Playlists > ✔️ The Medieval Period (500–1485) films and TV shows

✔️ The Medieval Period (500–1485) films and TV shows

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century, the Medieval Period (also known as the Middle Ages) marked massive social change, natural disasters, dynastic wars, climate change, rebellion, resistance and renaissance. It was a time of turmoil, crisis and the creation of a state, from Magna Carta to the horrors of the Black Death.

Creator: Greer
Posted: 3 years ago

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Movie: Baahubali 2: The Conclusion ( 2017 )
Kattappa narrates the story of Amarendra Baahubali to Shivudu, who learns his lineage as the prince of Mahishmati and the son of Amarendra Baahubali. Shivudu, now Mahendra Baahubali, decides to dethrone and punish Bhallaladeva for all wrongdoings of his past with the help of Kattappa.
Movie: The Last Legion ( 2007 )
Circa 460 A.D. Mira was born in a warrior-family in Kerala, India, was well versed in martial arts and self-defense, so much so that she was recruited by the Spanish royalty and re-located to Constantinople. From there she was instructed to assist Roman Commander Aurelius to plan the escape of 12-year old Romulus Augustus Caesar from a prison in Capri after his parents had been killed by the leader of the Alliance in turmoil-stricken Rome that has seen the deaths of five emperors in five years. Mira, Aurelius, and a Priest, Ambrosinius, along with a handful of loyal soldiers were successful in the escape plan and deliver Romulus to Roman Senator Nestor. What the crew do not realize is that their task is not over yet, for Nestor is all set to betray Romulus, leaving them with no alternative but to flee to Britannia, where they will be forced to confront a seemingly invincible Vortygn, whose main aim is to obtain a powerful sword that was meant for defense and defeat, and also ensure the death of Romulus at any and all costs.
Movie: The Last Duel ( 2021 )
King Charles VI declares that Knight Jean de Carrouges settle his dispute with his squire by challenging him to a duel.
Movie: The Green Knight ( 2021 )
A fantasy retelling of the medieval story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
Movie: Le frère du guerrier ( 2002 )
13th century France. To live, to survive, requires weapons. Which do you choose? Weapons of war, which give the power to punish and kill? Or the sword of knowledge, which gives the power to read and heal? Two brothers, separated long ago, must do battle. Alongside, and coming between them, a woman... Thomas, the mercenary, his body marked by scars of varying degrees of valor, left the family farm many years ago. When he returns, his mother, the local healer, is dead. She passed on her skills to her younger son, Arnaud. But he has lost his memory after a beating from a gang of ruthless outlaws. And so, Arnaud's young and defiantly resourceful wife, Guillemette, must persuade Thomas to help her in the quest for lost knowledge.
Movie: Sword of the Valiant ( 1984 )
Gawain was a squire in King Arthur's court when the Green Knight burst in and offered to play a game with a brave knight. No knights stand to defend their king's honor. Except for the valiant Gawain. After being quickly knighted Gawain plays the game, but learns that it's all a trick, and he has lost. But the Green Knight shows mercy, letting Gawain grow a year older before having to face the consequences. Gawain journeys across the land, learning about life, saving damsels, and solving the Green Knight's riddle.
Movie: Warrior's End ( 2009 )
The film Warrior's End is a story of a young prince who has to come to terms with his destiny and grow up quickly in the face of war. While on a forced tour of the northwest border of his country of Midea, Prince Andreas and his escort are set upon by invading soldiers from the neighboring country of Kilea. After escaping, Andreas, his friend Johan, and bodyguard Kael realize that there is an entire army marching over the passes into the unsuspecting, undefended, Midea. Not only are the Kileans marching over the passes in the northwest, they are attacking from the southern plains and western passes as well. In order for his country to survive the onslaught, Prince Andreas must assume the mantle of leadership and create a resistance from the burnt out villages in the north to hold the line until relief and reinforcements arrive, if at all.
Movie: Heaven and Earth ( 1990 )
In 16th century Japan, two samurai engage in massive battles across the countryside; one attempting to conquer and the other attempting to defend his land while repressing his love for a woman after taking a vow of celibacy.
Movie: Rurouni Kenshin Part I: Origins ( 2012 )
A former assassin who has resolved to never kill again has his vow sorely tested.
Movie: Macbeth ( 2015 )
Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders his king and takes the throne for himself.
Movie: Macbeth ( 2013 )
As Macbeth rides home from battle, three witches prophecise that he will soon rise in power to become King of Scotland. Aided by his wife, the pair will stop at nothing to seal their fate.
Movie: Macbeth ( 1961 )
The Scottish Lord Macbeth, chooses evil as the way to fulfill his ambition for power. He commits regicide to become King, and then furthers his moral descent with a reign of murderous terror to stay in power, eventually plunging the country into civil war. In the end, he loses everything that gives meaning and purpose to his life before losing his life itself.
Movie: Stratford Festival: Macbeth ( 2017 )
Surrender to a haunting story of ambition and its dark consequences, as a military hero and his wife conspire to seize the throne of Scotland.
Movie: Army of Darkness ( 1992 )
A man is accidentally transported to 1300 A.D., where he must battle an army of the dead and retrieve the Necronomicon so he can return home.
Movie: Highlander II: The Quickening ( 1991 )
In the future, Highlander Connor MacLeod must prevent the destruction of Earth under an anti-ozone shield.
Movie: Highlander: The Final Dimension ( 1994 )
Deceived that he had won the Prize, Connor MacLeod awakens from a peaceful life when an entombed immortal magician comes seeking the Highlander.
Movie: Highlander: The Source ( 2007 )
Duncan MacLeod and his fellow Immortals quest to locate the Grail of their world.
Movie: Highlander: Endgame ( 2000 )
Immortals Connor and Duncan MacLeod must join forces against Kell, an evil immortal who has become too strong for anyone to face alone.
Movie: Highlander: The Watcher ( 2016 )
David Quinlan is a member of The Watchers - a secret society of scholars and historians who record the secret histories of The Immortals, but never interfere. But when David becomes convinced that Ian Campbell, the Immortal he is charged with following, will be killed, David involves himself in a battle between Immortals. By breaking his oath, David not only exposes himself to Campbell, but invites the wrath of an ancient assassin, and a traitor from within David's own organization. A new fan-made Highlander film, fully authorized by Davis-Panzer Productions. Coming soon to DVD, and as episodic featurettes on the upcoming Blu-Ray release of Highlander: The Series.
Movie: Brave ( 2012 )
Determined to make her own path in life, Princess Merida defies a custom that brings chaos to her kingdom. Granted one wish, Merida must rely on her bravery and her archery skills to undo a beastly curse.
Movie: El Cid ( 1961 )
The fabled Spanish hero Rodrigo Diaz (a.k.a. El Cid) overcomes a family vendetta and court intrigue to defend Christian Spain against the Moors.
Movie: A Man for All Seasons ( 1967 )
The story of Sir Thomas More, who stood up to King Henry VIII when the King rejected the Roman Catholic Church to obtain a divorce and remarry.
Movie: A Man for All Seasons ( 1988 )
King Henry VIII wants to divorce his wife, and seeks the approval of the aristocracy. Sir Thomas More is a man of principle and reason, and is thus placed in a difficult position: should he stand up for his principles, risking the wrath of a corrupt King fond of executing people for treason? Or should he bow to the seemingly unstoppable corruption of King Henry VIII, who has no qualms about bending the law to suit his own needs?
Movie: Tangled ( 2010 )
The magically long-haired Rapunzel has spent her entire life in a tower, but now that a runaway thief has stumbled upon her, she is about to discover the world for the first time, and who she really is.
Movie: Beowulf & Grendel ( 2006 )
In Denmark, during the 6th century, Danish king Hrothgar and his warriors kill a troll whose son, Grendel, vows revenge.
Movie: Beowulf ( 2007 )
The warrior Beowulf must fight and defeat the monster Grendel, who is terrorizing Denmark, then Grendel's Mother, who begins killing out of revenge.
Movie: Beowulf: Prince of the Geats ( 2007 )
An adventurer travels to Denmark to fight an unstoppable creature before becoming king of a viking nation.
Movie: Man of La Mancha ( 1972 )
The funny story of mad but kind and chivalrous elderly nobleman Don Quixote who, aided by his squire Sancho Panza, fights windmills that are seen as dragons to save prostitute Dulcinea who is seen as a noblewoman.
Movie: The Black Cauldron ( 1985 )
A young boy and a bunch of misfit friends embark on a quest to find a dark magic item of ultimate power before a diabolical tyrant can.
Movie: Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead ( 1991 )
Two minor characters from the play 'Hamlet' stumble around unaware of their scripted lives and unable to deviate from them.
Movie: Season of the Witch ( 2011 )
A 14th-century Crusader returns to a homeland devastated by the Black Plague. A beleaguered church, deeming sorcery the culprit of the plague, commands the two knights to transport an accused witch to a remote abbey, where monks will perform a ritual in hopes of ending the pestilence. A priest, a grieving knight, a disgraced itinerant and a headstrong youth who can only dream of becoming a knight join a mission troubled by mythically hostile wilderness and fierce contention over the fate of the girl. When the embattled party arrives at the abbey, a horrific discovery jeopardises the knight's pledge to ensure the girl fair treatment, and pits them against an inexplicably powerful and destructive force.
Movie: King Lear ( 1983 )
An aging King invites disaster, when he abdicates to his corrupt, toadying daughters, and rejects his loving and honest one.
Movie: King Lear ( 1982 )
King Lear, old and tired, divides his kingdom among his daughters, giving great importance to their protestations of love for him. When Cordelia, youngest and most honest, refuses to idly flatter the old man in return for favor, he banishes her and turns for support to his remaining daughters. But Goneril and Regan have no love for him and instead plot to take all his power from him. In a parallel, Lear's loyal courtier Gloucester favors his illegitimate son Edmund after being told lies about his faithful son Edgar. Madness and tragedy befall both ill-starred fathers.
Movie: King Lear ( 2008 )
Sir Ian McKellen gives a tour-de-force performance as Shakespeare's tragic monarch, in this special television adaptation of the Royal Shakespeare Company production of one of the playwright's most enduring and haunting works.
Movie: King Lear ( 2015 )
An aging monarch resolves to divide his kingdom among his three daughters, with consequences he little expects. His reason shattered in the storm of violent emotion that ensues, with his very life hanging in the balance, Lear loses everything that has defined him as a king - and thereby discovers the essence of his own humanity.
Movie: Outlaw: The Saga of Gisli ( 1981 )
From an authentic Viking saga, Outlaw tells the story of a family blood feud, set in 10th century Iceland.
Movie: Kristin Lavransdatter ( 1995 )
Kristin is the daughter of a prominent landowner in medieval Norway. She grows up in total harmony with the ideals of the time: strong family ties, social pride and devout Christianity. She accepts the fact that her father has arranged for her to marry the son of another landowner. Kristin's beauty and purity create violent emotions around her. There are envy and attempted rape, murder and revenge. She seeks refuge from the world in a convent, awaiting the time for her marriage. Here the passion of her life strikes, the knight Erlend Nikulaussonn. He, an accomplished seducer, also falls hopelessly in love. They have to cross not only convent walls to meet, but social boundaries as well. Their love cannot be kept secret, and suddenly the innocent Kristin is the centre of a scandal. Her fiance withdraws from their engagement, her father rages, and Erlend's former mistress tries to poison her. The affair grows into a political issue, and finally some of the country's most dignified leaders persuade Lavrans to give in. The lovers win each other, but it is in front of a charred altar in a burnt down church, and their happiness has a double edge.
Movie: Eye of the Eagle ( 1997 )
In 1218 Danish king Valdemar sends his homonymous young son and heir in safety, as war is at the borders, to Erskil, the bishop of Ravensburg, who is instructed to see to the prince's education. Alas the bishop is the brain of a conspiracy to seize the crown for himself, as most of the nobles are dissatisfied with the endless wars that bring them no profit. The prince and kitchen-boy Aske accidentally fall out of the castle and overhear the conspirators, but are seen and pursued by the men of the One-eyed Man, a feared mercenary who is in the conspiracy to take mortal revenge on the king for leaving him behind on a battlefield where he lost an eye which was eaten by an eagle, which he tamed and now shares his sight with.
Movie: Black Knight ( 2001 )
Martin Lawrence plays Jamal, an employee in Medieval World amusement park. After sustaining a blow to the head, he awakens to find himself in 14th century England.
Movie: Erik the Viking ( 1989 )
Erik the Viking and his men travel across the sea to find Valhalla to ask the gods to end the Age of Ragnarok.
Movie: Fire and Ice ( 1983 )
At the end of the ice age, an evil queen and her son are set on conquering the world using magic and warriors. The lone survivor of a crushed village fights back as does the king of Fire Keep.
Movie: Shakespeare in Love ( 1998 )
A young Shakespeare, out of ideas and short of cash, meets his ideal woman and is inspired to write one of his most famous plays.
Movie: Robert the Bruce ( 2020 )
The story of the nobleman-turned-outlaw hero who was crowned king of Scots in the 14th century.
Movie: The Canterbury Tales ( 1972 )
Pasolini's artistic, sometimes violent, always vividly cinematic retelling of some of Chaucer's most erotic tales.
Movie: Alfred the Great ( 1969 )
While Old England is being ransacked by roving Danes in the ninth century, Alfred is planning to join the priesthood. But observing the rape of his land, he puts away his religious vows, to take up arms against the invaders, leading the English Christians to fight for their country. Alfred soundly defeats the Danes and becomes a hero. But now, although Alfred still longs for the priesthood, he is torn between his passion for God and his lust for blood.
Movie: The White Viking ( 1991 )
Norway in the 10th century. Askur, son of the powerful Thorgeir marries Embla, daughter of one of the few remaining landowners in Norway, in a pagan ceremony. King Olav, a ruthless Christian, wants to remove all traces of non-Christian beliefs and captures the two of them during the ceremony. In order to free Embla, Askur must go to Iceland and convert the people ther...Read all
Movie: Pendragon: Sword of His Father ( 2009 )
Set in 411 AD, Pendragon tells the story of young Artos who is raised to believe that God has a purpose for each day. When his family is killed and he is taken into slavery by the Saxons, Artos questions his God. Advancing through the military ranks, Artos begins to understand that his father's vision was not based on the strength of man, but on the plan of God. Further betrayal by his friends forces Artos to decide between following God's plan unto certain death or abandoning God to save his own life.
Movie: Chimes at Midnight ( 1967 )
Sir John Falstaff (Orson Welles) is the hero in this compilation of extracts from Shakespeare's "Henry IV" and other plays, made into a connected story of Falstaff's career as young Prince Hal's (Keith Baxter's) drinking companion. The massive Knight roisters with and without the Prince, philosophizes comically, goes to war (in his own fashion), and meets his final disappointment, set in a real-looking late medieval England.
Movie: Jabberwocky ( 1977 )
A young peasant, with no interest in adventure or fortune, is mistaken as the kingdom's only hope when a horrible monster threatens the countryside.
Movie: Richard The Lionheart ( 2014 )
King Henry II tests the loyalty and honor of his son Richard sending him to a hellish prison. In prison Richard must fight against adversaries representing the virtues of a knight.
Movie: Richard the Lionheart: Rebellion ( 2015 )
The heartless war of King Henry II against his sons.
Movie: Jack and the Beanstalk ( 1967 )
The adventure begins when Jack trades his cow for some magic beans from peddler Jeremy Keen. The beans sprout a beanstalk high into the clouds, and Jack and Jeremy climb it to discover a giant, a goose that lays golden eggs, and Princess Serena who is trapped in a harp by a magic spell and can only be released by a kiss.
Movie: King Richard and the Crusaders ( 1954 )
While leading the Third Crusade, King Richard the Lionheart (George Sanders) battles treachery in his own camp as well as the Saracens and their charismatic leader Emir Hderim Sultan Saladin (Sir Rex Harrison).
Movie: The Bruce ( 1996 )
In the early 14th century, Scottish warrior and Earl Robert the Bruce is crowned King of Scots, leading Scotland during the First War of Scottish Independence against England.
Movie: Attack of the Normans ( 1963 )
An evil duke kidnaps the good king and tries to make the virtuous queen his bride and the peasants take arms. Italian, dubbed in English. (1964; B&W)
Movie: Goliath and the Barbarians ( 1959 )
When barbarians invade his village and kill his father, a local man wages a one-man war against them.
Movie: The Reckoning ( 2004 )
In 14th-century England, a young monk breaks his vow of chastity and flees the wrath of his bishop and fellow monks. A fugitive priest, he then witnesses the murder of a traveling performer--and subsequently, the mourning of actor by his fellow troupe members. He eventually becomes initiated into the troupe as a player, replacing the murdered man. They travel from town to town performing their standard morality play. They arrive in a town where a boy has been killed and a young deaf-mute girl has been imprisoned for the crime--sentenced to death for witchcraft and murder. Discarding the expected bible stories, the actors stage a performance based on the crime. Through the performance of the play, they discover that the townspeople know the young woman did not, in fact, commit the murder. The stage becomes a place where vital human truth is told. Thus, simultaneously, the fugitive priest comes to terms with his own crime and makes a powerful sacrifice, thereby redeeming himself.
Movie: The Black Rose ( 1950 )
A disinherited 13th Century Saxon nobleman leaves Norman England with an archer friend to seek his fortune in the Far East.
Movie: Siege of the Saxons ( 1964 )
In league with the Saxon invaders, Edmund of Cornwall plans to slay King Arthur, marry his daughter and usurp the throne of England but wizard Merlin and outlaw Robert Marshall stand in the way.
Movie: The Battle of Kosovo ( 1989 )
On June 28th 1389, at Kosovo Polje, an army of the Serbian Prince Lazar made a stand against the advancing Ottoman forces of Sultan Murad, resulting in a great battle which would later inspire Serbian folk tales and poems about courage, sacrifice, betrayal and tragedy. The movie was made for the 600th anniversary of the event.
Movie: Sword of War ( 2009 )
German Emperor Barbarossa will stop at nothing to conquer and build his empire. But a young man from Milan, along with his army of 900 men known as the Company of Death, is prepared to challenge the Emperor.
Movie: Grendel ( 2007 )
King Higlack of the Gauths entrusts prince Finn and a fire ball weapon to his champion, slayer Beowulf. They lead twelve men on a mission to help king Hrothgar of the Danes, whose once glorious realm is terrorized by the undefeated monster Grendel. The task is made more difficult as Hrothgar kept gruesome secrets.
Movie: Vlad Tepes ( 1979 )
Vlad Tepes, otherwise known as Vlad the Impaler and Dracula, fights the Ottoman Turks on the battlefield and the Hungarian Boyars in his court.
Movie: Pope Joan ( 2009 )
A woman of English extraction born in the German city of Ingelheim in the ninth century disguises herself as a man and rises through the Vatican ranks.
Movie: Anonymous ( 2011 )
Edward De Vere, Earl of Oxford, is presented as the real author of Shakespeare's works. Edward's life is followed through flashbacks from a young child, through to the end of his life. He is portrayed as a child prodigy who writes and performs A Midsummer Night's Dream for a young Elizabeth I. A series of events sees his plays being performed by a frontman, Shakespeare.
Movie: Severed Ways: The Norse Discovery of America ( 2007 )
On the coast of North America in AD 1007, two Norsemen are stranded when their expedition is attacked and they are left for dead. As they struggle to survive in the vast forests of the New World, their paths diverge as one pursues a spiritual quest and the other reverts to his primal instincts
Movie: Dracula: The Dark Prince ( 2013 )
In his search for the Lightbringer, Dracula crosses paths with a beautiful crusader named Alina who bears a remarkable resemblance to his murdered bride. One look at her and Dracula is immediately smitten. Could Alina be the reincarnation of his long-dead love? Dracula has Alina kidnapped and brought to his castle where the Beast must now try to win his Beauty's heart...Read all
Movie: 681 AD: The Glory of Khan ( 1981 )
Synopsis: In 651 C.E. Khan Kubrat died and the Khazars accelerated their raids upon Great Bulgaria. His five sons split the Bulgarian tribe and each led his to find new land where they could live in peace. Khan Asparukh, the youngest son, went west and, after an arduous journey lasting for years, southward across the River Danube, into Moesia. In 680-81, in alliance with the Slavs, he inflicted tunning defeats on the Roman legions and forced the Byzantine Empire to recognize the formation of the new state of Bulgaria in the lands where it still exists today. A spectacular epic, "Khan Asparukh" was made to celebrate the 1,300th anniversary of the founding of Bulgaria. This edited version compresses the three-part film from almost 6 hours to 95 minutes. Sumptuously filmed, with over 50,000 extras, the film narrates the history of these momentous events, from the fall of Great Bulgaria in the Asian steppes, through Asparukh's perilous trek west, and the decisive battles with the Byzantines. The original film was seen by over 11 million Bulgarians, a stunning feat for a population of less than 8 million!
Movie: Lady Godiva of Coventry ( 1955 )
Fictionalized account of events leading up the famous nude ride (alas, her hair covers everything) of the militant Saxon lady.
Movie: The Castilian ( 1963 )
The young leader of the Spanish kingdom of Castile tries to get the various warring kingdoms of Spain to unite and join forces against the invading Moors.
Movie: The Advocate ( 1994 )
In medieval France, young lawyer Richard Courtois leaves Paris for the simpler life in the country. However, he is soon drawn into amorous and political intrigues. At the same time, he is pushed to defend a pig, owned by the mysterious gypsy Samira. The pig has been arrested for the murder of a young boy.
Movie: Francesco ( 1989 )
The life of St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) as related by followers who gather after his death to tell stories so that Leone can record them: a privileged and virile youth, a prisoner of war, an heir who turns away from his father and gives all to the poor, a beggar for others, and an inspiration to friends who accept the Gospels' life of poverty. He seeks the Pope's blessing, and he endures persecution at the hands of the family of Chiara Offreduccio (1194-1253), who becomes St. Clare. Many join the order he has established and then rebel at his expectations. In near despair - and ill - he writes a Rule to take to the Pope; then, the Lord sends him a message. He dies smiling.
Movie: Saint Joan ( 1957 )
Young Joan of Arc comes to the palace in France to make The Dauphin King of France and is appointed to head the French Army. After winning many battles she is not needed any longer and soon she is thought of as a witch.
Movie: John Wycliffe: The Morning Star ( 1984 )
John Wycliffe, the scholar and lay preacher of the 14th century who was later dubbed "The Morning Star of the Reformation", risked his life and freedom to criticize the Church for its abuses of power and its false teachings. The dramatized story of his life includes his battles with Church authorities, his relationship with the peasants and his realization that the Bible must be translated into English, so that the common man, as well as the learned, could read it.
Movie: In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale ( 2007 )
A man named Farmer sets out to rescue his kidnapped wife and avenge the death of his son, two acts committed by the Krugs, a race of animal-warriors who are controlled by the evil Gallian.
Movie: Theodora, Slave Empress ( 1954 )
Teodora, a Roman courtesan and former slave girl, marries the Roman emperor Justinian and assumes the throne as Empress of Rome. But the divide between nobility and slave is too great. ...
Movie: The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men ( 1952 )
When King Richard the Lionheart leaves England to lead a crusade to the Holy Land, his treacherous brother conspires to bring himself to power.
Movie: Anchoress ( 1993 )
In fourteenth-century England, peasant girl Christine Carpenter is so attracted to a statue of the Virgin Mary that the local priest (who lusts after her) suggests she be walled up in the church as an anchoress, a holy woman with responsibility for blessing the villagers. But when the priest has Christine's mother tried as a witch, she digs herself out of her cell, a crime for which the punishment is death...
Movie: Grendel Grendel Grendel ( 1981 )
This is an animated story covering the ancient legend of Beowulf, as narrated in a Monty Pythonesque way by Grendel himself, the "monster" in the legend.
Movie: Orlando e i Paladini di Francia ( 1956 )
Charlemagne and Saracen Agramante are at war. Although the Franks are outnumbered by their enemies they succeed in containing them in the Pyrennean foothills. A truce is signed between the two sides, during which Agramante treacherously sends Angélique, a beautiful seductress of his retinue,to the Paladin camp. Meanwhile the emperor has decided to give his daughter Au...Read all
Movie: Just Visiting ( 2001 )
A French count is in England to marry the princess. She's killed. A wizard helps him to time travel back before the murder - except they end up in Chicago, April 2000. A descendant helps him. He looks for the wizard to return to the 1100s.
Movie: Lovespell ( 1981 )
The classic Arthurian tale of tragic love. In medieval times, Lord of Cornwall decides to marry an Irish princess Isolde. However, his most loyal knight Tristan becomes bewitched by her beauty and they fall hopelessly in love.
Movie: The Pied Piper of Hamelin ( 1957 )
The singing, rhyming citizens of Hamelin hope to win a competition with rival towns for royal recognition. To this end, the mayor outlaws play (which is a bit hard on the children) and refuses to help a rival town when it's flooded. But rats (seen only as shadows), fleeing the flood, invade Hamelin in droves; a magical piper, whose music only children (and rats) can hear, strikes a bargain...which, once the rats are gone, the Mayor and council renege on, to their subsequent regret.
Movie: The Silence of Joan ( 2011 )
Movie: Alisea and the Dream Prince ( 1996 )
Plot: Alisea and her brothers have been captured by Azaret an evil wizard. Alisea escapes the castle and meets the young prince Demian who she falls in love with. The spirit of the source promises that they will always be together if they are to drink from its source. Alisea is again caught by the magician and Demian has to return to his father cone, which aims to turn him into a warrior. Seven years later, Demian becomes a warrior, but has not forgotten Alisea, who he sees in his dreams .Azaret tries to prevente Demian and Alisea from begin together.
Movie: The Dark Ages ( 2007 )
The History Channel examines the Dark Ages from the fall of the Roman Empire to the First Crusade.
Movie: The Broken Crown ( 2016 )
In a Spain consumed by ambition and power, the future of an empire depends of the mind state of a single woman.
Movie: Mad Love ( 2002 )
Juana is married off by her pious parents, the Catholic kings Ferndinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castille, to ally Spain, united by their marriage, to the Burgundian and other Habsburg heritage of archduke Maximilian's son Philip. When they meet, it's love at first sight, for her all-consuming, for him one of many happy bed partnerships as she later discovers. Deaths in her family soon make Juana Isabella's heir, but Ferdinand suggests she inherited her grandmother's madness and supports Philip's ambition to rule instead, which becomes the stakes of political maneuvering in the Cortes (nobility-dominated parliament). Combined with Philip's incurable infidelity, which includes a Moorish whore-princess, multiple drama is inevitable, and worse follows.
Movie: Escape ( 2012 )
Signe, spared from death to produce a child, befriends a little girl, Frigg, and escapes from the camp.
Movie: I na kamnyakh rastut derevya ( 1985 )
Vikings attack Kuksja's village, and end up bringing him along on their ship because they believe he is good luck. After proving himself in a battle against the dreaded Danes, chief Torir bestows upon him the name of Einar and takes him in as his son. Back home in Norway the men are received as heros, but new trouble arises when Kuksja falls in love with the beautiful Signy, who is already betroth to the vicious Sigurd.
Movie: Magnificat ( 1993 )
During the Middle Ages, a traveling executioner hires an apprentice to learn the finer points of torture and execution, and a young girl is given by her parents to a Catholic convent.
Movie: The Tears of Saint Peter ( 1995 )
Izabella Scorupco plays Carla, who is a con-artist somewhere in medieval Sweden. Carla is disguised as a man and she is selling a "product" called Petri tårar (Tears of St. Peter). This product cures every sickness. In order to promote her product she promises to wake up from the dead all citizens of the town who have died within the last ten years. Both the bishop and the mayor are alarmed as they fear loss of influence over them and try to work against Carla. There are also many citizens who don't want to see their "loved ones" wake up from the dead. In order to make things more confusing, Carla and the son of the mayor, Mark, fall in love with each other.
Movie: Marketa Lazarová ( 1967 )
Mikolás and his brother Adam rob travelers for their tyrannical father Kozlík. During one of their "jobs" they end up with a young German hostage whose father escapes to return news of the kidnapping and robbery to the King. Kozlik prepares for the wrath of the King, and sends Mikolás to pressure his neighbor Lazar to join him in war. Persuasion fails, and in vengeance Mikolás abducts Lazar's daughter Marketa, just as she was about to join a convent. The King, meantime, dispatches an army and the religious Lazar will be called upon to join hands against Kozlik. Stripped-down, surreal, and relentlessly grimy account of the shift from Paganism to Christianity.
Movie: Valley of the Bees ( 1968 )
Ondrej, a young boy who loves bees and bats, is introduced to his new mother, a woman much younger than his father. He brings her a basketful of flowers which she starts to throw in the air and then gives out a shriek, as she discovers several bats in the bottom of the bowl. In a rage, Ondrej's father picks the boy up and hurls him against the wall. As the boy lays on the ground paralyzed the father promises the Holy Virgin to dedicate the boy to her if she spares his life. Ondrej survives and is raised in a strict Knightly Order, where he is mentored by a devout monk, Armin. But one day, an extraordinary event makes him doubt the Order and remember where he came from.
Movie: Northern Crusades ( 1973 )
Historical costume drama about the medieval wars of Old Prussians and Teutonic Crusaders. Hercus Monte (Latin: Henricus Montemin, German: Heinrich Monte, Lithuanian: Herkus Mantas) was the most famous leader of the Old Prussians during the Northern Crusades. This film is based on his biography.