolution takes the world by storm. In the first of the InterReflections Trilogy, we look back to the modern world and wonder how it was we managed to survive as long as we had.
Movie: 11 Minutes Ago ( 2007 )
Traveling in 11-minute increments, a time-tumbler from 48 years in the future spends two years of his life weaving through a two-hour wedding reception.
Movie: The Bill Murray Stories: Life Lessons Learned from a Mythical Man ( 2018 )
This documentary explores various urban legends around Hollywood's most elusive star.
Movie: Stinking Heaven ( 2015 )
A black as tar comedy charting the dissolution of a commune for sober living in 90's suburban New Jersey.
Movie: The Current War: Director's Cut ( 2019 )
Three brilliant visionaries set off in a charged battle for the future in The Current War, the epic story of the cutthroat competition that literally lit up the modern world. Benedict Cumberbatch is Thomas Edison, the celebrity inventor on the verge of bringing electricity to Manhattan with his radical new DC technology. On the eve of triumph, his plans are upended by charismatic businessman George Westinghouse (Michael Shannon), who believes he and his partner, the upstart genius Nikola Tesla (Nicholas Hoult), have a superior idea for how to rapidly electrify America: with AC current. As Edison and Westinghouse grapple for who will power the nation, they spark one of the first and greatest corporate feuds in American history, establishing for future Titans of Industry the need to break all the rules. Directed by Alfonso Gomez-Rejon (Me and Earl and the Dying Girl) with Producer Timur Bekmambetov, Basil Iwanyk and Executive Producer Martin Scorsese, The Current War also stars Katherine Waterston, Tom Holland, Matthew Macfadyen and Tuppence Middleton.
Movie: Teslafy Me ( 2019 )
A vision for a world free of pollution and climate problems, with energy available in abundance - are we ready to take up legacy of ingenious inventor Nikola Tesla?
Movie: Marketing the Messiah ( 2020 )
This documentary shows how Christianity grew from a small Jewish Sect into the Catholic Church, with an emphasis on how Jesus's apostles rejected Paul's version of Jesus, but Paul's version eventually became the orthodox Catholic view.
Movie: Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus ( 2012 )
Based on the best-selling religious studies book by Joseph Atwill, this documentary shows that Jesus is not a historical figure, the events of Jesus' life were based on a Roman military campaign, his supposed second coming refers to an event that already occurred, and the Gospels were written by a family of Caesars who left us documents to prove it. Besides Atwill, six other controversial Bible scholars weigh in, showing that the teachings of Christ came from the ancient pagan mystery schools, and that Christianity was used as a political tool to control the masses of the day and is still being used this way today.
Movie: Dogma ( 1999 )
An abortion clinic worker with a special heritage is called upon to save the existence of humanity from being negated by two renegade angels trying to exploit a loop-hole and reenter Heaven.
Movie: Idiocracy ( 2007 )
Corporal Joe Bauers, a decidedly average American, is selected for a top-secret hibernation program but is forgotten and left to awaken to a future so incredibly moronic that he's easily the most intelligent person alive.
Movie: Yoga Hosers ( 2016 )
Two teenage yoga enthusiasts must do battle with an evil presence that is threatening to rise from its underground lair and endanger their major party plans.
Movie: Mallrats ( 1995 )
Brodie Bruce, a Sega and comic book obsessed college student, and his best friend, TS Quint, are both dumped by their girlfriends on the same day, and to deal with their loss, they both go to the local mall. Along the way, they meet up with some friends, including Willam, a guy who stares at Magic Eye pictures, desprately trying to see the hidden image; Gwen, one of TS's ex-girlfriends; and Jay & Silent Bob, of Clerks fame. Eventually, they decide to try and win back their significant others, and take care of their respective nemesises (TS's girlfriend's father, and a store clerk who hates the two for not having any shopping agenda).
Movie: Austin Powers Meets Monty Python Meets the Whole World ( 2022 )
When Austin Powers discovers his own way of cooking with Dane Powers and Kenny Powers, Austin Powers gives the strength to see the future and rigs up a batch of cock-a-nanny spoof eats that lures Monty Python from the grave to conquer the 1000 year old curse of Slink Slimer.
Movie: Career Bed ( 1969 )
A mother is determined that her daughter will be a movie star, and will do anything--and have her daughter do anything--to make it happen.
Movie: Fellini Satyricon ( 1969 )
A series of disjointed mythical tales set in first century Rome.
Movie: Intervista ( 1992 )
Federico Fellini accepts the request of a television crew to be interviewed about his career, narrating memories, dreams, realities and fantasies.
Movie: London Affair ( 1970 )
A 38 year old American novelist discovers the difficulties of being married to a British 16 year old schoolgirl.
Movie: Wonderwall ( 1969 )
The eccentric professor Oscar Collins lives completely secluded in his chaotic apartment. When a model (Penny Lane) and her photographer boyfriend move in next to him, he becomes fascinated with her. He drills holes in the walls and ceiling and peeps on her day and night. He loses himself in daydreams and delusions.
Movie: Bedways ( 2011 )
In a squalid apartment in Berlin, an unconventional director strives to capture unadulterated feelings, raw passion and undiluted sex for an experimental film project about love.
Movie: Klip ( 2013 )
In the face of her family life falling to pieces, a social-media-obsessed teenage girl falls into a hedonistic world of sex, drugs, and abuse.
Movie: The Love Cult ( 1966 )
A magician/hypnotist gets the idea that he can make more money (and have a better time) by starting a sex cult than by continuing his magic act, so he becomes Brother Eros whose motto is "Love is all that counts."
Movie: The Wrecking Crew ( 1968 )
Gold bullion worth USD 1 billion has been stolen from a hijacked train in Denmark. The main suspect is Count Massimo Contini. The US government sends Matt Helm, one of its top agents, to investigate and recover the gold.
Movie: Toys in the Attic ( 1963 )
Julian Berniers and his bride Lily leave Chicago to visit his two spinster sisters, Carrie and Anna, in New Orleans but Lily's jealousy combined with Carrie's possessiveness of Julian threaten to destroy the whole family.
Movie: Flowers in the Attic ( 1987 )
Children are hidden away under an attic by their conspiring mother and grandmother.
Movie: The Five Senses ( 1999 )
Interconnected stories examine situations involving the five senses. Touch is represented by a massage therapist who is treating a woman, while her daughter accidentally loses the woman's pre-school daughter in the park. The older daughter meets a voyeur (vision), a professional house-cleaner has an acute sense of smell, a cake maker has lost her sense of taste, and an older man is losing his hearing.
Movie: Aquarius ( 2016 )
Clara, a 65 year old widow and retired music critic, was born into a wealthy and traditional family in Recife, Brazil. She is the last resident of the Aquarius, an original two-storey building, built in the 1940s, in the upper-class, seaside Boa Viagem Avenue, Recife. All the neighboring apartments have already been acquired by a company which has other plans for that plot. Clara has pledged to only leave her place upon her death, and will engage in a cold war of sorts with the company. This tension both disturbs Clara and gives her that edge on her daily routine. It also gets her thinking about her loved ones, her past and her future.
Movie: Art History ( 2011 )
Tension mounts between a director and his lead actress on the set of a sexually explicit low-budget film. As the actress and her co-star develop real feelings for each other, the director's jealousy erupts, sabotaging his own production.
Movie: Carnal Knowledge ( 1971 )
Chronicling the lifelong sexual development of two men who meet and become friends in college.
Movie: Sexual Chronicles of a French Family ( 2012 )
Three generations of a French family open up about their sexual experiences and desires after young Romain is caught masturbating in his biology class.
Movie: Ex Drummer ( 2007 )
Three handicapped losers who form a band ask famous writer Dries to be their drummer. He joins the band and starts manipulating them.
Movie: The Band ( 2009 )
When lead singer Jimmy Taranto dumps his girlfriend Candy then his rock band Gutter Filth, Candy decides to take his place in the band. Together with anal bass player GB, cross-dressing drummer Dee and Jennifer their loyal manager, they begin a journey to stardom. While their success eclipses Jimmy's, Candy still can't find the true love she is looking for. But sometimes the things you want are right in front of you.
Movie: Kärlekens språk 2000 ( 2004 )
Sabine is in love with Julia, but pulled simultaneously to the irresistible television program host Stella Moon.
Movie: Love ( 2015 )
Murphy is an American living in Paris who enters a highly sexually and emotionally charged relationship with the unstable Electra. Unaware of the effect it will have on their relationship, they invite their pretty neighbor into their bed.
Movie: Marfa Girl ( 2014 )
A story centered on a directionless 16-year-old living in Marfa, Texas and his relationships with his girlfriend, his neighbor, his teacher, a newly arrived local artist, and a local Border Patrol officer.
Movie: Marfa Girl 2 ( 2018 )
A young mother living in Marfa, Texas struggles to raise her child after suffering from a brutal sexual assault.
Movie: Ken Park ( 2003 )
Ken Park is about several Californian skateboarders' lives and relationships with and without their parents.
Movie: En la cama ( 2006 )
Can strangers connect? Can casual sex become something else? In Santiago, Daniela and Bruno, both about 30, meet at a party, go to another and end up in a hotel. We join them there as passion becomes talk: do they know each other's name, have they been to hotels with others? There's some playfulness, more sex, a bath, pillow fights, condom problems, stories from their past, conflict. Each gets a phone call, each intrudes on the other's privacy. As the night wanes, will there be anything else?
Movie: Breaking the Surface ( 2009 )
Photography student Nadja Groß (Henriette Heinze) has a lot on her plate, she goes to school, she has a job as a free lancer photographer for a magazine, while economically helping her mother. After a hard day's work she lies to go clubbing. It is in a discotheque she meets Darius (Golo Euler) who is younger than her and an enigmatic character for her. Attraction between the couple suddenly ensues. As they move forward with their very passionate sexual relationship. But strong challenges will be presented in their way. That will test their very foundations.
Movie: Erótica: Luz de Luna ( 2008 )
Movie: Ice Palace ( 1987 )
Two 12-year-old girls, Siss and Unn, meet in a remote Norwegian mountain area in the 1930s. They become very good, very close friends, but Unn takes their friendship much more seriously. She admits that she has been having secret indecent fantasies about Siss.
Movie: Secret Things ( 2002 )
Two young women find themselves struggling to survive in Paris, street-wise Nathalie, a stripper, and naïve Sandrine, a barmaid. Together, they discover that sex can be used to their advantage, and pleasure. Both find positions in the office of a large bank, where bored, under-stimulated, prey are easy pickings. After making their way though several layers of executives at the bank, with destructive, and lucrative, results, they approach Christophe, scion to the bank director. What they don't know is that he is a manipulative voyeur, whose last two lovers set themselves on fire when he rejected them. A connoisseur of high-class orgies, he is only interested in new talent to satisfy the appetites of all whom he controls. In him, the girls have found an opponent who knows all their wiles, and will challenge their simple under-class friendship with levels of jealousy and ecstasy that they have never experienced before. Will they survive?
Movie: Vernost ( 2019 )
By the age of 30, Lena was able to achieve good results in life. She worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist. Colleagues respected, and happy patients tried to thank her. Her personal life also developed quite safely. Husband Sergei worked as an actor in a drama theater, showed concern and did not interfere in affairs, but recently she began to notice serious changes in his behavior. Another fact is that they did not have sex. One day she reads one of her husband's text messages, she is convinced he is cheating on her. At one point, she does not stand up and in revenge cheats with a little-known man. For her, a new world unexpectedly opens up, filled with passion and incredible emotions, which she uses for her emotional state. But constant betrayal is becoming an integral part of double life.
Movie: The Daughters of Fire ( 2018 )
A group of women go on a erotic, polyamorous, trip to free themselves from the mindset of patriarchy, while one of them plans to make a porn movie.
Movie: Intimacy ( 2001 )
A failed London musician meets once a week with a woman for a series of intense sexual encounters to get away from the realities of life. But when he begins inquiring about her, it puts their relationship at risk.
Movie: American Kamasutra ( 2018 )
A young woman finds herself involved in a dangerous love triangle when she gets involved with the writer of a popular steamy novel.
Movie: Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love ( 1997 )
Two female friends become sexual rivals at maturity.
Movie: Boredom ( 1998 )
Martin is a philosophy teacher in the midst of a mid-life crisis. Lacking direction or purpose in his life, he initiates an affair with Cécilia, a young artist's model who might have killed her former lover.
Movie: Chasing the Muse ( 2015 )
Porn Director steps in his own production as he finds his 'muse' and becomes obsessed by her.
Movie: Maladolescenza ( 1977 )
A teen boy grows from playing and fighting with his German-shepherd dog, to playing kids and adult games with two equally young girls, in a dream-like forest which eventually turns eerie, and somber.
Movie: Fleshpot on 42nd Street ( 1978 )
A streetwalker desperately seeks love and acceptance against the backdrop of NYC's Times Square.
Movie: Arabian Nights ( 1974 )
Ancient Arabia. A youth is chosen by a beautiful slave girl to be her new master; she is kidnapped and they must search for each other. Stories are told within stories; love, travel and the whims of destiny.
Movie: The Canterbury Tales ( 1972 )
Pasolini's artistic, sometimes violent, always vividly cinematic retelling of some of Chaucer's most erotic tales.
Movie: We ( 2018 )
During a scorching summer in a Belgian-Dutch border village, eight teenagers play games of discovery to break the listless monotony. They challenge each other and themselves and pretty soon, their sexual curiosity starts to blur the lines between right and wrong. As innocence is crushed in depraved games and sexual exploitation, the teenagers soon turn into ruthless predators.
Movie: The Piano Teacher ( 2001 )
A young man romantically pursues his masochistic piano teacher.
Movie: Black Emanuelle ( 1975 )
While on assignment in Nairobi, a photojournalist questions her racial and sexual identity when she engages in affairs with her wealthy hosts.
Movie: The Erotic Circus ( 1969 )
Decadent swinging speed dealer Louie and his two lady friends Mary and Debbie decide to pay a visit to Louie's sister, who lives in a remote woodland area with her meek son Jamie and weird caretaker Yenos. However, things soon turn nasty when a killer decides to start bumping off the unwanted guests.
Movie: The Great Ephemeral Skin (Short 2012) ( 2012 )
Inside the claustrophobic scenery of a fancy apartment in the city of Frankfurt three men and a woman lock themselves in for ten days. Oskar and Julia are a young couple. They have sex and let themselves be filmed by director Bastian and cameraman Benjamin who are trying to get pictures of absolute intimacy.
Movie: Pandora and the Magic Box ( 1965 )
King Minos is married to the vulgar and voracious Queen Scylla. Minos discovers that his long-lost niece is the rightful ruler of Greece and devises a plan to keep her from being found.
Movie: A Menina do Lado ( 1990 )
Middle-aged married journalist goes to the beach resort of Búzios, in Brazil, to write a book. Gradually, he falls in love with his neighbor's daughter, a beautiful teenager much younger than he, ignoring the social implications.
Movie: Capriccio ( 1987 )
After the renewed flings with their former lovers prove to be disastrously unlike the romantic memories, an unfaithful couple returns to each other.
Movie: Monamour ( 2005 )
After six short months of marriage, the free-spirited and disenchanted housewife, Marta, is already starting to feel the passion wane for her boring literary editor husband, Dario. As a result, against the backdrop of medieval Mantua's renowned literary festival, young Marta will fall for the intriguingly handsome Frenchman, Leon, while admiring Palazzo del Te's vivid murals. Of course, the always-suspicious Dario will soon notice Marta's scandalous affair behind his back--a not-so-shocking discovery that paves the way for a passionate transformation. Perhaps, a dash of infidelity was all that Dario needed to awaken his dormant enthusiasm for the neglected Marta; nevertheless, is his new-found interest too little, too late?
Movie: Private ( 2003 )
Tinto Brass - The maestro of Italian erotica is back! Lies, subterfuge, betrayal and mischief - FALLO! is a collection of six stories based on the joys of sexuality and the eroticism of a new generation of women.
Movie: Miranda ( 1985 )
In this erotic comedy, Miranda is the landlady of a small country tavern who is looking for a husband, and tries out a variety of men for size.
Movie: All Ladies Do It ( 1992 )
A happily married 24-year-old woman who experiences an inexplicable, rather restless craving to finally live her life intensely, retells her extra-marital escapades to her husband intending to spice up their marriage.
Movie: P.O. Box Tinto Brass ( 1995 )
This film is a series of letters, photos and video cassettes which women often send in to certain newspapers. By visualizing their story-telling (the name given by the psychologists to their fantasies) the film portrays the confessions, the secret longings, the adventures, recollections, dreams, desires and fantasies of these women. It is an open secret that most women dream of forbidden affairs, secret lovers and hasty encounters but when it comes down to it they lack the courage to pursue their dreams.
Movie: The Voyeur ( 1994 )
A troubled college professor becomes obsessed with the idea that his emotionally distant wife is having an affair with his invalid father.
Movie: Paprika ( 1991 )
A young country girl comes to town and works in a brothel in order to help her fiance get the money to start his own business. "Paprika" is the name given to her by the madam.
Movie: Kick the Cock ( 2008 )
Kick the Cock is an old Dutch saying, meaning Peek in the Kitchen.
Movie: Fruits of Passion ( 1981 )
A girl loves an older man. He demands that she goes in a brothel, as evidence that she loves him.
Movie: Antares ( 2004 )
A deadly car crash sets off three parallel stories of women at crisis points, faltering behind the doors of the same, plain Vienna apartment block. A bored nurse with a stable, comfortable family life has a wild but almost-wordless extramarital affair with a fashion-conscious traveling salesman, who's obsessed with sex photos. An unstable young Austrian grocery checker lies to hold on to her philandering Yugoslavian boyfriend, claiming she's pregnant. Finally, a recent divorcée whose violent, ex-husband is a King of Denial intent on getting her back. Will the residents' fibs and moral failures save or destroy them ? Can the women safely express their fears ?
Movie: De tierra ( 2012 )
An incestuous relationship between to siblings after their mother's death, leads one of the characters to feel haunted by guilt. They try to forget their blood ties but they only become more evident and hard to manage.
Movie: Queen of Hearts ( 2019 )
A successful lawyer jeopardizes her career and threatens to tear her family apart after engaging in an affair with her teenage stepson.
Movie: Lorna the Exorcist ( 1974 )
A man is tormented by an ex-lover, Lorna, who posseses a strange power over a women, including the man's daughter.
Movie: Love Toy ( 1973 )
A compulsive gambler gambles away his own nubile teen daughter. She becomes his opponent's sex slave.
Movie: Black Panther ( 2014 )
A film about two siblings, Emilie and Jakob, about their deep love for each other, as well as their own happiness. Two things that do not always coincide.
Movie: Ferrugem ( 2018 )
Tati and Renet were already trading pics, videos and music by their cell phones, and on the last school trip they started making eye contact. However, what could be the beginning of a love story, turns to an end.
Movie: Time of Wickedness ( 1985 )
Filled with guilt over his forbidden desires, young man leaves home and his studies. He finds a new smaller place to stay, a low-paying but satisfying job and a girlfriend. Then his mother, unable to fight her forbidden desires, shows up.
Movie: Vixen! ( 1968 )
Vixen lives in a Canadian mountain resort with her naive pilot husband. While he's away flying in tourists, she gets it on with practically everybody including a husband and his wife, and even her biker brother. She is openly racist, and she makes it clear that she won't do the wild thing with her brother's biker friend, who is black.
Movie: La casa de las mujeres perdidas ( 1983 )
Desdemona lives on an isolated island with her strange family: her father Mario, her stepmother Dulcinea and her mentally challenged sister Paulova. As the only inhabitants on the island loneliness and desolation engulf all members of her family. Desdemona tries to ward off her boredom by taking long walks along the beach or engaging in acts of self-gratification. She often tries to seduce her own father Mario to engage in acts of a sexual nature. Their daily routine is interrupted by the arrival (by boat) of a robust male stranger who brings friction into Desdemona's family.
Movie: Cosmic Sex ( 2015 )
One night, Kripa is on the run from sex and violence when he meets Sadhavi, a woman who strangely resembles his dead mother. She gives him shelter and teaches him to travel inwards through sex.
Movie: Pola X ( 1999 )
A young writer becomes intrigued with a mysterious dark-haired woman who claims to be his long-lost sister and he begin an unusual relationship with her prompting a downward spiral involving his domineering mother and lovely fiancée
Movie: DAU. Natasha ( 2021 )
A tension-weary couple negotiate a path between defiance and compliance in a closed scientific Institute in Moscow at the beginning of the Cold War-during Stalin-era: Natasha runs the canteen of secret Soviet research institute. When the customers have all gone home, she gossips and bickers tensely with her younger assistant- the doctor's daughter Olga, who is too lazy to help clean up and mocks Natasha for a life wasted in the affair she has been having with a married man, Blinov. The two women have a surrogate mother-daughter relationship, very much love-hate, with at times a borderline-erotic intimacy. One evening, they get roaring drunk with all the scientists and apparatchiks who have come in to celebrate a sinister experiment in radiation conducted by a visiting French scientist Luc, who goes to bed with Natasha. And then, with a sickening inevitability, she is pulled in for questioning by the security services, in the form of hatchet-faced officer Azhippo.
Movie: DAU. Katya Tanya ( 2020 )
Katya, a young librarian, believes in love, but her ideals are crushed by reality. After a string of disappointing affairs, Katya finally finds tenderness and understanding in the arms of her colleague, a journalist called Tanya. But then the First Department interferes: the state security services see this relationship as unacceptable for a Soviet woman.
Movie: Love Meetings ( 1982 )
Microphone in hand, Pier Paolo Pasolini asks Italians to talk about sex: he asks children where babies come from, young and old women if they are men's equals, men and women if a woman's ...