Playlists > RandomOddness


This is just a personal nag list of films I’m curious about & am sharing the list. A conversation, recommendation, review, synopsis of a premise can lead anyone down a rabbit hole of curiosity. List is modified constantly.

Over 130 pages. It’s random. It’s odd. This list is big & weird. Many are grouped where possible: either by director, actor, genre such as sci-fi, fantasy, adventure, heists, superhero, timey-wimey, psychotronic, salacious, ridiculous, absurd, new wave, whatever.

☆ For a list of 2100 addictively bingable tv shows, use the sort widgets to eliminate all films & trim the list to a mere 21 pages.

If you're reading this & are currently feeling like a lost kitten if there's no download to what you want, inbox me & I'll help. May or may not have it, but it doesn't hurt to private message. I really will share & make a post just for you.

☆ Wouldn't it be nice to put big walls of text like this in spoilers? When looking for films, it's nifty to sort by Rank to see what others value- by Views to see those with likely links- or unlikely if you're a contributor- or by Release Date to view by era so that types like grindhouse & new wave are likely to be grouped together, qv.

Adult fare is the oddness that knits the list together & is comprehensive at over 5200 provocative titles with all known unsimulated mainstream explicit works. Majority is filmed cinematic release. Straight to video is mostly avoided. When there’s cheese, exploitative grindhouse is favored over silicone softcore. Most are grouped by easter egg content, which are very atypical & controversial. Many are foreign & very taboo. •¨

Consanguinamory 1-3, 7-11, 15, 19, 33, 36, 41-42, 44, 46, 55-56, 58-61, 70, 84-85, 89-91, 93-96, 98-106, 111. Swingers & Nymphs 3, 5, 11, 29-31, 33-34, 36, 42-50, 53, 55-61, 65, 67, 69-70, 72, 79, 83, 84-86, 88-106, 110-111, 115, 124, 127-131. DAU 1, 51, 127. Red Shoe Diaries 40, 82-83.

Oceans 54, 66-67, 69, 77-80, 86-88, 99, 102, 104. Islands 46, 80-81, 84, 96, 104, 124, 129, Beaches 61, 80-81, 96, 129. Bikinis 47, 81-82, 95. Nudism 13, 33, 38, 48-49, 56, 78-79, 82-85, 89, 128. Bellydance 38-39, 103.

►The more fantastic type stuffeths of a timey-wimey sci-fi adventure flavor has a large section starting at pages 15-18 & 20 going all the way to 28, listing over 1400 titles contiguously in just those genres, including:

-myths- 24-25, 30, 32, 34, 40-41, 45-46, 54, 63-64, 69, 78, 85, 93, 95, 115, 131.
-fairy tales- 23-24, 30-32, 37, 40, 50-51, 54, 58-64, 66, 69, 72, 76, 84-86, 88-89, 93, 96-97, 99.
-Marvel-DC- etc.- 7, 26-29, 34-37, 43-44, 46, 48-54, 58-64, 67, 69, 71, 73, 77, 84-86, 89, 95, 97, 99, 103, 105, 110-111, 115, 124, 127-131.
-Comic books, Bill Finger, Stan Lee, 26-27, 31, 43-44, 58-64, 69, 71-72, 77, 85, 99-100, 127-131.
-Dreams & Consciousness 1, 15-16, 18-21, 26, 30, 34, 84-85, 96, 99-100, 103, 111, 128, 131.
-AI-Robots 15-17, 26, 30-31, 33, 43, 45, 50, 52, 54, 57, 63, 80, 84, 88, 95-96, 99, 102-103. 105, 111, 129, 131.
-literary works of adventure & everything that can be found regarding alternate history-time travel 18, 20-22, 46-70, 75, 77, 85-86, 88-89, 92-96, 100, 103-106. 111, 130-131, etc.

░░░░░▒▓▌►There are over 1000 titles in time travel alone.◄▐▓▒░░░░░

Page guide can be scanned. Groupings flow from one another organically as possible. Ergo other genres like sword & sandals & great one-off works like Lexx, Branded, Valerian, Equilibrium & now obscure shows like Sanctuary, Orphan Black, Incorporated, Mr. Robot can be found this way.

►Other clusters of this type are found on 29-31, 34, 40-41, 44, 46-72, 75, 77, 85-88-89, 91, 93, 95-99, 103-105, but are peppered throughout on most pages.

►This includes:
-PK Dick 15-20, 30-31, 33, 43-44, 47, 61, 69, 74, 77, 96, 128.
-Wells 18, 20-22, 25, 30, 40-41, 45, 48-49, 85, 88. AC Clark 16, 36.
-Asimov 16, 36, 57, 72-73. Verne 25, 34, 40, 42, 57, 64, 67, 84-85, 104.
-Crichton 16-17, 21, 25, 41, 52. Ambrose Bierce 31. Gaiman 13, 23, 34, 40, 52. Plato 25, 31, 115, Homer 60, 61, Euripides 41, Sophocles 44, 85. Apollonius 40, 61. Tennyson 39. Pratchett 22, 29. Douglas Adams 3, 6, 58, 63, 84. Kipling 24, 38, 105. Swift 30. Lindgren 26, 39, 57. Jordan 20, 88. Cervantes 21, 53, 129. Stevenson 55, 78, 88, 90, 103, 106. Huxley 13, 15, 47. Bradbury 20, 42, 88. Tolkien 24, 45, 124. Burroughs, Heinlein. 47, 59, 64, 98. Victor Hugo 66. Johnston McCulley 67. Kate Mosse 32. Vonnegut 15, 20. Van Allsburg 18, 25, 88. GRR Martin 26, 31, 120. AC Doyle 25, 128. Melville 1, 102. Philip Pullman 22. Stieg Larsson 19, 88. Coleridge 47. Alex Garland 95. Dickens 50, 98, 124. Browning 47. Charles Perrault 23-24, 103. Works attributed to Shakespeare 2, 13, 15, 38, 98, 103, 124, 129, etc.

Some will be everywhere whether they wrote the story or not; such as Wells if it involves Time; Asimov if it involves AI-Robots- Dick if it involves reality- & there's lots of all that.

Tesla 1, 11, 37, 55, 65, 124. Zen 12-13, 28, 84, 98, 100, 102-104, 124, 129. Crowley, Leary, Ram Dass, Albert Hofman, Abbie Hoffman 13, 28. RA Wilson 12. Bukowski 8, 39, 42. Hunter Thompson 22, 57. Chomsky, Nader 12, 48, 54-55. Dostoevsky 57. DH Lawrence 3, 43, 57, 101-102. Emmanuelle Arsan 10, 44, 55, 105. William S Burrows 87. Atwood 40. Kerouac 4, 41, 47. Anne Frank 40, 55, 87, 105. Jane Campion 69, 100. Irvine Welsh 11, 19, 42, 53, 88. Hannah Arendt 87, Eva Ionesco 11. Pilger 54, 56. Helen Keller 58. Slavoj Zizek 58. Larry Niven 87. Tolstoy 93. Ginsberg 47. Anais Nin 47, 120. Kesey 47, 51, 98. Rumi 98. Chopra 12, 13, 28, 98. Thich Nhat Hanh 98. Terence McKenna 102. Balzac 103. Carlos Castaneda 104. Frank Wedekind

Anthologies 18, 20, 50, 53, 58, 64-65, 84, 99.
-Dr.Who 17, 34, 50, 120. SG-1 17, 110, 115, 124. Roddenberry 128.
-Star Trek 17-18, 20, 39-40, 43, 52-53, 58-59, 66-67, 96, 111, 115, 127.
-Star Wars 17, 31, 34, 39-40, 43, 45, 47, 54-55, 65, 72, 115, 124.
-BSG 15, 40, 51, 72, 110. Farscape 15, 31, 96. Lexx, Tron 15, 43.
-Planet of The Apes 31, 39. Mad Max reboot 50. Dune 16, 31, 40, 57-58, 110. Body Swap 20, 62-63. Inner Space 18. Starhunter 91.
-Cheesy cornball space fantasy 33, 40, 46-47, 51, 88, 96, 105-106, 129.

Indiana Jones & Quatermain 25, 46. Brass Age 25, 42, 68, 84.
-Pirates 20, 24-25, 39, 54-55, 58-59, 64, 66, 68, 70, 75, 78-81, 88, 91, 94-95, 115, 131.
-Dumas 24, 54, 76, 93, 106. Zorro 63, 67, 87, 94, 103, 105-106, 115. Robin Hood 24, 33, 64, 66, 103, 120. Queen Of Swords, Crossbow 97.
-Wonka, Poppins, Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Oz, Alice, Pan, faeries 23-24, 30, 36-37, 40, 59-60, 64, 66, 69-72, 77, 85, 97, 99, 102-103. Snow Queen 22, 59. McPhee 88. Hanna Diyab (Aladdin, etc.) 105.

►Metropolis, Gattaca, Code 46, Iron Sky, Thirteenth Floor, Dark City, eXistenZ, Transcendence 15, Matrix 15, 31, 86.

Selected listings from a few pages:

Free Guy, Archenemy, Bicentennial Man, Lathe Of Heaven, Westworld, Humans, Falling Skies, A.I., S1m0ne, Ex Machina, Robotropolis, Logan’sRun, SilentRunning, SoylentGreen, Zardoz, AlteredStates, Colossus, Postman, CQ, Lunopolis, Moonwalkers, Capricorn One 16.

►Moon, Love, Event Horizon, Supernova, Sunshine, The Signal, The Host, Dominion, The 5th Wave, Mars Attacks, DayTheEarthStoodStill, Childhood’s End, Jupiter Ascending, Another Earth, Push, Jumper, Chronicle, Surrogates, Fifth Element, IAmNumberFour, Limitless, Lucy, Hackers, Teknolust, Ender’s Game, Tomorrowland, Dark Matter 17.

►Zathura, Black Hole, Cleopatra 2525, Infinity Chamber, Psi Factor, Black Mirror, One Step Beyond, Outer Limits, Electric Dreams, EarlyEdition, They Live, Donnie Darko, RequiemForADream, Pi, ReconstructionOfWilliamZero, The Congress, Dissonance, Anomalisa, Dragonfly, The Fountain, Memory Lane, Memento, Normal, Pillow Book, LaAntena, Forbidden Room, BrandUponTheBrain, Careful, Inception, WhatDreamsMayCome, Final Cut, Enter The Void, Nowhere, InlandEmpire, Awaken, Waking, Sexy Evil Genius, Byzantium, OnlyLoversLeftAlive, Youth Without Youth, 2 Hearts, Always, BeforeIFall, Between Worlds, Hereafter, Downsizing, DefendingYourLife, Everyday, Nothing, Riverworld, The Awakening, CityOfLostChildren, Society, 18.

Suspira, DaveMadeAMaze, StayTuned, TheGame, HappyBirthday, TheForgotten, ChildrenOfMen, Joe Black, Southland Tales, Lost River, GoneByDawn, WristCuttersALoveStory, Mullholland Drive, Crimson Peak, MapsToTheStars, SuburbanMayhem, Ecstasy, TheScribbler, ChancesAre, To Gillian On Her 37th Birthday, Twilight Zone The Movie, FROM ABOVE, Bliss, Funhouse, Girl With The Dragon Tattoo trilogy, Jackie, ADORE, Birth, Womb, The Dreamers, Before I Go To Sleep, Eyes Wide Shut 19.

Sucker Punch, Amazing Stories x2, Twilight Zone x6, ThePrisoner, TheWave, Palm Springs, JohnDiesAtTheEnd, DestinyTurnsOnTheRadio, Beforeigners, TalesFromTheLoop, Russian Doll, Sliders, TimeAfterTime, Timeless, Travelers, ManInTheHighCastle, MinorityReport, Paycheck, Scanner Darkly, Next, Impostor, Adjustment Bureau, Mr Nobody, BenjaminButton, BladeRunner, KillBill, ClanOfTheCavebear, BigEmpty, Cashback, Dancing At The Blue Iguana, The Blue Iguana, AtPlayInTheFieldsOfTheLord, OnceUponATimeInHollywood, 12 Monkeys, Tideland, Brazil, BaronMunchausen, ImaginariumOfDoctorParnassus, MrMagorium’s Wonder Emporium, Zero Theorem, 20.

►TheManWhoKilledDonQuixote, Jabberwocky, FisherKing, Toys, BeingHuman, DeadPoetsSociety, Gothic, Ink, Inkheart, PansLabyrinth, Crystal’s Shadow, GroundhogDay, Selfless, Winter’sTale, The Guitar, DeathBecomesHer, The Man From Earth, Dr Strange, AgeOfAdaline, FutureMan, 12:01, About Time, Edge Of Tomorrow, Predestination, Purple Rose Of Cairo, Repeaters, Retroactive, The Lake House, The Nines, LyleSwannTimerider, Timer, InTime, TimeTravelersWife, AllInTime, Click, Slipstream, Sliding Doors, Looper, We Are The Flesh, Dark, TwentyBucks, Metropia, Lost Highway, Blast From The Past, EternalSunshineOfTheSpotlessMind 21.

Tree Of Knowledge, Tree Of Life, Book Of Life, 2:22, 2:37, WhereTheBuffaloRoam, Fear&Loathing, PsychedelicPink, TheBlackCat, TheRaven, RoughMagic, ThePrestige, LordOfIllusions, TheIllusionist, Presto, ColourOfMagic, Knowing, TheGift, TheBox, TheBrassTeapot, MatingHabitsOfTheEarthboundHuman, WhatPlanetAreYouFrom, MeetDave, LostInSpace, Clockstoppers, Network, ExecutiveAction, ParallaxView, FallingDown, Rampage trilogy, AssaultOnWallStreet, Mindwalk, Identicals, Equals, TheIsland, Parallels, BestFriendsForever, I Origins, Advantageous, Time Traveller, The Love War, LetThemDieLikeLovers, AdultWednesdayAddams, TheBlackCauldron, HisDarkMaterials, GoldenCompass, SecretOfMoonacre, CityOfEmber, MazeRunner trilogy, MidasBox, AllegroNonTroppo, RogerRabbit 22.

Tank Girl, Bridge To Terabithia, James & The Giant Peach, Epic, WorldOfArrietty, Hugo, The Last Of England, The Magic Flute, BelladonnaOfSadness, MirrorMask, AdventuresOfAdeleBlancSec, BeautifulFantastic, BeautifulCreatures, Bedtime Stories, The Cobbler, HubieHalloween, Tale Of Tales, Nekrotronic, Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Ferngully, Aladdin, Happily N’Ever After, Princess Bride, Stardust, Enchanted, Tangled 23.

►TinkerBell, EmeraldCity, Tabu, Tarzan, EndOfTheSpear, JungleBook, Emerald Forest, Nim’s Island, SleepingDictionary, Brave, KingArthur, Merlin, Wizards, Jack & The Beanstalk, Eragon, Earthsea, BlackTulip, Milady, ThreeMuskateers, Man In The Iron Mask, CountOfMonteCristo, Treasure Island, Pirates Of Silicon Valley, TheLibertine, TheHobbit, LordOfTheRings, SeventhSon, HelenOfTroy, One Night With The King 24.

Agora, GodsOfEgypt, Clash Of The Titans, Immortals, Percy Jackson, Atlantis, Aquaman, KingKong, OneMillionYearsBC, 10000BC, JohnCarter, Primal, Jumanji, Jurassic Park, TheLostWorld, BeastMaster, Sheena, Beastly, BlackSails, Pathfinder, Caligula, The Fall, Jack Of All Trades, BriscoeCounty, Tales Of The Gold Monkey, Jewel Of The Nile, LeagueOfExtraordinaryGentlemen, KingSolomonsMines, TheLibrarian, Night At The Museum, NationalTreasure, Strings, TheTimeMachine, TimeAfterTime, SomewhereInTime, Around The World In 80 Days, 25.

ChittyBangBang, Pippi Longstocking, MortalEngines, UpsideDown, Spiderwick, MissPeregrine, SecretGarden, James Vs His Future Self, Moontrap, BulletProofMonk, 7 Splinters In Time, Marjorie Prime, Other Life, Radius, Tau, Upgrade, Red, Unbreakable, TheLastShot, SimpleFavor, Tut, TheLoveWitch, UsualSuspects, MrRight, TheAccountant, Choke, Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind, Serenity, DonPeyote, FordVsFerrari, NolansBatman trilogy, Arkham, Joker, Catwoman, Colossal, BatBabe, Daredevil, Elektra, WonderWoman, ISIS, My Super ExGirlfriend, Electra Woman & DynaGirl, Kick Ass, MysteriesOfTheUnseenWorld, 26.

RIPD, DeadPool, Green Lantern, 6 Underground, PaperMan, JupitersLegacy, FantasticFour, DarkAngel, VenusRising, JessicaJones, FleshGordon, Titans, DoomPatrol, SuicideSquad, Legion, Hancock, Watchmen, GuardiansOfTheGalaxy, MysteryMen, Super, Birdman, SuperBob, Punisher, TheCrow, IronMan, Thor, CaptainAmerica, Avengers, Antman, XMen, WandaVision, Hawkeye, SheHulk, Loki, WhatIf, NewMutants, Freaks, UmbrellaAcademy, GreenHornet, Darkman, WitchBlade, The Shadow 27.

Gotham, HarleyQuinn, BurtonsBatman, AnimatedBatman, Batgirl, Rocketeer, Krypton, Superman, Supergirl, V For Vendetta, SinCity, Divergent trilogy, Hunger Games, Chemical Wedding, Our Home, MyPsychedelicLoveStory, ConceivingAda, MondoHollywood, DMT, ShamansOfTheAmazon, PsychedlicSexKicks, PeyoteDreams, MDMA, Mescaline, MondoPsychedelia, HamiltonsPharmacopeia, MushroomPark, American Drug War, Guns And Weed, Firesign Theater, ItsNotYourfaultYoureStupid 28.

►King Arthur, Gulliver’s Travels, Warehouse 13, Lore, STRANGE ANGEL, The Shape Of Water, TimeWarp, Quantum Project, Dreamscape, ItalianJob, Snatch, RocknRolla, Casino, Wild At Heart, Lost In Oz, TheButterflyTree, TheVoid, FirstMenInTheMoon, Terminator 2070, TheChronicle, Jan Svankmajer, AliceInSpanishWonderland, MaliceInWonderland 30.

►Stuntwomen DoubleDare, EpicWarriorWomen, LastKingdom, ShutEye, Bloom, The 100, Little Fish, The Feed, Altered Carbon, I Am Mother, Ascension, Solaris, The Titan, Serenity, Ancient Mysteries, Animatrix, TheMandalaEffect, Renaissance, AnArtificialReality, TimeSlip, Platos Cave, Alien Messiah, Guide To Meditation, Sex&Broadcasting, TheLoveMachine, FLIPPIN RVs, HyperNormalisation, The Trial, Shadow Government, HitlersEscapeToArgentina, The Wave 31.

►OnceUponATime, TellMeAStory, Missions, NoGodsNoMasters, DarkWeb, Spielberg’s Taken, Buck Rogers, On The Beach, Master Of The World, ThePrisoner (remake), Morgan, HandmaidsTale (original), RepoMen, Eerie Indiana, Relic Hunter, Century Hotel, Odyssey5, TheSaltonSea, Fargo, Jason&TheArgonauts, Waterworld, TheTimeMachine, Kleptocrats, Americas Hidden Stories, Being John Malkovich 40.

►Girl’s Guide To 21st Century Sex, Kissing On The Mouth, Liberte, Versailles (tv), A Bigger Splash, Mosquito Coast, Casting Couch, Monogamish, Erotic Traveler (tv), Slutty Wives Club, Animated Spiderman x6, Time Travel, Making of Silent Running (doc) 49.

I Love Dick, The Sky At Night, Earth Moods, Cube trilogy, InterviewWithTheAssassin, TheTimeMachine, ManWithTheMagicBox, The Family Man, Journeyman (tv), MyFutureBoyfriend, Paradox x3, Starman x4, Amelia 2.0, LiveDieRepeat, Otherworld (tv), Thor, S Darko, YesterdayMachine, TalentedMrRipley, RoyalTenenbaums, Skycaptain, Political Assassination Of Don Siegelman, Libido The Urge To Love, SpiritOf76, 50.

Future Self, The One, Fortress, Resonance Beings Of Frequency, LoveFactor, Plurality, Time Chasers, Adventure Inc (tv), Mutant X (tv), Mirrors, Masters Of Illusion (tv), Magicians Life Of The Impossible, OurMagic, The Next Great Magician (tv), The Magicians (tv), DeathByMagic (tv), Magic Island, The Magicians House (tv), MagicMoments, Ken Kesey Magic Trip, Magic Mushrooms, MagicMedicine, Magic Door, Bureau Of Magical Things (tv), 51.

SUNRISE, TheWhitePrincess (tv), Metamorphoses, Superman RedSon, Doorways, 7 Days (tv), Eden Hotel, SubRosa, The Naked Wytche, Megalopolis, Cinderella, The Odyssey (tv), The Shakespeare Code, Illuminati, Lovers&OtherRelatives, Oldboy (remake), NudesInLimbo, TheScore, Superpower, Needle In A Timestack 60.

►Alicja, Swinging Wives, HalfSister FullLove, Naughty Nymphs, CantervilleGhost, Book Of Vision, Songs To Have Sex To, LuxÆterna, TheScythian, SandsOfOblivion, DeathOnTheNile, TimeTravellersWife (tv), FallingWater (tv), AmericanGigolo (tv), Alteration, NaturalWorld, WhoOwnsWater, Vanishing Of The Bees, Americans In Bed, ThreeDaysOfTheCondor, Thomas Crown Affair (original), PhantomOfTheOpera, WitchesOfEastEnd (tv), UniversalHorror (doc), LonChaney, MaeWest, JeanHarlow (docs), MarilynMonroe (docs x9), JayneMansfield (doc) 70.

►Night Of Magic, ClaraBow (doc), AgeOfBallyhoo, LouiseBrooks (doc & bio), Complicated Women, Freak Brothers, MaxFleischer (doc), CharlieChaplan (docs), Abbot&Costello (bio), Groucho (docs), StanLaurel (bio), DorothyDandrdge (doc), JosephineBaker (bio), Martin&Lewis (bio), RatPack (bio), DeanMartin (doc), MarionDavies (doc), Trumbo (docs), RememberWENN (tv), SarahBernhardt (doc), Monroe (docs), DianaDors (doc), BettiePage (doc), TempestStorm (doc), AvaGardner (doc), RitaHayworth (bios), MaryPickford (docs), SophiaLoren (doc), JudyGarland, HedyLamar (doc), Veritas, XMen pilot, Metamorphoses, Maximilian (tv), Mrs Fletcher (tv), Hung (tv), Family Fang, Bad Words, The Do Over 71.

►SilentNight, HowTheWestWasLost, FckForForest, Sherpa, Kaamelott, 13th, RipOffMadoffScammingAmerica, ClassAndCulture, Chronos, MapsPowerPlunderAndPossession, , Ava, VoyageOfTheDamned, GreatBarrierReef, SecretsOfTheForbiddenCity, FlyingV, Kosmos, BrusslesBusiness, ReturnToTreasureIsland, TheCorporateCoupDeTat, TheCorporation, AllGovernmentsLie, InDebtWeTrust, LebowskiFans, AmericanAutumn, AmericanCoup, Gia, MadTV (animated), Biosphere, SecondComingOfSuzanne, SondraLocke x5, SCOTTLAND x5, CouldYouSurviveInABreadline, WALES x2, IRELAND-Celts x31, CosmicDisclosure (GiaTv), 78

DreamRaider, Witcher, Spiderman Spiderverse, TheHitchiker (tv anthology), HitchhikersGuide (tv), BurningPalms, TwilightOfTheGods, BruceLee (doc), Psychedelica, Bates Motel, Ancient Apocalypse, Storybook, JOE PERA, 20000 Leagues Under The Sea (tv) 84.

►Birds Of Prey Huntress Batgirl, Animated GreenLantern x5, Animated Superman x2, Zatanna x3, LostInOz, TheInvisibleMan, TheDefenders, LaughingMan Joker, Spiderman NoWayHome, David Lynch (doc), TimeKid, 20000 Leagues Under The Sea, CatRun, Mindshock, OnceInABlueMoon, TheRealChaplin, TheLoft, KingArthur, LetsDoIt!, SamGiancana, JackRuby, PattyHearst, AynRand, Skynet, Antigone, Elektra, Oedipus, ShatnerInSpace, YesTheyreControllingOurMinds, 85.

►Natalie Wood (doc), Michael Caine (doc), Jane Fonda (doc), LennyBruce (bio), Bob Carol Ted & Alice, Cinderella x2, War & Peace, HiddenOrigins, DeepSpace, Initiation, Open Minds, Reminiscence, ThreeMuskateers, Sex Actually, KillerBimbos, GirlBombs, Pornorama, Playgirl, Tristan & Isolde, Camelot, Bonnie Prince Charlie, 93.

TheDirtyMindOfYoungSally, The Endgame, France, Theremin, TheElectricMan, The Fairy, FairytaleTrueStory, TinkerbellFairyRescue, TaleOfAFairy, TheFairyFaith, BurlesqueFairytales, Sex (film), Sex (tv), HansChristianAndersenMyLifeAsAFairyTale, PhilosophyInTheBoudoir, FairytaleCastlesOfKingLudwigII, L.FrankBaumOzFairylogue&RadioPlays, SexySisters, Emanuelle In Bangkok, Batbabe, AncientWorlds (tv), Transcendental Object At The End Of Time, Alien Dreamtime, AlchemicalDream Rebirth Of The Great Work, MarilynMonroe x18, GoodKingDagobert, 102.

Fantastic Beasts (x3), YouMeHer, Joysticks, Spaced, Spartacus, IAmDBCooper, PassionOfMind, JusticeLeagueXrwby, Oppenheimer, WizardsOfWaverlyPlace (x3), Ironheart, LootingHistory, Discontinued, Don’tWorryDarling, Dune, Simulant, , Reinos, Madrid1987, FADO, MastersOfScienceFiction, WhyOnEarth, HowToBlowUpAPipeline, TrutherIAmNotAConspiracyTheorist, JFK, StarfleetAcademy, Nightwing (tv), TimeBandits, ShiverOfTheVampires, Pandorum,, HistoryOfTheWorldPtII, 111.

Daisies, JonathanStrange&MrNorrell, Rubber, PearlsOfTheDeep, SwallowsAndAmazons (x5), MagicFlute (x2), TheBorrowers (x5), BedknobsAndBroomsticks, SerpentOfTheNile, StarTrekOdyssey, Warehouse13, HoratioHornblower (x9), AmericanHistoryX, EmbraceOfTheSerpent, TheFlash, TheNymph, ThreeMusketeers, StarTrekCaptainsSummit, Cuties, Homegrown, LiquidTV, Swing, BeyondTheValleyOfTheDolls, JohnTuckerMustDie, MagnaCharta, AGoodOldFashionedOrgy, FutureOfWorkAndDeath, WaltWhitman (doc), 115.

North, DEFCON-4, Toomorrow, LeCoupleTemoin, Schizopolis, ModFuckExplosion, OrphanBlackEchoes, AKnightOfTheSeven Kingdoms, BlueEyeSamurai, AnaisNin (x2), Shogun (x2), MarleneJobert (x10), Illuminati, Marlowe, Beacon23, Nausicaa, TheYoungNurses, Primal, SallyKirkland, JohnLear, CriesOfEcstasyBlowsOfDeath, StandingUp, 120.

►Eric Rohmer (x8), Teenage Hitchhikers, Suntan, CannabisAndCancer, LoveIt-LeaveIt, Darwin, KingAndConqueror, OliverTwist, Code8-II, TheHobbit, SurvivingExtinction, CosmicFront, Eco-Terrorist, Tesla, DoctorsOfTheDarkSide, EnchantedApril, SiliconCowboys, XMen97, TheAssissinationOfTrotsky, 4Presidents, ProjectSERPO, ClosedCircuit, PromisedLand, FantasticBritain, NeonHeartache, RebelMoonII, IvoryTower, TheLoveStatue, SurvivingTheHolocaust, Camille2000, BenjaminSniddlegrassAndTheCauldronOfPenguins, PeppermintSoda, DoNoHarm, IMarriedAStrangePerson, Batman (x2), GoingOM, SevenWondersOfTheWorld, NeuronsToNirvana, StoryOfFoodWaste, SchoolForUnclaimedGirls, TheAlleyCats, 124.

► GarbagePailKids, ThePassSystem, Ghostkiller, BeforeColombus (x3), LivingWithLeopards, WrongIsRight, BringMeTheHeadOfAlfredoGarcia, TheDivineNymph, TheArrow, TwiceToldTales, TheLostWorld, 4-DMan, TheWorldsGreatestFair, TheNest, AnimalFarm, Aggie, Sirocco, Napoleon, Charly, FlowersForAlgernon, BoraBora, TheBigFix, DustOfTheStars, DeathOfABeaurocrat, StoryOfDCComics, HiddenCity, F-IsForFake, WatchersInTheWoods, InvadersOfTheLostGold, JFKSinatraMafia, SpiritsOfTheAirGremlinsInTheClouds, ManWhoBroke1000Chains, BankOfDave, PhilTippett, Trashi, AndroidApocalypse, HotWivesClub, Pervertigo, KingOfArcades, 129.

►Classic Halloween fun type stuff is everywhere ie: 20, 49-50. Newer listings are 58-66, 69-71, 89, 93, 97, 99, 102-103, 105-106, 110-111, 115, 120, 129-131. This includes offbeat cartoons.

Illusion 13-14, 22, 29-30, 38, 42, 45, 51, 63, 68, 75, 94-95. Houdini 68, 72. Ricky Jay, Penn & Teller 22. Derren Brown 30.

-100 Years Of Horror 99, Dark Shadows 56-58. Lovecraft 85. Grimm 10, 23, 57, 66, 86, 89, 96, 99. Lon Chaney 66, 70. Karloff, Lugosi, 22, 41, 45, 53. Erzibet Bathory 13, 68. Mary Shelley 21, 45, 48, 61-64, 68, 77, 88. Poe 22, 43, 53, 66, 88, 110. Vlad 68. Bruce Campbell 25, 64, 77, 85. Richard O’Brien 1, 64. Romero, Hooper 64. Cassandra Peterson as Elvira 34, 58, 60, 70 which was supposed to be Maila Nurmi as Vampira 65 but the studio stole Maila’s intellectual property & applied it to the persona renamed Elvira instead, changing just enough to keep Maila from winning her lawsuits for infringement & plagiarism. Precisely what they’re doing with Roddenberry’s intellectual property now, but he’s too dead to sue anyone.

Full Metal Alchemist 39, 45. All 16 Ghost In The Shell items 72-73. CowBoyBeBop 72. All 23 Lupin III tv movies 76 from 1971-2019 including the original show 73 & film 77. About 500 titles of various anime styles 35, 40, 54, 58, 61, 69, 87, 94-96, 105, 128, 132. Big cluster -► 72-77, 79 ranging from elevated narrative & progressive topics to outlandish nonsense. Those with links listed 1st flowing into those that need link contributions.

Heists, Hoaxes, Cons & Revenge 1-9, 14, 18-22, 28-37, 39-43, 45-46, 51, 57-59-61, 63, 65-67, 69, 71, 79, 84-85, 88, 92-96, 98-99, 103, 105, 129, 131. ►Bonnie & Clyde 51, 59.

Simon Bolivar 52, 131. Che Guevara 54. Sacco & Vanzetti 38. El Lute 39. Jacques Mesrine 32, 124. Lucio Flavio 40. Ramirez Sanchez 55. Lagartijo 97.

Lady Chatterley 3, 43, 101-102, Madame Bovary 35, 56, 131. Fanny Hill 14, 131. Moll Flanders 39, 57. Mata Hari 38, 120. Don Juan 105. Casanova 50, 68, 70. The Good Witch 55.

Native Americans: Sitting Bull, Geronimo, Hiawatha, AIM, Sacagawea, Pocahontas 19, 23, 25, 40, 55-57, 64, 78, 87-88, 96, 98, 103, 129.

British Isles, Ireland, Scotland, Henry VIII, Tudors, Stuarts, Plantagenets, Lancasters, Yorks, etc. 11-12, 30, 35, 38, 40, 47, 55, 57-60, 66-68, 70, 72, 78-82, 84-85, 87-88, 93, 95-97, 99, 103-104, 106, 129-131.

Boudica 44. Temujin- Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, Marco Polo 51. Tibet 12-13. Australia, New Zealand, 34, 85, 88, 96, 98.
-Romany (Gypsies) 14, 38, 59, 88, 93, 99, 130.

Civilization 31, 33, 40-41, 44, 54 57-58, 68-69, 78, 84, 95, 99-100, 102-103, 105. Hannibal- Carthage 25, 54, 104.
-Egypt 12, 24-26, 32, 34, 47, 54, 58, 61, 68-70, 80, 87, 95, 99.
-Cleopatra 24-25, 80, 90, 120. Alexander The Great 24, 120.
-Greece 13, 24-25, 31, 40-44, 47, 57, 60-61, 68-69, 72, 79, 81, 84-85, 97, 99, 103, 110, 115, 120, 124, 131. Hypatia, Titans, Vikings, Spartacus 25, 68, 74, 79, 84, 96, 101, 110, 120, 131.

-Rome 25, 38, 43-44, 47, 53-54, 56-57, 65-66, 68-69, 79, 84, 97-98, 105, 115.

Had this utterly unoriginal parasitic robber culture- *that stole everything from those it committed atrocities against*- died in its crib, the world would be a better place. Before Rome there was Light. After Rome darkness. That's why it's called The Dark Ages. It did much to destroy the sum total of knowledge & technology of the ancient world. Do as Lennon suggested & *Imagine* none of it happened. Seriously.

►If Psychedelics are your trip, go to 26, 28-29, 51, 58-60, 83-84, 90, 96-97, 99, 102-103, 124.

►Ridiculed Forbidden sciences & hardened subversive journalism 2-4, 11-13, 31, 33-34, 36, 40, 42, 44-70, 72, 77-88, 90, 93-95-105, 110-111, 120, 124, 127-131, which features such topics as:

JFK, 911, corporatism, imperialism, not so secret societies, secret space programs, secret science, elitism, brainwashing, oligarchy, anarchism, poisoning of the food supply, fluoridation of water, planned obsolescence, The Murrah Building, money as debt, money & politics as tools of slavery, the foreign corporation which isn't part of the U.S. or the government- known as The Fed, Break Away Civilizations, the U.N.'s Agenda 21, The FDA's Codex Alimentarius, Big Pharma, the endless government staged public shootings upon its own people for the war on the 2nd Amendment (real people would target government & corporations - not their own - only fascists would target ordinary people in ordinary places - the most Liberal thing a person can do is arm themselves to keep the government frightened - government has -no right- to arm, armor, militarize & defend itself against its own citizens. Government only has a privilege to serve the people who created it & be very frightened that privilege will be revoked in order to replace it with anything better when it can no longer justify itself. Free Love, Sexual Freedom, alternative lifestyles, Nudism, Swinging, Genetic Sexual Attraction, censorship, revisionism, et. al. and more via Gia, EarthFiles, TheOtherSideOfMidnight, DarkJournalist, Rense, Qwaym, etc. Avoid hatespeech type areas as well as yootoob, which is not a valid content delivery medium. There are better non-centralized, non-monetized independently reviewed sources that don't push unconstitutional mentally ill uncivilized backwards unevolved fascist right wing agendas & religion that taints & hijacks information. The rhetoric of this list is that it's odd. But not that kind of odd.

UFOs-Ancient Astronauts 2-4, 12, 31, 33-34, 40-41, 44, 47, 51-52, 54-55, 57, 59-61, 64, 69, 72, 79-80, 86-88, 93, 96, 103-106, 124, 129.

Secret Science 1-4, 12, 33, 37-38, 47, 50-51, 54, 61, 65, 78.
-Health, Food & Water, Rogue Science 13, 15, 40-41, 44-45, 53-54, 56, 61, 65, 67, 70, 79, 86-87, 94-95, 99, 101, 103-105, 110-111, 120, 124, 128, 131-132. Big Pharma 42, 54, 69.

Corporatism-Privatization 12-13, 15, 40, 48, 51, 54, 60, 78, 85, 103, 110, 120, 127-129.
-Money-Greed 6, 12-13, 40, 43-44, 50-52, 56, 58-61, 69, 78, 88, 94, 97, 127-129.

Reincarnation & Death 12-13, 18-21, 28, 34, 37-38, 42, 44, 47, 49-50, 54, 57, 59, 64, 66-69, 72, 80, 87-88, 101. Anti-Religion 1, 13, 36, 69, 105, 128.

Mind Control 1-3, 12-13, 31-32, 37, 40, 46-48, 51-62, 64, 72, 77-78, 80, 85-86, 103-104, 115.

JFK 2, 29, 31, 38, 44, 50-51, 53, 80, 85, 87, 111, 124, 129.
-Revisionism 1-3, 11-13, 36, 44, 50-51, 53-61, 69, 71, 78-79, 84, 86, 93, 95, 111, 124, 127-129. Political atrocities 2-3, 8, 11, 13, 18-19, 22, 31-34, 36-38, 40-43-44, 46-48, 50-51, 53-59-60, 66, 77-78, 87-88, 95-97, 99-105, 110, 115, 120, 124, 127-129, 131.

Hefner-Flint-Free Speech, Dissent 1, 3, 12-13, 29, 36, 40, 45, 47-50, 52-59, 61, 65, 67, 78, 80, 85, 87, 93, 95-97, 100, 102-105, 111, 127-129. Anarchism 2-3, 13, 33, 36, 38, 40, 93, 110-111, 124, 129. Subgenius 19. Carlin 59, 98, 115. George Noory 95. Barry Crimmins 129. Cheech&Chong 131.

Where possible, effort is made to locate social-nature docs at the bottom or top of pages.

Drive-Ins 40, 43, 53. Cinema 1, 14, 30-31, 34, 41, 45, 50, 53-54, 56-59, 65-66, 69-72, 78-80, 82, 84, 86-87, 93, 96-99, 103, 120, 131.
-Cars 26, 31, 34, 44-45, 67, 69, 72, 77, 82, 84, 86-89, 91, 96-98, 111, 115, 124, 130.
-Music 1, 12, 29, 36, 40, 47-48, 61-63, 68-70, 78-81, 88, 91-92, 95, 97, 99, 102-103, 105-106, 110, 115, 129-130. Cirque 30.

Cats 11, 33, 40, 46, 57, 64, 67-70, 72, 96, 99-100, 104, 129. Cartoons 44, 49, 52, 54, 59-64, 66-67, 69, 71, 85, 94-97, 103-104, 111, 115, 128, 131-132.

There’s also plenty of stuff about & by artists & photographers:
29, 39-41, 45-47, 51, 53, 57-59, 67, 69, 71-72, 78, 80, 82-84, 86-87, 93-94, 96-100, 103, 105, 111, 120, 129.
Renoir 3. Seraphine 42. Giger 17. Lumiere 39. Melies 71, 80. Arbus 71. Serrano 59. Bunny Yeager 55, 89. Klimt, Shiele, Gauguin, Warhol 37, 55, 95. Frida Kahlo 8, 96, 98, 100, 124. Dali 50. Rembrandt 51. Botticelli 84, 131. Estes, Gentileschi 58. Louis Wain 64. Ron English 78. Vasulkas 86. Bronzino 47. Van Gogh 87, 97. Oscar Domínguez 94. Tina Modotti 96. MARJORIE CAMERON 30, 97. Chick Strand 97. Stan Brakhage 97. Jonas Mekas 98. Yoko Ono 98. Cocteau 47, 97. Picasso 98-99. LeBrun 100. Escher 100. Klimt 100. ROSALEEN NORTON 100. Caravaggio 101. Maya Deren 120.
Hard science & pop science such as Mythbusters 29. Bill Nye 30. CERN 58. Isaac Newton 51. Oppenheimer 78, 111, 115. Invisible Worlds, 78. Absolute Zero 86. Catalyst, Through The Wormhole 99. Naked Science 105. A Brief History Of Time 115. Darwin, Cosmic Front 124. Stem Cells, Edge Of All We Know 131.

►A complete guide of actors & directors would be ridiculous, but if you're familiar with their works, then you'll recognize art & titles.

►Among them: Jordorowsky 16. Gilliam 20-21, 23, 129. Lynch 18-21, 35-36, 51, 85, Cronenberg 5, 19, 39, Ken Russell 1, 9, 13, 16, 58-59, Godard 1, 16, 49, 100, 120, Guy Maddin 18, 34, Kubrick 16, 19, 29, 44, 68, Fellini 1, 43, 51, 89, 97, Pasolini 1, 9, 13, 15, 91, Uwe Bole 22, Louis Malle 5, 9, 11, 15, 43, Araki 7, 18, 20, Bertolucci 10, 11, Aronofsky 18-19, Lang 15, Anger 37, 43, 53, 97, Tarantino 4, 7-8, 14, 20, 55, 84, 99, Linklater 8, Nolan 18, D’Amato 10, 36, 60, 90, Argento 8-9, 19, 24, 53, Brass 1, 15, 29, 34, 39, 102, Gainsbourg 9, 35, 41, 65, 104, Beson 15, 17, 23, 48, 52, Bennett 10, Theroux 8, 44, 46, 49, Eustache 44, Corman 14, 48, 53, 64, Russ Meyer 14, 57, Von Trier 38, Sarno 14, 91, 100, Hamilton 10, Pallardy 10, Mel Brooks 13, 61 111, Salvatore Samperi 61, Greenaway 6, 13, 18-20, 37, Burton 61, Herschell Gordon Lewis 83, Hooper 19, 64, Romero 64, Trumbo 18, 71, Doris Wishman 13, 83, Woody Allen 4, 104, Coppola 18, Wes Anderson 40, 47, 50, 86, Carl Mayer 60, Smith 1, 19, Paul Leni 66, RKelly 18-19, 50, Carpenter 16-18, Laemmle, 65-66, James Whale 45, Ritchie 30, Peckinpah 35, 129, Donner 48, Spielberg 16, 18, 20, 41, Barry Mahon 89, Levinson 19, Mamet 19, Trumbull 16, Altman 1, Ernst Hofbauer 13-14, 91, Bogdanovich 95, Scorsese 98, Curtis Harrington 23, 38, 97, Casey Malone 49, Francois Ozon 105, Lucile Hadzihalilovic 131, Torgny Wickman 131, Maxwell Anderson, Boorman, Dante, Miller, DePalma, Larson, Polanski, Kinski, Stone, Landis, Directors works are scattered since they tend to be grouped by content, genre & actor.

This list cannot be alphabetized, however it's easy to find a name simply by pressing keys -CTRL F- on your browser to bring up search box & enter the name. Wah-La. Easy as pie. Personally, I prefer to copy & paste stuff. Keeps the highlighted text from jumping around.

►Some are: Swinton 6, 8, 15, 17-21, 23, 28, 49, 67, 86, 88, 101, Collette 5-6, 26, 46, 86, 104, Winslet 6, 8-9, 21, 28, 66, 68, 98, Binoche 3, 8, 43, 46, 85, Delpy 8, 10, 13, 36, 85, Beart 36, 105, Bisset 36, 59, 90, 104, Tatou 36, Mirren 3, 11, 24-26, 37, 46, 49, 63, 66, 68, 85, 93, VanHouten 9, 19, JCollins 36, 47, RWright 18-20, 23, 26, 39, 52, EDWIGE FENECH 10, 35, 56, 61, Kingston 39, 44, 51, 57, Deneuve 1. 3, 39, 60. 71 92, JJL 2, 4, 15, 18, 55, 84, 103, RobinWilliams 6, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 88, Krige 2, 8, Birkin 37, 41, 70, 90, 104, LouDoillon 104, Gainsbourg 5, 9, 35, 70-71, 100, 104, H Hunter 5, 18-19, 88, Ornella Muti 2, 42, 60, 66. 90, Hudson 5, 66, Goldie 14, 32, Hayek 1, 3, 7-8, 14, 23, 29, DLane 6, 17, 51, 97, SBennett 7, 10, ZPalmer 7, 17, JRichardson 3, 15, 17, 19, 24, 46, 48, 61, 72, 88, Tomei 5, 7, Hope Davis 4, 5, 21, 62, Baccarin 2, 27, 31, 70, 84, 88, 102, Dyer 6, 41, Kinski 7, 51, 70, 98-99, Pfeiffer 2, 13, 19, 23, 27-28, 36, 58, 97, Carol Kane 3, 7, 9, 45, 88, Rossellini 19, 31, 36, 53, 55-58, 60, P Arquette 8, 21, ML Parker 26-27, 85, E Green 19, 26, 58, 91, 93, JLewis 5, 7, 21, 53, 96, Statham 5-6, 14, 52, 54, 65, Weisz 4, 6, 9, 18, 23, 25, 34, 55, 66, Harrelson 3, 7, 14, 19, 62, 85, JMoore 5, 19, 20, 24, 55, 80, 106, OChaplin 37, S Weaver 4, 8, 17-18, 23, 64, CAMoss 4, 8, 15-16, 18, 20, 27, 40, 45, 87, Barkin 4, Beckinsale 4, 8, 13, 21, 23, 57, 61, 71, I Fisher 5-6, 18, 23, Kreuk 17-19, 23-24, 99, OliviaWilliams 8, 17, 40, 41, Hathaway 23, 26-28, 98-99, Russo 4, 27, Carroll Baker 34, 106, Grier 14, Greer 6, 24-25, 34, 104, Hemingway 9, 34, Winnick 6, 20, Shue 7, 14, 49, 68, Whitaker 8, Posey 14, Bellucci 9, 15, 23, 29, 100, Vikander 16, 52, 54, 68, JLadd 2, 18, 20, Braga 33, BMurray 1, 6, 8, 18, 21-22, 30, 36, 40, 64, 86, 88, Walken 4, 6-8, 16, 19, 47, 53, 68, 92, Linney 4, 37, 41, 57, PSHoffman 4-5, 12, 19, 71, 80, DeVito 3-4, 28, 87, LBlair 44, 96, Burton 10, Garcia 7, 40, Watts 1, 6, 19, 23, 27-28, 53, Connery 16, 25, 93, 97, 129, Heston 16, Hopper 4, 14-15, 20, 40, 42, S Neill 16-18, 24, 25, 53-54, 68, 88, SadieFrost 16, 53, Willis 14, 17, 19-22, 26, 28, 48, 57, 94, MMcDowell 1, 6. 16, 18, 23, 25-26, 54, 90, 92-93, Thornton 9, 14, 57, Pitt 6, 19-20, 24, Ricci 4, 7, 37, 61, 66, 96, Rockwell 11, 17, 19, 26, 43, 63, Lucy Liu 7, 20, 53, 55, 79, 87, MGriffith 4, 115, Keough 5, 52-53, 59, Jane March 14, Ryder 6, 16, 20, 53, 61, Seimetz 16, 18, 41, 49, 53, K Lenz 15, 27, 55, DAngelo 1, 53, Friel 6, 17, 23, 53, 68, Morgan Saylor 15, G Anderson 4-5, 16, 93, 98, BFonda 4, 7, 22-23, 36, 84, Mol 15, 44, 53, Barrymore 5-6, 23, Baldwin 4, 6, 8, 26-27, 61, 87, 92, Bale 4, 6, 8, 15, 22, 26, Polley 6, 20, 58, Sophie Lowe 5, 19, 40, Olesya Rulin 5, Pacino 4-5, 16, 30, 85, 92, JKing 5, 99, Ryan 4, HGraham 5, 8, 15, 35, 58, 66-67, 87, Silverstone 5, 8, 28, Chastain 6, 19, 23, 29, 53, 78, KTurner 5, 9, 23, 25, 62, KellyHu 7, 31, 52, Severance 15, 53, Hampshire 5, 33, Milano 6, TFitzgerald 55, 68, Wasikowska 18-19, 55-56, 85, Mia Goth 19, 39, Fairchild 6, 27, Kidman 19, 22, 71, Cornish 17, 19-20, 26, Mimi Rogers 8, 22, 55, 84, Bello 6, Sobieski 7, 15, 19, 85, Hopkins 5, 7, 16, 19, 25, 27, 31, 36, 88, 93, TatianaMaslany 8, 15, SylviaKristel 10, 38, 55-56, 131, Liv Tyler 9, 16, 24, 95, Amy Adams 8, 16, 55, 71, 80, NGWagner 8, JConnelly 9, 15, 18, RMara 16, 19, Woodley 19, 28, KELLY MACDONALD 7, 11, 20, 23-24, 26, 42, 53, 66, 88, Lopez 9, LauraGemser 10, 60, MariaBonnevie 11, Brewster 6, Argento 8-9, 24, 58, Sandler 8, 21, 23, 62, 71, 90, Flockhart 7, 13, Newman 4-5, JLawrence 8, 17, 19, 27-28, 32, 53, 88, TeresaPalmer 12, 17, 23, EmilyMortimer 6, 24, 55, 106, LolitaDavidovich 7, Paltrow 3, 21, 27, 50, 71, VivianWu 6, 18, 20, AyaCash 7, Vanity 32, BoDerek 38, 46, Judd 5, 10, 28, MoonBloodgood 8, 25, 61, MGeorge 19, 37, 46, Heche 92, Maya Thurman Hawke 6, 20, Thurman 15, 20, 28, 30, 55, DHannah 20, 55, 68, 92, 98, Halle Berry 14, 27-28, 41, 55, 124, Alba 24, 27-28, 37, MadeleineStowe 20, KellyReilly 53, 70, 88, BettiePage 29, 43-44, 55, 71, Bateman 2, 5, 20, 41, 71, Daddario 19-20, 34, 53, 94, Blanchett 8, 20, 24, 47, 57, 61, 86, 93, 106, Blunt 8, 19-21, 23, 63, 68, DeNiro 5, 11, 19-20, 30, 88, 106, JStiles 10, 35, 42, 44, 57, Wuhrer 42, Constance Wu 8, 22, 55, Depp 1, 6, 8, 16, 22-24, 26, 35, 50, 61, 70, 92, Edgely 40, 131, J Biel 6, 20, CBell 55, Buscemi 7, 23, 53, 80, Morton 4, 16, 20, Downey 8, 19, 27, MDouglas 19, 22, 25, 27, 45, STurner 26-27, 53, 94, Julie Andrews 23, 46, 93, 99, Cage 3, 5, 8, 15, 18, 20, 22-23, 25, 43, Saldana 1, 18, 27, 84, Applegate 2, 105, 131, Giamatti 6, 9, 57, 68, Brosnan 8, 25, 88, 103, Sienna Miller 19, 23, 46, 104, Reynolds 7, 16, 27, S Stone 8, 17, 25, 45, 66, 70, Keaton 27-28, 55, Arterton 2, 19, 23, 88, Lori Petty 7, 23, 46, ZoeKazan 6, 16 Renner 23, 27, Dunst 24, 26-27, 55, 71, Lively 21, 26-27, C Hendricks 1, 18-19, 62, Hudgeons 5, 20, 25, Moretz 17, 19, 26, 58, 64, Clive Owen 9, 15, 19, 28, Gina Nolan 25, Kendrick 26, 46, 62, Sean Young 16, 20, 55, 66, 89, 98, Portman 17, 20, 27-28, 47, 104, Claudia Black 15, 17, 31, 41, 65, DANA PLATO 36, 81, ERWood 1, 5, 16, 29, Basinger 27-28, 61, 64, 93, Forlani 1, 19, 36, 55, 93-94, Cruz 3, 105, TNewton 16, 19, BaiLing 19, 35, 56, 96, DFanning 9, 17, 20, 64, 84, MQualley 3, 20, 95, 104, JamieChung 20, 35, 84, SydneRome 39, Appleby 2, 15, 98, 105, SashaGrey 15, 19, 56-58, Jovovich 11, 17, 48, 106, Hawkins 8, 30, ClaireDanes 19, 23, 36, StephanieLeonidas 58, Chriqui 31, 56, 78, 85, 99, Bel Powley 13, 57, ElizabethCervantes 57, BCooper 8, 17, 88, Valentina Cervi 58, Theresa Russell 36, 47, 58-59, CEvans 15, 27, Embeth Davidtz 16, 64, Laila Robins 36, 96, Bean 25-26, 37, 87, 93, ZoeKravitz 57, 99, NoraArnezeder 58, RoxaneDurane 58, Kunis 2, 17, 29, 94, MCaine 8, 26, 39, 87, 93, 97-98, 105, Marling 17, Lake Bell 19, 84, Sydney Sweeney 10, 58, Glenne Headly 8, Wiig 16, Addison Timlin 4, 16, Hera Hilmar 26, Ringwald 36, KRitter 27, 85, 99, Tanya Roberts 24, Debbie Harry 20, Michelle Phillips 3, HannaMarks 3, Inbar Lavi 3, Emily Meade 36, 84, 95, SherylLee 36, Nicholson 7, 28, 53, 64, 98, Hahn 3, 50, 71, Brit Robertson 36, 62, 72, 105, HannahMurray 20, 66, Bardot 41, 43, 65, SukiWaterhouse 20, AbigailSpencer 20, DeArmas 34, 66, 103, Alexa Davalos 20, Tierney 66, JaimeMurray 25, 58, LilyCollins 4, Martha Higareda 31, 57-58, Browning 20, 66, CharlotteLebon 58, Brooke Shields 11, 29, JodieComer 16, 43, 60, LAURA ANTONELLI 60, 94, 100, 129, Ekland 39, 59, 93, Agostina Belli 61, Sinise 15, 19-20, A OToole 66, P OToole 8, 68, 98, 106, Ewa Aulin 61, CHAPLIN 51, 71, 85, Isabelle Adjani 66, Dunaway 40, 70, 78, Amy Smart 33, 65, MurielCatala 66-67, DanaDelaney 67, 96, SaffronBurrows 6, 8, 21, 24, 37, 67, ChowYunFat 65-66, Minnie Driver 67, SarahGadon 68-69, NRichardson 21, 40, 66, Annabelle Wallis 68, 78, RoseLeslie 70, LizzieBrochere 70, Roth 18, 85, 92, Aykroyd 64, 86, VimalaPons 71, IndiaMenuez 3, 15, 71, ChiaraMastroianni 71, ChristaTheret 3, 71, Pegg 4, 18, 62, MONROE 29, 39, 53, 70-71, 87, 97, 102, HEDY LAMARR 3, 71, LolaCreton 3, 71, GROUCHO 71, Oberon 84, CLARA BOW 3, 71, Solene Rigot 3, 71, Soledad Miranda 39, FrancesConroy 26, 57, 72, 106, MollyParker 61, 70, 72, Mabry 48, 87, SBlair 61-62, 84, Lindy Booth 40, SondraLocke 78, Gershon 7, 19, 34, 53, 85, FionaDourif 3, 80, Belinda Lee 84, Goldblum 4, 25, 67, 70, 88, 100, KatyaBerger 9-10, VMadsen 9, 58, 84, Swanson 36, 62, 88, 131, JanetMcTeer 6, 20, 23, 27-28, 41, 67, 85, 95, JBridges 78, 80, Goodman 6, 18, 80, Mia Sara 30, 84-85, 98, JMalone 18, 20, 95, JTemple 20, 66, Leah Cairns 20, 85, 131, Fenn 85, Rachael Taylor 27, 85, Findlay 15, 23, 32, TRACHTENBERG 18-19, Amira Casar 49, DianaDors 2, 71, ErinMoriarity 34, 62, CFisher 17, 19, 31, 62, Mansfield 1, 70, 93, EmmaStone 27, 62, 88, DakotaJohnson 19, 49, 91, MikeMeyers 1, 62, 64, Gellar 19, 23, Mann 18, 62, Tunney 17, 62, 69, Deutch 18, 62, Ronan 19, 22, 86, Plaza 4, 62-63, 90, 96, 105, CPlummer 20, 36, 93, 97, NikkiReed 4-5, BryceHoward 18, 25, 57, DMoore 7, 15, 87, 92, AliciaWitt 36, 58, 85, Catherine Bach 30, KatharineIsabelle 6, 58, Aselton 19, 40, VictoriaPratt 14, 18, 25, 51, Agutter 16, Whirry 21, 101, ChristinMilioti 20, 43, TLords 15, 44, 62, Lawless 23, 25, Punch 29, 62, Damon 4, 8, 18, 20, 42, MegTilly 5, 87, 98, LDern 18, 25, 30, BDern 16, PazVega 8, 11, 84-85, MRodriguez 36, 87, JimCarey 4, 21, 37, 62, 87, FreyaAllan 41, 69, 84, KGillan 69, 88, Heady 26, 29, 69, Thirlby 4, 29, MichelleFairley 26, 60, Paquin 2, 6, OConnor 14, 56, ElizaSwensen 88, EmmaThompson 13, 88, SamaraWeaving 63, 89, CFarrell 4, 19, HayleyAtwell 4, 65, 93, Diaz 22, 87, SophiaLoren 90, ReneBond 90, ErinBrown 90-91, 96, KristinScottThomas 91 95, 106, Preston 3, 89, TanyaAllen 91, MoiraKelly 5, 51, 92, Steenburgen 25, 87, 95, Hershey 98, LANA WOOD 93, Middleton 93, DyanCannon 31, 93, LilyJames 93, ValeriePerrine 93, GaiteJansen 36, 93, MariluHenner 93, FEMI BENUSSI 94-95, Riseborough 93, VictoriaAbril 93-94, 104, Monaghan 19, 88, INGRID STEEGER 95, SybillDanning 95, AlisonPill 95, SaskiaReeves 68, 95, AngelaSarafyan 16, 96, ElsaPataky 97, Nadiuska 131, KarenAllen 25, 50, 88, AnnabellaSciorra 18, 57, VFarmiga 87, 98, Winger 98, LindaFiorentino 1, 98, R Arquette 98-99, ElodieBouchez 16, 70, 102, SophieAubrey 99, MarinaFois 71, 99, MarleeMaitlin 99, JulieChristie 100-101, MarieJoseeCroze 18, 102, VirginieLedoyen 102, LolaNaymark 102, CharlotteBest 97, CarolBouquet 102, SandyJohnson 102, Spaak 104, AngelaMolina 102-103, DaphnePatakia 103, Agata Buzek 103, FrankaPotente 104, Rampling 102, 104, ClioGoldsmith 104, Clooney 6-7, 9, 14, 17-18, 26, 31, JennyTamburi 131, AnneBennent 131, BarboraBobulova 96, Zima 62, 104, Price, Lee, G Butler, Hardy, Nolte, Cleese, Hackman, Redford, Dafoe, Stevenson, Kingsley, Robbins, Macey, Astin, JHurt, DSutherland, Fishburne, Oldman, DelToro, Sarsgaard, etc.

★ Some actors works that aren’t listed here are instead listed here: Comedy

There are different ways to group things. Quite often seemingly unrelated things do have something in common. Most of the time it's either content, actor, genre, director, or era- so there are entire pages or clusters that are related in some way. But there are also obvious hard breaks in content since there has to be.
It's informative to see the ability to make films decline starting circa 2017 since new filmmakers are often dumbed down & incompetent. It's a dying art. Digital abuse & social engineering = bad mojo.

★ Some have become so undervalued & rare that they’re now obscure. Others have frustrated me by not having links, so it’s a mixed bag of peculiarity.

★ There’s certainly some z-grade cheese here, but also some pretty odd stuff too. Cross pollination happens.

★ Various titles to look into.
A lot have been found. Some haven’t.
Go find them & add some links. ¸¸.•¨

A note: Some films have no photo or maybe no synopsis but do indeed have links.

● Contributors cannot magickally have links for everything just because a page for it exists since contributors don’t make the pages. Software does that, not people, since it is mirroring IMDB & TVmaze. Software makes the pages, posts the pics, does all the work. It’s all automated.


● Only later are links placed WHEN POSSIBLE. Some things are very rare & hard to find. If you are unwilling to contribute the link yourself, then you’re out of luck.

● Do not type ANYTHING on the show page. This means do not ask for, request, hint around or otherwise whine about links or requests on a show page EVER. Do NOT do this.

● The first rule of Link Club is:
you don’t make posts on show pages about Link Club. In other words, keep your requests to yourself. Do NOT make requests, demands or otherwise. This is a private site that has free access. You are in someone else’s house. For free. Be civil.

Sometimes (but not always) the only accepted link providers for this domain are Vimeo, Dailymotion & the accursed corporate monotized toobsite. If perchance that’s the way it is, then use your search options & good luck to you in finding treasure from the playlists.

This list isn’t a portal to a toob site. If you dig those sites, go there. Use their search to find what you want & stay. This list is for actual downloadable movies & shows. Videos that cannot be found easily. This list doesn’t exist to generate traffic for sites that stream only with no option to download. Care is given that anything originally listed is connected to a DOWNLOADABLE post.

Toob site link hijacking should be disabled since linking to those sites will guarantee that posts from a valid DOWNLOAD host will NEVER appear on the front page- preventing fans from knowing when brand new posts are made. It's not rocket science. Those who prefer downloading over streaming are invited to discourage toob sites.

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Posted: 3 years ago

191 favorites


TV Show: Angels of Death ( 2018 )
Thirteen-year old Rachel awakens to find herself trapped in the basement of an abandoned building. Without any memories, or even a clue as to where she could be, she wanders the building, lost and dizzy. In her search, she comes across a man covered in bandages. He introduces himself as Zack and he wields a grim-reaper like sickle. A strange bond is struck between them, strengthened by strange, crazy promises. These two, trapped in this strange building, don't know why fate has placed them there. But they will work together desperately to find a way out.
TV Show: Harukana Receive ( 2018 )
The story takes place in Okinawa, where Haruka forms a beach volleyball pair with Kanata. Kanata, who couldn't handle the pressure put on her by her short height, had given up on beach volleyball already but is convinced by Haruka to step back on the sand once again and aim for the junior tournament.
TV Show: Aguu: Genius Dolls ( 2018 )
There are definitely the following kinds of people around you: leaders, entrepreneurs, superstars, and prodigies. Even if you work hard, there is no way you can reach the level that they are on. These people are referred to as ‘geniuses'. However, these geniuses all have one thing in common. That's right! They all have ‘that' with them. It's something that they can never tell the common masses about. It's called…Aguu!!Ai is an average girl who is a dancer that you could find just about anywhere. Her best friend Machi is discovered to be a genius dancer thrusting Ai into depression. However, one day Ai learns the ‘secret' behind her talent. All of it stems from evil magic that created the existence of palm-sized angels known as ‘Aguu'. Whomever has an Aguu becomes a genius among the masses. In order to save Machi who has become a tailor, one who creates Aguu, Ai becomes a savior; one who has risen in opposition against tailors for generations.
TV Show: Phantom in the Twilight ( 2018 )
Set in modern day London, the story takes place in a world where "Shadows" are born from human fear and anxiety. A young girl arrives to study abroad, only to be caught in a bizarre incident as she enters university. In a city with no acquaintances, the helpless girl wanders into "Café Forbidden," a mysterious café that exclusively opens at midnight. She meets an assortment of handsome men employed at the café, where guardians who protect the boundary between humans and shadow convene.
TV Show: Tsukumogami Kashimasu ( 2018 )
The series is set during the Edo period, in the Fukagawa ward of old Edo (present-day Tokyo). Because the area is prone to fire and flooding, residents rent everyday items like pots, futons, and clothing from shops instead of purchasing them, so as not to impede them when they flee. Obeni and Seiji, an older sister and younger brother, run one such rental shop called Izumoya. However, mixed in with their inventory are tsukumogami, objects that have turned into spirits after a hundred years of existence. The siblings sometimes lend these sentient items to customers. Both Obeni and Seiji can see and talk to these spirits, and other tsukumogami often come to the store after hearing of the famed siblings.
TV Show: RErideD: Tokigoe no Derrida ( 2018 )
In the year 2050, a young engineer named Derrida Yvain is famous thanks to his invention, "Autonomous Machine DZ". However, Derrida and his co-worker Nathan discover a flaw in DZ and attempt to report it to their boss at Rebuild, a manufacturing company. Their observations are ignored and the next day, unknown forces attack them. Derrida escapes inside a cold sleep machine but doesn't awaken for a whole decade. He awakens to find the world ravaged by a war fought by his inventions. He decides to seek out Nathan's daughter Mage and protect her at all costs.
TV Show: Bakumatsu ( 2018 )
Kyoto, Japan. The heroine meets a man who gives her a pocket watch somehow leading to a Torii in a shrine, and suddenly it warps her into the Bakumatsu period. In the world of where there is such a difference in importance of value, she tries to find a way to go back. When she meets a man who has crossed time and says, "I will live for you," a love story between the two blossoms.
TV Show: So Many Colors in the Future What a Wonderful World ( 2018 )
Set in the city of Nagasaki, the story takes place in a world where a miniscule amount of magic remains in everyday life. Hitomi Tsukishiro is a 17-year-old descendant of a witch family who grew up with stale emotions, as she lost her sense of color at a very young age. Feeling sorry for her granddaughter's future, Kohaku, a great witch, sends Hitomi to past, the year 2018. Through exchanges with her 17-year-old grandmother and her club members, the story follows Hitomi's growth as a person.
TV Show: Conception: Ore no Kodomo wo Undekure! ( 2018 )
On his high school graduation day, Itsuki's cousin, Mahiru, tells him that she's pregnant. Just then, a gate of light emerges and transports the two into the world of Granvania. In this land, "Impurities" have been causing a disturbance to the Stars, ultimately plunging Granvania into chaos and disorder. And Itsuki, now revealed to be one who is fated to meet with the "Star Maidens", is seen as Granvania's last hope and was thus given the task to produce "Star Children" and combat the "impurities". And unless the task is complete, Itsuki may never be able to return home.
TV Show: Ingress ( 2018 )
Since he was little, Makoto had a strange power which enabled him to read the memories of objects he touched. Hiding his uncontrollable power, he works as a special agent in the police force. One day, while investigating an explosion at a laboratory that researches a unknown substance called "XM", he sees a mysterious memory. The memory was from Sarah's ring, who was the sole survivor of the accident. It was a sight of a person being swallowed into a red light and disappearing. Makoto becomes embroiled in a massive conspiracy.
TV Show: YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world. ( 2019 )
Takuya Arima is a young student whose father, a historian who has conducted various researches, disappeared recently. During a summer vacation Takuya receives a peculiar package from his missing father, along with a letter containing information about the existence of various parallel worlds. At first Takuya doesn't take it seriously, but soon he realizes that he possesses a device that allows him to travel to alternate dimensions. Is his father alive, after all? If so, where is he?
TV Show: Nobunaga Teacher's Young Bride ( 2019 )
"One day, a girl who loves me will suddenly appear before me"—Middle school teacher Nobunaga has always been dreaming of such a gal game-like situation. However, the one who appeared before him was Kichou, a 14-year-old girl who proclaims herself as his wife. Appears to have arrived from the Sengoku era, she mistakes Nobunaga as Nobunaga Oda and urges him to conceive a child with her. Thus begins the age-difference love comedy between a gal game-loving teacher and a Sengoku era expert princess.
TV Show: Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo ( 2019 )
The girls in a high school literature club do a little icebreaker to get to know each other: answering the question, "What's one thing you want to do before you die?" One of the girls blurts out, "Sex." Little do they know, the whirlwind unleashed by that word pushes each of these girls, with different backgrounds and personalities, onto their own clumsy, funny, painful, and emotional paths toward adulthood.
TV Show: Z/X Code Reunion ( 2019 )
The signing of a peace treaty has secured a tenuous ceasefire between mankind and the Zex, beings who emerged from space/time rifts connected to mysterious, distant worlds. Partnered with a Zex named Rigel, Azumi Kakamigahara must shoulder the fate of her own idyllic world. The unlikely pair head to newly established Fujimisaki Academy, but what destinies await them once they arrive?
TV Show: Eternity: Sweet Love Story ( 2020 )
Anime adaptation of 12 romantic works from the Eternity Books manga label. The complete edition with explicit scenes was distributed online via the official website for Eternity Books. The censored version was broadcast on Tokyo MX.
TV Show: Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei ( 2021 )
A century has passed since magic - real, true magic, the stuff of legends - has returned to the world. It is spring - the season of new beginnings - and a new class of students is about to begin their studies at the National Magic Academy's First High School, nickname: Magic High.
A manga spin-off of the immensely popular light novel series The irregular at magic high school, The Honor Student at Magic High School follows the events of the original series as seen through the eyes of Shiba Miyuki, Tatsuya's sister. The life of an honor student comes with a lot of expectations...and unexpected hidden feelings?!
TV Show: The Orbital Children ( 2022 )
The story begins in the year 2045, when AI has advanced and anyone can travel into space. Children born on the moon and children from Earth who are on a trip to space meet at the Japanese-built space station, "Anshin." But their future is decided by the Seven Poem.
TV Show: Guy's Garage ( 2021 )
Guy Martin transforms road vehicles into custom racers and takes on fellow enthusiasts from across Europe on some of the continent's most unusual tracks.
TV Show: Motor Pickers ( 2020 )
Motor Pickers will follow classic car expert Paul Cowland and builder and restorer Helen Stanley as they help desperate car buyers select the perfect used car within their budget. From SUVs to high end sports cars, Helen and Paul will assist buyers as they test a selection of cars and give honest advice as well as their own tips and tricks to help buyers with their selection.
TV Show: How the West Was Lost
The history of 19th-century America is the story of struggles between settlers moving west and Native Americans trying to hold on to their ancestral territories. The clash between lifestyles and land rights forged a new land and unified an American culture, but in the process a venerable way of life was destroyed. Follow the Cherokee, Dakota, Lakota, and Nez Perc as they fight to keep their homelands.
TV Show: Maps: Power, Plunder and Possession ( 2010 )
Map expert Professor Jerry Brotton uncovers how maps aren't simply about getting from A to B, but are revealing snapshots of defining moments in history and tools of political power and persuasion.
TV Show: Melvyn Bragg on Class and Culture ( 2012 )
Melvyn Bragg explores the relationship, from 1911 to 2011, between class and culture.
TV Show: Great Barrier Reef ( 2012 )
Stretching a full 2000 kilometres in length and made up of 3000 individual reef systems and hundreds of islands, Australia's Great Barrier Reef is breathtakingly beautiful. Selected as a World Heritage Site in 1981, it is one of the wonders of the natural world. These programmes offer a definitive guide to the secrets of the reef - how it was created, how it works, the intricate relationships between its inhabitants and how climate change and other factors might shape its future. Using the latest specialist filming and visual techniques, the series captures the magic of the reef as it has never been seen before.
TV Show: Richard Hammond's Invisible Worlds ( 2010 )
Using state-of-the-art technologies, Richard Hammond goes beyond the limits of the naked eye and explores the hidden secrets of the invisible world around us.
TV Show: Wild Wales ( 2010 )
Iolo Williams shares his passion for Welsh wildlife. Filmed over a year, the series features stunning aerial and wildlife photography.
TV Show: MythQuest ( 2001 )
MythQuest follows the two teens, Alex Bellows and his wheelchair bound sister Cleo who have discovered a wondrous, heart-pounding secret that could unravel the cosmic struggle between good and evil, and, in doing so, reveal what it truly takes to be a hero.Like a magic looking glass, a computer screen becomes a gateway to the kingdom of myths: a gateway into which their own father, a celebrated archeologist, disappeared. Now on a quest to find him, Alex and Cleo must test their own heroism as they cross into a cyberworld of mythic imagination.
TV Show: Oppenheimer ( 1980 )
Oppenheimer delves into the enigma that was J. Robert Oppenheimer, the American physicist often referred to as the father of the atomic bomb. This gripping dramatization explores at length the extraordinary complexity of the scientist's thinking and the dilemma he faced. Within years he was declared a security risk by the American government, only to be awarded with the highest honor in his field by a subsequent presidency. Were the Americans trying to placate an uneasy conscience?
TV Show: Return to Treasure Island ( 1986 )
Their fates entangled once more, the rapacious pirate Long John Silver and ex-cabin boy Jim Hawkins - now having graduated from Oxford University - are caught up in the search for even more treasure still buried on the infamous Treasure Island.
TV Show: MAD ( 2010 )
MAD is an animated sketch-comedy series produced by Warner Bros. Animation and uses the iconic MAD magazine published by DC Comics as inspiration. The show utilizes a chaotic mix of animation styles and twisted humor to pull back the curtain and expose the truth behind movies, TV shows, games, pop culture and, of course, curtains! Classic MAD magazine characters and features such as Alfred E. Neuman and Spy vs. Spy pop up, and no subject matter or individual will be safe from MAD's barrage of parodies and sketches. In the end, viewers won't get even, they'll just get MAD!
TV Show: Could You Survive on the Breadline? ( 2021 )
Three prominent Australians - NSW Greens MP Jenny Leong, journalist Caleb Bond and author and TV personality Julie Goodwin - will go on separate immersive journeys into three distinct Australian localities and communities, to gain insights into the world of poverty and disadvantage in Australia, and to see whether they themselves could survive on welfare and low-incomes. For all three, the experience will be confronting and at times emotional - but how will it change them?
TV Show: Cosmic Disclosure ( 2015 )
There are those who believe it is not humanity's destiny to wither away within the clutches of Earth's cycles of life and extinction. Rather we are to venture forth, beyond our terrestrial origins and establish thriving civilizations throughout the cosmos. Some have already secretly realized this vision, while others are relegated to technology dependent upon dwindling resources. A conflict now rages whether to preserve these advancements for the ranks of the elite, or to share this destiny with the whole of humanity and usher in a new era of peaceful conscious advancement.
TV Show: How the Celts Saved Britain ( 2009 )
Provocative two-part documentary in which Dan Snow blows the lid on the traditional Anglo-centric view of history and reveals how the Irish saved Britain from cultural oblivion during the Dark Ages.
TV Show: The Celts ( 1978 )
Frank Delaney presents a series about the Celts, the "fathers of Europe".
TV Show: The Celts: Blood, Iron and Sacrifice with Alice Roberts and Neil Oliver ( 2015 )
Three-part documentary series in which anthropologist professor Alice Roberts and archaeologist Neil Oliver go in search of the Celts - one of the world's most mysterious ancient civilisations.
TV Show: Wonders of the Celtic Deep ( 2021 )
Documentary exploring the nature and wildlife of the Welsh coast. 
TV Show: A History of Ancient Britain ( 2011 )
Neil Oliver tells the epic story of how Britain and its people came to be over thousands of years of ancient history - the beginnings of our world forged in ice, stone, and bronze.
TV Show: The Irish in America: Long Journey Home ( 1998 )
On the 150th anniversary of the Irish famine which sparked the wave of emigration that forever shaped the course of the American nation, The Irish in America celebrates the comprehensive and vibrant history. Through illuminating essays and contributions from noted Irish American personalities, the audiobook paints a vivid picture of the Irish experience in the United States.This history is told through selections whose themes are taken from the most important institutions of Irish life: the Parish, the Precinct, the Work, the Players and the Family. The Irish identity in America is captured through the personal stories of families workers local churches. entertainers, and many others, culminating in an unusually moving and modulated social, cultural, and political history of Irish Americans.
TV Show: Tales of Irish Castles ( 2014 )
Hosted by award-winning actor Simon Delaney, Tales of Irish Castles explores the fascinating legends and characters associated with Ireland's historic castles. The series brings history to life through specially shot re-enactments, archival footage and contributions from Ireland's leading historians, archaeologists, castle owners and current inhabitants.
TV Show: Great Lighthouses of Ireland ( 2018 )
Great Lighthouses of Ireland tells the story of Ireland's lighthouses and their continuing importance to the country's survival with spectacular scenes from Hook Head, Skelligs, Blacksod, Galley Head and Ballycotton with incredible stories from former lighthouse keepers.
TV Show: Ireland with Simon Reeve ( 2015 )
Ireland with Simon Reeve explores the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in a new two-part series for BBC Two. Both form one of the most beautiful islands in the world: a place steeped in history, culture and belief, but one with a complex and troubled past.
TV Show: The Story of Ireland ( 2011 )
Fergal Keane presents a five-part series charting the history of the island and her people from the earliest days to the present.
TV Show: The Coasts of Ireland ( 2016 )
Beautiful landscapes, living tradition and welcoming people - this is Ireland. One thousand miles of impressive cliffs, natural beauty and long-living traditions. The massive waters of the Atlantic thunderously surge against the rocks of the Irish coast - the cliffs being amongst the highest in Europe. Take a journey around this green island, and through numerous encounters with typical and atypical islanders, also get to know Ireland from the perspective of the Irish and discover how well the Irish integrate their ancestry into modern day living. This five-part series portrays the wide variety of landscapes and culture, from the traditional pubs in Dublin to the philanthropic dolphin of Dingle, from the intelligent Connemara horses and Rathlin's sailboat carvers to the sorely afflicted city of Belfast.
TV Show: Wild Ireland: The Edge of the World ( 2017 )
Colin Stafford Johnson journeys along one of the most spectacular coastlines in the world, featuring the wildlife and wild places that make it so unique.
TV Show: Hawks and Doves: The Crown and Ireland's War of Independence ( 2020 )
Michael Portillo charts the War of Independence in Ireland, following the journey from the Peace Conference in Versailles to the historic ceasefire in 1921.
TV Show: Secret Scotland with Susan Calman ( 2019 )
Susan Calman pulls back the curtain on some of Scotland's most iconic destinations. From Loch Ness to Edinburgh Castle and Rosslyn Chapel to Skara Brae, she will discover the untold tales and secret stories behind a host of world-famous locations.With privileged access, Secret Scotland With Susan Calman takes an in-depth look at the history, characters and treasures hidden throughout the country. Viewers will be guided throughout by Calman as she adopts a hands-on approach to this adventure, taking tips from experts across a range of Scotland's traditions, with everything from Highland Dancing in a medieval castle to Golf in its spiritual home of St. Andrews.
TV Show: Scotland from the Sky ( 2018 )
In an exhilarating mix of aviation adventure and historical detective work, presenter James Crawford takes to the skies to explore Scotland's cities, coasts and countryside.
TV Show: Grand Tours of the Scottish Islands ( 2013 )
Paul Murton sets out to experience island life today, uncovering the past and its connections with the present, pointing to the surprising and the beautiful lying just offshore.
TV Show: Wales: England's Colony? ( 2019 )
Wales: England's Colony? is designed to stimulate debate about the past story of Wales, and will also challenge the audience to think afresh about some of the future constitutional choices facing Wales as it leaves the European Union.Focussing on how Wales' relationship with England has shaped both the nation's development and how Wales sees itself, the programmes will tell the story of an uneasy and unequal relationship between two nations living side-by-side. It examines Wales' story from its creation to the present day, examining key moments such as medieval conquest, industrial exploitation, the Blue Books, the 1919 race riots and the flooding of Cwm Tryweryn.
TV Show: The Adventure of English ( 2003 )
Melvyn Bragg travels through Britain to tell the story of how an insignificant German dialect, which only arrived in the country in the fifth century, evolved into a language which is now spoken and understood by more people than any other around the world. We trace English from its humble roots to its flowering in the writing of Shakespeare and his contemporaries.
TV Show: The Story of English ( 1986 )
A PBS documentary detailing the development of the English language. Initially arising as a mix of Gaelic, Norse and Saxon, the language gradually developed its own distinctive characteristics. As time passed and native speakers began to spread throughout the world, different regions began to form their own dialects. 
TV Show: British Isles: A Natural History ( 2004 )
Alan Titchmarsh unravels the epic story of the evolution of the British Isles.
TV Show: British History's Biggest Fibs with Lucy Worsley ( 2017 )
Lucy Worsley explores how the history of three of Britain's founding national events are in fact carefully crafted mythologies.The Wars of the Roses, the Glorious Revolution and the creation of the British Raj are all revealed as carefully-constructed narratives created by the victors at the time and embellished by historians, novelists and film-makers ever since.Throughout the series, Lucy travels across Britain, the Netherlands and India to the palaces, battlefields and bed chambers where these stories were created and reinvented over the years. She also meets up with experts who shed further light on how these legends and mythologies have been woven together to create A Very British History.
TV Show: Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets ( 2020 )
Already proved its the same show with all those posts in here months ago now. It has just been renamed for an American audience.
TV Show: The First Georgians: The German Kings Who Made Britain ( 2014 )
The First Georgians: The German Kings Who Made Britain will present the revealing and surprising story of Britain in the reigns of George I and George II (1714-60) – the age of the ‘German Georges'. In 1714, Britain imported a new German royal family from Hanover, headed by Georg Ludwig (aka George I) - an uncharismatic, middle-aged man with a limited grasp of English. Lucy Worsley will reveal how this unlikely new dynasty secured the throne – and how they kept it. An intimate and close-up portrait of these German kings of Britain, the series will follow George I, his son George II, and their feuding family as they slowly established themselves in their adopted kingdom - despite ongoing threats from invading Jacobites and a lukewarm initial response from the British public.
TV Show: Six Wives with Lucy Worsley ( 2016 )
In an ambitious and groundbreaking approach to drama and history, historian Lucy Worsley time travels back to the Tudor Court to witness some of the most dramatic moments in the lives of Henry VIII's six wives. By focusing on the women central to this significant period of history and uncovering private moments that were reported by eyewitnesses or recorded in historical documents, this landmark series provides a fresh new perspective on a familiar story. Combining drama, written by Chloe Moss, with Lucy's own contemporary historical comment, Lucy will move seamlessly from the present to the past, appearing as a range of silent servants: a maid, a midwife, a nursemaid.Often related to each other, the Tudor court was made up of a small group of powerful families all vying for influence and power over each other. While it was a world run by men and the King had ultimate power, each Queen found their own unique methods of exerting influence. It is these women's stories that Lucy wants to uncover, witness and explore, as well as offering a very new lens on Henry himself.
TV Show: Secrets of Great British Castles ( 2015 )
Historian Dan Jones explores the turbulent history behind six of Britainʼs most famous castles: Dover, the Tower of London, Warwick, Caernarfon, Stirling and Carrickfergus. Behind the walls of these celebrated strongholds are stories of intrigue, drama, romance, rebellion, and murder. Dan Jones recounts some of the many classic tales from 1000 years of British history, featuring a stellar cast of kings, queens, rogues, rebels, victims and villains.
TV Show: The Great British Story: A People's History ( 2012 )
Series looking at history through the eyes of ordinary people. Rulers and royals, lords and ladies have all had their say down the centuries, what were the last 1,600 years like for everyday Britons?
TV Show: Michael Wood's Story of England ( 2010 )
In this groundbreaking series, Michael Wood tells the story of one place – the village of Kibworth, Leicestershire – throughout the whole of English history. Located in the very heart of England, Kibworth has lived through the Black Death, the Civil War and the Industrial Revolution and was even bombed in World War II.
TV Show: The Time Traveller's Guide to Elizabethan England ( 2013 )
Ian Mortimer transports viewers back to Elizabethan England and reveals, in vivid detail, a living, breathing Tudor world. Viewers learn how ordinary Tudor housewives turned plants into medicine, how the middle classes kept themselves clean using linen cloths, how the poor made pottage, how cooks of the rich devised recipes for new ingredients, and how Tudors learned to read and write.
TV Show: Restoring England's Heritage ( 2013 )
Our buildings tell the story of the places where we live, and how they were shaped by the people who came before us. How they worked, played and what they fought for and what they believed in. But as time passes and fashions change, many of the buildings we once loved and valued are forgotten and left to fall into rack and ruin. Unless someone comes along with a dream to save them. But in an age of tight budgets and stretched priorities, which buildings should we save, and which should be put out of their misery? A look at England's endangered historic buildings, with each programme focused on a different region and presented by a different local talent.
TV Show: King Alfred and the Anglo Saxons ( 2013 )
Michael Wood argues that the most important and influential British kings were a father, son and grandson who lived over a thousand years ago during the age of the Vikings.
TV Show: Vikings: Valhalla ( 2022 )
Continuing the storytelling of Vikings, the new saga begins 100 years after the original series concludes and dramatizes the adventures of the most famous Vikings who ever lived - Leif Erikson, Freydis, Harald Harada and the Norman King William the Conqueror (also a Viking descendant). These men and women will blaze new paths as they fight for survival in an ever-changing and evolving Europe. This is the explosive next chapter of the Vikings legend.
TV Show: Real Vikings ( 2016 )
Real Vikings dives deep into the history and archaeology that inspires the popular drama Vikings. From "test-driving" Viking longships to exploring the legendary roots of Ragnar Lothbrok, this companion series gets the scoop on Vikings from some of the world's top Viking experts. Joining them at key Viking sites are actors from the drama series: Clive Standen, pictured above (Rollo), Maude Hirst (Helga), Alyssa Sutherland (Aslaug) and Katheryn Winnick (Lagertha). By combining compelling footage from the dramatic series with the best in documentary filmmaking, viewers will get a never-before-seen view of what Vikings were really like.
TV Show: Viking Dead ( 2018 )
From around 700AD to the Norman conquest of England in 1066, the Vikings of the Nordic lands raided and traded across northern, central, eastern and western Europe to create a feared and notorious empire.Now, almost two millennia after their often-terrifying reign, Yesterday uses the modern age to uncover secrets from the Viking Age. By investigating burial sites, Viking Dead asks who the Norsemen really were, what the truth was about the raids and battles, and what every-day life in a Viking settlement entailed.All these questions are answered thanks to examinations of some key archaeological and historical sites.
TV Show: America's Lost Vikings ( 2019 )
The Vikings are amongst the most feared warriors and ruthless raiders in history. They are also at the center of an incredible mystery. There is evidence that Norseman landed on the coast of North America 500 years before Christopher Columbus. Beyond this, however, the trail goes cold. Now archaeologists and explorers Blue Nelson and Mike Arbuthnot will embark on their biggest ever adventure – to find out how far the Vikings explored into America.To solve this mystery, Blue and Mike will use a combination of state-of-the-art science as well as gripping hands-on experimental archaeology. Their journey is documented in the Americas Lost Vikings.
TV Show: Blood of the Vikings ( 2001 )
Julian Richards examines remains that are the earliest archaeological evidence of the infamous Viking hit-and-run raids in Britain. Loot from our fair Isles has been found hidden in Viking graves in Norway giving evidence that they did manage to take some of Britain home with them.
TV Show: Gudrun: The Viking Princess ( 2017 )
A thousand years ago in the wild lands of the North lived a special little girl, Gudrun The Viking Princess. The trees and animals of the forest were her friends and playmates.
TV Show: Greeks, Romans, Vikings: The Founders of Europe ( 2014 )
What were the Vikings really like? What did the Romans accomplish? And do the singular achievements of the ancient Greeks live on in our society today? This series questions the myths and unravels age-old clichés about these ancient cultures. It examines their strange and sometimes amusing idiosyncrasies, gives fresh insights into who they really were, and provides a novel take on their societies, peppered with surprising new revelations. Democracy, science, theatre, plumbing, modern roads, laws, the Olympics, conquering the seas, and the onset of globalisation are all at the heart of modern society, but in fact were inherited from the ancient worlds of the Greeks, the Romans and the Vikings. This is a new look at the ancient civilisations that will change our perception of them.
TV Show: The Seven Deadly Sins ( 2014 )
The Seven Deadly Sins, a group of evil knights who conspired to overthrow the kingdom of Britannia, were said to have been eradicated by the Holy Knights, although some claim that they still live. Ten years later, the Holy Knights have staged a coup d'état and assassinated the king, becoming the new, tyrannical rulers of the kingdom. Elizabeth, the king's third daughter, sets out on a journey to find the "Seven Deadly Sins", and to enlist their help in taking back the kingdom.
TV Show: sin Nanatsu no Taizai ( 2017 )
The prideful archangel Lucifer disobeys God and is cast into the lowest level of hell as a fallen angel. On her way to hell, Lucifer happens to meet a high school girl on Earth named Maria, who helps her. In hell, Lucifer meets Leviathan, and Leviathan explains to Lucifer about The Seven Deadly Sins, the seven demon king rulers of hell. After The Seven Deadly Sins seal Lucifer's powers, Lucifer goes on a journey with Maria and Leviathan to defeat them.
TV Show: Highschool of the Dead ( 2010 )
When the world is struck by a deadly pandemic that turns humans into zombies, Takashi Komuro and several of his classmates at Fujimi High School try to survive the apocalypse.
TV Show: Sankarea ( 2012 )
Furuya's not interested in the living, he's got zombies on the brain! When Furuya's cat dies, he decides he's going to try and bring it back to life. In the process, he stumbles across a girl who is involved in an accident and turns into a real zombie! What's Furuya going to do now that the thing he loves the most is right in front of his eyes?
TV Show: Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai ( 2011 )
When Kodaka Hasegawa finds out that he will be transferring to a new school, he is determined to make a positive impression, and maybe even some friends. However, Kodaka discovers he is out of luck when he immediately gets labeled as a violent delinquent due to his blond hair and intimidating expression. Although a month has passed, Kodaka is still alone thanks to his notorious reputation. However, his life begins to change when he finds fellow loner Yozora Mikazuki talking to her imaginary friend in an empty classroom. After sharing stories of their lonely high school life, Kodaka and Yozora decide to overcome the difficulties of making friends together by starting the Neighbor's Club. Created for people who don't have friends, daily activities involve learning social skills and how to fit in, which will hopefully allow them to make friends. Joined by the eroge-loving Sena Kashiwazaki, and other eccentric outcasts, Kodaka may finally have managed to find people he can call friends.
TV Show: Seitokai Yakuindomo ( 2010 )
The stage is set at Ousai Private Academy which, due to declining birth rates, has transitioned from an all-girls high school to a co-ed. The current ratio of male to female students is 28:524. Within this paradise, Tsuda Takatoshi is inaugurated as vice-president of the student council. The student council has a strict image. However, there are some members who defy imagination...
TV Show: Air Gear ( 2006 )
Ikki Minami is a storm rider from the east side of the town. He resides with the Noyamanos, takes on gangs on his own and is in charge at his school. After suffering a crushing defeat he is introduced to the world of Air Treks, where his powers and strength are increased.
TV Show: Demon King Daimao ( 2010 )
Demon King Daimao follows Akuto Sai as the lead character, who on the day he enters Constant Magic Academy, receives a very unexpected future occupation aptitude test result: "Devil King".
TV Show: No Game No Life ( 2014 )
Two siblings are known to be two of the mysterious blank gamers they are called this because they never fill in their name. Blank gamers are considered to be the best gamers in the world having never lost a game no matter what game. The two siblings one day get a mysterious email and finally teleported onto an other world. The God of this world stated that their be no wars, no stealing and no violence instead everything is decided with a game, any game.
TV Show: Gantz ( 2004 )
Gantz is a sexually-charged sci-fi head-trip' a gory experiment in flesh and blood where the only thing worse than dying is dying again.
If you are chosen by the bizarre black sphere known as the Gantz, you are already dead. You remember dying, yet you can eat, sleep, have sex; it feels a lot like life. Strangers join you in this limbo. While some are good, some are very bad. All are dead like you for now.
You might be able to reclaim your mortality. But first, the Gantz demands that you undertake missions of brutality and madness, killing aliens hidden among the population. It is your only chance and you have no choice. You must play this disturbing game. You must experience this nightmare. And if you die again and you likely will it's permanent.
TV Show: Senran Kagura ( 2013 )
There was a time when there were ninja serving the powerful, hired for intelligence missions, destruction, or assassination. While the times have changed, the need for ninja has not vanished. In a particular school, there are girls who are secretly in training to become ninja. Ninjas-in-training, Asuka, Katsuragi, Hibari, Ikaruga, and Yagiyuu each have a secret technique scroll that they protect at all times. This features their tumultuous school life as they pursue the path of the ninja!
TV Show: Golden Boy ( 1995 )
Golden Boy is the story of twenty five year old Kintaro Oe, a genius who dropped out of school from sheer boredom. Realizing he wasn't learning anything new, he elected instead to travel Japan on his bicycle. Typically, he spots a beautiful woman and then inveigles himself into a job where he can be around her. She thinks he's worthless scum, but eventually changes her opinion just as he departs for a new adventure elsewhere. Often he leaves the places he visits better than he found them.
TV Show: Masou Gakuen HxH ( 2016 )
The story centers around Hida Kizuna, who visits the strategic defense academy Ataraxia at his big sister's request. "There, he encounters Chidorigafuchi Aine, a girl piloting the magical armor Zerosu. Aine suddenly pulls off her clothes before Kizuna's eyes. "Don't look, you pervert—" "No, you're the one?!" However, a communique about a serious mission arrives from Kizuna's sister. The mission—to rub Aina's chest?! Actually, Kizuna has the power to level up a girl through indecent acts. With a battle against another world, the future depends on this power.
TV Show: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann ( 2007 )
In the distant future, people build their homes and raise domestic animals in subterranean caverns. As a result, they live in fear of the occasional earthquake and cave-in, and have been for hundreds of years. Jeeha is one such village. One day, a boy named Simon happens to find a small, shiny drill whilst digging to expand the village. At the same time, Kamina, a guy who believes that there is another land above the village, persuades a gangster to break through the ceiling in order to leave the cavern. Suddenly, an earthquake occurs and the ceiling collapses, followed by a big robot breaking through the ceiling. Kamina is now sure that there is a world above them. Recklessly, he begins to fight against the robot. At that moment, another person appears from the land above. It is a girl by the name of Yoko. With a rifle in hand, she had been tracking the robot. However, all she could do...
TV Show: XIII: The Conspiracy ( 2008 )
Based on a Belgian comic book and a Ubisoft video game, this action mini-series is about a massive governmental conspiracy involving the assassination of the first female U.S. president. A man is found washed up on a beach with his memory gone. When elite special ops forces detect his location and track him down, he instinctively kills them one by one. Driven by the need to recover his memory...
TV Show: Ninja Scroll ( 2003 )
Ten years after his popular feature Ninja Scroll (1993), Yoshiaki Kawajiri returned to the adventures of super-ninja Jubei Kibagami in a broadcast series. A wanderer who can cleave enemies in two with a single sword-stroke, Jubei gets drawn into a ghoulish war while trying to get a peaceful night's sleep. The Hiruko and Kimon ninja clans are fighting over the mysterious Dragon Stone, which confers extraordinary wealth and power. It's somehow linked to Shigure, a woman whom the ninjas call the Light Maiden. With some faltering help from thief Tsubute and Dakuan, an aged but powerful monk, Jubei sets out to deliver the magical Stone to Shigure. What follows is a repetitious gore-fest: Jubei splits, beheads, and skewers an endless array of bizarre-looking demons. At one point, a ship literally floats away on a sea of blood. Despite some simple computer animated effects, Ninja Scroll looks more like a series from the mid-'80s than 2003. The designs of the characters, endless duels, and meandering storyline recall Fist of the North Star and other early, blood-soaked epics.
TV Show: Basilisk ( 2006 )
*Based on a novel by the late Yamada Fuutarou.Kouga and Iga were ninja clans that had been fighting for 400 years. Gennosuke of Kouga and Oboro of Iga, loved each other and promised to break down the cursed bond of conversion. However, they were destined to kill each other.It was Keichou Era 19 (A.D. 1614), 73-year-old Ieyasu was wondering which of the brothers he should choose as a successor, Takechiyo or Kunichiyo. Takechiyo was the elder but he was stupid, while his younger brother Kunichiyo was clever. In order to choose the successor, Ieyasu decided to make Kouga and Iga fight against each other. Both clans would choose ten best ninja to fight. If Kouga ninja survive, Kunichiyo would succeed to Shogun. On the hand, Takechiyo would become the next Shogun if Iga ninja win. Because Hattori Hanzou the first made them achieve a truce, they hadn't had an apparent fight for years. Therefore, when the truce was broken, they went for fights as if they were unleashed hound dogs. The only weapon they use were their own bodies. They had special abilities that men could hardly imagine.Now that, the battles of twenty ninja including old, young, men, and women began. They made most of their special abilities to fight. During the harsh battles, they were killed one by one. Which would win, Kouga or Iga? Who in the world would survive? Then, what would become of the love of Gennosuke and Oboro, who were separated by the battle.
TV Show: Hanna ( 2019 )
In equal parts high-concept thriller and coming-of-age drama, Hanna follows the journey of an extraordinary young girl raised in the forest, as she evades the relentless pursuit of an off-book CIA agent and tries to unearth the truth behind who she is.
TV Show: Mezzo ( 2000 )
Her name is Mikura, and she's all about service with a smile. So what if that service is cracking skulls and the smile happens to be on the other end of a loaded gun? Get ready for this chic with a killer body and vicious skills to wreak havoc and mayhem all in the name of the Danger Service Agency!
TV Show: Golgo 13 ( 2008 )
Duke Togo is a professional assassin. His age and birthplace are unknown and there is no consensus in the worldwide intelligence community as to his true identity. Most of his jobs are completed through the use of a customized, scoped M16 rifle.
TV Show: Afro Samurai ( 2007 )
Afro Samurai follows a warrior on the path to avenge his father's murder. Set in feudal Japan, this series depicts a journey in which the hero encounters love, betrayal, loss and brutality.
TV Show: Electric Dreams ( 2009 )
A family and their home are stripped of all their modern technology to live a life of decades past.
TV Show: Misfits ( 2009 )
When five young outsiders on Community Service get caught in a strange storm, they discover that they have developed superpowers.
TV Show: Edward VII ( 1975 )
A sweeping saga of scandalous affairs, marriage and the kingdom of Edward the Seventh who waited nearly 60 years to become king.
TV Show: Edwardian Britain in Colour ( 2019 )
Documentary series bringing black-and-white films of the era back to vivid life.
TV Show: Edwardians in Colour: The Wonderful World of Albert Kahn ( 2007 )
Documentary series about Albert Kahn's photographic Archive of the Planet.
TV Show: The Edwardians ( 1972 )
Drama series exploring the lives of many who helped define this era including inventors, artists, writers, performer, soldiers and politicians.
TV Show: King George and Queen Mary: The Royals Who Rescued the Monarchy ( 2012 )
A two-part portrait of Elizabeth II's grandparents, King George V and Queen Mary, which examines the lasting legacy of the couple who rescued the monarchy from potential disaster.
TV Show: Charles II: The Power and the Passion ( 2003 )
Rufus Sewell stars in a four-part dramatisation of the life of the charismatic monarch.
TV Show: Reinas, virgen y mártir ( 2017 )
The story of two powerful women, fighting each other in a man's world: Elizabeth I and Mary, Queen of Scots.
TV Show: Europe's Last Warrior Kings ( 2016 )
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