Playlists > Favourite Animation

Favourite Animation

A growing list of classic animation.

Creator: cyberfox
Posted: 4 years ago

49 favorites


TV Show: Cat's Eye ( 1983 )
Cat's Eye is the most notorious group of art thieves in Japan. No one knows their identities, but for most of Tokyo, the mystery only heightens their allure. To bumbling detective Utsumi Toshio, Cat's Eye is a colossal pain in the neck. They outwit him and the rest of the police at every turn, making them look ridiculous. He would never dream of being in love with someone in Cat's Eye. Except he already is. Toshio has no idea that Cat's Eye is actually his girlfriend, Hitomi Kisugi, and her sisters Rui and Ai. Running the Cat's Eye Cafe next door to the police station, they bring ''hiding in plain sight'' to a whole new level. But thievery and romance are difficult to balance. Hitomi will need all the help she can get to stop Toshio from discovering her identity - especially when he starts having feelings for her alter-ego!
TV Show: Wacky Races ( 1968 )
The Wacky Races are a series of car competitions in which 11 racers compete. The rules are extremely lax and allow for almost any vehicle design, power system and a wide range of tactics like combat and shortcuts. Despite this loose rule structure, competitors Dick Dastardly and his dog sidekick, Muttley, are still determined to cheat in their own ineffectual way.
TV Show: Mighty Max ( 1993 )
Mighty Max is an American animated action/sci-fi/horror television series which aired from 1993 to 1994 to promote the British Mighty Max toys, an offshoot of the Polly Pocket line, created by Bluebird Toys in 1992. It ran for two seasons, with a total of 40 episodes airing during the show's run. It starred the voice talents of Rob Paulsen as Max, Richard Moll as Norman, Tony Jay as Virgil, and Tim Curry as Skullmaster.
TV Show: Little Shop ( 1991 )
Little Shop is a 1991 American animated fantasy comedy television series that aired on Saturday mornings on the Fox Kids TV network in 1991, about a teenager and a giant talking plant. Little Shop was based on the off-broadway musical Little Shop of Horrors.Self-proclaimed nerd Seymour Krelborn, an adolescent boy who works in a flower shop, keeps a pet Venus Flytrap named Junior. Junior sprouted from a 200-million year-old seed and has the ability to talk and hypnotize people. Only Seymour is aware of Junior's abilities. The flower shop is owned by stodgy Mr. Mushnik, whose daughter Audrey is the object of Seymour's affections. Audrey, however, does not seem to reciprocate his feelings. Buck-toothed Paine Driller, a neighborhood bully, continuously targets Seymour.Episodes focused on the pubescent exploits of the leads and frequently featured a moral. They also featured a couple of musical numbers per episode. Consistent with the "urban" persona of the plant in the musical, Audrey Junior raps in the series during his numbers, and speaks in a hip-hop dialect. Also featured are a trio of singing flowers reminiscent of Crystal, Ronette, and Chiffon (the three chorus girls in the musical).
TV Show: Cat Ninden Teyandee ( 1990 )
Join Yattaro, Skashee, and Pururun at Pizza Cats, the most popular place in Edoropolis. On the surface, they're a trio of goofball delivery cats, but their actual identity is as a Secret Ninja Trio, the Nyankees! Led by Lord Wanko, the Nyankees are tasked with keeping the scheming Lord Korn and his evil Crow Ninjas, Gennari and Karamaru, from staging a coup against the dimwitted Shogun Yetyet.
Movie: G.I. Joe: The Movie ( 1987 )
The heroic G.I. Joe action force must oppose the ruthless Cobra organization that has secretly allied with a subterranean reptilian people who were their founders.
TV Show: Wait Till Your Father Gets Home ( 1972 )
Wait Till Your Father Gets Home is an adult animated sitcom produced by Hanna-Barbera that aired in first-run syndication in the United States from 1972 to 1974 (airing on most NBC stations on Sunday nights at 10:30, except for the ones who had moved their late-night news to that slot). The show originated in a one-time segment on Love, American Style called "Love and the Old-Fashioned Father." The same pilot was later produced with a live cast (starring Van Johnson), but with no success. The show was the first primetime animated sitcom to run for more than a single season since The Flintstones more than ten years earlier and would be the only one until The Simpsons fifteen years later. The show was inspired by All in the Family.
Movie: Betty Boop and Little Jimmy ( 1936 )
Betty tries a regime of exercise, but her weight loss gets out of hand. She sings "Keep Your Girlish Figure."
Movie: Santa's Surprise ( 1947 )
Five children from around the world follow Santa home on Christmas Eve, and decide to give him some extra help around the workshop.
Movie: Hawaiian Holiday ( 1937 )
Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and Pluto experience all that Hawaii has to offer. Donald tries hula dancing, Pluto explores the beach and Goofy takes up surfing.
Movie: The Whalers ( 1938 )
Mickey, Donald, and Goofy are crewing a whaling ship. Their mishaps include Donald fighting off some hungry birds, Mickey and a bucket of water that keeps doing a boomerang impression, and Goofy firing the cannon and getting stuck high in the air, and ultimately inside a whale. And when he lands the whale well, let's just say they're gonna need a bigger boat...
Movie: Satan's Waitin' (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Chasing Tweety all over the rooftops, Sylvester falls off a building and dies. While waiting for his other eight lives, a satanic bulldog goads Sylvester into losing all eight by continuing to chase Tweety into risky situations.
TV Show: King of the Hill ( 1997 )
King of the Hill follows the life of Hank Hill, his wife Peggy, their 13-year-old son Bobby, their 18-year-old niece Luanne, her husband Lucky, their newborn baby girl Gracie and his beer guzzling neighborhood buddies, Dale, Bill and Boomhauer.
Movie: Steamboy ( 2004 )
In 1860s Britain, a boy inventor finds himself caught in the middle of a deadly conflict over a revolutionary advance in steam power.
Movie: Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie ( 1996 )
Bison, the ruthless leader of the international terrorist organization Shadowlaw, has been desperately searching for the greatest fighter on the planet for years. He finds it in Ryu, a young wanderer who never stays in one place long enough for Bison to find him. He does, however, get a fix on Ken Masters, an American martial arts champion who studied with Ryu as a child under the same master. Meanwhile, Major Guile of the United States Army is forced to team up with Chun Li from China in hopes of apprehending Bison and putting a stop his international ring of crime.
Movie: Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland ( 1992 )
A young boy whose dreams transcend reality is sucked into his own fantasy, which is everything he has dreamed of until he unleashes a century old secret that may not only destroy this perfect dream world but reality itself.
Movie: Wings of Honneamise ( 1995 )
On a far-off planet, a Kingdom tries to launch the planet's first manned spacecraft. This ten year old project not only faces funding and technical problem, but also is subject to political conspiracy and the neighboring Republic's aggression. It's all up to Shilo, the first spaceman to be, his friends and their faith to make the space program a success.
Movie: Alice Solves the Puzzle ( 1925 )
Alice, at the beach with her cat, tries to solve a crossword puzzle, when Woodleg Pete, a ruthless collector of rare crossword puzzles, sees that Alice's one is missing in his collection. But while trying to steal it, he did not include Alice's cat in his calculation...
Movie: I Married a Strange Person! ( 1998 )
A newlywed develops a strange lump on his neck that gives him the ability to transform people or objects at will. His wife is very upset. Meanwhile, the CEO of Smilecorp learns of this man and his ability and sees a way to achieve world domination if only the man can be taken alive.
Movie: Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet Frankenstein ( 1999 )
Alvin, Simon and Theodore revel in their new gig at a movie theme park by wandering the grounds after hours. Among the attractions is the spooky Frankenstein's Castle, where a real mad scientist is bringing the monster to life. But when the boys cross paths with the creature, they soon learn that appearances can be deceiving, and Frankenstein is more misunderstood than malevolent.
Movie: The Story of the Fox ( 1941 )
In the kingdom of animals, Master Fox is used to trick and fool everyone. So the King, the Lion, receives more and more complaints about him. He orders that Master Fox is arrested and ...
Movie: The Fox Chase ( 1928 )
Oswald is with his mates in a fox hunt, but he finds his horse is stubborn and won't let him ride at first. Meanwhile, the sly fox outwits the dogs and riders in pursuit at every turn.
Movie: A Fox in a Fix (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
A bulldog guards a chicken coop that a hungry fox wants to raid. To gain the friendship and trust of the bulldog, the fox shaves his tail and pretends to be a hard-luck terrier looking for a place to live. The bulldog instantly sees through the fox's ploy but acts as though he's fooled. He agrees to share his home with the fox. At night, the fox sneaks into the chicke...Read all
Movie: The Foxy Hunter ( 1937 )
Junior and Pudgy slip away from Betty Boop's care to go hunting with a pop-gun.
Movie: Stratos-Fear ( 1933 )
Willie Whopper dreams he has been lifted like a toy balloon into outer space.
TV Show: George of the Jungle ( 1967 )
George of the Jungle is a spoof of the popular Tarzan story. George is a dim-witted but big-hearted "ape man" who lives in the jungle. He is called upon each episode to save its inhabitants from various threats. George's love interest is Ursula, whom George refers to as "Fella." He has an ape for a friend, appropriately named Ape, who is far more intelligent than George. Then there is Shep, George's pet elephant who acts like a lap dog.Each episode featured three unrelated cartoons: George of the Jungle, Tom Slick, and Super Chicken.
Movie: The Mouse-Merized Cat (Short 1946) ( 1946 )
Babbit hypnotizies Catsello, despite his efforts to resist, into believing he's Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, and 'Jimmy Durante', then a chicken, and finally a dog, who he sics on the cat. The cat hypnotizes him back. Finally, Catstello hypnotizes both of them into cowboy and horse, leaving him alone to enjoy the deli they live in.
Movie: Chili Corn Corny ( 1965 )
Speedy Gonzales befriends a crow, as he helps him attempt to smuggle corn, and Daffy Duck attempts to stop the two.
Movie: Quack Shot (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Elmer Fudd goes duck-hunting on a pond, where Daffy Duck proclaims himself guardian of all his web-footed cousins and retaliates against Elmer by using various types of explosive.
Movie: Strangled Eggs ( 1961 )
Foghorn Leghorn courts Miss Prissy when a foundling is left on her doorstep. It is Henery the Chicken Hawk. Prissy decides to keep little Henery even though he has a natural appetite for poultry, particularly Foghorn's arm. So, Foghorn decides to do away with the little Hawk while Prissy isn't looking.
Movie: Bad Ol' Putty Tat (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
Sylvester the Cat makes every attempt to snatch or lure Tweety from his birdhouse.
Movie: All a Bir-r-r-d (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Sylvester Cat, Tweety Bird, and a bulldog are passengers on a train. Sylvester's attempts to catch Tweety are thwarted by the bulldog and a conscientious conductor.
Movie: Tweet Tweet Tweety (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
Sylvester Cat leaves a trailer in a National Forest Camping Ground to go bird hunting and discovers an egg in a nest. Sylvester decides to sit on the egg to hatch it, and when it hatches, out crawls Tweety Bird! Sylvester chases Tweety into a geyser and down a river in a boat toward a waterfall.
Movie: Room and Bird (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
Sylvester Cat and Tweety Bird are pets of tenants in the Spinsters Arms Hotel, where pets aren't allowed. As they try to keep out of sight of the landlord, Sylvester discovers Tweety and chases him in and out of the hotel rooms.
Movie: Ain't She Tweet (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
Sylvester Cat discovers Tweety Bird in a pet store window. Tweety is taken to be delivered by truck to a new owner - Granny. Sylvester chases the delivery truck to Granny's home, where Granny has a huge, fenced-in area for her army of bulldogs. Sylvester makes several unsuccessful attempts to pass the dogs and reach Tweety inside Granny's house.
Movie: Flash Gordon: The Greatest Adventure of All ( 1982 )
In this adaptation of the Alex Raymond comic strips, the incidents are familiar but rearranged in a new sequence, with a Hitler subplot added by writer Samual A. Peeples. It opens in Poland, with Nazi bombs falling. Flash Gordon is given a message for Dr. Hans Zarkov. Reporter Dale Arden is also looking for Zarkov, to interview him for her newspaper. Next, as in the comic strip and movie serial, their plane crashes and they join Zarkov on his rocketship to Mongo, where dinosaurs threaten them. Then, in a sequence that does not occur until much later in other versions, they are captured by the Beastmen. This is followed by the familiar first confrontation with Ming, and their first meeting with Thun the Lionman and Ming's daughter Aura. Next, in a sequence not from the strip, with Flash and Thun are made slaves in the mines of Mongo. They escape, and, as in the strip, meet Prince Barin of the Forest Kingdom and Vultan, King of the Hawkmen, (skipping over the Shark Men of the comic strip). In the movie, all of these strange people are mutants. In the comic strip, they were quickly dropped when Southern newspapers objected that images of animal men promoted the Godless doctrine of evolution, but Thun and Vultan have been popular in the many film adaptations. The fall of Vultan's sky city leads to a final battle with Ming. Earth is saved, and Flash and Dale go on to new adventures.
Movie: Peace on Earth (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Two baby squirrels ask grandpa to explain what "men" are when they hear everyone singing of "peace on earth, goodwill to men". Grandpa tells the story of man's last war.
Movie: Fast and Furry-ous (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
Wile E. Coyote makes 11 disastrous attempts to catch the Road Runner.
Movie: Three for Breakfast ( 1948 )
Donald Duck gets into a lot of trouble while he's cooking pancakes for breakfast - Chip and Dale are up to their mischief. Donald tries a number of plans to get rid of them, but they repeatedly foil Donald's plans.
Movie: Technological Threat ( 1988 )
An office clerk, fearing replacement by a robot, fights back.
Movie: Santa's Christmas Elf (Named Calvin) ( 1971 )
Calvin the elf is always getting into mischief. One Christmas Eve, Calvin stows away on Santa's sleigh and winds up in the possession of a little girl named Kim. Her brothers kidnap him, putting him aboard a remote-controlled toy airplane. Santa travels incognito in order to rescue Calvin, and return him to the North Pole.
Movie: Where the Wild Things Are ( 1975 )
A boy named Max imagines he is "Where The Wild Things Are''.
Movie: Runaway ( 1969 )
An animated short in which a group of dogs run back and forth reacting to something happening off screen.
Movie: The Snow Queen ( 1957 )
When the Snow Queen, a lonely and powerful fairy, kidnaps the human boy Kay, his best friend Gerda must overcome many obstacles on her journey to rescue him.
Movie: Melody Time ( 1948 )
An anthology of animated vignettes set to contemporary music.
Movie: Curious Alice ( 1971 )
This is an education film for public school children, about drugs, narcotics, psychedelics, alcohol, amphetamines, and barbiturates abuse in the context of the Alice In Wonderland story.
Movie: Pinky Doodle ( 1976 )
During the American Revolution, the Pink Panther attempts to warn the people of Boston that the British are coming.
Movie: The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat ( 1982 )
The Grinch leaves home in a foul mood, looking for trouble. He runs into the Cat in the Hat and decides to make the cat's life unbearable.
Movie: Dr. Seuss on the Loose ( 1973 )
Three Dr. Seuss stories hosted by the Cat in the Hat.
Movie: Horton Hears a Who! ( 1970 )
Horton The Elephant struggles to protect a microscopic community from his neighbours who refuse to believe it exists.
Movie: Mouse Trouble ( 1944 )
Tom's new book on "how to catch a mouse" doesn't prove too helpful against Jerry; actually, Jerry seems to make better use of it than Tom.
Movie: Texas Tom ( 1950 )
Toots arrives at the ranch where Tom is tormenting Jerry, and Tom puts on all his best moves, though Jerry does his best to sabotage Tom.
Movie: Jerry and the Lion ( 1950 )
Jerry agrees to help an escaped circus lion, whose first need is food. But first they'll have to evade Tom, who heard the news bulletin and is armed with a shotgun.
Movie: Rocky Pink ( 1976 )
The Pink Panther longs for a pet, but he hasn't got enough money to buy one. A suspect man in a street corner fools him into buying a rock as his pet. The panther adopts the rock anyway, and it immediately takes on a life of its own. When the panther is out walking the rock, they pass a place where rocks and gravel are sold. The rock goes wild and eats the entire supply, growing into a huge boulder. The panther is kicked out of his home by his own mother after the boulder has made a large hole in the floor. The persistent boulder rolls into some wet cement, making it so huge the panther gets terrified and runs away from it.
Movie: The Pink of Arabee ( 1976 )
The Pink Panther visits a Middle Eastern town, but is chased around when a rope conjured by a snake charmer falls in love with the Panther's tail.
Movie: Early to Bed (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
Donald spends the night unable to sleep because of a ticking alarm clock and a fold-away bed that keeps trapping him when it folds up.
Movie: Trail of the Lonesome Pink (Short 1974) ( 1974 )
Fur-trapping French-Canadian brothers Jules and Jacques provoke the righteous wrath of the Pink Panther when one of their leg-traps in a forest ensnares the picnicking panther's tail. The panther, declaring himself "Pink Avenger", follows the two trappers to their cabin and plants biting turtles in each of their beds, causing each to think the other is responsible for the seeming practical joke. After fist-fighting, the two men realize that, "something's fishy," and they use their dog, Armand, to trail the Pink Panther. They are bitten by more turtles, one of them is caught in his own leg-trap, and the pair are then both catapulted by a recoiling tree into the horizon.
Movie: Runaway Brain ( 1995 )
In an attempt to convince Minnie that he hasn't forgotten to buy her an anniversary present, Mickey Mouse ends up promising to take her to Hawaii. Funds being short, he applies for a job as lab assistant to the sinister Dr. Frankenollie, who happens to be searching for a donor to provide his monstrous creation with a brain...
Movie: Pluto's Sweater ( 1949 )
Minnie Mouse knits a sweater for Pluto. When she puts it on him, Pluto does whatever he can to try to get it off, eventually shrinking it to the perfect size for Figaro.
Movie: Let's Stick Together ( 1952 )
Even with his long white beard and aching back, an aging Donald still has to make ends meet by lancing trash in the park. When he happens upon his old partner, an elderly honey bee named Spike, it conjures up memories of the good ol' days.
Movie: Pluto's Surprise Package ( 1949 )
Pluto tries to bring in the mail, which gets more difficult when a package sprouts legs and tries to go swimming. Between the wandering turtle and the wind blowing the other mail around, Pluto's got quite a task ahead. And it's not made easier when both the letters and the turtle go off a large cliff.
Movie: Out of Scale ( 1951 )
Donald Duck has a model train and town laid out in his yard. He decides to move a live tree that doesn't match the model scale, not realizing it is home to chipmunks Chip and Dale. They in turn move into one of the miniature houses.
Movie: Beezy Bear ( 1955 )
Beekeeper Donald catches Humphrey the bear raiding his hives. He complains to Ranger Woodlore, who assembles his bears and lectures them. Donald puts up a barbed wire fence, which slows Humphrey down a bit, but doesn't stop him.
Movie: Bone Bandit ( 1948 )
Pluto's efforts to dig up a bone are frustrated by his allergy to goldenrod, and by a gopher who is using the bone to prop up his tunnel.
Movie: Bearly Asleep ( 1955 )
Park ranger Donald sends his bears off to hibernate, but Humphrey would rather stay in his hammock, run out for a glass of water, etc., than sleep; when he does get to sleep, his snoring gets him thrown out. His search for a new bed leads him right into the ranger's house.
Movie: Beach Picnic (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Donald Duck is at the beach and tries to ride a rubber horse. He notices Pluto sleeping at the shore and decides to have some fun with him by sending the rubber horse over to Pluto which completely mesmerizes him. Meanwhile, a tribe of ants abduct Donald's picnic lunch. Donald lays out fly paper to stop the ants. Pluto follows one of the ants and, of course, he and later Donald become enmeshed in the fly paper.
Movie: Mickey's Surprise Party ( 1939 )
Minnie is baking cookies. When she leaves for a short while, her dog Fifi accidentally drops popcorn kernels in the dough. Mickey and Pluto come over and visit with Minnie and Fifi. When Mickey notices that something is burning, Minnie remembers the cookies, which are popping popcorn out of them. Minnie is upset and lies on her sofa crying. Mickey goes out and buys a large amount of cookies. He comes back and shows them to her and she is overjoyed.
Movie: Mickey's Fire Brigade ( 1935 )
Mickey, Donald and Goofy are fire fighters. As you might expect, their attempts at fighting a boarding house fire are not particularly effective. They hear Clarabelle singing in the bathtub and rescue her, tub and all, against her will (she won't believe there's a fire).
Movie: Mickey's Grand Opera ( 1936 )
Mickey is preparing to conduct an opera when he chases Pluto away. Pluto crashes into a magician's props backstage and spars with the hat, its rabbits, and its doves. The opera begins: Clarabelle plays flute, Clara and Donald are the leads in a Romeo and Juliet style opera, "Bella Figlia Dell'Amore" from Verdi's Rigoletto. Pluto follows the magic hat onstage, to Mickey's growing annoyance. The hat falls into a tuba, and soon the animals are filling the stage.
Movie: Mickey's Garden ( 1935 )
The insects have completely taken over Mickey's garden. He spritzes them with insecticide, but runs out and they keep feasting. He mixes a new batch. Meanwhile, Pluto stalks a bug and gets his head stick in a pumpkin. He stumbles around and bumps into Mickey and the sprayer, giving Mickey a faceful of bug juice. He awakens to a warped reality, where the bugs and plants are giant sized, and the bugs get drunk on the insecticide and chase our heroes.
Movie: Thru the Mirror ( 1936 )
Mickey has been reading Lewis Carroll's "Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There", and falls asleep. He finds himself on the other side of the mirror, where the furniture is alive. He eats a walnut, which makes him briefly larger, then small. He dances around a lot, ultimately doing a major number with a deck of cards. He dances with the queen, making the king jealous. He comes after Mickey with swords, and Mickey defends himself with a sewing needle. Mickey gets the upper hand, and the king calls for reinforcements. Mickey finds himself chased by several decks, which throw their spots at him. He turns on a fan and blows them away, back through the mirror, where his alarm is ringing.
Movie: Small Fry ( 1939 )
Junior wants to be a Big Fry, but learns the hard way that he just isn't ready for smoking in the pool room when he should be in the school room.
Movie: Mickey's Rival ( 1936 )
Minnie's old sweetheart Mortimer drops in while she and Mickey are out on a picnic.
Movie: On Ice ( 1935 )
Mickey and friends have various levels of enjoyment skating on a frozen river. As Mickey and Minnie glide romantically, Donald plays tricks on Pluto and ends up in trouble himself with a kite, from which Mickey must save him.
Movie: Orphans' Picnic ( 1936 )
Mickey and Donald take a truckload of mouse boys on a picnic. The boys delight in tormenting Donald, first by filching the picnic food, then giving him a flower with a bee inside (Donald eventually gets the whole hive after him), and finally a sandwich with another bee in it.
Movie: Clock Cleaners ( 1937 )
Mickey, Donald, and Goofy are cleaning a large clock. Among the complications: Mickey fights a sleeping stork that doesn't want to leave, Donald gets tangled up in the main-spring, and Goofy is inside the bell when the clock strikes four.
Movie: The Nifty Nineties ( 1941 )
Mickey courts Minnie in the Gay Nineties: they take in a vaudeville show and go for a drive in his horseless carriage, to the strains of "While Strolling Through the Park" and "In the Good Old Summertime". Goofy rides by on a penny-farthing bicycle, and the whole Duck family rides by on a bicycle built for five.
Movie: Mickey's Parrot ( 1938 )
A parrot belonging to an escaped killer washes up in Mickey's basement. Mickey hears it talking and thinks the parrot is the killer he's just heard about on the radio. While Mickey is skulking about the basement, Pluto runs into the parrot, first hidden under the fish, and then inside a leftover turkey.
Movie: Mickey's Delayed Date ( 1947 )
Mickey's evening started slow and lazy, but things get moving in a hurry when Minnie calls from outside the big dance, wondering why he's late for their date.
Movie: Orphans' Benefit ( 1941 )
Micky and friends put on a revue for the orphans. Donald recites nursery rhymes, but the orphans torment him. Horace, Goofy, and Clarabelle do a dance number. Donald tries again. Clara clucks a song while Mickey plays piano (with support from an unseen orchestra). Donald returns, and the orphans finally send a parade of bricks and eggs on balloons over him and use slingshots to drop them on his head.
Movie: R'coon Dawg ( 1951 )
Mickey's hunting raccoons, with help from Pluto. But the raccoon outsmarts Pluto at every turn, with help from a vine, a stream, and ultimately grabbing Mickey's coonskin cap and puppeteering it as a baby coon.
Movie: Mickey and the Seal ( 1948 )
Mickey accidentally takes a seal home, after it sneaks into his picnic basket. When Mickey takes a bath, the seal is discovered and Mickey returns him to the park. Later, Mickey and Pluto discover that the bathroom is filled with seals.
Movie: Mr. Mouse Takes a Trip ( 1940 )
Mickey and Pluto are taking a trip on the train, but Conductor Pete won't allow Pluto aboard. After sneaking Pluto onto the train in his luggage, Mickey must do some quick thinking and don a few disguises to keep from getting kicked off.
Movie: Lend a Paw ( 1941 )
Jealous of Mickey's kitten, Pluto's devil-self argues with his angel-self over whether or not to rescue the kitten when it falls into a well.
Movie: Pluto's Purchase ( 1948 )
Pluto is in for a surprise when Mickey sends him to buy a salami at the butcher shop, and he has to fight to keep Butch the bulldog from stealing it. When Pluto gets home with the salami, Mickey presents it to Butch as a birthday gift.
Movie: Plutopia ( 1951 )
Mickey's on vacation at Camp Utopia. At first Pluto thinks it really is utopia: trees everywhere and a cat to chase. But the cabin rules are strict: no dogs indoors, and dogs must be muzzled and leashed. Mickey puts Pluto out to sleep, just out of reach of his food, and the cat comes down and taunts him. Pluto falls asleep and dreams of his "Plutopia" with a subservient cat begging Pluto to bite him and catering to his every need.
Movie: The Pointer ( 1939 )
Mickey and Pluto go hunting for quail. Pluto scares away the first ones they see; Mickey scolds him, then relents. He shows Pluto how to be a pointer, and they set off after another quail, but Mickey accidentally jumps on a bear's nose, and thinks it's Pluto. Meanwhile, Pluto finds the quail and points. The babies climb on board and start picking at his hairs, but Pluto's been told not to move. Mickey finally comes across Pluto, who by now is covered by small animals, and realizes he's being followed by a bear. Mickey tries to reason with the bear, and backs off a cliff, onto Pluto.
Movie: The Simple Things (Short 1953) ( 1953 )
Mickey and Pluto go fishing. Pluto has a run-in with a clam, who eventually lodges in Pluto's mouth; Mickey thinks the clam is Pluto's tongue and can't understand why Pluto keeps begging for more food. After they get rid of the clam, Mickey's attempts to use his minnows as bait are thwarted by a hungry seagull; he brings his friends, and they chase our heroes away.
Movie: Society Dog Show ( 1939 )
Rather out of place at a swanky dog show, Pluto flirts with Fifi, a dainty Pekingese. The judge orders Mickey and Pluto to leave, but when a fire breaks out Pluto rescues Fifi and is proclaimed a hero.
Movie: Squatter's Rights ( 1946 )
Chip 'n Dale have set up house in the wood stove of Mickey's cabin. Pluto knows they are there, but Mickey only knows his matches keep going out when he tries to light a fire.
Movie: Symphony Hour ( 1942 )
Mickey guest-directs a radio orchestra. The sponsor loves the rehearsal, but come the actual performance, Goofy drops all the instruments under an elevator, so they sound like toys. The sponsor hates it, but the audience loves it anyway.
Movie: Cat Napping ( 1951 )
Tom's getting ready to settle into the hammock, but Jerry has beat him to it and the battle begins.
Movie: His Mouse Friday (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
Jerry is far from Tom's servant here. Tom, shipwrecked, washes up on a tropical island. His first attempts at food - a coconut and a turtle - are much too hard. But he spots Jerry just before Jerry sees him, and soon has him in the frying pan. Jerry escapes to a cannibal village; when he sees Tom's frightened reaction, he has his plan. Using soot from a pot, he blackens himself, then threatens Tom and starts cooking him. But Jerry's plan - and tail, and un-blackened bottom - is exposed when his grass skirt comes off during his war dance. Jerry helicopters away using the bone in his hair, and leading Tom right into the real cannibals. But Jerry's triumph is short-lived, as a pygmy cannibal comes after him.
Movie: Jerry's Cousin ( 1951 )
When Tom's harassment gets out of hand, Jerry writes to his Cousin Muscles, a tough inner city mouse, and asks for his help.
Movie: Duck Dodgers and the Return of the 24Β½th Century (TV Short 1980) ( 1980 )
While exploring a planet for a molecule needed for yo-yo polish, Duck Dodgers and his cadet Porky Pig encounter Marvin the Martian and his plan to blow up the Earth.
Movie: Home, Tweet Home (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Tweety Bird is washing in a bird bath in a city park when Sylvester Cat interrupts him. Sylvester chases Tweety, and Tweety takes refuge near a feisty nanny and her toddler. Sylvester dresses as the toddler to try to grab Tweety but is stopped and spanked. Tweety flies to a building ledge, and Sylvester unsuccessfully uses chewing gum to try to reach him. Next, Sylves...Read all
Movie: Hawaiian Aye Aye ( 1964 )
Tweety Bird is on vacation with his mistress, Granny, in Hawaii, where Sylvester Cat is scrounging for food on a beach. Sylvester spots Tweety and tries to reach him in his cage, which is guarded by Granny's pet shark named Sharkey. Sharkey keeps foiling Sylvester's plans.
Movie: No Barking (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
In a junkyard, Frisky Puppy's loud yapping keeps high-strung Claude Cat jumping, onto trains, planes and up past Tweety Bird's nest.
Movie: Birds Anonymous (Short 1957) ( 1957 )
When Sylvester learns of the possibly dire consequences of his passion for birds, he joins Birds Anonymous to quit. Unfortunately, the outside world taxes his resolve to the limit.
Movie: The Last Hungry Cat ( 1961 )
Sylvester Cat slips when making a grab for Tweety Bird in Granny's flat, and falls dazed to the floor as one of Tweety's feathers lands in his mouth. Tweety runs off. Sylvester comes to and finds the feather lodged between his lips. He thinks he has swallowed and killed Tweety and suffers terrible remorse as an Alfred Hitchcock-like voice-over chides him for his "crime". Sylvester cracks, runs into the streets confessing, and returns to Granny's place, where he finds he didn't eat Tweety after all.