Playlists > Historical Dramas, Vol. III

Historical Dramas, Vol. III

Another Playlist of movies, TV shows and Docu-Dramas that are all based on real life History, Historical Battles, Events and/or Historical Figures.

Creator: Arcangel2020
Posted: 3 years ago

12 favorites


Movie: A Man for All Seasons ( 1967 )
The story of Sir Thomas More, who stood up to King Henry VIII when the King rejected the Roman Catholic Church to obtain a divorce and remarry.
Movie: The Spy Gone North ( 2018 )
In 1993, former military officer Suk-young Park is recruited as a spy by South Korea's National Intelligence Service, and given the code name "Black Venus". He is then sent to infiltrate a group of high-ranking North Korean officials based in Beijing, with the ultimate goal of acquiring information on the North's nuclear program. After becoming close to Myong-un Ri, a key power broker, Black Venus succeeds beyond his wildest dreams of gaining the trust of North Korea's leadership. But political machinations on both sides of the border threaten to derail his accomplishments.
Movie: Death Defying Acts ( 2008 )
On a tour of Britain in 1926, Harry Houdini enters into a passionate affair with a psychic out to con the famous magician.
Movie: Spitfire ( 2018 )
The story of the fighter plane and pilots that helped win the Battle of Britain in World War II.
Movie: Genghis Khan ( 2018 )
Temüjin and Börte are childhood lovers who are deeply in love; but news of Temüjin's father's death swiftly disrupted their relationship. Temüjin heads back to his hometown, but was faced with a sudden attack from his father's former comrades.
Movie: Buffalo Soldiers ( 1997 )
Fact based story about the all-black US Cavalry Troop H which protected the Western territories in post Civil War times. The story focuses on the troops attempts to capture an Apache warrior named Vittorio who slaughters the settlers in New Mexico. The film examines the racial tensions that existed between the black soldiers and some of the white soldiers and the truths about the Indian invaders.
Movie: Underfire: The Untold Story of Pfc. Tony Vaccaro ( 2016 )
An HBO Documentary Film. Tony Vaccaro, a WWII infantryman, smuggled his $47.00 portable camera into battle to create one of the most comprehensive and intimate records of the war.
Movie: Honeydripper ( 2008 )
1950. Rural Alabama. Cotton harvest. It's a make-or-break weekend for the Honeydripper Lounge and its owner, piano player Tyrone "Pine Top" Purvis. Deep in debt to the liquor man, the chicken man, and the landlord, Tyrone is desperate to lure the young cotton pickers and local Army base recruits into his juke joint, away from Touissant's, the rival joint across the way. His plan to hire a guitar legend go awry and Tyrone is forced to take drastic action in a final scheme to save the club.
Movie: Lust, Caution ( 2007 )
During World War II era, a young woman, Wang Jiazhi, gets swept up in a dangerous game of emotional intrigue with a powerful political figure, Mr. Yee.
Movie: Queen of the Nile ( 1961 )
Chronicles the rise and fall of the woman who eventually became known as Queen Nefertiti.
Movie: Amazing Grace ( 2007 )
The idealist William Wilberforce maneuvers his way through Parliament, endeavoring to end the British transatlantic slave trade.
Movie: Black '47 ( 2018 )
Set in Ireland during the Great Famine, the drama follows an Irish Ranger who has been fighting for the British Army abroad, as he abandons his post to reunite with his family.
Movie: Rabbit-Proof Fence ( 2002 )
In 1931, three half-white, half-Aboriginal girls escape after being plucked from their houses to be trained as domestic staff, and set off on a journey across the Outback.
Movie: Blood and Glory ( 2018 )
Set during the Anglo Boer War, prisoners of war take a stand against their captors
Movie: Suffragettes with Lucy Worsley ( 2018 )
An overview of the events of the Suffragette Movement for Votes For Women. It follows the individual women who were part of the movement and uses dramatised testimony to tell their stories at key points of their dangerous campaign.
Movie: Hannibal ( 1960 )
During the Second Punic War in 218 BC, Carthaginian general Hannibal attacks the Roman Republic by crossing the Pyrenees and the Alps with his vast army.
Movie: The Last Confederate: The Story of Robert Adams ( 2005 )
The true love story of the conflict between Captain Robert Adams' dedication to the south, and his love for Eveline McCord, his beloved from the north. Produced, written, and directed by the descendants of Robert and Eveline, this American Civil War tale is an explosive, richly detailed saga of fierce combat, honor and the will to risk all that's precious for love or country.
Movie: De Gaulle ( 2021 )
Paris, June 1940. The de Gaulle couple is confronted with the military and political collapse of France. Charles de Gaulle joins London while Yvonne, his wife, finds herself with her three children on the road of the exodus.
Movie: God's Outlaw ( 1989 )
A dramatized biography of William Tyndale, the 16th Century reformer determined to translate the Bible into English, which illegal act set him at odds with the Catholic Church, Sir Thomas More and King Henry VIII.
Movie: Monarch ( 2014 )
Shortly before his death in 1547, the injured King Henry VIII is forced to take refuge a manor house closed for the season. While there, he must confront both his mortality and the ghosts of his past.
Movie: The Last Princess ( 2016 )
The last remaining princess of the Joseon Dynasty leaves her home for Japan, under Japanese colonial rule. Her childhood friend makes a vow to retrieve her and help her make her way back to Korea.
Movie: Sergeant York ( 1941 )
A Tennessee farmer and marksman is drafted in World War I, and struggles with his pacifist inclinations before becoming one of the most celebrated war heroes.
Movie: The Perfect Tribute ( 1991 )
This is a period piece about how Lincoln came to write the Gettysburg Address. It's fictionalized to show the points of view of both North & South, and unlike most Civil War films, it doesn't take sides. While the opinions of the day are espoused, ultimately it is an homage to America, and all it purported to stabd for then, as well as now.
Movie: #Anne Frank Parallel Stories ( 2020 )
One single Anne Frank moves us more than the countless others who suffered just as she did but whose faces have remained in the shadows-Primo Levi. The Oscar®-winning Helen Mirren will introduce audiences to Anne Frank's story through the words in her diary. The set will be her room in the secret refuge in Amsterdam, reconstructed in every detail by set designers from the Piccolo Theatre in Milan. Anne Frank this year would have been 90 years old. Anne's story is intertwined with that of five Holocaust survivors, teenage girls just like her, with the same ideals, the same desire to live: Arianna Szörenyi, Sarah Lichtsztejn-Montard, Helga Weiss and sisters Andra and Tatiana Bucci. Their testimonies alternate with those of their children and grandchildren. Off "the set", a girl of today will lead us on a journey to get to know the places that were part of Anne's short life and her feelings. She speaks to us through social networks. In fact, photos and posts are her language, and in this way Martina gives us her interpretation of what she discovers, what she sees, from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany to the Holocaust Memorial in Paris, up to and including her visit to the secret refuge in Amsterdam. In the documentary we also hear the voices of Rabbi Michael Berenbaum, historian and professor of Jewish studies at various American universities.Original soundtrack by Lele Marchitelli. Produced in collaboration with Anne Frank Fond Basel.
Movie: Some Mother's Son ( 1996 )
Based on the true story of the 1981 hunger strike in a British prison, in which IRA prisoner Bobby Sands led a protest against the treatment of IRA prisoners as criminals rather than as prisoners of war. The film focuses on the mothers of two of the strikers, and their struggle to save the lives of their sons.
Movie: The Scarlet and the Black ( 1983 )
Vatican efforts, led by Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty, to save Allied P.O.W.s and downed Allied airmen as the Nazis invade Rome.
Movie: Paradise Road ( 1997 )
A group of women who are imprisoned on the island of Sumatra by the Japanese during World War II use music as relieve their misery.
Movie: Night Crossing ( 1982 )
True tale about two men planing to escape from communist East Germany in a hot air balloon, but only if they can take their families with them.
Movie: Queen of the Desert ( 2017 )
A chronicle of Gertrude Bell's life, a traveler, writer, archaeologist, explorer, cartographer, and political attaché for the British Empire at the dawn of the twentieth century.
Movie: Kenau ( 2014 )
While she fights a heroic battle against the Spanish besieger with her female army, Kenau, driven by hate and sorrow of the execution of her youngest daughter, is threatened to also lose her eldest daughter, because her fear and pain are covered by her stubborn closeness.
Movie: The Favourite ( 2018 )
In early 18th-century England, the status quo at the court is upset when a new servant arrives and endears herself to a frail Queen Anne.
Movie: The Red Sea Diving Resort ( 2019 )
Inspired by remarkable true life rescue missions, this is the incredible story of a group of Mossad agents and brave Ethiopians who in the early 80s used a deserted holiday retreat in Sudan as a front to smuggle thousands of refugees to Israel. The undercover team carrying out this mission is led by the charismatic Ari Kidron and courageous local Kabede Bimro.
Movie: Cold Mountain ( 2003 )
In the waning days of the American Civil War, a wounded soldier embarks on a perilous journey back home to Cold Mountain, North Carolina to reunite with his sweetheart.
Movie: Quo Vadis, Aida? ( 2021 )
Bosnia, July 1995. Aida is a translator for the UN in the small town of Srebrenica. When the Serbian army takes over the town, her family is among the thousands of citizens looking for shelter in the UN camp. As an insider to the negotiations Aida has access to crucial information that she needs to interpret. What is at the horizon for her family and people - rescue or death? Which move should she take?
Movie: A Good American ( 2017 )
How a group of NSA code-breakers had a chance of preventing 9/11.
Movie: The Bankers of God: The Calvi Affair ( 2002 )
This movie attempts to reconstruct the bankruptcy of the Banco Ambrosiano bank and its liaisons with the Vatican and the Masonry through the story of its president Roberto Calvi, notoriously found dead under the Blackfriars Bridge in London in June 1982.
Movie: The Mill and the Cross ( 2011 )
This movie focuses on a dozen of the five hundred characters depicted in Bruegel's painting. The theme of Christ's suffering is set against religious persecution in Flanders in 1564.
Movie: La fin de la Nouvelle-France ( 2009 )
Documentary about the 1759 battle of the Plains of Abraham in Quebec, part of the Seven Years War between Britain and France. Both leaders, Wolfe and Montcalme died in this battle, which decided control over what would become Canada.
Movie: Bathory: Countess of Blood ( 2008 )
Bathory is based on the legends surrounding the life and deeds of Countess Elizabeth Bathory known as the greatest murderess in the history of mankind. Contrary to popular belief, Elizabeth Bathory was a modern Renaissance woman who ultimately fell victim to men's aspirations for power and wealth.
Movie: Oslo ( 2021 )
Recounts the true-life, previously secret, back-channel negotiations in the development of the pivotal 1990s Oslo Peace Accords between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization.
Movie: 1944 ( 2015 )
In 1944 Estonia, a fratricide war ensues when Estonians of the retreating German forces fight against Estonians conscripted into the advancing Soviet Red Army.
Movie: Endgame ( 2009 )
A story based on the covert discussions that brought down the Apartheid regime in South Africa.
Movie: Serena ( 2015 )
In Depression-era North Carolina, the future of George Pemberton's timber empire becomes complicated when he marries Serena.
Movie: Chernobyl: The Final Warning ( 1991 )
True story about the tragic nuclear power plant accident in Chernobyl and how one American specialist, Dr. Robert Gale, helped the soviet doctors treat the survivors.
Movie: Ten Days to D-Day ( 2004 )
Following the lives of ten characters through their letters and diaries in the ten days before D-Day. The mini-series contains documentary interviews with the people on which the book, and this mini-series were based.
Movie: Killing Jesus ( 2015 )
A miniseries chronicling the life of Jesus of Nazareth.
Movie: Hidden Figures ( 2017 )
The story of a team of female African-American mathematicians who served a vital role in NASA during the early years of the U.S. space program.
Movie: The Great Escape II: The Untold Story ( 1988 )
Allied prisoners tunnel out of a stalag, then return to avenge fellow escapees executed by the Nazis.
Movie: Come and See ( 1985 )
After finding an old rifle, a young boy joins the Soviet resistance movement against ruthless German forces and experiences the horrors of World War II.
Movie: Francis of Assisi ( 1961 )
Francis Bernardone (Bradford Dillman) is the son of a wealthy cloth merchant in Assisi, who gives up all his worldly goods to dedicate himself to God. Clare (Dolores Hart) is a young aristocratic woman who, according to the film, is so taken with St. Francis that she leaves her family and becomes a nun. By this time (1212 A.D.), St. Francis has a well-established reputation for his vows of poverty. The movie goes on to note miracles (such as the appearance of the stigmata on Francis's hands and feet) and other aspects of his life, up to and including his death on October 3, 1226.
Movie: Reunion ( 1989 )
Two young boys from very different backgrounds become friends in 1933 Stuttgart. However, they don't realize how different they are until much later as one is the son of a well-to-do Jewish doctor and the other the son of a German aristocrat. After that summer and the election of Hitler, things change as anti-semitism gains fervor. After the core of the film deals with that era, the film flashes to the present and the Jewish man now returns to his boyhood home and seeks his old friend with some surprises.
Movie: The Chronicles of Melanie ( 2016 )
In the early morning of June 14, 1941, under Stalin's orders, over 40 000 people from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania were arrested, shoved into cattle cars and dispatched to permanent exile in Siberia. Among them - journalist Melanie and her 8 year old son Andrejs, forcibly separated from husband and father Aleksandrs. In the Siberian village women, ignorant of the fate of their husbands, are settled in badly built barracks and forced to work like slaves. Melanie keeps herself alive for her son and husband to whom she writes hundreds of love letters that are never sent, since his address remains unknown. She keeps her personal integrity in the face of starvation, hard work or disease. After 16 years, Melanie is released and returns to Riga, only to find out that her husband Alexander died in the camps in 1942.
Movie: Coven ( 2020 )
Basque Country, 1609. The men of the region are at sea and Amaia takes part for the first time in the nightly dances in the woods with the other villager girls. She is only 20. At dawn, they are all arrested.
Movie: What Our Fathers Did: A Nazi Legacy ( 2015 )
Three men travel together across Europe. For two of them the journey involves a confrontation with the acts of their fathers, who were both senior Nazi officers. For the third, the eminent human rights lawyer and author Philippe Sands, it means visiting the place where much of his own Jewish family was destroyed by the fathers of the two men he has come to know. It is an emotional, psychological exploration of three men wrestling with their past, the present of Europe - and conflicting versions of the truth.
Movie: Die by the Sword ( 2020 )
The Roman Empire occupied Britannia (Britain) for four centuries, providing protection and peace in exchange for submission. The Romans built Hadrian's Wall on the northern border to keep out the Picts, fierce and mysterious warriors who painted them-selves blue. But in the fifth century, the Romans left, leaving the British to fend for themselves under the leadership of King Vortigern.
Movie: The Reckoning ( 2021 )
Grace, a young widow haunted by the recent suicide of her husband Joseph, is falsely accused of being a witch by her Landlord after she rejects his advances.
Movie: Quezon's Game ( 2020 )
In 1938, Philippine President Manuel L. Quezon agrees to welcome Jewish refugees from Germany in the Philippines.
Movie: The Last Days of Pompeii ( 1960 )
Mount Vesuvius looms ominously over the doomed city of Pompeii, a city in turmoil. Its citizens are being terrorized by a group of black-hooded thieves on the rampage, murdering entire families, and looting their homes. Strangely, they're also leaving a calling card. The sign of the Christian cross is being left as a remainder of who has carried out these terrible acts. On his way into the city, Centurion Glaucus Lito, is looking forward to seeing his father after completing his military service. When he arrives at his father's house he finds it in ruins and is told that his father has been murdered by the same masked raiders menacing the city. Glaucus begins to make enquiries, aided by the help of his friends, but begins to doubt that the peaceful Christian community are responsible for these murders. He soon finds out that the situation is a lot more complicated than he originally thought. After more extensive enquiries he discovers a conspiracy within the political and religious factions in Pompeii, and realises that these murders are just a ruse to cover what is actually going on just before the "sleeping" volcano awakens.
Movie: The Command ( 2018 )
The film follows the 2000 K-141 Kursk submarine disaster and the governmental negligence that followed. As the sailors fight for survival, their families desperately battle political obstacles and impossible odds to save them.
Movie: La otra conquista ( 1999 )
It is May 1520 in the vast Aztec Empire one year after the Spanish Conqueror Hernán Cortés' arrival in Mexico. "The Other Conquest" opens with the infamous massacre of the Aztecs at the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan [what is now called Mexico City]. The sacred grounds are covered with the countless bodies of priests and nobility slaughtered by the Spanish Armies under Cortés' command. The lone Aztec survivor of the massacre is a young Indian scribe named Topiltzin [Damián Delgado]. Topiltzin, who is the illegitimate son of the Aztec Emperor Moctezuma, survives the onslaught by burying himself under a stack of bodies. As if awakening from a dream, the young man rises from among the dead to find his mother murdered, the Spanish in power and the dawn of a new era in his native land. A New World with new leaders, language, customs... and God. Representing the New Order is the Spanish Friar Diego [José Carlos Rodríguez]. His mission is to convert the "savage" natives into civilised Christians; to replace their human sacrifices and feathered deities with public Christenings and fealty to the Blessed Virgin Mary. With Topiltzin, Friar Diego faces his most difficult spiritual and personal challenge, for when Topiltzin is captured by Spanish troops and presented to Cortés [Iñaki Aierra], the Spanish Conqueror places Topiltzin's conversion under Friar Diego's care. Old world confronts the New as Topiltzin struggles to preserve his own beliefs, whilst Friar Diego attempts to impose his own. Moreover, all the while, the question remains: Who is converting whom?
Movie: The Legend of Ben Hall ( 2017 )
Ben Hall is drawn back into bushranging by the reappearance of his old friend John Gilbert. Reforming the gang, they soon become the most wanted men in Australian history.
Movie: Beneath Hill 60 ( 2010 )
In 1916, the 1st Australian Tunnelling Company is tunneling beneath German fortifications and bunkers to detonate massive explosive charges.
Movie: The Stranglers of Bombay ( 1959 )
In the 1830s, a captain in the East India Company lobbies to investigate the criminal Thugee Cult of Kali, an organized crime group of stranglers and thieves.
Movie: Farewell, My Queen ( 2012 )
A look at the platonic relationship between Marie Antoinette and one of her female readers during the first days of the French Revolution.
Movie: Flame & Citron ( 2008 )
A drama centered on two fighters in the Holger Danske World War II resistance group.
Movie: The Man Who Would Be King ( 1975 )
Two British former soldiers decide to set themselves up as Kings in Kafiristan, a land where no white man has set foot since Alexander the Great.
Movie: Waterloo ( 1970 )
Facing the decline of everything he has worked to obtain, conqueror Napoleon Bonaparte and his army confront the British at the Battle of Waterloo.
Movie: A Tale of Two Cities ( 1958 )
During the turbulent days of the French Revolution, Frenchwoman Lucie Manette falls in love with Englishman Charles Darnay, who's hiding his true identity and purpose.
Movie: The Colt ( 2005 )
During the heat of battle in the midst of the Civil War, a beguilingly innocent colt is born to Union Jim Rabb's beloved mare. Refusing the orders to shoot it, lest it prove a hindrance, Rabb keeps the colt as a consolation in these desperate times-a symbol of hope that leads the men of the First Cavalry on a journey of self-discovery and newfound brotherhood.
Movie: Japan's Longest Day ( 1968 )
Following the detonation of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese military and the government clash over the demand from the Allies for unconditional surrender. Minister of the Army Anami leads the military officers who propose to fight on, even to the death of every Japanese citizen. Emperor Hirohito, however, joins with his ministers in asking the unthinkable, the peaceful surrender of Japan. When the military plots a coup to overthrow the Emperor's civilian government, Anami must face the choice between his desires and loyalty to his Emperor.
Movie: The Chosen ( 2016 )
A man named Jacques Mornard arrives in Mexico in 1940, claiming to be a Belgian who is fleeing the war in Europe to join his girlfriend, one of refugee Leon Trotsky's secretaries. But nobody knows that in reality this conventional and cheerful young man is in fact an agent of the GPU (Soviet Secret Service) and has been sent to assassinate Trotsky.
Movie: Silent Wings: The American Glider Pilots of World War II ( 2007 )
6,000 young Americans volunteered to fly large unarmed gliders into battle. Only a few returned.
Movie: Sinking of the Lusitania: Terror at Sea ( 2007 )
A dramatization of the notorious World War I torpedoing of the ocean liner, RMS Lusitania.
Movie: The Colossus of Rhodes ( 1961 )
While on holiday in Rhodes, Athenian war hero Darios becomes involved in two different plots to overthrow the tyrannical king, one from Rhodian patriots and the other from sinister Phoenician agents.
Movie: Rabin, the Last Day ( 2015 )
Itzhak Rabin's murder ended all efforts of peace, and with him the whole left wing of Israel died. The movie shows the last of his days as prime minister, and what led to his murder.
Movie: Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior ( 2020 )
Tanhaji is an action epic about the titular Maratha warrior and Shivaji's military commander who lost his father in a battle and grew up to become a fierce warrior with powerful combat skills. When Mughal emperor Aurangzeb recruits his trusted guard Udaybhan to take control of the Kondhana Fort, Shivaji decides not to engage Tanhaji whose son is going to get married soon. However, as Tanhaji learns of Udaybhan's heading towards the fortress, he decides to take charge and stop the rival army from reaching their destination. This doesn't turn out to be easy as Udaybhan finds himself helped by people who don't want Tanhaji to succeed, resulting in battles and attacks that ensue as the plot unfolds.
Movie: Padmaavat ( 2018 )
Set in medieval Rajasthan, Queen Padmavati is married to a noble king and they live in a prosperous fortress with their subjects until an ambitious Sultan hears of Padmavati's beauty and forms an obsessive love for the Queen of Mewar.
Movie: The Making of the Mahatma ( 1996 )
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was invited to South Africa in 1893 to settle a case for a wealthy Indian settled there. He expected to return in a few months but instead got involved in the freedom movement and eventually stayed for 21 years.
Movie: The Black Prince ( 2017 )
'The Black Prince' is a story of Queen Victoria and the Last King of Punjab, Maharajah Duleep Singh. His character as it evolves, torn between two cultures and facing constant dilemmas as a result. His relationship with Queen Victoria will be the most impactful relationship in the film, the Queen representing the English culture he was drawn into. The Black Prince begins a lifelong struggle to regain his Kingdom. It takes him on an extraordinary journey across the world.
Movie: Operation Thunderbolt ( 1977 )
In July 1976, an Air France flight from Tel-Aviv to Paris via Athens was hijacked and forced to land in Entebbe, Uganda. The Jewish passengers were separated and held hostage in demand to release many terrorists held in Israeli prisons. After much debate, the Israeli government sent an elite commando unit to raid the airfield and release the hostages. This movie is based on the true facts and follows the events since the flight's take-off and until the hostages' return to Israel.
Movie: City of Life and Death ( 2009 )
In 1937, Japan occupied Nanjing, the Chinese capital. There was a battle and subsequent atrocities against the inhabitants, especially those who took refuge in the International Security Zone.
Movie: The Legend of Naresuan: Part 2 ( 2007 )
Prince Naresuan is now the crown prince of Ayutthaya and the king of Burma is dead. While the new Burmese king is waging war, the crown prince plots to assassinate Naresuan. Hearing this, the prince decides to evacuate Thais out of the Burmese capital and declare that Siam will no longer bow to Burma. The war for the kingdom's independence begins.
Movie: The Soviet Story ( 2008 )
The Soviet Story offers an alternative history of an Allied power, which helped the Nazis to fight Jews and which slaughtered its own people on an industrial scale.
Movie: Above and Beyond ( 2015 )
In 1948, a group of World War II pilots volunteered to fight for Israel in the War of Independence. As members of 'Machal' -- volunteers from abroad -- this ragtag band of brothers not only turned the tide of the war, preventing the possible annihilation of Israel at the very moment of its birth; they also laid the groundwork for the Israeli Air Force. ABOVE AND BEYOND is their story. The first major feature-length documentary about the foreign airmen in the War of Independence, ABOVE AND BEYOND brings together new interviews with pilots from the '48 War, as well as leading scholars and statesmen, including Shimon Peres, to present an extraordinary, little-known tale with reverberations up to the present day.
Movie: 1 ( 2013 )
Set in the golden era of Grand Prix Racing '1' tells the story of a generation of charismatic drivers who raced on the edge, risking their lives during Formula 1's deadliest period, and the men who stood up and changed the sport forever.
Movie: Tulip Fever ( 2017 )
An artist falls for a young married woman while he's commissioned to paint her portrait during the Tulip mania of 17th century Amsterdam.
Movie: Testament of Youth ( 2015 )
A British woman recalls coming of age during World War I - a story of young love, the futility of war, and how to make sense of the darkest times.
Movie: Bel Ami ( 2012 )
A chronicle of a young man's rise to power in Paris via his manipulation of the city's wealthiest and most influential women.
Movie: Scandal ( 1989 )
Based on the Profumo Scandal of 1963, an affair between an exotic dancer and the Minister of War shakes up the British government.
Movie: Pontius Pilate ( 1962 )
The events that culminated with the Passion of Christ seen from the perspective of Pontius Pilate, the Procurator of Judea who unwillingly condemned Christ to death. Based on the biblical Gospel of John.
Movie: Forbidden Territory: Stanley's Search for Livingstone ( 1997 )
One mans quest for a lost missionary in the African jungle becomes a journey of his own self discovery
Movie: Black Pimpernel, ambasadorul-erou ( 2007 )
Harald Edelstam uses his position as Sweden's ambassador to Chile to save political dissidents from persecution by the military junta after Augusto Pinochet's 1973 coup d'état.
Movie: Before the Revolution ( 2013 )
A documentary thriller describing the last days of the Israeli community in Tehran, on the eve of the Islamic Revolution in 1979. The director, whose family was in Tehran at the time, uses rare archive materials to illustrate how thousands of Israelis, who enjoyed unusual affinity with the Shah's regime, wake up one morning to find their paradise vanished.
Movie: The Covenant ( 2013 )
Experience the pain of Egyptian slavery through the eyes of Moses' mother as she sets down her baby in to the Nile, the loyalty of Ruth as she pledges herself to Naomi and her God, and the turmoil of the Jews in Babylonian exile. Face the challenge with Esther as she risks her life to plead for her people, and see the suffering of the Jews in Jerusalem under Roman occupation. In the dark centuries following, The Covenant brings you to Shabbat tables of the persecuted Jewish families in Diaspora, ending in the Warsaw ghetto, and culminating in the Holocaust and the promised rebirth of the Jewish State in 1948.
Movie: A Frozen Flower ( 2008 )
A historical drama set in the Koryo dynasty and focused on the relationship between a king and his bodyguard.
Movie: Gray Lady Down ( 1978 )
A Navy Captain uses his experimental Snark to reach a nuclear submarine stuck on an ocean ledge.
Movie: Viceroy's House ( 2017 )
The final Viceroy of India, Lord Mountbatten, is tasked with overseeing the transition of British India to independence, but meets with conflict as different sides clash in the face of monumental change.
Movie: The Emperor of Paris ( 2018 )
Under the reign of Napoleon, François Vidocq, the only man who escaped from the greatest penal colony of the country, is a legend of the low-Parisian fund. Left for dead after his last spectacular escape, the ex-penal colony prisoner tries to make him forget under the traits of a single trader.
Movie: Deepwater Horizon ( 2016 )
A dramatization of the disaster in April 2010, when the offshore drilling rig called the Deepwater Horizon exploded, resulting in the worst oil spill in American history.