Playlists > Mind-Bending Sci-Fi Movies That Will Make You Go "Huh?"

Mind-Bending Sci-Fi Movies That Will Make You Go "Huh?"

Most films are pretty linear and easy to follow in their story telling. But some, some are designed to bewilder, obfuscate, and confuse. From the uneasy viewing to the unsettling, the ‘what did I just watch’ to the ‘why did I just watch this’,here’s a thought-blender (hopefully unique) list compiled for you.

If you have any others to add, please PM me for consideration.

I will be updating this list, so check back often.

Creator: RoboPhone
Posted: 4 years ago

31 favorites


TV Show: Welt am Draht ( 1973 )
In the present day, Cybernetics and Future Science's new supercomputer hosts a simulation program that includes an artificial world with over 9,000 "identity units" who live as human beings, unaware that their world is just a simulation.