Playlists > Favourite Animation

Favourite Animation

A growing list of classic animation.

Creator: cyberfox
Posted: 4 years ago

50 favorites


Movie: Love That Pup ( 1949 )
Spike and Tyke are sleeping, when Tom and Jerry run by. Tom, intent on finding Jerry, handles Tyke thoughtlessly and gets a warning from Spike. Of course, this means Jerry hangs out with the dogs and does what he can to get Tom in trouble.
Movie: Tennis Chumps ( 1949 )
Tom plays championship tennis against a cigar-smoking bully, but both cats find themselves battling Tom's much-abused lackey, Jerry Mouse, for the trophy.
Movie: Jerry and the Goldfish (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
Tom, whose appetite was whetted by a radio cooking program, wants to make a meal out of the pet goldfish. Jerry, who is friends with the fish, does what he can to thwart their feline foe.
Movie: Nit-Witty Kitty ( 1951 )
Tom has amnesia and believes he's a mouse. Jerry, finding him more obnoxious as a fellow rodent than as a cat, seeks to cure him with a blow to the head.
Movie: Sleepy-Time Tom ( 1951 )
Tom is desperate for sleep after a night of revelry with his friends, but Mammy Two-Shoes demands that he stay awake to keep the mouse out of the refrigerator. Jerry, being a clever mouse, sees his opportunity to get rid of the cat.
Movie: Slicked-up Pup ( 1951 )
Spike has just washed his pup. Tom and Jerry's chase knocks him into a mud puddle. Spike makes Tom clean him up again and promise to keep him clean which of course is Jerry's opening to get Tom in trouble.
Movie: The Two Mouseketeers ( 1952 )
This Tom and Jerry cartoon is set in 17th century France. Tom, who is a soldier in the King's castle, is assigned to guard the food laid out on a banquet table. Jerry and a smaller mouse companion, two wandering "mouseketeers," make the situation miserable for Tom as they abscond with (and occasionally eat) all the food they can.
Movie: Cruise Cat ( 1952 )
Tom is the official cat on the cruise ship S.S. Aloha, but he'll be kicked off if the captain finds even one mouse. That one, of course, is Jerry, who sneaks on board just before sailing and is pursued relentlessly by Tom until they both run into the ship's theatre showing Texas Tom (1950), which they pause to watch part of.
Movie: The Dog House ( 1952 )
Spike is building his dream house when Tom crashes into it mid-chase. Of course, Jerry then takes every opportunity to route the chases through the construction project.
Movie: The Duck Doctor ( 1952 )
Tom is duck hunting, and he wings a little duckling that can't quite keep up with the flock. Jerry gets to the fallen duck before Tom, bandages his wing, and shelters him from Tom as he keeps running out to join his flock.
Movie: Fit to Be Tied ( 1952 )
Jerry removes a tack from Spike's paw. In gratitude, Spike gives Jerry a bell to ring when he's in trouble. Soon, Tom is acting as Jerry's servant. But then the city passes a leash law, and Spike can no longer help. Soon, Tom is taunting Spike (much like Foghorn Leghorn taunts the barnyard dog) and harassing Jerry, who becomes his servant until the leash law is repealed.
Movie: The Flying Cat ( 1952 )
When Jerry befriends a canary Tom finds it necessary to construct a makeshift pair of wings.
Movie: Push-Button Kitty ( 1952 )
Tom's being especially lazy, which makes it even easier for Mammy to toss him out when her new mouse-catching robot cat, Mechano, arrives. Mechano is frighteningly efficient, foiling several attempts by Jerry. Jerry turns this efficiency against him by unleashing several mechanical mice; the zealous robot makes a shambles of the house, and finally itself, in the process of chasing them down. Tom is welcomed back, but at the last moment, a key part of the robot had gone down Tom's throat; Jerry activates it, and sends Tom chasing after one of the wind-up mice.
Movie: Smitten Kitten ( 1952 )
Tom's in love again, and Jerry's devil conscience reminds him of times this has happened in the past (which, of course, we see, in the form of clips from earlier shorts), and how that's been nothing but trouble for Jerry.
Movie: Triplet Trouble ( 1952 )
Mammy Two-Shoes agrees to babysit three seemingly innocent kittens. But while she is away buying cream, the trio of brats torment Tom and Jerry.
Movie: Johann Mouse ( 1953 )
Tom attempts to catch Jerry by playing music he dances to.
Movie: Just Ducky ( 1953 )
Jerry Mouse befriends a newly hatched duck who can't swim and ends up protecting him against his feline nemesis, Tom.
Movie: Life with Tom (Short 1953) ( 1953 )
Tom reads Jerry's best selling book, "Life with Tom" and experiences some flashbacks.
Movie: Two Little Indians ( 1953 )
The Bide-a-wee Mouse Home sends two orphans over for a hike with Scoutmaster Jerry. Trouble is, the orphans, dressed as Indians, want to shoot arrows and tomahawk-chop everything in sight, and especially Tom, who quickly gets scalped and has the end of his tail chopped off. He captures Jerry; this, of course, means war, for which the tots paint dozens of badminton shuttlecocks as a fake army. They also paint a fierce face on the sleeping dog. Ultimately, they get Tom to leave a trail of gunpowder, which they light, destroying the garage. Tom signals a truce, and they all smoke a peace pipe, but the smoke comes out of Tom's ears instead of his mouth.
Movie: Downhearted Duckling ( 1954 )
A depressed baby duck thinks he is ugly after reading "The Ugly Duckling" and wants Tom to eat him but Jerry keeps preventing that.
Movie: Little School Mouse (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Professor Jerry teaches a course in how to outwit cats, but his pupil seems to know more than Jerry.
Movie: Mice Follies (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Jerry and his friends flood the kitchen, then use the freezer to turn it into a skating rink. Even though Tom finds a pair of ice skates, the mice have no problem out maneuvering him.
Movie: Pet Peeve (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Tom and Spike, whose cat food and dog food is getting too expensive, are forced to compete as mousers. The one who catches Jerry gets to stay.
Movie: Posse Cat (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Tom and Jerry are in a cabin in the Wild West. Jerry's rustling food, so Tom's owner won't let him eat until he's gotten rid of Jerry.
Movie: Puppy Tale ( 1954 )
Jerry rescues a bag of puppies from the river. Most of them run away as soon as Jerry releases them, but one stays behind. Jerry tries to get rid of it, but ultimately takes pity and invites the frisky runt inside, where he has to hide it from Tom, who keeps throwing it out. A thunderstorm starts, and Tom takes pity on the pup, goes out looking for it, and falls into the river himself, where Jerry rescues him.
Movie: Touché, Pussy Cat! ( 1954 )
Musketeer Jerry's old friend, François Mouse, sends his son for training. But when Jerry has to save the tyke from a run-in with Tom, the little one is sent packing until he manages to save Jerry.
Movie: Designs on Jerry ( 1955 )
Tom designs a better mousetrap that would have made Rube Goldberg jealous. While he sleeps, the mouse that Tom drew wakes Jerry and they get chased by the cat Tom drew. As Tom awakes, they make a strategic alteration to the design.
Movie: Mouse for Sale (Short 1955) ( 1955 )
Tom sells Jerry to a local pet store that's buying white mice. Yes, Jerry's brown, but a little paint fixes that. The lady of the house finds the money Tom got and uses it to buy a cute white mouse. Jerry shows off acrobatics and dancing. Tom washes off Jerry's paint, but Jerry keeps finding new ways to become white before his owner can see him.
Movie: Pup on a Picnic (Short 1955) ( 1955 )
Spike is taking his son on a picnic. Jerry keeps hiding in the basket, so Tom keeps disrupting the picnic while chasing him.
Movie: Smarty Cat (Short 1955) ( 1955 )
Nobody's home, so Tom invites his alley cat friends in to look at home movies (clips from earlier cartoons where Tom gets the drop on Spike). While they're showing them, Spike sneaks in.
Movie: Southbound Duckling (Short 1955) ( 1955 )
Jerry's little duckling friend has packed his bag and is all set to fly south for the winter despite the book Jerry keeps showing him that points out that domestic ducks do not fly south, and despite his obvious inability to fly at all. But that doesn't stop him from ending up in Tom's frying pan, at least briefly.
Movie: That's My Mommy ( 1955 )
When a duck hatches from the egg underneath Tom, he is convinced he is his mother. Tom thinks that he would like to eat the newborn duck, but Jerry shows him the truth while saving him from being eaten.
Movie: Tom and Chérie (Short 1955) ( 1955 )
Mousketeer Jerry has a love letter to deliver to darling Lilli. He gives it to his young pupil, who has a hard time getting past Tom to deliver it, but he does. They send a few more letters back and forth, at great pain to the youngster.
Movie: Busy Buddies (Short 1956) ( 1956 )
The baby is left alone with a sitter, and Tom and Jerry are raiding the kitchen and, since the sitter is spending all her time on the phone, watching over the baby, who seems amazingly adept at breaking out of his crib.
Movie: Down Beat Bear (Short 1956) ( 1956 )
A dancing bear, who has escaped from a carnival, uses Tom as his reluctant dance partner.
Movie: The Flying Sorceress (Short 1956) ( 1956 )
Tom steals a witch's flying broom so he can scare the wits out of Jerry.
Movie: Royal Cat Nap (Short 1958) ( 1958 )
Tom must oppose The Two Mouseketeers without disturbing the King's sleep.
Movie: Tot Watchers (Short 1958) ( 1958 )
The lady of the house has gone out for a few hours, leaving her baby in the care of a stereotypical 1950s teenager, who immediately begins calling her friends. Tom and Jerry must call a truce to their constant chases as the baby, unsupervised, continually gets loose. When the baby escapes out the front door, Tom and Jerry chase it to a construction site, where they fr...Read all
Movie: The Vanishing Duck ( 1958 )
George gives Joan a baby duck for her birthday. While they are out celebrating, Tom goes after the duck but his plans are thwarted when the duck (and, later, Jerry) finds a jar of vanishing cream and uses it to well, vanish, and get even with Tom (for a while, at least).
Movie: The Man Called Flintstone ( 1966 )
While preparing for a camping trip, Fred Flintstone is enlisted by the Bedrock Secret Service to capture a criminal mastermind after a spy who looks like him is injured on the job.
Movie: Shutter Bugged Cat ( 1967 )
Tom watches and studies films of some of his earlier encounters with Jerry, much like game films; he runs them backwards and stops them so he can study them more closely, all the while scribbling notes. Jerry pulls up a box of popcorn and watches, too. Tom notices Jerry and chases him into his hole. Tom designs a better mousetrap, but Jerry alters the plans, so it doesn't work any better than it did the first time the footage was used, in Designs on Jerry (1955).
Movie: Matinee Mouse ( 1966 )
Tom is chasing Jerry through the back yard. Jerry escapes to a bird house. A bit more chasing. Jerry crashes into the wall. Both decide they've had enough, and wave the truce flag; they go to the movies of themselves, which is an excuse for another bargain clip show. The truce doesn't hold, and eventually the characters on screen stop and take notice.
Movie: An Ounce of Pink ( 1965 )
The Pink Panther comes in contact with a coin-operated talking weight and fortune machine which suggests that he bring it home with him on the basis of it being a valuable asset - it doesn't go so well.
Movie: Pickled Pink (Short 1965) ( 1965 )
An alcoholic is returning home from a night of partying and encounters the homeless Pink Panther in a park. He invites the panther to come and stay with him. But he has a wife who disapproves of him bringing in any guests. So, he has to keep the Pink Panther hidden, which tends to be rather painful for the hapless panther.
Movie: Pink Ice ( 1965 )
A talking Pink Panther is the owner of a diamond mine and has unearthed a large gem, but a dastardly pair of rival miners take the diamond and ineptly try to eliminate the panther.
Movie: Pink Panzer ( 1965 )
The next-door neighbor neglects to return the Pink Panther's lawn mower, resulting in a feud that escalates into all-out war.
Movie: We Give Pink Stamps ( 1965 )
The Pink Panther secrets himself inside Gamble's Department Store, so that after closing time, he can occupy the warm building for a night. But when a diminutive, pointy-nosed janitor ...
Movie: Smile Pretty, Say Pink (Short 1966) ( 1966 )
A diminutive, pointy-nosed naturalist goes to a national park to photograph the flora and fauna and refuses to donate a small sum of money to a worthy cause: the welfare of the park's resident Pink Panther. The naturalist kicks the Pink Panther's donation box away and provokes the panther into sabotaging his photographic efforts. The Pink Panther secrets himself in a bush and won't keep the bush still for the photographer to take a desired picture. The panther next commandeers the controls to a wooden bridge and sends the naturalist into a river. He then swallows the little man's flashcubes and lights up every time he hiccups; so, when he runs into the little naturalist's dark-room-hut and hiccups, he ruins the pictures that the man is trying to develop. Next, he sticks his hand, eye, and teeth in all of the little man's pictures. But the little man avenges himself upon the panther by blasting the pink cat with a rifle disguised as a camera.
Movie: Vitamin Pink ( 1966 )
On the Western frontier, the Pink Panther is a traveling vendor of pep pills. He unwittingly sells some pills to a frail criminal, who gains the strength to rob every bank in a nearby town! Thus, the panther is in as much trouble with the law as the robber and must act to apprehend the scoundrel.
Movie: In the Pink ( 1967 )
The Pink Panther joins a gym.
Movie: Pink Panic ( 1967 )
The Pink Panther, seeking nightly shelter from a storm, comes upon a Western frontier ghost town called Dead Dog, and the one hotel in the town is haunted. While trying to stay the night at the Dead Dog Hotel, the panther is accosted by a two-eyed, chair-covering sheet, which is an unfriendly ghost. A moving skeleton crawls into the Pink Panther's bed and scares the panther, who does battle against ghost and skeleton by hitting both with a stick. The ghost dons a six-gun belt and pursues the panther into a wine cellar, where the panther pickles the ghost in a wine keg. The drunken ghost is then inflated like a balloon by the Pink Panther and burst, becoming a group of little specters that join the skeleton in pursuing the Pink Panther. The resulting noise prompts the town sheriff to arrest the Pink Panther and his supernatural foes- until sunrise causes ghosts, skeleton, sheriff, and whole town to vanish.
Movie: Pink Paradise ( 1967 )
The Pink Panther arrives on a small tropical island, but the little pointy-nosed man and his dog are also there hunting for food. When the panther hears rifle shots, he fears he is going to be prey for hunters. He decides to keep himself hidden from sight, and starts playing pranks for the man and the dog, hoping to make the man hate his pet. After the panther makes the dog set fire on the man's gun powder while he loads his rifle, resulting in two explosions, the dog is banned from the man's sight.
Movie: Put-Put, Pink ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther wants to go on a ride with his self-built motorcycle, but it starts driving backwards at a frightening speed, and a policeman tries in vain to catch him for speeding. The panther builds another motorcycle, which splits in two in the midst of the ride, and the other half continues its way. When the panther rides his next vehicle, made out of bed frame bars, he gets caught by the policeman and sent to prison.
Movie: In the Pink of the Night ( 1969 )
The Pink Panther is chronically late for work due to over sleeping. So, he buys a cuckoo clock in hope that the cuckoo's chirps will wake him in ample time each morning. The cuckoo does exactly this, but the panther is so irate at being jolted awake that he tries to silence the cuckoo so that he can go back to sleep.
Movie: Slink Pink ( 1969 )
A homeless Pink Panther, seeking shelter on a bitterly cold night, sneaks through a window into the cozy, warm living room of a diminutive, excitable game hunter, whose stuffed animal-head trophies adorn the walls of his abode. The Pink Panther's mooching presence in the house never arouses the hunter's suspicion that there is an unwelcome guest, but the hunter's dog knows about the Pink Panther's intrusion and repeatedly tries to alert its master. The Pink Panther replaces the stuffed body of a Ugandan panther with himself in a still pose and doesn't blink when the man repeatedly whacks him with a stick to show to his dog that the panther is dead and stuffed, and when the man leaves the room and the dog remains, the Pink Panther hits the dog with the stick. Every time the dog tries to retaliate against the Pink Panther, the Pink Panther has moved and the man has taken his place, in the bathtub, in a chair, and in bed, and thus receives the brunt of the dog's attacks.
Movie: Think Before You Pink ( 1969 )
A pedestrian Pink Panther cannot complete his crossing of a busy city road before his "Walk" light changes to, "Don't walk." He must return to his original side of the intersection, and every subsequent attempt to walk across the road is equally unsuccessful. A little man at a pedestrians' club advises the panther to try crossing the road by other means: pole vaulting, attaching a rocket to his back, walking across an electric wire, being a "human" cannonball, and building a wooden suspension bridge. Each effort fails painfully for the hapless panther. He finally disguises himself as a mother tabby with a litter of kittens and is permitted to fully cross the road - but a falling piano lands on him.
Movie: A Fly in the Pink ( 1971 )
The Pink Panther's peaceful life as a farmer is challenged when a genetically-modified fly starts to devour all of his produce.
Movie: Pink Blue Plate ( 1971 )
The diminutive owner of a diner situated next to a construction site is inundated with lunchtime customers and hires the Pink Panther as a short-order cook. But the accident-prone panther causes nothing but trouble for the little diner owner. A flipped pizza sticks to the kitchen ceiling, and when the Pink Panther saws a hole through the ceiling and the pizza, with a slab of ceiling wood beneath, falls onto the grill, the little diner owner hurries to bring the pizza to a burly, impatient customer, who bites into a truly wooden-crust pizza, then punishes the little man with a pie in the face. The same customer later requests on two separate occasions a cake and blueberry pie. The Pink Panther catapults the cake into the customer's face, and a fan blows the blueberry topping of the pie to the same unfortunate place. The irate customer puts a R.I.P. wreath at the door of the diner and chases panther and little owner into the horizon.
Movie: Pink-In ( 1971 )
The Pink Panther is reading an old letter, sent to him by his old friend Loudmouth Louie; he writes about their past adventures.
Movie: Pink in the Woods (Short 1979) ( 1979 )
The Pink Panther gets a job as a lumberjack. The trouble immediately begins when the axe blade flies off and cuts down the wrong tree, which destroys the manager's car as it falls down. When the right tree finally falls down, it destroys the lumber cabin, which makes the manager mightily angry. The panther is given a chainsaw, which immediately gets a mind of its own and starts chasing the panther, until he manages to crush it with a mallet. He instead applies a beaver to do all the woodcutting work. The work gets done so fast that the manager awards the panther with a big bonus.
Movie: Pink Aye (Short 1974) ( 1974 )
The Pink Panther stows away on the S.S.Luxitania while a famous opera singer is aboard the cruise ship. A short, pointy-nosed steward, assigned to cater to the singer's comfort, discovers the stowaway Pink Panther and endeavors to catch the unwelcome passenger, only to repeatedly disturb the ship's Captain, who violently punishes the steward. A troublesome deck chair begins to snap its foot rest as though it were a dog and chases the Pink Panther and the steward off the ship and onto a tropical island.
Movie: Bobolink Pink ( 1975 )
The Pink Panther meets a tiny, white bird that wants to go south but is unable to fly. The Pink Panther's faltering efforts to teach flight to the bird and to give the bird a boost into the air arouse the carnivorous attention of an alley cat, from whom the Pink Panther must defend his little, feathered friend. Thwarting the alley cat but angering a dog, the Pink Panther and the bird fly south on an airplane, with the dog in pursuit.
Movie: Keep Our Forests Pink ( 1975 )
The Pink Panther is a very responsible caretaker in a national park. Then a very irresponsible short, pointy-nosed man arrives with his dog to camp out. Ignoring the prohibitions, the man sets a campfire, throws empty cans into the lake while fishing, and litters the forest so badly the panther has to send for the bear to order the man to clean up everything. At sunset, the park is clean again, and the man can go into his tent to sleep.
Movie: Pink Elephant ( 1975 )
The Pink Panther feeds peanuts to an elephant at a zoo, and the elephant follows him out of the zoo and into the surrounding city. When he tries to return the elephant from whence it came, he finds that the zoo is closed. So, the panther has little choice but to open his home to the displaced hulk of an animal, which proves rather difficult in that his home is an upstairs apartment with a strict, short, pointy-nosed manager. The elephant's weight causes fractures in the between-floor foundations, spills water from the panther's bathtub, water which drops through the fractured floor onto the little man's face, and finally, while sleeping on an upper bunk on the Pink Panther's bunk bed, crashes through the bunk, floors, and panther and man beneath. Of course, the little man evicts the Pink Panther and the elephant.
Movie: The Bowling Alley-Cat ( 1942 )
As the title implies, Tom and Jerry are in a bowling alley. Both spend a lot of time sliding on the well-polished lanes. Eventually, Jerry takes up residence among the pins and Tom tries to bowl him down.
Movie: Puss n' Toots ( 1942 )
Tom is playing with Jerry when someone delivers a cute lady cat for Mammy to take care of. Tom is smitten at first sight, and primps a bit. He offers a fish and a canary, but she's not interested. He then retrieves Jerry (filed under "M" in a filing cabinet), again proving unusually competent. He does several magic tricks with Jerry, producing him in a box of chocolates and Toots' bow, and finally tucking Jerry behind him. While trapped there, Jerry grabs a hat and uses the hat pin to even the score a bit. He runs away to a record changer, and gets Tom caught up in the machinery. With Tom thoroughly defeated (and the machine thoroughly broken), Jerry primps a bit himself, kisses Toots, and sashays into his hole.
Movie: Happy Birthday, Garfield ( 1988 )
Garfield creator Jim Davis presents a behind-the-scenes 10th-anniversary celebration of the pasta-eating cat. Jim Davis is the host
Movie: The Raccoons: Let's Dance! ( 1984 )
A music video featuring songs and clips from the "Raccoons" specials, connected by newly animated footage.
Movie: The Lorax (TV Short 1972) ( 1972 )
A ruined industrialist tells his tale of his environmentally self-destructive greed despite the warnings of an old forest creature.
Movie: The Raccoons and the Lost Star ( 1983 )
"The Raccoons and the Lost Star" is the last totally original Raccoons .... On a far-away planet, Cyril Sneer plots his takeover of earth.
Movie: The Raccoons on Ice ( 1981 )
To save the Evergreen Forest from destruction from Cyril Sneer's development plans, a raccoon family challenges the industrialist to a hockey game to settle the issue.
Movie: He-Man and She-Ra: The Secret of the Sword ( 1985 )
Prince Adam is sent to the world of Etheria to find his long abducted sister, Adora, and awaken her to her own destiny.
Movie: The Care Bears Movie ( 1985 )
The Care Bears watch over a young brother and sister who have lost their trust in humanity. Meanwhile an evil wizard wishes to cover the Earth in concrete.
Movie: The Man Who Planted Trees (Short 1987) ( 1988 )
The story of a shepherd's single handed quest to re-forest a barren valley.
Movie: Jetsons: The Movie ( 1990 )
George Jetson is forced to uproot his family when Mr. Spacely promotes him to take charge of a new factory on a distant planet.
Movie: Heathcliff: The Movie ( 1986 )
On a rainy day as Uncle Heathcliff is forced to babysit his nephews, and spends the time recounting his adventures, he meets a cat who looks just like him, one where he winds up working for a mob boss, one where his dad gets released from prison but he thinks he escaped, one where he actually tries to be good, and a few others. In one tale, Heathcliff's pop gets parole, although Heathcliff thinks he's escaped; in another, Heathcliff's "good angel" conscience makes a short-lived appeal to his saintly side. Nostalgia reigns as the tabby holy terror plays various roles of television star, wrestling champ, and neighborhood bully.
Movie: The Smurfs Christmas Special (TV Short 1982) ( 1982 )
At Christmas, the Smurfs and Gargamel cross paths with two children and a stranger out to kidnap them. Can the magic of Christmas prevail?
TV Show: Fist of the North Star ( 1984 )
In a post-nuclear future, human race has made many steps. Normal people have become slaves, while genetically modified giants rule the world. Gunpowder is a distant memory and martial arts is the only weapon a man can count on. Two schools face each other in the battle for dominion: Hokuto and Nanto. Kenshiro is the rightful successor of Hokuto school, while Shin is Nanto's. Shin stole Ken's girlfriend Julia and Ken is looking for her. Kenshiro travels the barren wasterland of post-apocalyptic Earth as seeks to rescue Julia. As the series progresses, we are introduced to the six Grand Masters of the Nanto Seiken school, as well as Kenshiro's three adoptive brothers, also trained in the art of Hokuto Shinken. Eventually, Kenshiro's ultimate rival becomes none other than his eldest brother, Raoh, a would-be conqueror who does not recognize Kenshiro as a worthy succcessor.
Movie: Fist of the North Star ( 1991 )
In a post-nuclear hellscape, a master of the deadly martial art "Hokuto Shinken" allies with two kids and an expert in "Nanto Suicho-Ken" to battle the tyrants who kidnapped his lover.
Movie: The Bugs Bunny/Road-Runner Movie ( 1979 )
Bugs Bunny reflects on his past cartoon exploits.
TV Show: Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears ( 1985 )
Long ago, there was a thriving civilization of small humanoid bears called Gummi Bears. Possessing powerful magic and advanced technology, this race coexisted with humans until the growing rivalry forced the Gummis to flee across the sea, leaving only a small caretaker colony to prepare for a possible return. However, generations passed and the colony forgot their purpose even as human knowledge of the race faded into mere legend. All that changes when the colony meets a boy with a Gummi Bear medallion which unlocks the Great Book of Gummi which reveals lost knowledge of their past. Now the colony has dedicated themselves to the new goal to rediscover their heritage with the help of a few trusted humans while preventing new enemies like Duke Igthorn from exploiting that heritage to their own ends.
TV Show: Science Ninja Team Gatchaman ( 1972 )
Due to dangers of decreasing resources and growing pollution, the International Scientific Organization (ISO) is established to improve environmental conditions throughout the world. But an international criminal group, Gallactor, tries to achieve world domination by taking control of the ISO. Gallactor was created by a mysterious being from outer space known as Generalissimo X, who gives orders through its chief commander on Earth, the masked Berg Katse. To fight Gallactor and its robot monsters, the ISO's Dr. Nambu enlists five brave youths into a combat squad called Gatchaman,the Science Commandos. Special scientific powers and dramatic birdlike costumes make the Gatchaman Squad a match for Gallactor, wherever on Earth it may strike. Ken (the Eagle) is the wise leader, assisted by sometimes-foolhardy Joe (the Condor), pretty Jun (the Swan), eager little Jinpei (the Swallow), and strong Ryu (the Horned Owl). Each has individual scientific weapons, but their main power lies in their aircraft, the Phoenix, which can transform itself into a fiery arrow capable of piercing the most massive threats. GATCHAMAN is a series of dynamic action and tension as Ken, Joe, Jun, Jinpei, and Ryu hold themselves in constant readiness to meet each new threat by Gallactor to conquer the world.
TV Show: Groovie Goolies ( 1970 )
Groovie Goolies is an animated television show that had its original run on network television between 1970 and 1972. Produced by Filmation, Groovie Goolies was a spinoff of Sabrina the Teenage Witch (itself a spinoff of The Archie Show). Like most Saturday morning animated series' of the era, Groovie Goolies contained an adult laugh track.
Movie: Alice's Tin Pony ( 1925 )
Alice and Julius are driving a train, which is carrying a large payroll. Pete the Bear and his gang find out about it and devise a plan to rob the train.
Movie: Alice's Orphan ( 1926 )
Julius the cat is skating on a pond when he espies a young lady break through the ice. He saves her, only to realize she's not particularly attractive, and so throws her back. Meanwhile, a kitten orphan is left in a basket by the side of the pond; Julius discovers it and takes it skating with him, afterward taking it home to Alice. They name him Oscar, and Julius tries to give the brat a bath. He then feeds Oscar and teaches him some table manners.
Movie: The Swan Princess ( 1994 )
As children, Prince Derek and Princess Odette are forced to spend their summers together by their widowed parents, who hope that the two will eventually fall in love and marry, so their two kingdoms will be united. As children and adolescents, Derek and Odette can't stand each other, but as young adults they begin to see each other in a different light and fall in love with each other. But one night things take a bad turn when Derek unintentionally offends Odette, who then refuses to marry him if he can't prove that he loves her for who she is and not just her beauty. Odette and her father are then attacked by Lord Rothbart, a vengeful sorcerer who was cast out of William's kingdom when he plotted against the king. In the form of a beast, Rothbart mortally wounds William, and kidnaps Odette then places her under a spell. Now it is up to Derek to rescue Odette by showing his undying love. But will he be in time?
Movie: Asterix the Gaul ( 1967 )
Gaul invaded! Asterix must save the Druid Getafix from the Romans.
Movie: Asterix and Cleopatra ( 1968 )
Provoked, Cleopatra bets Caesar, that she can build a big palace in 3 months. An architect is given 3 months or else.. Fortunately, Getafix/Panoramix, Asterix and Obelix come to Alexandria to help.
Movie: The Twelve Tasks of Asterix ( 1976 )
When Julius Cesar fears, that he will probably never be able to defeat the gaulic village of Asterix and his friends, he has the idea of offering the Gauls a deal: if they are able to solve twelve tasks that he selected, he will hand over the Roman empire to them. If not, they have to submit.
Movie: Asterix and the Big Fight ( 1990 )
When the druid Panoramix is attacked by some roman soldiers, Obelix drives them away by throwing a menhir on them - which accidentally hits Panoramix. After this the druid has lost his memory and can not remember the formula of his magic potions, especially the one which gives superhuman strength.
Movie: Asterix Versus Caesar ( 1986 )
Obelix falls for a new arrival in his home village in Gaul, but is heartbroken when her true love arrives to visit her. However, the lovers are kidnapped by Romans; Asterix and Obelix set out to rescue them on a dangerous journey that will involve gladiators, slavers and beauracracy - and a personal encounter with the Emperor himself, Julius Caesar...
Movie: Asterix in Britain ( 1986 )
The diminutive Asterix and his rather larger companion Obelix, warriors of the last village in Gaul still free after the Roman invasion, set out on a mission to deliver a barrel of their druid's famous magic potion to help Asterix's cousin in Britain fight off the invading Roman army.
Movie: Asterix in America ( 1994 )
Caesar has had enough when another legion is hacked to pieces by the damned single indomitable village in Gaul because of the druid's magic potion, so he decides to tackle the problem at the root before conspiratorial senators exploit his humiliation: sycophant Lucullus is ordered to capture the druid (believed immortal) and push him over the edge of the earth (according to the story still believed to be flat as a pizza; actually Greeks and Romans knew better). By pure luck, Lucullus' first net traps both druid and Obelix's pet dog, so the giant and Asterix follow them by ship on the Atlantic, and crash after a storm on the North America coast in pursuit of the druid who was catapulted off the Roman galley before Lucullus triumphantly sets sails back for Europe. They find the druid and meet a tribe of Indians (believing to be in India), literally a whole New World for the equally primitive Celts. At the home front, Caesar sees his chance to overrun the village, but has to wait till the last magic potion has run out, hoping the heroes won't return. In America, the medicine man has a bad eye in the foreigners, especially when the druid proves a dangerous rival...
Movie: GoBots: Battle of the Rock Lords ( 1986 )
The Go-Bots fight to rescue the Rock People.
Movie: Superior Duck (Short 1996) ( 1996 )
Daffy is supposedly a super hero and tries to show off his "super powers."
Movie: Garfield: His 9 Lives ( 1988 )
This sometimes funny and sometimes emotional animated retelling of the book of the same name follows the nine lives that Garfield the cat had lived throughout history, often as himself but sometimes as a completely different looking cat. The live action introductory segment "In the Beginning" follows two angels who wonder why God gave nine lives to cats of all creatures. "Cave Cat" follows Garfield as a prehistoric cat-Neanderthal, as well as the evolutionary path that led to him. In "King Cat", Garfield is the sacred pet cat of the Egyptian pharaoh. When Garfield learns in shock that if the pharaoh dies, his cats get buried with him, he tries everything he can to prevent his master's assassination. "In the Garden" follows Garfield as a cute innocent kitten who lives playing with his young mistress in her uncle's beautiful garden all day long. However, her uncle warns them never to open a mysterious chest that lies in the garden. In "Court Musician", a king demands that Handel, a local composer, writes a wonderful concerto for him. Since the king might punish him if he doesn't end up liking the piece, Handel sends his pet cat and apprentice Garfield to play it for the king. "Stunt Cat" follows Garfield as a professional stunt-cat, who doubles for famous Krazy Kat. However, one of the stunts doesn't go as planned. In "Diana's Piano", Garfield is a beautiful female cat called Diana, who enjoys resting on top of a piano while her talented young mistress Sara practices. The two make a life-long bond through music. The next segment, "Lab Animal", is the most serious and darkest segment as it follows Garfield as one of the frightened lab animals, who are about to become test subjects. Subject 19-GB, as he's called in the lab, tries to make a daring desperate escape from the facility. The next story "Garfield" focuses on his current life with Jon and Odie and shows how they all met. The final story "Space Cat" is set in the future and follows Garfield and Odie as two astronaut animals, who try to find a way to fight back and save themselves when a mad commander called Mendelson and his IHGWF (Incredibly Huge Galactic War Fleet) threaten to blow up their shuttle. After having spent all of his nine lives, Garfield, in the epilogue, finally meets God - with surprising results.
Movie: Garfield in Paradise ( 1986 )
The Garfield gang is in Hawaii with a 1957 Chevy.
Movie: Garfield on the Town (TV Short 1983) ( 1983 )
Garfield escapes from the car on a trip to the vet and finds the place where he grew up.
Movie: A Garfield Christmas Special (TV Short 1987) ( 1987 )
Garfield, Jon, and Odie go to Jon's grandmother's house for Christmas, where Garfield finds a present for Grandma.