Playlists > Big & Small Screen Entertainment That You Should Check-out (In My Opinion)

Big & Small Screen Entertainment That You Should Check-out (In My Opinion)

“Big & Small Screen Entertainment That You Should Check-out (In My Opinion)” These are items of entertainment I believe you should at least check-out once in you life, just to see if you like. This will be a constant updating list with every sort of rating & genre. Enjoy!_Please be sure to look at my other “playlists” Thanks For Stopping! Be Safe & Happy!

Creator: Mr_Cary_Grant
Posted: 2 years ago

12 favorites


Movie: The Wheeler Dealers ( 1963 )
Henry J. Tyroone leaves Texas where his oil wells are drying up and arrives in New York with a lot of oil money to play with in the stock market. He meets stock analyst Molly Thatcher, who he falls in love with. Molly tries to ignore the attention he lavishes on, and keep the relationship strictly professional.
Movie: Soldier in the Rain ( 1963 )
Sentemental military comedy revolves around two contemporary army buddies, Master Sergeant Maxwell Slaughter (Jackie Gleason), a smooth operator, who supply Sergeant Eustis Clay (Steve McQueen) idolizes and hopes will join him as a civilian in a private business enterprise. Clay endeavors to be a player in the military, just like Slaughter, but it seems as though Clay still has a lot to learn from his mentor. They are joined by Tuesday Weld as a shrill dizzy blonde teenager named Bobby Jo Pepperdine and Tony Bill as bumbling Private First Class Jerry Meltzer, McQueen's screwball sidekick.
Movie: Wall of Noise ( 1963 )
Joel Tarrant is an ambitious horse trainer working at the Hollywood Race Track. He works for the coarse Matt Rubio, whose wife Laura expresses a special interest in Joel's social life.
Movie: Zoku Otoko no monshô ( 1963 )
After killing a man in self-defense, Ryuji goes searching for peace. But when he finds that his elderly mother, Kiyo, is being harassed by a rival family, Ryuji has no choice but to choose the fate of the sword. Also known as Fight Of the Gamblers
Movie: Take Her, She's Mine ( 1963 )
Frank Michaelson, well respected President of the Pacific Pallisades Board of Education, is appearing in front of a Board hearing addressing the issue of the widespread public outcry asking for either his dismissal or resignation because of a series of salacious front page newspaper stories, complete with photographs, on his recent goings-on. In addressing these unsubstantiated charges, Frank attributes all the incidents on his eldest daughter, Mollie Michaelson, now just shy of her twentieth birthday, no longer being the sweet child he had always pictured her as, but now rather a desirable young woman. Frank and his wife Anne first noticed Mollie blossoming into such when she went away to college, first to Hawthorne, a girls' college in New England and then to a prestigious art school in Paris. In Frank noticing Mollie becoming a desirable woman and her leaving home happening at the same time, Frank admits that he had troubles letting go of Mollie and thus he did whatever he felt he needed to to protect her, even if she didn't really want or need that help. His problems were compounded by his encounters with a slightly off kilter Englishman he met in Paris, and more, including some paparazzi, believing that he is American actor James Stewart.
Movie: The Yagyu Chronicles 8: The One-Eyed Ninja ( 1963 )
The famed ninja Yagyu Jubei fights to suppress a coup d'etat plotted against Tokugawa Shogunate.
Movie: Jûsan-nin no shikaku ( 1963 )
A sadistic Daimyo (feudal lord) rapes a woman and murders both her and her husband, but even when one of his own vassals commits suicide to bring attention to the crime, the matter is quickly hushed up. Not only will there be no punishment, but because the Daimyo is the Shogun's younger brother, he will soon be appointed to a high political position from which he could wreak even more havoc. Convinced that the fate of the Shogunate hangs in the balance, a plot is hatched to assassinate the Daimyo. The two most brilliant strategic minds of their generation find themselves pitted against each other; one is tasked to defend a man he despises, and has a small army at his disposal. The other is given a suicide mission, and has 12 brave men. They are the 13 Assassins.
Movie: Gang vs Gang ( 1963 )
Mizuhara did his time in jail for Boss Komori. Now that he is out, the old gang wants to say welcome back with a bullet.
Movie: 4 for Texas ( 1963 )
Zack Thomas is a tough guy who hooks up with Joe Jarrett to open a casino.
Movie: Love with the Proper Stranger ( 1963 )
Angie Rossini is an innocent Italian Catholic Macy's salesgirl, who discovers she's pregnant from a fling with Rocky, a musician. Angie finds Rocky (who doesn't remember her at first) to tell him she's pregnant and needs a doctor for an abortion. He finds her a doctor and they work together to raise the money. Can these two strangers find love with one another before it's too late?
Movie: Akai hankachi ( 1964 )
A hot-shot detective in Yokohama kills a witness during a drug investigation. He flees to the countryside and evades his past for several years, only to return to find the woman he loved married to his former partner. He searches for answers to his troubled past, knowing that his inevitable doomed fate is more or less sealed.
Movie: Daughter of Darkness ( 1948 )
Emily, a pretty young Irish girl, gets a job on an English farm owned by the Tallent family. The local men take to her but the women don't, objecting to her flirtatious nature with their men and one woman, Bess Stanforth, is especially disturbed by her. When Dan, a man from Emily's past, shows up and accuses her of having tried to kill him Beth's suspicions are further aroused, and they're confirmed when Dan is found murdered in a local barn. Beth sets out to find out exactly who Emily is and to prove that she murdered Dan.
Movie: The Theta Girl ( 2017 )
Gayce, a take-no-shit young woman, deals a hallucinogenic drug called "theta," facilitating an audience for her friends' all-girl rock band. When Gayce's friends are brutally murdered, she must solve the mystery behind the murders and protect herself from the killer. She discovers the connections between theta and the murders - and learns a terrifying truth. That the world -- indeed her whole reality -- is not as it seems.
Movie: Flower Shop Mystery: Mum's the Word ( 2016 )
Abby Knight returns to her small home town as a NYC lawyer. On the day of her flower shop opening, her car gets damaged by someone fleeing a murder scene. She soon meets a charming bartender and partners with him in the search for answers.
Movie: Flower Shop Mystery: Dearly Depotted ( 2016 )
Abby Knight, ex-lawyer, crime buff and owner of Bloomers Flower Shop, is having a week to be reckoned with. A reluctant bridesmaid at wedding, Abby ends up not just doing the flowers, but having to find out who murdered a wedding crasher.
Movie: The Diamond Trap ( 1988 )
The Diamond Trap is the story of a New York City cop (Detective Rollings) and his partner (Brendan). Detective Rollings, a cop on the verge of retirement and in the waiting for a big case, finds himself involved in a cleverly planned heist of $12.5 million in jewels, after he and Brendan apprehend a male hooker attempting to sell stolen goods to a jewelry store owner (Rosencrantz). In a effort to save himself, the male hooker is forced to tell the two cops about the planned robbery of diamonds at the Heritage Gallery. Investigating this story, the two cops are led to a beautiful young woman (Tara Holden) who works at the gallery, and she begins to show signs of nervousness when being questioned about the planned heist, thus convincing Detective Rollings that she is involved in the crime. Consequently, Tara Holden gives herself up, and has no choice but to help the two cops catch the thieves. But their hot leads turn into dead ends through the double deceptions of their beautiful accomplice. Entangled in treachery and intrigue, their ambition to nail the gang turns into an obsession, as they are led into a crazy maze of deceit from New York to London.
Movie: Brenda Starr ( 1989 )
Mike is a struggling artist who draws the "Brenda Starr" strip for the papers. When Brenda comes to life in the strip and sees how unappreciated she is by Mike, she leaves the strip. To get her back, and keep his job, Mike draws himself into the strip. In her world, Brenda Starr is the Ace Reporter for the New York Flash. She is talented, fearless, smart, and a very snappy dresser. The only competition she has is from the rival paper's top reporter Libby Lipscomb. Brenda heads to the Amazon jungle to find a scientist with a secret formula which will create cheap and powerful gas from ordinary water.
Movie: Fast Company ( 1938 )
Joel Sloane is a rare book dealer and part time detective. He finds stolen or lost rare books for the insurance companies and gets a reward for their return. But this is a little different. Otto Brockler, a rare book dealer with questionable ethics, has been murdered. The list of suspects is long. Ned, who Otto sent to prison to get insurance money and keep him away from Leah. Leah, who is in love with the falsely convicted Ned. Elias, a silent partner in stolen and forged books. Sydney, a master forger of rare books. Julia, Otto's secretary who has expensive clothes and jewelry. Joel is the one who must find the murderer before he becomes the next victim.
Movie: Girls About Town ( 1931 )
Gold-diggers Kay Francis and Lilyan Tashman meet susceptible lonely businessmen at conventions in this ribald preproduction code story. The millionaires lavish the girls with expensive gifts. Francis falls for poor but virtuous Joel McCrea. Eugene Paulette is a copper king who gives Tashman jewelry. His wife reacts not with jealously but by trying to imitate her rival's style.
Movie: Goodbye Uncle Tom ( 1971 )
Two documentary filmmakers go back in time to the pre-Civil War American South, to film the slave trade.
Movie: The Comedians ( 1967 )
Set in the Haiti of "Papa Doc" Duvalier, this movie tells the story of a sardonic Welsh hotel owner and his encroaching fatalism as he watches Haiti sink into barbarism and poverty. Complications include his inability to sell the hotel so he can leave, a friendship with a rebel leader, some politically "charged" hotel guests, an affair with the German-born wife of a South American ambassador, and the manipulations of a British arms dealer who's in over his head.
Movie: Britney vs Spears ( 2021 )
Journalist Jenny Eliscu and filmmaker Erin Lee Carr investigate Britney Spears' fight for freedom by way of exclusive interviews and confidential evidence.
Movie: After Office Hours ( 1935 )
Hard-hitting news editor Jim Branch falls for high-society type Sharon Norwood but can't get to first base as he continually makes use of her knowledge of the rich and famous to try to solve the murder of one of her socialite acquaintences.
Movie: Attack of the Hollywood Cliches! (TV Special 2021) ( 2021 )
A special featuring some of the most famous films along with Screenwriters, Academics and Critics as they guide through the funny, weird and controversial clichés which appear on the screens.
Movie: Trial ( 1955 )
The story of a murder trial where a Mexican boy is accused of the death of a Caucasian girl. The two-faced attorney (Arthur Kennedy) who takes the boy's case is only interested in defending him so he can exploit his Communist-backed organization for their own underhanded purposes. He and his organization bring in an idealistic law professor (Glenn Ford) who agrees to represent the boy in court.
Movie: Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep ( 2006 )
Thirty years ago, Ray Reiter witnessed the brutal death of his parents at sea by a strange, octopus-like creature. Now determined to exact revenge, he joins archaeologist Nicole on a perilous high-seas expedition to find a legendary Greek Opal - said to be guarded by the very beast that murdered his family. As they come face to face with the killer Kraken, they must a...Read all
Movie: Underworld Informers ( 1963 )
When the detective in charge of investigating a series of bank robberies, starts to get too close to the culprits, they set up a blackmail scheme to warn him off. But when the crooks begin to fall out with each other, the police learn the truth.
Movie: Life in Danger ( 1964 )
The inhabitants of a small village, led by a war veteran, try to catch a vagrant, who they suspect to be an escaped mental patient.
Movie: A Global Affair ( 1964 )
As an employee at the United Nations building in New York City, Bob Hope finds himself in charge of an infant abandoned at the UN. Besides being a bachelor trying to cope with an infant, he must determine which nationality the baby is to have since he was abandoned on international territory. Women from several countries appear at his doorstep trying to tempt him and to get him to choose their country.
Movie: Cruel Gun Story ( 1964 )
Businessmen arrange the early release from prison of Togawa, serving time for taking revenge on the truck driver whose carelessness confined Togawa's sister, Rei, to a wheelchair. They want Togawa to hijack an armored truck loaded with 120 million yen; their leverage is to promise him money for surgery for Rei. Togawa consents and plans the heist with three others. The plan is solid, but it doesn't go smoothly. Togawa must improvise, there are traitors somewhere, and double-crosses mount. Can Togawa escape with enough money to help his sister and ensure a passage out of Japan? Loyalty matters.
Movie: Woman in the Dunes ( 1964 )
Jumpei Niki, a Tokyo based entomologist and educator, is in a poor seaside village collecting specimens of sand insects. As it is late in the day and as he has missed the last bus back to the city, some of the local villagers suggest that he spend the night there, they offering to find him a place to stay. That place is the home of a young woman, whose house is located at the bottom of a sand pit accessible only by ladder. He later learns that the woman's husband and child died in a sandstorm, their undiscovered bodies buried somewhere near the house. The next morning as he tries to leave, he finds that the ladder is gone - he realizing that the ladder he climbed down was a rope ladder which is anchored above the pit - meaning that he is trapped with the young woman as the walls of the pit are sand with no grip. He also realizes that this entrapment was the villagers and the young woman's plan for him to stay there permanently to be her helper in the never-ending task of digging out the sand, which if not done will swallow them alive. They are dependent upon the villagers to help remove the sand, but also for their rations including water. He learns that the sand is the young woman's life, and that she knows or wants no other life. Thus, it is no use either to blackmail or kill her as she is willing to live and die by this life, and as such he will surely die if she is dead. His life tasks become to figure out a way to escape while co-exist with the woman in what he considers their prison. As time goes on, he also learns that there are other tasks which will consume him.
Movie: Pale Flower ( 1964 )
Just released from prison after serving three years for murdering a member of a rival gang, Maraki, a middle-aged yakuza, returns to his old haunts in Tokyo largely out of loyalties despite not much liking that life or himself in the process. Those old routines include assuming his place within the Funada gang, reconnecting with Shinko, his twenty-three year old girlfriend, who wants a commitment from him (something he probably isn't willing to give), she threatening to accept another marriage proposal otherwise despite her love for him, and gambling at his usual illegal card den despite he not often winning. Although at first glance he thinks nothing has changed in three years, there are some major changes, especially that the Funada gang has merged with that rival gang partly to maintain the peace. One other change is that an innocent looking, young, upscale woman, Saeko, she the only female, has started gambling at that same card den, that innocent look beyond the fact that she likes to play big. He becomes her mentor and protector of sorts in he introducing her to an illegal card den with higher stakes, which is what she is seeking. In spending more and more time with her and in a chance encounter, Maraki not only begins to understand Saeko in she not being the total innocent her may have first assumed, especially in her curiosity with Yoh, the seeming drug addict cowering in the corner of the card den, but evaluates his ritualized life in the process.
Movie: Only on Mondays ( 1964 )
Yuka is a "good-time girl" from Yokohama who is persuaded by her papa to sleep with a foreign business executive so that he can close an important deal.
Movie: French Dressing ( 1964 )
A drab little English seaside town tries to improve its image--and increase its revenues--by holding a film festival. When a famous continental star agrees to attend, things get out of hand.
Movie: Panic Button ( 1964 )
A businessman plans to solve his tax problems by financing a film version of "Romeo and Juliet". He hires Maurice Chevalier and Jayne Mansfield to play the title roles, and Akim Tamiroff to direct. The finished film is shown at the Venice Film Festival, where it's considered a witty parody and awarded a Golden Lion.
Movie: The Long Ships ( 1964 )
A vagabond Viking adventurer and a Moor both compete to find "The Mother of All Voices", a legendary golden bell near the Pillars of Hercules.
Movie: Three Outlaw Samurai ( 1964 )
Shiba, a wandering ronin, encounters a band of peasants who have kidnapped the daughter of their dictatorial magistrate in hopes of coercing from him a reduction in taxes. Shiba takes up their fight, joined by two renegades from the magistrate's guard, Sakura and Kikyo. The three outlaws find themselves in a battle to the death.
Movie: Tamahine ( 1964 )
Teenager Tamahine grew up in the South Pacific the only legitimate child - she with many illegitimate siblings, which is typical of the only culture she knows as marriage is considered forever - of her British father Julian, with her Polynesian mother passing away when she was a child. After Julian passes away, Tamahine, as was her father's wishes, travels to Britain to learn of that side of her family and their proper British customs. She is to be the ward of Julian's widowed cousin, Charles Poole, the headmaster of Hallow, a proper upper class boys' school, he who has two offspring living with him: his twenty-something unhappy and soon to be divorced daughter, Diana, who is secretly, or not so secretly, dating the school's indecisive art teacher, Tim Clove; and his eighteen year old son, Richard Poole, a student at the school. Tamahine is blissfully unaware that her frank talk, especially about what she calls "loving", and her various states of undress are causing an uproar at the school. That "loving" is typical for a girl her age back home, and thus she being the wanted object of affection of many of the opposite sex at Hallow is what she wants, Richard and Tim among those who admit their attraction to her. However, a romance with blood relations as close as Richard she considered taboo. Regardless of what is considered her scandalous behavior, Tamahine may open up some of the joyless repression of many of those at Hallow.
Movie: White Slaves of Chinatown ( 1964 )
Olga uses pot parties and comic-book violence to turn Gigi Darlene and other female captives before putting them to work as drug-addicted hookers.
Movie: For Those Who Think Young ( 1964 )
Surfing college students hang out at a club watching comedian Uncle Woody and drinking Pepsis. Rich playboy "Ding" Pruitt falls for Sandy Palmer. His grandfather tries to have the club closed but is exposed as an ex-bootlegger.
Movie: Honeymoon Hotel ( 1964 )
Jay Menlow is jilted at the altar by his fiancée, Cynthia Hampton. His pal, Ross Kingsley, persuades him to use his reserved-in-advance accommodations at the Boca Roca Hotel (honeymooners only) in lieu of the doomed honeymoon. Ross will accompany him to bolster him up and Cynthia will soon beg to have him back. Ross' gesture is not quite as altruistic as it appears. He has been fooling around with Sherry Nugent, his employer Mr. Sampson's girlfriend, and figures that a brief exodus from New York and his boss is in his own best interest. However, Mr. Sampson shows up followed by his ever loving wife who has decided to find out just what goes on on her husband "business" trips. Complications, including schemes to avoid the hotel's "no bachelors allowed" rule also follow.
Movie: The New Interns ( 1964 )
Sequel to the 1962 film 'The Interns', this medical melodrama details the work of interns, nurses and doctors at a major American hospital.
Movie: A Distant Trumpet ( 1964 )
Lt. Hazard, fresh out of West Point, arrives in Arizona Territory at hot, dusty, Fort Delivery. Appalled by the lax discipline of its troops, he restricts their privileges and subjects them to arduous drills. At the same time, he finds himself falling in love with Kitty, the wife of his commanding officer. This romance is complicated when his fiancee from Back East decides to pay a visit. Troubles with the local Indians, however, soon force Hazard to concentrate on his military duties which sometimes conflict with his sympathy for the Indians' cause.
Movie: The Best Man ( 1964 )
Intellectual William Russell and down-to-earth Joe Cantwell are front runners for a party nomination that will almost certainly mean the Presidency. Cantwell is prepared to use anything to achieve his goal while Russell sees himself as a man of principle - though his philandering means he is relieved his wife is prepared to appear alongside him. Both men crucially need the support of the ailing President, and as the stakes become higher each team has to decide how dirty they are prepared to get.
Movie: Escape from Japan ( 1964 )
As Japan is preparing to host the Olympics, a gang member wanting to go to America is sought after by the police after helping his friend conduct a robbery.
Movie: Stage to Thunder Rock ( 1964 )
Retiring Sheriff Horne goes after the Sawyer brothers who have robbed a bank in town. The outlaw brothers count on the fact they grew up together with Horne and hope to get a break from him. However, during a shootout at a farm in the hills, Horne kills one of the brothers and captures the other, Reese. After they accidentally lose their horses during a scuffle, they travel on foot toward the stagecoach depot. All this time, Reese is taunting Horne and warns him that his father, Ross Sawyer, will soon rescue him. Indeed, Ross Sawyer goes after the sheriff to rescue his remaining son. Anticipating such a move, the town's mayor and the judge hire a paid gunfighter in need of money to kill Ross Sawyer on sight. The sheriff and his prisoner take the stagecoach to the stagecoach depot. The depot is run by the Parkers who are in debt and risk losing their business. Therefore, they are receptive to the secret financial deal offered by the prisoner and promise to help him escape the sheriff's custody. Arriving at the depot are deputized gunfighter Sam Swope on the lookout for Ross Sawyer and Leah Parker, the eldest daughter of the Parkers. Leah Parker claims to have worked as a teacher in the East but she hides an embarrassing truth. The sheriff plans to spend the night at the depot until the morning when the next stage to town is scheduled. But first, he has to make it through the night knowing that Reese will try to escape and his father could soon arrive to free his captured son.
Movie: Seduced and Abandoned ( 1964 )
Agnese, a 15-year-old Sicilian girl is seduced and impregnated by Peppino, her sister Matilde's fiancé. Soon Vincenzo, Agnese's father, discovers everything. He wants to force Peppino to marry the dishonored Agnese, but Peppino runs away and Vincenzo sends his son Antonio to kill him. At this point, Agnese goes to the police to try to stop events. They're all taken to court. But events can't be stopped, there's still time for a fake kidnapping. A happy end is still possible.
Movie: The Thrill Killers ( 1964 )
Three psychotic murderers escape from a mental institution and stalk women in Los Angeles.
Movie: Dogora ( 1964 )
An amorphous cellular life-form descends from the atmosphere to consume carbon in the form of diamonds.
Movie: Danger Tomorrow ( 1964 )
A doctor and his wife move into an old house in an English village where he is to start a new job- over the next few days his wife begins to experience strange visions which makes her frightened that her life is in danger.
Movie: The Outrage ( 1964 )
Travelers in the 1870s Southwest discuss a recent murder trial in which all the principals told differing stories about the events.
Movie: Signpost to Murder ( 1964 )
An escapee from an asylum takes refuge in a woman's house; but she has dark secrets of her own.
Movie: Hamlet at Elsinore ( 1964 )
Hamlet suspects his uncle has murdered his father to claim the throne of Denmark and the hand of Hamlet's mother, but the Prince cannot decide whether or not he should take vengeance.
Movie: Around the Beatles (TV Special 1964) ( 1964 )
The Beatles' first variety special.
Movie: Guns at Batasi ( 1964 )
Anachronistic strict Regimental Sergeant Major Lauderdale (Sir Richard Attenborough), on a remote colonial African army caught in a local coup d'etat, must use his experience to defend those in his care.
Movie: Rattle of a Simple Man ( 1964 )
When a group of northern soccer fans are down in London for the Cup Final one of their number winds up with a lady of the night. As they talk, the unsophisticated and naive lad starts to believe he has found true love.
Movie: Carol for Another Christmas ( 1964 )
Presented without commercial interruptions, this "United Nations Special" was sponsored by the Xerox Corporation, the first of a series of Xerox specials promoting the UN. Director Joseph Mankiewicz's first work for television, the 90-minute ABC drama was publicized as having an all-star cast (which meant that names of some supporting cast members were not officially released). In Rod Serling's update of Charles Dickens, industrial tycoon Daniel Grudge has never recovered from the loss of his 22-year-old son Marley, killed in action during Christmas Eve of 1944. The embittered Grudge has only scorn for any American involvement in international affairs. But then the Ghost of Christmas Past takes him back through time to a World War I troopship. Grudge also is visited by the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Future gives him a tour across a desolate landscape where he sees the ruins of a once-great civilization.
Movie: Make Mine a Million ( 1965 )
Sid Gibson is a soap powder salesman who decides what he really needs is TV advertising. The problem is, he's absolutely broke. He calls upon his friend Arthur Ashton, who arranges to sneak a plug for Sid's suds into a live TV spectacular. The public goes bananas for the product but to maintain sales Sid and Arthur must arrange for ever more outrageous plugs on TV shows. The Ascots races, the Edinburgh Military Tattoo - no show is safe.
Movie: The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald ( 1965 )
A film that speculates how Lee Harvey Oswald's trial may have played out had he not been killed by Jack Ruby.
Movie: Kiga kaikyô ( 1965 )
Three thieves escape from a heist, one of them killing the other two. He is sheltered by a prostitute and sought after by the police, but only after ten years his true motivation unravels.
Movie: Evenings for Sale ( 1932 )
Impoverished Count von Dopenthal plans to commit suicide and spends his last night at a costume ball. There he meets lovely Lela Fischer and falls in love with her. A chance meeting with his former butler, brings a job offer as a gigolo.
Movie: Movie in Action ( 1987 )
A movie crew is shooting in Thailand when some military guys kidnap the female star. The crew decide to fight back to get the movie star while shooting their movie.
Movie: Three Sailors and a Girl ( 1953 )
Three navy men run into a shady producer who convinces them to invest into his new show. When they meet the show's female star attraction, they're sold. Have they become the latest showbiz players or just three more suckers?
Movie: Tomorrow Television (Short 1945)
This is an Excellent 1945 documentary that informed the American civilians about the television industry that was ready to expand and develop. This film was made just before World War II did end in Europe. Other notable thing about this documentary is the quality of photography & narration.
Movie: School of Life ( 2005 )
A new teacher squares off against his crusty competitor for a teacher of the year award.
Movie: The FP ( 2011 )
In a post apocalyptic future, two rival gangs fight for control of Frazier Park by playing "Beat Beat Revelation", a deadly version of Dance, Dance, Revolution(TM).
Movie: Finder's Fee ( 2001 )
A man finds a wallet containing a winning lottery ticket worth $6 million.
Movie: Hollywood Cavalcade ( 1939 )
Michael Linnett Connors takes Molly Adair from Broadway understudy to 1913 Hollywood star. Although she is in love with him, she marries her co-star reckoning wrongly Connors thinks of her only in terms of movies. He fires her in pique, apparently terminally damaging his career.
Movie: Steve Rannazzisi: Breaking Dad (TV Special 2015) ( 2015 )
Steve Rannazzisi reveals the reason he and his wife don't have much sex anymore, talks about his demanding sons and describes what it's like to coach a Little League team full of children wearing capes.
Movie: No Time to Die ( 2021 )
James Bond has left active service. His peace is short-lived when Felix Leiter, an old friend from the CIA, turns up asking for help, leading Bond onto the trail of a mysterious villain armed with dangerous new technology.
Movie: The Great Texas Dynamite Chase ( 1976 )
Explosive drama and action when two sexy girls go on a bank robbing binge.
Movie: Imminent Threat ( 2015 )
From the Authorization to Use Military Force passed by Congress immediately after 9/11 to the 2014 NSA revelations from Edward Snowden, the documentary looks at the violations of our civil liberties and gradual deterioration of political discourse. Interviewees cross party lines and include members of the U.S. Congress, Code Pink, A.C.L.U. and the Cato Institute.
Movie: Bad Girls in the Movies ( 1986 )
A compilation tape with scenes from and trailers for films with female juvenile delinquent and/or criminal themes.
Movie: ... Sings James Bond (TV Special 2012) ( 2012 )
Perfomances of James Bond theme tunes from a variety of different shows in the BBC archives.
Movie: Casanova ( 1987 )
A very long, beginning-to-end life story of an eighteenth century womanizer that is arrested, not so much for his crimes, but because he is viewed as an undesirable by the husbands and families of the women he seduces.
Movie: The FBI's War on Black America ( 1990 )
The FBI's War on Black America looks at a dark period in our country's history. The film is a documentary exploration of the lives and deaths of people targeted by the US government's COINTELPRO program, an FBI launched program aimed against organized efforts by African-Americans to gain rights guaranteed by our constitution. Includes both archival footage and contemporary interviews with people involved in the movement. The FBI's War on Black America offers a thought provoking look at a government-sanctioned conspiracy, the FBI's counter intelligence program known as Cointelpro. This documentary establishes historical perspective on the measures initiated by J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI which aimed to discredit black political figures and forces of the late 1960's and early 1970's.
Movie: James Mullinger: Almost Canadian ( 2019 )
British comedian James Mullinger has taken Canada by storm. Sold out shows across the country, appearances on CBC's The Debaters, movies, TV shows, festivals, awards, magazines, stand up specials - since moving to Canada five years ago he's done it all.
Movie: The Fixer ( 1969 )
Set in Czarist Russia in 1911, and based on the true story of Russian-Jewish peasant Yakov Bok (Sir Alan Bates), who was wrongly imprisoned for a most unlikely crime, the "ritual murder" of a Gentile child in Kiev. We witness the unrelenting detail of the peasant-handyman's life in prison, and see him gain in dignity as the efforts to humiliate him and make him confess fail.
Movie: Beyonce at the BBC (TV Special 2006) ( 2006 )
Beyonce performs Déjà Vu; Medley: Baby Boy; Naughty Girl; Medley: Say My Name; Independent Women/Survivor; Ring the Alarm; Irreplaceable and Crazy in Love.
Movie: DNA ( 1997 )
Deep in the heart of the jungle in North Borneo a group of scientists excavates the bones of a creature buried among the ruins of ancient and forgotten civilization. The expedition is lead by Dr. Carl Wessinger. He discovers how to extract DNA from the bones. They only need an enzyme to recreate the creature. Wessinger asks the help of Ash Mattley, who had done research on enzymes. He is double-crossed and two years later Claire Sommers, who works for the CIA, asks Ash for help after a number of mutilated bodies are found. Claire believes Wessinger is behind this because her 'company' has no more contact with the lab in the jungle. Wessinger who retooled the creature, wants to sell it to the highest bidder as a war machine, and it is on the loose in the jungle, killing everybody.
Movie: The Brothers Rico ( 1957 )
Eddie Rico, the erstwhile bookkeeper for a big Mafia boss, is now making a living as an honest merchant in Florida with his family. Things go sour when the police start a search for his syndicate-linked brothers who are on the lam after a big hit, forcing Eddie to get involved with the Mafia again.
Movie: Death Cruise ( 1974 )
Several couples are notified that they have won an ocean cruise, but they actually have been lured onto a ship so that they can be murdered.
Movie: Father Dear Father ( 1973 )
Spin-off movie version of the British sitcom of the same name.
Movie: Beyond Erotica ( 1974 )
A mentally unstable man living with his mother in their sprawling farm estate plays cruel games with the new servant girl.
Movie: The Bait ( 1973 )
An undercover policewomen risks her life to trap a homicidal rapist.
Movie: Murder on Flight 502 ( 1975 )
Left in the lounge for first-class passengers, a letter warns of murders on Flight 502 -- and the warning is received a day early.
Movie: One of My Wives Is Missing ( 1976 )
Daniel Corban's wife Elizabeth disappeared after they had a fight. Then she shows up, yet he insists that the woman isn't actually his wife.
Movie: Honest ( 2000 )
The film is an edgy black comedy set in swinging London in the late 60s. The All Saints girls play three street wise sisters who head 'up West' to rob and generally cause trouble.
Movie: Diana ( 2021 )
The dazzling and devastating life of Princess Diana takes center stage in this original musical, filmed in advance of its official Broadway opening.
Movie: Mayday ( 2021 )
Ana is transported to a dreamlike and dangerous land where she joins an army of girls engaged in a never-ending war along a rugged coast. Though she finds strength in this exhilarating world, she comes to realize that she's not the killer they want her to be.
Movie: Falling for Figaro ( 2021 )
A brilliant young fund manager leaves her unfulfilling job and long-term boyfriend to chase her lifelong dream of becoming an opera singer in the Scottish Highlands.
Movie: Adventures of a Mathematician ( 2021 )
The warmhearted story of Polish immigrant and mathematician Stan Ulam, who moved to the U.S. in the 1930s. Stan deals with the difficult losses of family and friends all while helping to create the hydrogen bomb and the first computer.
Movie: Stone Pillow ( 1985 )
In an effort to understand the plight of homeless women living on the streets, young social worker, Carrie Lange (Daphne Zuniga) attempts befriending a homeless woman named Florabelle ('Lucille Ball'). Florabelle believes Carrie is runaway and tells her to go to the homeless shelter for help. Carrie stops another woman from stealing Florabelle's cart and gains her dubious trust. So begins Carrie's education in survival on the streets of Manhattan. Florabelle begins to teach Carrie street survival skills such as when threatened act crazy-the crazier the better, drinking vinegar to toughen the feet and innards, which garbage cans are good to go through for food, and where to find places to sleep and for warmth. This movie makes an effort to investigate the plight of the homeless and what avenues can be taken to help them to help themselves.
Movie: The Survivalist ( 2021 )
A year and a half after the fall of civilization due to a viral outbreak, a former FBI agent is forced to protect a young woman immune to the disease from a dangerous gang leader hunting her.
Movie: The Addams Family 2 ( 2021 )
Everyone's favorite spooky family is back in the animated comedy sequel, The Addams Family 2. In this all new movie we find Morticia and Gomez distraught that their children are growing up, skipping family dinners, and totally consumed with "scream time." To reclaim their bond they decide to cram Wednesday, Pugsley, Uncle Fester and the crew into their haunted camper and hit the road for one last miserable family vacation. Their adventure across America takes them out of their element and into hilarious run-ins with their iconic cousin, It, as well as many new kooky characters. What could possibly go wrong?
Movie: The Addams Family ( 2019 )
The eccentrically macabre family moves to a bland suburb where Wednesday Addams' friendship with the daughter of a hostile and conformist local reality show host exacerbates conflict between the families.
Movie: Stop and Go ( 2021 )
Two directionless sisters brave a cross-country road trip to rescue their grandmother from a COVID outbreak at her nursing home.