Playlists > old school cartoon shorts

old school cartoon shorts
Creator: randywang
Posted: 3 years ago

11 favorites


Movie: Saddle Silly (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
A Pony Express rider's adventures in getting the mail through Indian country.
Movie: Robinson Crusoe Jr. (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
Stranded on an island after his ship was wrecked by a hurricane, Porky meets a friendly African Native. They build a house, and Porky begins to explore the island. On his way we see various sight gags. First, Porky finds a parrot that won't say, 'Polly wants a cracker' because he's waiting for the $64 question. We also see monkey's playing craps, and a monkey who can't seem to climb up a 'Slippery Elm.' Then, Porky sees animals crowded around a water cooler. Porky is then confronted by African Natives who chase him off the island. Porky escapes by chopping a motorboat out of a tree and drives away in it with his African friend. But when the Natives throw spears at the boat, Porky puts an American flag on the back of the boat, and the spears back off.
Movie: The Bug Parade (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
Documentary style short full of bug puns.
Movie: The Brave Little Bat (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
Sniffles' car breaks down in a storm. He finds shelter in a nearby windmill, where he meets Batty.
Movie: Snow Time for Comedy (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
Two curious dogs chase a bone in a snowy wilderness setting.
Movie: We, the Animals - Squeak! (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
Porky hosts a radio program, where animals tell their stories. The guest star is Kansas City Kitty, the best mouser in the country. She tells the story of her life, including her marriage to Tom Collins, the birth of Little Patrick (not necessarily in that order), and the turning point of her life. The mice have plotted out a major operation like gangsters. They sneak out and kidnap Patrick and hold him hostage. The mice soon have the run of the place, raiding the fridge, and generally harassing Kitty, who is distraught. But Patrick escapes, and Kitty gets her revenge. For her story, Porky gives her a present: a wimpy little mouse that scares her.
Movie: The Henpecked Duck (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
Mrs. Duck sues Daffy for divorce in Judge Porky Pig's courtroom, charging her husband with losing their egg in an abortive magic trick.
Movie: Aviation Vacation (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
One of the prohibited Warner Bros. cartoons, short course of history, pygmies, gypsies and presidents.
Movie: Inki and the Lion (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
Preceded by thunderous crashing from the jungle, a little black bird with a syncopated hop emerges from the brush to mystify big-game hunter Inki as he attempts to track down his prey: a ferocious daddy lion.
Movie: Porky's Ant (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
In Africa, Porky tries to catch a rare pygmy ant.
Movie: Toy Trouble (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
Sniffles the mouse and his friend the Bookworm try to evade a cat in a the toy department of Lacy's department store.
Movie: Porky's Bear Facts (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
A variant on the fable of the grasshopper and the ants: Porky is a hardworking farmer, while his neighbor, a bear, sings "working can wait" (as do all his animals). Winter comes, and the only scrap of food in his drafty cabin is a single bean, which a mouse steals. As he stalks his dog past Porky's cabin, he sees the feast on Porky's table and begs to join him.
Movie: A Coy Decoy ( 1941 )
Characters on book covers come to life, including Porky and Daffy. The "Wolf of Wall Street" chases Daffy through "The Hurricane," "The Storm" and across "The Bridge of San Luis Rey" before expiring in "For Whom the Bell Tolls."
Movie: The Wacky Worm (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
A singing worm is pursued by a crow, moving in an amazing variety of ways while escaping. It then hides in an apple, a toothpaste tube, a victrola, a toaster, and an alcohol bottle. This gets him soused enough to challenge the crow directly. He finally hides in another apple.
Movie: Porky's Prize Pony (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
When jockey Porky's thoroughbred gets drunk on linament, a goofy milk-wagon horse takes over for the big race.
Movie: Hiawatha's Rabbit Hunt ( 1941 )
Bugs reads "Hiawatha" and winds up being hunted by him.
Movie: The Crackpot Quail (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
A dog chases a quail through the forest; the quail keeps outsmarting the dog (and keeps referring to the dog as "doc"). The dog, none too bright, keeps running into trees, while the quail's topknot keeps falling into his face.
Movie: The Cat's Tale (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
The mouse, tired of being chased by the cat, convinces him there's no reason for it, and that the cat should talk to the dog and convince him too. The talks are not successful...
Movie: The Haunted Mouse (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
A hungry cat makes his way into a ghost town and finds nothing but a spectral mouse.
Movie: Sniffles Bells the Cat (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
After a few too many close calls, Sniffles and his friends decide that the best way to keep themselves safe from the cat is to put a bell around its neck. When it comes time for someone to do the job, though, Sniffles is left holding the short straw. So off he goes with his friend the inchworm to find the cat at bell it. The cat, however, may have other plans.
Movie: Elmer's Pet Rabbit (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
Elmer buys a rabbit that he pitied seeing in the pet store. The rabbit turns out to be Bugs and makes Elmer's life a living nightmare.
Movie: Porky's Baseball Broadcast (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
It's the Giants vs. the Red Sox in the final game of the World Series, and Porky's doing play-by-play for the radio audience. The umpire is blind; the bat boy is, literally, a bat, and the catcher's a fast-talking turtle. The Giant's pitcher is literally a giant. And of course, as with any New York-Boston matchup, the Giants win.
Movie: Porky's Snooze Reel (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
A parody of a newsreel. Stories: Elks on parade; Swiss navy launches a battleship; a dog show; a flooded town; a new tank trap; a jellyfish swallows a mine; the latest military airplanes; a horse race ending in a photo finish; a swimming race in the Everglades.
Movie: Circus Today (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
A barker guides us through a sideshow, a menagerie, and on to the big top, for a series of typical Avery gags. For example, the trapeze artists, the Flying Cadenzas, literally fly; the lion puts his head in the tamer's mouth; and the human cannonball flies around the world.
Movie: The Chewin' Bruin (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
A bear hunter tells Porky the tale of a hunt 30 years ago: a bear got a taste of his chewing tobacco and chased him down to get it; the hunter took the bear on with his bare hands rather than lose the tobacco. Or at least, that's the way he told the story.
Movie: Slap Happy Pappy (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Porky runs a farm; we see him plowing the fields. But it's primarily a poultry farm; as the sign says, "For sale: Miracle eggs if it's a good egg, it's a miracle." A rabbit, doing a Jack Benny impression (Jack Bunny), paints and inspects eggs. He starts to smash and reject a black egg, but it hatches into a black baby bird doing a Rochester impression. We next visit t...Read all
Movie: Cross Country Detours (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
A series of travelogue gags, focusing on national parks and wildlife. In Yosemite, we meet a bear and a deer; the bear enforces his own "do not feed" sign; the deer greets us with "hello, big boy." A desperate scoutmaster asks to use a gas station washroom, then calls his troop of hundreds. A fire ranger spots a discarded cigar and races to pick it up - and smoke it. Alaska: A husky dog reads a mileage sign and sets off for California (beginning a running gag). A ferocious bobcat stalks a cute defenseless baby quail. The desert: we see our dog again; a lizard sheds its skin like a stripper. Because the next scene is scary, the screen is split: for the grownups, a scary gila monster; for the children, a little girl reciting "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and snarling at the reptile when she finishes. The Grand Canyon: A tourist testing the echo hears an operator: "I'm sorry, they do not answer" (and the dog, again). Beavers build the Hoover Dam. The dog reaches California, where he makes for the giant redwoods.
Movie: Confederate Honey (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Nett Cutler (Elmer Fudd) romances Crimson O'Hairoil in this send-up of Gone With the Wind (1939).
Movie: Busy Bakers (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Swenson the baker is down to a single donut in his shop, which he willingly gives to a blind man who comes in. Unknown to him, that was really an elf, who enlists his friends to fill the shop with all manner of baked goods while the baker sleeps.
Movie: Mighty Hunters (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
A group of Native American children dances, in preparation for hunting. These hunters don't seem to be much of a threat to anyone but themselves, though. Two of them go after a squirrel, to no avail. Another tries to convince a donkey to let him ride, also with no luck. Finally, one of the boys, whose brother is strapped to his back, attracts the unwanted attention of a bear with his brother's candy; after everyone ends up hanging off a cliff, the bear gets the candy and the boys all head for home.
Movie: Ali-Baba Bound (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Porky finds out that Ali-Baba and his Dirty Sleeves plan to attack the fort; it's up to him to go warn the fort. He gets there to discover everyone has left for the Legion convention in Boston. Porky and his rented camel fend off the attackers themselves for a while, but when the situation gets dire, the young camel summons its mother. Momma takes care of the attacker that's menacing them. The secret weapon, who has been sitting on the bench with an artillery shell strapped to his head, now comes in, but runs right through the fort and into Ali-Baba.
Movie: Africa Squeaks (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Porky Pig goes on a safari in Africa, and runs into an assortment of crazy animals, wacky natives and Kay Kyser giving dance lessons in the middle of the jungle.
Movie: The Early Worm Gets the Bird (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Mammy blackbird puts her three little ones to bed, but one of them stays up reading "The Early Bird Catches the Worm." Mammy throws the book out the window and warns the little ones about the fox, which will surely get them if they try to be an early bird. The reader pays no heed, and gets up at 5 AM. Alas, the worm has seen the book, so is alerted and evades the bird. And sure enough, before long, the fox shows up and soon has the bird in his grasp. The worm takes pity, though, and lures a bee into stinging the fox so he'll release the bird. The bird heads home to safety, but unlike his brothers, he's not interested when mammy asks if he wants worms for breakfast (and the worm pops up to say, "neither does I, mammy.")
Movie: The Curious Puppy (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
While pursuing a little dog who's wandered into an amusement park at night, the park's watchdog accidentally switches on the power to all the rides and attractions, bewildering the pair of canines.
Movie: Sniffles and the Bookworm (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Literary characters come to life late at night in a bookshop, serenading Sniffles the mouse with swing music until the Frankenstein monster intrudes.
Movie: Screwball Football (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
A series of gags hung on a football game. The running gag is a baby licking an ice-cream cone; the portly man sitting next to him keeps stealing licks. We see the warmups (a kicker punts sitting in a chair; three other kickers break into a chorus line). The coin flip: the players pile on. The kickoff: the ball stays put and the man holding it is kicked. A re-kick: one player is used like a golf club by another. Some razzle-dazzle on the scrimmage line. The QB fades (literally) for a pass. Half-time: a quick show by the marching band; the team beats up their coach; a cheerleader rallies his team's supporters: one man. Second half: A touchdown run is interrupted for a commercial announcement; when completed, a cheerleader literally yells his head off. A quick montage of action, then the final gun which comes from the ice-cream tot, finally fed up with his neighbor.
Movie: Porky the Giant Killer (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Porky Pig is tapped for a giant-killing expedition. When the expedition reaches the giant's castle (which is normal sized, requiring the giant to stoop), everyone but Porky runs at the first sign of trouble, leaving Porky alone to awaken the giant's sleeping baby. Porky then must soothe the baby back to sleep and attempt his escape.
Movie: Fagin's Freshman (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Momma's singing "Three Little Kittens" with her brood, but Blackie thinks it's for sissies and he'd rather listen to crime dramas on the radio. Momma sends him to bed, where he dreams of venturing out. He sees a sign looking for boys, no experience needed. It's Fagin's school, where he trains boys to steal. The cops raid the place. In the shootout, the phone rings; Fagin answers and passes the message on to a cop: bring home a pound of butter. Blackie dives out a window, gets tangled up in a curtain, and wakes up, tangled in his blanket; he runs downstairs and joins in "Three Little Kittens."
Movie: Fresh Fish (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
A tour of the waters near a South Sea island, introducing us to the various kinds of marine life, including the pickled herring, the hermit crab, the starfish, a seahorse race, and many other puns. Among the running gags, a two-headed fish who keeps asking for directions to Mr. Ripley and a professor in a diving sphere looking for a rare wim-wam whistling shark.
Movie: Pied Piper Porky (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Porky Pig stars as the Pied Piper, who thinks he has taken care of all the mice. However, there is one rogue mouse that he is unable to catch. So he tries an old-fashioned mouse trap (a cat) and when the cat tries to fight, the result is the mouse wearing his fur (i.e. he killed him).
Movie: The Good Egg (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
A hen adopts an abandoned egg which hatches into a turtle. The baby turtle becomes the butt of all the real chicks' jokes until danger threatens.
Movie: The Little Lion Hunter (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Out hunting in the jungle with his spear, African native boy Inki keeps narrowly missing his prey: a parrot, a giraffe, even a butterfly. Then there's that weird black bird with the syncopated hop who keeps popping up out of nowhere, only to disappear mysteriously once again. Back to big game hunting, Inki puts his ear to the ground, not noticing the ferocious lion sneaking up on him.
Movie: Naughty Neighbors (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Petunia Pig and Porky Pig, each from two families, declare peace between their respective families, the Martins and the McCoys, who have been violently feuding all this time. The happy disposition doesn't last long, and soon the Martins and McCoys are fighting again.
Movie: Land of the Midnight Fun (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
A cruise to Nome, Alaska, starts with some cruise-ship jokes: the ship pulls out of the harbor like a car, raising anchor also raises the front of the boat, the ship follows the coast by curving around it. On arrival, we see some local scenes: A penguin eats two fish, then is eaten by the third; the dogs of a dog sled stop (behind an iceberg) at a telephone pole; a timber wolf goes around shouting "Timber!" Two Eskimos rub noses: in preparation, the woman applies lipstick to her nose. Finally, an Eskimo nightclub (after all, the nights are six months long) features a rotoscoped ice skater. The ship leaves, and gets caught in the fog near New York; when the fog clears, we see the ship is perched atop the World's Fair Trilon.
Movie: Little Brother Rat (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Sniffles the mouse has to get an owl's egg for a scavenger hunt, but once he's gotten it, the egg hatches and draws the attention of the mouse-eating father owl.
Movie: Sioux Me (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
An Indian reservation is suffering from drought. At the request of the Chief, the Rainmaker and his young assistant seek a solution.
Movie: Hare-um Scare-um (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
A hungry hunter pursues a wily rabbit who's one step ahead of him and his hound.
Movie: Detouring America (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
This travelogue across America is filled with sight gags such as the 'Old Reliable' geyser spitting into a spittoon, cliff-dwelling Indians who walk horizontally up and down the faces of cliffs to get to their homes, and a Texas cow puncher who really punches cows. Also featured is Mr. Butter Fingers, a 'human fly' who climbs the outside of the Empire State Building.
Movie: Porky's Hotel (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Porky runs a hotel in the small town of Donut Center ("what a hole"). A goat with gout checks in for a rest, but a talkative duck child will prevent him from getting it particularly when he starts chasing after a fly with a hammer.
Movie: Dangerous Dan McFoo (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
An arctic saloon. The tiny dog, Dan McFoo, is playing a pinball-like marble game in the back. His girlfriend, Sue, sounding like Katharine Hepburn, stands by. A stranger comes in with eyes for Sue; he begins a boxing match with Dan. After Dan gets knocked down, he accuses the stranger of having something in the glove; the ref finds four horseshoes and a horse. After the fight goes on a while with no conclusion, the narrator tosses a couple of guns, the lights go out, and Dan is shot or is he?
Movie: Snowman's Land (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
In the Canadian north, a little Mountie runs afoul of the dread outlaw, Dirty Pierre
Movie: Scalp Trouble (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
General Daffy Duck's fort is plagued by Indian raids. After struggling to awaken Porky Pig for his turn at guard duty, Daffy is terrified by an onslaught of Indians. The day seems lost, until Daffy inadvertently swallows a box of bullets...
Movie: Porky's Picnic (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Porky asks Petunia on a picnic. Unfortunately, bratty baby Pinkie tags along. First he separates their sidecar from Porky's scooter, then he torments a squirrel with scissors and Porky with a board, then he sneaks into the animal cages at the zoo. Porky saves him, earning a big kiss from Petunia. Finally, Pinkie sneaks up on a cute little chipmunk with the scissors and the chipmunk gets even.
Movie: Believe It or Else (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
In this spoof of the newsreel series, we meet a man who drinks large amounts of milk, a snake charmer, a man building a ship in a bottle, the world's loudest hog caller, a man who hasn't left his room for years, a human basketball, an optical illusion, a new giant telescope showing life on Mars and none on the moon, a wishing well in Egypt, the world's fastest woodcutter, the country's most accurate knife thrower, the sounds made by ants, and a man who saws people in half. Egghead keeps saying he doesn't believe it.
Movie: Hobo Gadget Band (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
At the hobo hotel, it's morning. One hobo awakens, and carefully avoids the shower, except for a drop on each eye. He stops at the medicine cabinet for some "soda fizz" which jets about, causing havoc. A train goes by, and the swinging rhythm inspires a makeshift clarinet solo. The cook grabs some fish from the fridge, which opens right onto the river. Another train whistle prompts an announcer; the hobos board down a slide. The clarinet player starts up again, and everyone dances. The engineer notices, stops the train, and pulls the "hobo eliminator" lever, which ejects them. Fortunately, they land right in front of a sign looking for amateur musicians at a radio station. They play and sing, to everyone's enjoyment. The station owner offers them luxury but a passing train whistle changes their minds.
Movie: Naughty But Mice (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Sniffles the mouse, in his first appearance in a Warner Bros. cartoon, goes to a drugstore and gets drunk on a cold remedy, then befriends an electric razor and gets it drunk as well.
Movie: Kristopher Kolumbus Jr. (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Porky Pie is "Kris Kolumbus", intrepid and undaunted explorer, off to find a humorous interpretation of America.
Movie: Chicken Jitters (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Porky must protect the wide variety of poultry in his farm from a hungry fox.
Movie: Porky's Movie Mystery ( 1939 )
Mr. Motto (Porky) is called back from vacation to catch the invisible man.
Movie: Love and Curses (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
An aging hero is looking through the photo album and remembering the Gay 90's, and in particular a picnic interrupted by villainous Roger St. Clair, who tries to tempt Emily to the big city and away from Harold; when that fails, he takes her by force. Six months later, Harold is still searching; Emily is forced to sing on the stage of Roger's bar, accompanied by a barbershop quartet on "All Is Not Gold That Glitters." Harold passes by and hears her. Roger beans him with the curtain and ties Emily to the railroad tracks. Harold rescues her; there follows a sawmill scene, a shootout, and ultimately victory for our hero. Back in the present day, they wonder what happened to Roger, which is his cue.
Movie: The Isle of Pingo Pongo (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
A travelogue spotlights the tropical island of Pingo Pongo, showing the unusual flora and fauna and the lives of the happy natives.
Movie: Cinderella Meets Fella (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
A partial updating of the Cinderella story. When the fairy godmother is late, Cinderella calls the police, who put out an APB and find her in a bar. Her first attempt at turning the pumpkin (canned) and mice into a coach produces Santa. Cinderella gets to the ball (in a stagecoach) and meets Prince Charming Egghead. They dance, and spend some quality time on the balcony. Midnight, dropped slipper, and all that; Egghead finds her house with the help of some neon signs, but all that's there is a note that she got tired of waiting and went to a Warner Bros. show. She pops up from the audience, and they head off to the tenth row together.
Movie: Porky's Spring Planting (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
Porky and his dog, Streamline, plant a large garden in creative ways. The neighbor chickens see the garden as one big buffet/cafeteria.
Movie: Porky & Daffy (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
Daffy Duck, who only seems to awaken to the sound of a struck platter cover, is a boxer (managed by Porky Pig), who boxes against a champion rooster in a widely commercialized event. His techniques include using crazy antics, dirty tricks and sight gags.
Movie: The Major Lied 'Til Dawn (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
We open on a big game hunter telling a little boy (a caricture of child star Freddie Bartholomew) stories about hunting in the jungles of Africa. He tells him a story about a day he was hunting there. The game hunter gets help from African natives to catch some animals, with some odd results. Sight gags include a African native with a record player hidden in his huge lower lip, an elephant who can't remember something he was supposed to do, and the game hunter riding a elephant and having to "shift gears" like an automobile to get up a steep hill.
Movie: A Feud There Was (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
Things are moving pretty slow in the Weaver cabin. Most of the men (and animals) are sleeping, and even those who are awake are only half-awake. A microphone for the radio station KFWB drops in front of four of them. They snap to and burst into song (with a nap during the commercial). They sing of the joy of shooting McCoys. The McCoys, called skunks by a young boy with a deep voice, shoot their question at the Weavers: "Do ya mean it?" The reply: "Yas we mean it!" The feud is on. Coming on a scooter is "Elmer Fudd, Peacemaker" (though the character design and voice is that of Egghead). He suggests peace to the Weavers, and gets a backside of buckshot. The McCoys give him the same response. The sheriff catches one combatant off-side and gives him a 5 yard penalty. Elmer stands in the middle and again pleads for peace. Everyone gangs up around him; there's a huge brawl, and only Elmer is left standing.
Movie: A-Lad-in Bagdad (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
Hayseed Egghead arrives in the big city of Bagdad and quickly wins a magic lamp in a carnival coin-operated crane game. The shady character who was playing the game before him covets the lamp, and tries to steal it. Egghead sees a poster: The sultan is having a contest for his daughter's hand in marriage. With his lamp, Egghead thinks he's a sure bet; he conjures up a magic carpet, and he's off. After a couple bad vaudeville acts, it's Egghead's turn, but in the meantime, the bad guy swapped the lamp for a coffeepot. Egghead is thrown out, then sees the bad guy using the lamp; Egghead breaks in, steals the lamp and the girl, and flies off. But she uses the lamp herself to conjure up a real hunk to replace the nerdy Egghead.
Movie: Johnny Smith and Poker-Huntas (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
Johnny Smith enters an America where the Indians behave like 1930s average Americans. When he is arrested, the girl Poker Huntas rescues and elopes with him.
Movie: Daffy Duck in Hollywood (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
Daffy Duck wreaks havoc on a movie set at Wonder Pictures ("if it's good, it's a Wonder"). Daffy's creative editing impresses producer I. M. Stupendous.
Movie: Porky the Gob (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
A battleship, manned mainly by dogs (and Porky), and whose captain sounds rather like Yosemite Sam, sets sail. When the crew threatens to get to the mess hall before the captain, he orders them to halt (and they do, some in mid-air). The ship gets a radio message of a reward for capturing the pirate submarine. The crew sets out in planes to go looking, leaving Porky behind. Naturally, the sub comes after the ship, and defense is up to Porky. He manages to repel the boarding party and winches the sub onboard with a plunger.
Movie: The Lone Stranger and Porky (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
The Lone Stranger is sleeping when his faithful, if overly caricatured, Indian scout sees stagecoach driver Porky being robbed by a bad guy. The scout summons the Lone Stranger, who rides to the rescue. The bad guy goes after him (and, briefly, the narrator). But just in the nick of time, the Lone Stranger recovers and conquers the bad guy. Meanwhile, Silver and the villain's horse have been having their own close encounter, and Silver returns with several little colts.
Movie: The Mice Will Play (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
The mice are on the loose after hours in a doctor's office, playing with the various pieces of medical apparatus. Susie Mouse is caged for research until her lover Johnnie frees her. A mouse orchestra plays a swinging wedding song. But throughout, a cat is stalking...
Movie: Count Me Out (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
Egghead decides his road to riches is through a boxing correspondence course. When he graduates, he takes on champion Biff Stew. Biff pummels him mercilessly (the correspondence course record continues to coach him during the match), but by accident, he knocks Biff out until we see it was all in Egghead's head, after being knocked out by the practice equipment.
Movie: Dog Gone Modern (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Two dogs known as The Two Curious Puppies (one large and brown; the other small and white with a black tail) visit an All Electric Model Home, as the sign outside bills it. The "modern conveniences" inside prove to be anything but convenient for the two canines. The dogs tangle with the Electric Dish Washer, the Napkin Folder and the Automatic Piano that has a panoply of musical instruments, and even mechanical singers, appearing out of little trap doors. The worst "convenience" is the Automatic Sweeper, an annoying robot that suddenly appears to sweep up anything the second it touches the floor. To the small dog's frustration, he even sweeps up the dog bones from the Dog Bone Dispenser.
Movie: Hamateur Night (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
It's amateur night at the local theatre, and a procession of bad acts comes and goes: various musicians, a magician, and some actors. But they keep getting interrupted by Egghead singing "She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain".
Movie: Robin Hood Makes Good (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
This Merry Melody cartoon, "Robin Hood Makes Good," features three squirrels who find a book about the adventures of Robin Hood, and decide to emulate the hero by becoming merry outlaws of the forest. A fox reads the discarded book and decides there is something in it that will provide a meal (or three) for him.
Movie: Ancient Fistory ( 1953 )
It's the middle ages (sort of); Popeye is working in Bluto's Beanery. Bluto is going to the ball where Princess Olive will choose her mate. Popeye's fairy godpappy appears and it's a reverse Cinderella story, with a car created from a can of spinach.
Movie: Bugs Bunny's Easter Special (TV Special 1977) ( 1977 )
Easter-themed showcase of classic Warner Bros. cartoons, hosted by Bugs Bunny and Granny.
Movie: Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol ( 1962 )
Bah, Humbug, Mr. Magoo. Watch Charles Dickens classic tale of regret, redemption, and the power of the Christmas spirit like never before with Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol. Starring the beloved, bumbling Mr. Magoo as Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly businessman who learns the error of his greedy ways on a magical and musical journey through the past, present, and future Christmases of his life. Jim Backus, Morey Amsterdam, Jack Cassidy and Royal Dano lend their voice talents to the first animated holiday special in television history.
Movie: A Symposium on Popular Songs (Short 1962) ( 1962 )
Professor Ludwig von Drake plays a variety of popular music, all of which he wrote. First, ragtime: the Rutabaga Rag, with vegetables dancing in stop-motion. Next, the Charleston, with cut-out animation of a singer and dancers. Dixieland and more cut-out animation; the crooner/love ballad; 50's doo-wop; and finally, rockabilly.
Movie: Gumby: The Movie ( 1995 )
In this offshoot of the 1950s "claymation" cartoon series, the crazy Blockheads threaten to ruin Gumby's benefit concert by replacing the entire city of Clokeytown with robots.
Movie: Canadian Can-Can (Short 1967) ( 1967 )
Inspector Clouseau is posted with the Canadian Mounted Police to study their crime investigation system and is assigned to apprehend a villain named Two-Faced Harry, who actually has two faces, one deceptively honest-looking, the other malicious. Clouseau doesn't realize these two faces are of the same man until he has chased the two-faced freak into the snowy plains of Manitoba.
Movie: Unsafe and Seine (Short 1966) ( 1966 )
Inspector Clouseau and Sergeant Deux-Deux are assigned by the Surete Commissioner to search for a secret agent, who supposedly has information that Clouseau's life is in danger. The search takes Clouseau and Deux-Deux through a series of disasters in Paris, London, Switzerland, Venice, and the jungles of Africa. When they meet the agent, they discover he is actually an insurance agent, who arranged all the disasters they've been through to show the everyday hazards of police work and persuade Clouseau to purchase an insurance policy!
Movie: Sacré Bleu Cross (Short 1967) ( 1967 )
Inspector Clouseau and Sergeant Deux-Deux track a notorious criminal, Hassan the Assassin, to a run-down building, where Clouseau must gain access to apprehend Hassan. Deux-Deux gives Clouseau a rabbit's foot for luck. It turns out that the only luck the rabbit's foot brings is luck of the bad variety, which Clouseau discovers in each of his painfully misbegotten attempts to enter Hassan's hideaway.
Movie: Bomb Voyage (Short 1967) ( 1967 )
Reports of flying saucers over Paris have the Surete scrambling to keep order. The Commissioner is himself abducted by aliens and taken to their planet. Inspector Clouseau and Sergeant Deux-Deux follow in a monkey-piloted rocket and find the Commissioner in a specimen jar. They release him and are chased around and around the tiny planet by one of the aliens.
Movie: Le Bowser Bagger (Short 1967) ( 1967 )
The French Surete experiments with the use of dogs as partners to its police officers, and Inspector Clouseau is paired with a scrappy canine given the name of Private Bowser. Clouseau and Bowser chase a thief onto a train, and Bowser subdues the criminal with no help from the bumbling Clouseau.
Movie: Le Pig-Al Patrol (Short 1967) ( 1967 )
Inspector Clouseau pursues a thieving motorcycle gang led by one Pig-Al. Pig-Al and his criminal cohorts reach their headquarters at the top of a steep hill, which Pig-Al covers with grease so that Clouseau cannot easily ascend to reach them.
Movie: Le Escape Goat (Short 1967) ( 1967 )
An elusive criminal is making attempts on the Surete Commissioner's life. But each time, Inspector Clouseau is caught in an implicating position and is blamed for the attempted assassinations by the Commissioner, who has always had doubts about the bumbling Inspector's loyalty.
Movie: Le Cop on Le Rocks (Short 1967) ( 1967 )
Inspector Clouseau is wrongly convicted of a crime committed by his look-alike. He is put into prison where he tries to break out so that he can find his look-alike and clear his own name, but all his escape attempts fail, and each time, a no-nonsense warden assigns additional years of imprisonment to the hapless Clouseau. Finally, Clouseau learns he will be granted freedom if he can pound one rock into pebbles-and it's the Rock of Gibraltar!
Movie: Ape Suzette (Short 1966) ( 1966 )
Inspector Clouseau and Sergeant Deux-Deux's investigation into a stolen cargo of bananas takes them to a run-down waterfront apartment building, where they follow a trail of banana peels to the abode of a diminutive Cockney sailor and his impish ape. Clouseau doesn't see the ape, and when he is repeatedly punched through the floor by the ape, Clouseau thinks the stocky sailor has been the one hitting him. When he sees Deux-Deux easily subdue the sailor, Clouseau believes that Deux-Deux is a muscular power-house and declares the Sergeant his hero.
Movie: The Great De Gaulle Stone Operation (Short 1965) ( 1965 )
Inspector Clouseau is assigned to guard a large diamond, the De Gaulle Stone, from theft, but a three-headed villain in a black coat promptly takes it from him. Clouseau and Sergeant Deux-Deux track the three-headed thief to his hideout, where the thief has secreted the jewel in a glass of water. While searching the premises, Clouseau finds the glass, drinks its contents (jewel included), and is rushed to surgery. Doctors remove "a very expensive-looking gallstone" and give it to a nurse, who is the three-headed thief in disguise!
Movie: Reaux, Reaux, Reaux Your Boat (Short 1966) ( 1966 )
Inspector Clouseau receives a tip that the elusive smuggler, Captain Clamity, who looks like a clam with eyes, arms, and legs, is laying anchor off the French coast. Clouseau and Sergeant Deux-Deux make a number of unsuccessful attempts to board Clamity's ship, with Clouseau going down to the sea bottom every time.
Movie: Crow De Guerre (Short 1967) ( 1967 )
Inspector Clouseau declares war on a pesky crow, with the bumbling Clouseau talking all his own bomb blasts and being electrified on a power line!
Movie: Tour De Farce (Short 1967) ( 1967 )
Inspector Clouseau is stranded on a deserted island with a vicious criminal, whom Clouseau had been assigned to transport to the prison on Devil's Island.
Movie: London Derrière (Short 1968) ( 1968 )
Inspector Clouseau of the French Surete goes to England to assist Scotland Yard in apprehending an international criminal, but because he is in the more civilized British Isles, trigger-happy Clouseau is barred from using his gun! Every time Clouseau raises his gun to fire at the criminal, he is chastised by a polite Scotland Yard officer, who urges, "No shooting!"
Movie: Carte Blanched (Short 1969) ( 1969 )
On his day off work, Inspector Clouseau goes grocery shopping. On leaving the store, he thoughtlessly takes his shopping cart with him and is chided by a narrator for having committed theft and broken the law! Clouseau tries to return the cart to the store but sees a policeman on patrol and, spooked, runs in the opposite direction with the cart. Prodded by the narrator into feeling guilty and fearful of arrest, Clouseau makes several attempts to lose the cart, but it keeps coming back to him!
Movie: Le Great Dane Robbery (Short 1968) ( 1968 )
Inspector Clouseau must delay his long-awaited vacation on the Surete Commissioner's order that he obtain a nationally sensitive document from a safe on an estate guarded by a dedicated and aggressive canine.
Movie: La Feet's Defeat (Short 1968) ( 1968 )
The Surete Commissioner assigns Inspector Clouseau and Sergeant Deux-Deux to the hazardous task of pursuing a criminal named Muddy La Feet, who leaves behind a trail of muddy footprints that lead Clouseau and Deux-Deux through a mine field and to a castle surrounded by an alligator-filled moat and sealed by an electrified door.
Movie: Cirrhosis of the Louvre (Short 1966) ( 1966 )
The Surete Commissioner assigns Inspector Clouseau and Sergeant Deux-Deux to spend a night in the Louvre gallery in hope of catching the Blotch, a notorious art thief, in the act of stealing paintings. The Blotch looks like an ink blot and can change his form to blend into any surroundings, and Clouseau and Deux-Deux are unable to locate him even as he swipes huge paintings from behind their backs and loads the paintings onto a truck. The Commissioner is furious when the Louvre is entirely fleeced and orders Clouseau and Deux-Deux to repaint every missing masterpiece!
Movie: Napoleon Blown-Aparte (Short 1966) ( 1966 )
A mad bomber, who looks like a large black-ball bomb with wild eyes, blasts his way out of prison, vowing revenge on the officer who sent him there - the Surete Commissioner. Inspector Clouseau promises to protect the Commissioner, but no matter where they go, Clouseau's screening is ineffective, the mad bomber reaches his target, and a bomb explodes, blasting only the Commissioner. Finally, the Commissioner himself becomes a mad bomber - and Clouseau is his target!