Playlists > old school cartoon shorts

old school cartoon shorts
Creator: randywang
Posted: 3 years ago

11 favorites


Movie: Goldimouse and the Three Cats (Short 1960) ( 1960 )
Sylvester Cat is head of a household consisting of himself, a mother cat, and their spoiled-brat son, Junior. In this parody of "Goldilocks", Sylvester and Junior try to catch "Goldimouse", who came from the forest into their house to sample their porridge.
Movie: Cat Feud (Short 1958) ( 1958 )
Marc Anthony, the ferocious guard dog, falls for a cute cuddly little kitty. An evil cat tries to swipe the kitty and it's up to Marc Anthony to protect the sweet feline.
Movie: Knighty Knight Bugs (Short 1958) ( 1958 )
Court jester Bugs races against the Black Knight (Yosemite Sam) and his sneezing dragon in pursuit of the Singing Sword.
Movie: Bartholomew Versus the Wheel (Short 1964) ( 1964 )
A little boy tells the story of his dog, Bartholomew. One day, Bartholomew's tail was run over by the wheel of another boy's scooter. Consumed with rage, Bartholomew instantly detested wheels and tires and chased and bit into all wheels he could find, including the wheel of an airplane, which took him to the Sahara desert!
Movie: Martian Through Georgia (Short 1962) ( 1962 )
Way out in space, on another world whose population is contented, one of its people decides that travel broadens the mind and relieves boredom. So, he flies to Earth in hope of helping the alien Earthlings improve their lot, only to cause panic and be declared a monster just because he looks different. So, he decides to return home, where, at least, he can find love.
Movie: The Honey-Mousers (Short 1956) ( 1956 )
The Honey-Mousers are starved for food and a cat stands between them and the refrigerator. Ralph and his friend concoct unsuccessful cat-passing techniques, the best being a Trojan dog made from a barrel.
Movie: Herr Meets Hare (Short 1945) ( 1945 )
Bugs disguises himself as Hitler, Stalin and Brunhilde when he confronts Nazi Hermann Goering in the Black Forest.
Movie: Rocket Squad (Short 1956) ( 1956 )
In a futuristic city, Detectives Monday and Tuesday pursue a wanted criminal.
Movie: Heaven Scent (Short 1956) ( 1956 )
On the French Riviera, a female cat is frightened by sudden outbursts of barking by every dog around her. So, to scare them away, she paints her back with a white stripe like that of a skunk. The dogs, on seeing her stripe, run away and hide in fright. But she doesn't receive the peace she'd expected, because Pepe Le Pew, the amorous French skunk, sees her, thinks she...Read all
Movie: The Unexpected Pest (Short 1956) ( 1956 )
Sylvester is pressured to catch mice or leave the house. In desperation, he finds an outdoor mouse who will act the part.
Movie: Draftee Daffy (Short 1945) ( 1945 )
Daffy Duck is desperate to elude the draft board respresentative bearing his conscription order.
Movie: Hare Trigger ( 1945 )
Yosemite Sam means to hold up the Superchief and Bugs is out to stop him.
Movie: Deduce, You Say (Short 1956) ( 1956 )
Daffy Duck is a detective who is hunting for the Shropshire Slasher.
Movie: Stupor Duck (Short 1956) ( 1956 )
Daffy Duck plays a superhero who can't do anything right while fighting a menace he does not know is non-existant.
Movie: Raw! Raw! Rooster! (Short 1956) ( 1956 )
Foghorn's annoying college buddy, Rhode Island Red, comes for a visit and then won't leave. What's worse, he muscles in on Foggy's harem and reverses most of Foggy's traps and tricks. A football session with an exploding casaba melon backfires when Red returns the pass; the exploding golf balls only explode when Foghorn hits them, and the fist in the camera only pops ...Read all
Movie: A Message to Gracias (Short 1964) ( 1964 )
Sylvester Cat has caught and eaten every messenger the Mexican revolutionary mice send to General Gracias. So, Speedy Gonzales is summoned to outwit and outrun Sylvester and reach the General with an important message, which turns out to be a birthday greeting!
Movie: Ride Him, Bosko! ( 1932 )
Bosco in the wild west, tries to have fun with any situation that come in his way.
Movie: Fresh Airedale (Short 1945) ( 1945 )
In his master's eyes, "good old Shep" is the perfect dog, but the cat knows he's really a two-faced mutt who can be bought off with a bone by a burglar, and then take credit for it when the cat chases the crook off. But then Shep becomes obsessed by a newspaper story proclaiming a real canine hero the nation's "No. 1 Dog."
Movie: Little Pancho Vanilla (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
Little Pancho Vanilla dreams of becoming a bullfighter, but his mother tells him that's impossible. The greatest bullfighter in Mexico, Don Jose, is coming to town; Pancho tells the local women he's better, so he goes to the amateur tryout, but he gets thrown out because he's so small. The bull quickly disposes of the other amateurs, sending one over the fence, where he catapults Pancho into the ring right on top of the bull, knocking out the bull to great acclaim from the crowd.
Movie: The Bashful Buzzard (Short 1945) ( 1945 )
A bashful buzzard has a hard time keeping up with the rest of his siblings when it comes to bringing back food.
Movie: Odor-Able Kitty (Short 1945) ( 1945 )
A cat, tired of being abused by everyone in his neighborhood, disguises himself as a skunk and inadvertently attracts the romantic advances of a real skunk.
Movie: Katnip Kollege (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
At the Katnip Kollege, a roomful of cats take a course in Swingology. Everyone swings except Johnny, who can't cut it and must sit in the dunce chair. Miss Kitty Bright tells him to look her up when he learns how to swing. Finally, listening to the pendulum clock at night, Johnny gets the beat. He rushes out to where everyone is playing and sings "Easy As Rollin' Off ...Read all
Movie: Porky at the Crocadero ( 1938 )
The Crocadero nightclub. Porky has his diploma from the Sucker Correspondence School of music, and has dreams of being a bandleader, but he's broke. He gets a job at the club washing dishes. His boss mistakes Porky going after a fly for loafing and fires him. His bandleaders don't show, and he brings Porky back to impersonate several famous bandleaders.
Movie: The Dover Boys at Pimento University or the Rivals of Roquefort Hall (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
Three fun-loving, morally upright brothers from Pimento University save their fiancée from their fiendish archenemy, Dan Backslide, in this spoof of the Rover Boys.
Movie: Cracked Ice (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
It's ice skating time. After a few generic ice-skating gags, we get to the main story. An animal falls through the ice, and a pig doing W.C. Fields (W.C. Squeals, apparently) calls for help from a Saint Bernard dog. The dog dispenses a drink, and Squeals begins scheming to get some himself. First he tries faking his own fall through the ice, but the dog sees through it and downs the drink himself. Then Squeals tries using a dish of bones and a magnet, but the magnet falls through the ice and gets stuck around a fish. The fish then swims through a liquor spill from the dog's casket; the drunken fish grabs an ax and, swimming in a circle, dunks another skater. He then latches onto Squeals' skates, and hauls him into an ice-skating contest, where the fish-induced antics win him first prize. Squeals fills the loving cup from the dog's cask, and the fish swims off with it.
Movie: The Night Watchman (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
A little cat must take his sick father's place as night watchman, but is bullied by a tough mouse and his gang, leaving the rest of the mice free to eat all the food and stage a musical floor show.
Movie: You're an Education (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
The brochures in a travel agency come to life. After a series of quick gags (flying fish in airplanes, a wave washing swimmers out to sea and back, etc). , there's a musical interlude featuring a tuba from Cuba. Two Hungary boys are lured by the Cook Island; they grab the Twin Forks from Montana, and add Turkey to their plates, then stop by the Sandwich Islands, Hamburg, Chili, Oyster Bay, and finally a cup of Java. A thief from Bagdad visits the Kimberly Diamond Mines, but awakes a sleeping baby, who Wales. This alerts Central (America), who calls Radio City, which contacts all countries. A group of bobbies, Mounties, Scotland Yard, and others pursue, while the thief is visiting a Pawnee shop. He tries to hide in the fog of London, but it's blown away by a windmill. A dude ranch hand ropes him, then drags him through the Red, Black, and Yellow Seas, and onto the back of the Lone Stranger's horse. They ride off, noting that he's not alone any more. (There is reportedly another sequence between the tuba and food segments; it was censored on the print viewed, presumably because of stereotyping).
Movie: Porky in Wackyland (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
Porky Pig goes on a hunt to catch the surreally elusive last Do-Do bird.
Movie: Daffy Duck & Egghead (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
A very early appearance of a barely recognisable Daffy Duck, seen here tormenting Egghead, a prototype Elmer Fudd who is just as unsuccessful with ducks as he was later to be with a certain wascally wabbit.
Movie: Now That Summer Is Gone (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
"Summer is gone" and throughout the forest, squirrels are working hard gathering acorns for the long cold winter ahead. But one young squirrel has a better idea...winning acorns by shooting dice. His father disapproves of the plan but can't make his son stop gambling. Winter comes and the father sends the son to the First Nutional Bank to retrieve the family acorn savings. On the way back, the son meets up with a mysterious squirrel intent on teaching him the evils of gambling...
Movie: My Favorite Duck (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
Porky tries to relax on a hunting and fishing trip, but Daffy, smugly pointing out the "No Duck Hunting" signs, subjects him to constant irritation. Then the "Duck Hunting Season Open" signs start going up.
Movie: Wacky Blackout ( 1942 )
We tour a farm and see how the various animals are preparing for the war, in a series of blackout skits.
Movie: The Hare-Brained Hypnotist (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
This time Elmer Fudd goes after Bugs using hypnotism, only the plan backfires.
Movie: The Draft Horse (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
A farm horse tries to enlist in the army, but despite his virtuoso display of wartime histrionics, he's rejected when he flunks the physical. Dejected, he wanders into a mock battlefield, which tells him what war is really like.
Movie: Horton Hatches the Egg (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
Horton the elephant agrees to watch over lazy Maisie bird's egg while she vacations. Much later, after standing (and sitting) guard 100-percent faith-fully through rain and snow, Horton and the egg are captured by three hunters and put in a circus. Coincidentally, Maisie happen to fly by just as the egg is about to hatch and demands that Horton give it back to her.
Movie: The Hep Cat (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
A cat-about-town fancies himself such an irresistible "hunk" he momentarily resembles Victor Mature. His wooing of a cute kitten gets derailed by a prankster dog using a cat hand puppet to trap him.
Movie: A Cartoonist's Nightmare ( 1935 )
A cartoonist falls victim to the very villains he has drawn. It's up to Beans the Cat to save the day.
Movie: Conrad the Sailor (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
Conrad Cat's attempts to keep the battleship decks swabbed are frustrated by Daffy's tricks, like putting paint in his bucket, and by unexpected appearances of the pint-sized Admiral.
Movie: Crazy Cruise (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
A travelogue, stopping in a southern tobacco plantation, the Swiss Alps, Egypt, Central Europe, Africa, and others, long enough for one joke per location. Bugs Bunny makes only a cameo appearance at the end.
Movie: The Stupor Salesman (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
When notorious bank robber Slug McSlug escapes the police dragnet by hiding out in an abandoned country house, he is visited by salesman Daffy Duck, who is absolutely determined to sell him something.
Movie: You Were Never Duckier (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
At the National Poultry Show, the prize for Best Duck is only $5.00, while the prize for Best Rooster is $5,000.00, so Daffy Duck decides to don a rubber glove top-knot, plucks a real rooster for tail feathers and enters the show.
Movie: Dough Ray Me-ow (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
Louie the Parrot is second in line to inherit the family fortune behind the family cat Heathcliff. Louie plots the end of Heathcliff.
Movie: Daffy Duck Slept Here (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
Porky Pig fights to get a room in the only vacant hotel in town. Unfortunately, he must share his room with Daffy Duck, who irritates Porky and makes the night uncomfortable for him.
Movie: Behind the Tunes: Drawn to Life - The Art of Robert McKimson ( 2007 )
A look at the career of Warner Bros. animator and director Robert McKimson.
Movie: Behind the Tunes: Once Upon a Looney Tune ( 2007 )
A look at the fairy tale-based Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoons, starring characters like Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Sylvester, Tweety, Elmer Fudd, and more.
Movie: Unsung Maestros: A Directors Tribute ( 2007 )
The titular directors discussed are: Hugh Harman and Rudolf Ising (1930-1933), Jack King (1934-1936), Ub Iwerks (1937), Ben Hardaway (1934-1940), Norm McCabe (1940-1943), and Art Davis (1945-1949)
Movie: Crying for the Carolines (Short 1930)
Partially animated film in which organist Milton Charles sings about the Carolines.
Movie: The Captain's Christmas (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
The Captain is playing Santa; John and his henchmen stick him up and take over, but John breaks all the toys. They go into town and sing, so badly that people throw things at them to get them to to stop.
Movie: Bugs Bunny's Looney Christmas Tales (TV Short 1979) ( 1979 )
Bugs Bunny and the others "Looney Tunes" stars show their own version of "A Christmas Carol". In addition, Wile E. is still chasing Road Runner and Taz impersonates Santa Claus.
Movie: The Return of Mr. Hook (Short 1945) ( 1945 )
Seaman Hook has big plans for after the war, mostly involving rushing home and marrying his sweetie. So do his fellow seaman, but theirs involve buying bonds.
Movie: Tokyo Woes (Short 1945)
When Tokyo Rose begins spewing her anti-American propaganda over the airwaves, Seaman Hook is inspired to fight back, using War Bonds as literal weapons against her.
Movie: Poultry Pirates (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
The ducks and chickens next door eye the Captain's garden covetously through a poorly mended fence. The Captain, armed with a board, is standing guard (but not fixing the fence). He falls asleep, and the poultry attack, stripping the garden methodically. When the Captain comes after them, they lock him into a shed. He gets out, and fetches his shotgun. That stops them, and they drop their booty, until the Captain sets his gun down to collect the veggies; the birds all rush in, snatch them back, and slam the gate. Except there's a straggler: one tiny chick struggling with a huge tomato. The Captain catches him, and even though the chick puts the tomato back, the Captain gives him a cute little spanking. The chick runs home and tells daddy (of course, in his version, the chick was a saint); the word is passed to ever-larger roosters, until one that's even larger than the Captain goes to settle the score. After some posturing, they fight (to the storm sequence from the William Tell Overture). The Captain is knocked out, and awakes to discover it was a dream, but he's still got the original battle with the poultry - one he finally loses as he knocks down the fence.
Movie: Seal Skinners (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
A trained seal has escaped from the Jingling Brothers circus; there's a $100,000 reward. Both the Captain and John Silver hear this news, as does the seal. They show up, offering the seal a ride to wherever she wants to go; home to the arctic, as it happens. The Captain wins round one, grabbing the seal while John is engaged in a fight with yet another reward seeker. But John's got a few tricks up his sleeve, primarily the seal suit he dresses up in that fools the seal briefly and the Captain for a bit longer.
Movie: A Day at the Beach (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
The whole family is at the beach for an outing, and each is having their own little adventure. The Captain fights the sun with his beach umbrella, in an attempt to nap. Grandpa tries to build a sand castle, but the waves keep wiping it out. Mama, after trying to defend her picnic basket, tries dipping a cautious toe into the big bad ocean, eventually needing to be rescued by the Captain. And the kids, naturally, are cooking up mischief. Their first target is that picnic basket, but their plan to use a pelican backfires when a lobster cuts the rope they were using. Then they set out to enjoy the water, but their "borrowing" the bottom of the safety rowboat has bad consequences later.
Movie: The Good Egg (Short 1945)
Navy seaman Mr. Hook is convinced of the value of holding on to his war bonds.
Movie: Behind the Tunes: Wacky Warner One-Shots ( 2007 )
Historians and modern animators discuss classic era Warner cartoons without "stars": characters who returned in subsequent cartoons.
Movie: Behind the Tunes: Real American Zero - The Adventures of Private Snafu ( 2007 )
Historians and animators discuss the Private Snafu cartoons made for military training during World War II.
Movie: Hare Ribbin' (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
Bugs is chased into a lake by a French Poodle who speaks with a thick French accent; the rest of the story unfolds under water.
Movie: Bugs Bunny's Bustin' Out All Over (TV Special 1980) ( 1980 )
Bugs Bunny explains the joy of springtime in three parts: First, as a young Bugs and Elmer Fudd do the joys of the hunter and the hunted. Second, Bugs displays a little too much affection and winds up on Mars as the pet of Hugo the Abominable Snowman. And thirdly, more misadventures of Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner.
Movie: The Bear's Tale (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
The bears go out for a bicycle ride while their porridge cools. Goldilocks comes along, but stops at grandmother's house instead, where the wolf is waiting. He sends her away, then realized she'd do just fine, so he rushes over to the bears house. Red gets to granny's house, finds a note from the wolf, and calls Goldy.
Movie: The Up-Standing Sitter (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
Daffy Duck is sent to a hen house to baby-sit an egg. While he is there, the egg hatches a little chick who's afraid of strangers. The chick runs away from Daffy, who must chase him all over the barnyard.
Movie: Rabbit Punch (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
Heckling the Champ gets Bugs into the world championship fight as the challenger.
Movie: Now Hear This (Short 1962) ( 1963 )
In this very abstract cartoon, a hard-of-hearing old Britisher finds a red horn and uses it as a megaphone, unaware that it is really a lost horn from the Devil's forehead. The Britisher finds that the horn has the effect of amplifying every sound psychedelically and causing him serious bodily harm.
Movie: Sleepy Time Possum (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
Forest-dwelling possums, Ma and Pa O'Possum, are frustrated with their son, Junior, who is hanging from a tree by his tail, sleeping, instead of doing his chores. Pa dresses like a dog to suddenly awaken Junior and scare him, in the hope that this will teach the young possum a lesson. Even though the precocious Junior is not frightened in the least by Pa's disguise, h...Read all
Movie: Chili Weather ( 1963 )
Sylvester is guarding the Guadalajara Food Processing plant; a group of mice see this and try to enter, with no luck. Speedy gets some cheese, but when he goes back, Sylvester starts chasing him. They end up on a conveyor belt, where Sylvester gets shaved by some chopping blades. Speedy spreads some grease on a platform, and Sylvester skids into a vat of Tabasco Sauce. He melts a block of ice to recover. On another conveyor belt, Sylvester gets a bottle cap on his head. He pries it off, but Speedy "yee-ha's" him into the ceiling where it gets stuck again, and Speedy hides his bottle opener. Sylvester wanders off, into a dehydrator, where he emerges much smaller than Speedy and runs away in fright. (Even with all this machinery, the soundtrack does not include "Powerhouse.")
Movie: Early to Bet (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
The Gambling Bug causes gambling fever in anyone he bites. He bites a cat, who becomes eager to play gin-rummy with a bulldog for penalties. Even though he keeps losing and has to endure more and more painful penalties, the cat is compelled by the Gambling Bug's bite to continue playing.
Movie: Porky and Teabiscuit (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Porky accidentally buys an old horse at an auction and must enter him in a race to recoup his loss.
Movie: Snowden: Raggedy Ann & Andy's Adventure ( 1998 )
Accidentally abandoned by their owner, Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy must trek through the snowy tundra to make it home in time for Christmas.
Movie: Toby Tortoise Returns (Short 1936) ( 1936 )
Max Hare is boxing Toby Tortoise, and beating him severely in round one. Between rounds, a Mae West lookalike tells Toby she "likes a man who takes his time", which seems to reinvigorate him. Come round two, Toby pulls into his shell to avoid the fists, wears a diving helmet to survive the water Max pours in, and when Max fills his shell with fireworks, manages to turn them back against Max.
Movie: Plane Daffy (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
Daffy Duck is a message courier bird delivering a military secret that a femme fatale Nazi spy is determined to get.
Movie: Polar Pals (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Porky Pig inhabits an igloo in the Arctic, where he beds with a covering a several live, furry polar bears, bathes in a shower whose water instantly freezes into long icicles, and dances in the ice and snow with the native fauna. When a greedy fur trapper named I. Killem arrives to threaten Porky's walrus, bear, and seal friends, Porky acts to repel the trapper by firing a musket which spits out buckshot and explosives. Killem flees in what he thinks is a kayak but is actually a whale.
Movie: Wise Quacks (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Mr. (and Mrs.!) Daffy Duck are expecting four ducklings; Daffy plays the nervous father, and Porky drops by to offer congratulations. Soon, a bald eagle hijacks the runt of the litter, and Daffy gives chase (despite the fact he's been celebrating the birth a little too much).
Movie: The Film Fan (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Porky Pig is on his way to the store to pick up some groceries for his mother when he walks by a sign saying that the local movie theater is having a "kids admitted free" day. The excited Porky rushes in and views a series of spoofs of newsreels, movie trailers, feature films, and even the Lone Ranger!
Movie: Swooner Crooner (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
Porky Pig's egg farm faces production problems when a crooning rooster distracts the hens from their jobs.
Movie: Russian Rhapsody (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
Adolf Hitler sends his greatest pilot to bomb Moscow: himself. But his mission is sabotaged by gremlins, little creatures who attack not only his plane, but Der Fuhrer's person.
Movie: Old Glory (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Porky balks at learning the Pledge of Allegiance until Uncle Sam appears to him in a dream and gives him a lesson in American history.
Movie: The Aristo-Cat (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
Meadows the butler, fed up with the family cat's practical jokes, walks off the job, leaving the formerly-pampered feline alone and totally helpless, unaware even of what a mouse looks like. Thus, he's terrified when the cheese-hunting mice Hubie and Bertie show up, making their first appearance in a Warner Bros. cartoon.
Movie: Thugs with Dirty Mugs (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Killer and his gang are robbing every bank in town in numerical order, except they skip the 13th National Bank. The police are unable to catch them, despite their predictability (and their endless sight gags). Finally, they get help from an unlikely source: the guy in the front of the theatre who sat through the picture before. They capture Killer, and he gets a long ...Read all
Movie: The Wise Quacking Duck (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
The aptly named Mr. Meek is sent by Sweety Puss to kill Daffy for dinner. Daffy escape the hatchet, and hides behind a haystack, squirting ketchup for blood and making dying noises. Mr. Meek sees through this, and chases Daffy into the house. Inside the house, there's a lot of chasing, Daffy does a striptease, and faced down a shotgun twice.
Movie: The Fifth-Column Mouse (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
In this parable for the failure of appeasement before World War Two, house mice are targeted by a hungry cat, who intrudes upon their idyllic life. When all but one of the mice successfully take refuge in a wall hole, the cat promises to the one mouse who didn't manage to escape, that he won't hurt anyone, provided he's placated with pampering by every mouse in the pack. Acting as the cat's quisling, the mouse speaks to his rodent brothers, telling them to appease the cat, to give the cat all the comforts he wants, and in turn the cat will live in peace with them. The mice are wary of the cat but agree to his terms. Not surprisingly, the cat's appetite isn't assuaged, and he soon craves a mouse dinner. He chases the mice back into their hole, and the mice reject appeasement and decide to fight against the cat. They go through military prep and manufacture an ultimate weapon, a wooden dog with mechanical gears and biting teeth, to combat the cat.
Movie: Boyhood Daze (Short 1957) ( 1957 )
Young Ralph Phillips is scolded for breaking a window and sent to his room, where he lets his imagination run riot and fantasizes he is in prison, next that he is in Africa, and then that he is a space ace pilot who single-handedly thwarts a Martian invasion.
Movie: We're in the Money ( 1933 )
After the last human has left the department store, the toys walk over to the music department where they start performing the Warren/Dubin song "We're in the money". The money soon joins for a chorus, as well as display dolls in the wardrobe department.
Movie: Bosko's Picture Show ( 1933 )
Bosko runs a movie theater that shows a wacky newsreel with Jack Dumpsey, a slapstick short from Haurel and Lardy, and a turn-of-the-century melodrama starring Honey.
Movie: The Dish Ran Away with the Spoon (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
Dishes and utensils wash, dry, and stack themselves. A duster plays a silverware box like a piano while a salt-pepper-and-sugar set sings. The spoon proposes to the dish (interrupted by a cry from a baby spoon), then plays percussion on some pans and jam jars. Some teacups do a can-can, then a centipede-like conga line. The Swiss cheese yodels. The blueing sings "Am I Blue?," joined by a potato crying from all its eyes. An egg dances, slips on some lard, hatches, and sings "Young and Healthy." A lump of dough rises like a ghost and dances over to a packet of yeast, which it mixes into water and drinks, then grows, a la Jekyll and Hyde. It threatens the dish; some utensils fight back, lobbing canned goods from a spatula catapult. More attacks with cheese graters, popcorn, a rolling pin, and an electric fan, turn the dough into muffins, a bundt cake, a pie, and waffles.
Movie: Shuffle Off to Buffalo (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
Baby central. A flock of storks is leaving with babies. An old man at a ledger book is dealing with phone calls and letters; a request for twins from Nanook of the North sends him to the refrigerator; the stork carries them in slings marked "upper birth" and "lower birth." Another request, written in Hebrew; this baby comes back as a rough Jewish stereotype, and gets stamped kosher. He then joins the head man singing the title song, and shuffling us off to see the baby assembly line, manned by dwarves. The babies are washed in a washing machine, dried, powdered, diapered in paper towels, loaded up with milk, and sent off in a crib. They clamor for "Cantor" and one of the dwarves reveals that he was _Eddie Cantor_ in disguise, followed by another round of the title song.
Movie: I Like Mountain Music (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
The magazines and books in a drugstore come to life and sing the title song, among others. Some celebrities shown: Will Rogers, Sonja Henie, Kay Kyser; like most of this genre, there's an extended crime sequence, with bad guys breaking into the cash register and Sherlock Holmes on the case.
Movie: Buddy's Day Out ( 1933 )
Buddy prepare for his romantic picnic with Cookie but along the way she takes her baby little brother Elmer.
Movie: I Got Plenty of Mutton (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
One snowy night a starving wolf is reading a newspaper. As the wolf gets more and more hungry, he dresses up like a sexy ewe to try and lure the ram from his post so he can get to the sheep for a meal.
Movie: The Stupid Cupid (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
Cupid (who looks suspiciously like Elmer Fudd) is on the prowl around the farm. With his ever-accurate arrows (which have their tips replaced with suction cups for safety's sake), he spreads love to sometimes unwilling recipients. But when he sets his sights on Daffy, the duck wants no part of it. When Elm...erm...Cupid fires the largest arrow at his disposal at the hapless duck, Daffy falls for the nearest hen...who happens to be the main squeeze of the cock of the walk...
Movie: The Weakly Reporter ( 1944 )
A newsreel spoof with WWII homefront gags, including rationing, air raid drills and women filling in men's jobs.
Movie: Bosko in Person ( 1933 )
Bosko and Honey perform a wacky stage act that includes doing imitations of Maurice Chevalier, Greta Garbo and Jimmy Durante.
Movie: Duck Soup to Nuts (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
Porky is hunting ducks. Daffy is in his sights, but manages to escape repeatedly, mostly with his powers of persuasion.
Movie: Go Fly a Kit (Short 1957) ( 1957 )
A kitten is adopted by a maternal eagle, who teaches the young cat to fly- by using his tail as a spinning propeller. Upon reaching the age to venture into the world on his own, the flying cat uses his extraordinary ability to save an attractive girl cat from a bulldog. These two cats mate and beget a family of flying felines, all of whom fly south with their father e...Read all
Movie: Show Biz Bugs (Short 1957) ( 1957 )
Bugs and Daffy are vaudevillians competing for praise from the audience. They love Bugs no matter what; just the opposite for Daffy.
Movie: Booby Hatched (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
Winter. A duck struggles mightily, and finally hatches her eggs in the bitter cold, after candling them and seeing the chicks skiing, skating, and otherwise enjoying winter inside the shells. All but one, that is: poor little Robespierre. She doesn't notice until after the rest of the brood has gone swimming and Robespierre has sprouted legs and run off in search of w...Read all
Movie: Rabbit Romeo (Short 1957) ( 1957 )
Elmer Fudd's Uncle Judd gives him a huge, lovesick Slobovian rabbit who falls for Bugs Bunny.
Movie: Buddy's Beer Garden ( 1933 )
Movie: Sittin' on a Backyard Fence (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
Sex seems to be on the minds of the animals on a backyard fence: the alley cats following a solitary female who may be in heat and the bull and the cows painted on an advertisement. After some singing by the cloven-hoofed crowd and music from a jazz band of cats, the focus is on one particular male cat and his tough-guy rival for the affections of the one female. After she watches them fight with each other and then confront a bull dog, she may have her own solution to the rivalry.
Movie: I've Got to Sing a Torch Song (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
A series of celebrity sketches set at a radio station. Some unorthodox calisthenics (including corset tightening, cradle rocking, and stock ticker reading) start the action. Bing Crosby (OK, Cros Bingsby according to the sign) sings from his bathtub to adoring women. A quick world tour shows us the Shanghai Police trying hard to sleep on the job, a cannibal tuning in a cooking show, an Eskimo hooking a whale, and a sultan changing the station from belly dancing music to Amos and Andy. A safe-cracker has an unexpected twist on the title song. He's followed up by Greta Garbo, Zasu Pitts, and Mae West. Throughout, Ed Wynn keeps announcing that it's 8 o'clock.
Movie: Lumber Jerks (Short 1955) ( 1955 )
As the Gophers prepare for winter their tree is moved to a saw mill. When their home is made into furniture, they follow the delivery truck and take back everything that was made from their tree.