Playlists > Favourite Animation

Favourite Animation

A growing list of classic animation.

Creator: cyberfox
Posted: 4 years ago

50 favorites


Movie: The EGGcited Rooster (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
Foghorn has egg-sitting duty while his wife plays cards. Henery Hawk, dressed as an Indian ("Me last of mo-hawk-ens!") comes by as Foggy is looking for someone to relieve him. Foggy gets Henery to egg-sit for a little while, but the little hawk gets impatient. Foghorn sends him off with a "hen grenade" which explodes under the dog (leaving him covered with a fried egg...Read all
Movie: Mouse-Warming (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
A teen-aged boy mouse falls in love with the girl mouse who lives in the hole across the room. But Claude Cat literally comes between them, and also tries to stir up a feud between their two families.
Movie: Hoppy-Go-Lucky (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
Sylvester Cat and his dopey, brawny feline friend, Benny, hunt mice in a warehouse because Benny wants one as a pet. Hippety Hopper, the baby kangaroo, is in the warehouse, and the two cats, of course, think he's a giant mouse. Benny wants him and obliges Sylvester to try and catch the fleet-of-foot Hippety.
Movie: Thumb Fun (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
Porky Pig picks up Daffy as a hitchhiker, but Daffy's antics eventually lead to Porky getting in trouble with the police.
Movie: Sock a Doodle Do (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
A prize-fighting banty rooster, so slap-happy that he goes into a punching spree whenever he hears a bell, falls out of a truck and onto the farm where Foghorn Leghorn is in the midst of his usual sparring match with the barnyard dog. Foghorn and the dog use the fighter-rooster's manic punching against each other by ringing a bell once the rooster is within striking d...Read all
Movie: Little Beau Pepé (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
After driving the Foreign Legionnaires from their fort with his aroma, lovesick skunk Pepe falls for the camp mascot, a cat who's accidentally gotten a white stripe painted down her back.
Movie: Cracked Quack (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
Daffy Duck takes shelter from a blizzard by sneaking into a cozy home owned by Porky Pig. Daffy tries to secretly mooch off of Porky for an entire winter, but Porky's dog realizes that Daffy isn't the stuffed ornament he pretends to be and keeps trying to alert Porky to Daffy's ruse.
Movie: Who's Kitten Who? (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
A baby kangaroo, Hippety Hopper, breaks free from a crate at the Zoo Office and hops into the house of Sylvester Cat and his son, Junior. They mistake Hippety for a giant mouse, and Sylvester is pummelled again and again by the playful kangaroo, causing Junior to put a paper bag over his head in shame for his father.
Movie: The Prize Pest (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
For no apparent reason, Porky Pig is awarded the grand prize of the "What's the Name of Your Name" game show. Unfortunately, the prize is Daffy Duck, whose tactless and rude visit gets him tossed out Porky's house by the irate pig. Insulted, Daffy decides to get back at Porky by pretending to have dissociative identity disorder, becoming a hideous monster whenever he'...Read all
Movie: Two's a Crowd (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Claude Cat is perfectly content with his life until his owner brings home a new puppy for his wife. Now, any time Frisky Puppy barks, it sends a nervous Claude jumping to the ceiling.
Movie: A Hound for Trouble (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
Kicked off the boat in Italy, Charlie forces himself upon a pizzeria owner. Donning his best Italian accent and garb, Charlie sets to work as a waiter, astonishing and horrifying the customers with his barefoot grape-stomping and musical rendition of "Atsa Matta for You?"
Movie: Corn Plastered (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
A beany-capped, wise-cracking crow invades a corn field owned by an elderly farmer. The farmer unsuccessfully attempts to kill the crow by using a gun, an axe, and a cannon.
Movie: Dog Collared (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
On Be Kind to Animals Week, Porky Pig decides to practice the principle and affectionately pets a large, slobbering dog. The dog takes an instant liking to Porky and follows the pig everywhere.
Movie: Caveman Inki (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Back in prehistoric times, a thundering earthquake splits a mountain wide open, and out hops the minah bird, to alternately bedevil, mystify and rescue Inki as he hunts dinosaurs. Meanwhile, a pelt-bedecked caveman persists in his attempts to make a pot of stew, which keeps getting overturned each time Inki, dinosaur, sabre-toother tiger and minah bird zip past.
Movie: Stooge for a Mouse (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
A hungry mouse decides to make one of its two obstacles to obtaining a block of cheese, by framing Sylvester the Cat. It starts stirring up trouble, after hearing Sylvester call the bulldog, Mike. Later on, the mouse uses a telephone and let the earpiece, by Mike's ear. It says Sylvester only wants Mike, as "its pillow". After hearing this, Mike, the Bulldog, wakes u and thinks it was only a dream. The mouse calls Mike again, this time, the mouse says other dogs are laughing at him, because he likes Sylvester, the Cat. After successfully turning two friendly buddies into enemies & both are knocked out cold, then, the mouse walks to the table, the block of cheese is on. As it is approximately half way to the table, the magnet the mouse used to hit Mike, the bulldog with (as an iron boxing glove) on a paw of Sylvester. Then, unexpectedly, the magnet pulls a chandelier off the ceiling & the chandelier hits the mouse so hard, that it fell down, undoubtedly knocked out along with Sylvester, the Cat and Mike, the Bulldog. Then a "HOME SWEET HOME" sign, falls off a wall, as all three are knocked out and appear lifeless, as this animation short cartoon concludes.
Movie: A Fractured Leghorn (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Foghorn Leghorn and a cat fight over a worm. The cat wants the worm as bait for a fish, while Foghorn just wants the worm for a quick snack.
Movie: Pop 'im Pop! (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
A circus comes to town featuring Gracie the Fighting Kangaroo and her youngster, Hippety Hopper. Hippety slips out of the circus tent and hops into a yard where Sylvester Cat is bragging to his son, Junior, about how good a mouser he used to be. To prove he still has his mettle, Sylvester must fight against the playful Hippety, whom they, as usual, mistake for a giant...Read all
Movie: Strife with Father (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Two English sparrows adopt the homely hayseed, Beaky Buzzard. Later, his adoptive father tries to teach the dolt to catch chickens.
Movie: Knights Must Fall (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
Bugs must joust with Sir Pantsalot of Drop Seat Manor when he tosses a partially eaten carrot into a suit of armor.
Movie: Henhouse Henery (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
Little Henery the Chicken Hawk goes hunting chickens with a hammer and clunks Foghorn Leghorn on the noggin. Foghorn sends Henery after the barnyard dog by misleading him into thinking the dog is a chicken. The dog sets Henery straight and helps him build a tree trap to catch Foggy for supper.
Movie: The Lion's Busy (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Hungry Beaky Buzzard steadfastly waits for Leo the Lion to be decently deceased before trying to devour him.
Movie: Which Is Witch (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
An African witch doctor is cooking up a potion in his big black pot. He has the lizard tongue, fish eyes, gnats' eyebrows, jigger of xxx, bee-stingers, leopard spots and frogs' legs. But he throws a screaming tantrum when he discovers that he's out of rabbit. Meanwhile, Bugs Bunny decides to go to Kuka Munga (one mile) instead of Hubba Hubba (also one mile). He made a bad choice. He meets the witch doctor, who captures him and throws him into his pot. Bugs at first thinks the doc is offering him a hot bath. But when he smells himself cooking, he realizes the horrible truth. Bugs will have to disguise himself as a native female and battle an alligator before his latest adventure is over.
Movie: The Leghorn Blows at Midnight (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Foghorn Leghorn tricks a naive young chicken hawk into believing the barnyard dog is a pheasant.
Movie: Mouse Mazurka (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
In the Slobovian mountains, Sylvester Cat and a mouse move to the tune of East European folk music as this chase cartoon is propelled to an explosive climax.
Movie: Curtain Razor (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
Porky Pig is a talent agent auditioning various corn ball performers. A fox keeps interrupting and promising Porky the act of the century. Unfortunately, the act is fatal and can only be done once.
Movie: The Bee-Deviled Bruin (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
It's breakfast time, and Pa finds the honeypot empty. Literally risking life and limb, he has Junyer help him raid a nearby beehive. In the end, he finds he should have listened to Ma in the first place, rather than telling her to "Shaddap!"
Movie: Holiday for Drumsticks (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
The patriarch of a family of farming hill billies is fattening a turkey to slaughter for Thanksgiving Day dinner, and he is fattening the fowl by providing him with a veritable feast of roast beef, ham, fruits, vegetables, cakes, and pies. A jealous Daffy Duck, one of the turkey's fellow farm animals, wants to have all the food for himself. So, Daffy pretends to care for the turkey's welfare and warns the turkey off the food, and he urges the turkey to lose weight so that the hill billies won't want to slaughter him. Daffy gorges himself on the food while acting as coach to the turkey, who is frantically and strenuously trying to reduce himself. When Thanksgiving comes, the turkey is toothpick-thin, and the hillbilly father turns his hungry sights on an overweight Daffy!
Movie: Bugs Bunny's Easter Special (TV Special 1977) ( 1977 )
Easter-themed showcase of classic Warner Bros. cartoons, hosted by Bugs Bunny and Granny.
Movie: Poop Deck Pirate (Short 1961) ( 1961 )
Woody is trying to sleep in the middle of the big city but there is way too much racket going on. He decides to vacation at the peaceful Tooti Fruiti Islands but there is even noise going on here...coming from a pirate (a literal "Sea dog") trying to bury his treasure. Craving rest and relaxation, Woody is determined to send the nautical canine on his way, eventually blowing him up with a shore mine. The pirate doesn't appreciate this and forces Woody to walk the plank... but, being none too smart, the old tar often ends up many times in the drink himself and not the woodpecker.
Movie: High Note (Short 1960) ( 1960 )
The sheet music for Johann Strauss' "The Blue Danube" is constructed by moving musical symbols. A baton-toting conductor note tries to direct his fellow notes in performing this musical piece, but finds that one of the notes has become drunk after being inside the sheet music for "Little Brown Jug". The drunken note staggers goofily on the staves for the music of "The...Read all
Movie: The Queen of Hearts (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
The joker summons the king, queen and jack of hearts from their playing cards, giving them freedom until midnight. As in the nursery rhyme, the queen of hearts bakes some tarts; and the jack of hearts steals them. But the tarts had been made with soap powder.
Movie: Inspector Gadget Saves Christmas (TV Short 1992) ( 1992 )
We're in for some merry mishaps when Inspector Gadget Saves Christmas. That bionic bonehead is off to the North Pole to stop Dr. Claw from taking over Santa's elves and workshop. Accompanied as usual by Penny and Brain who foil Claw's operations once again.
Movie: Ginger Nutt's Christmas Circus (Short 1949)
Squirrel Ginger is the ringmaster for an animal circus. A parrot has snuck in using a weasel's ticket; the weasel keeps trying to enter as well, but keeps getting thrown out. The parrot heckles, and is also thrown out. The weasel prepares to clobber the parrot, but a mole pops up with a "Peace on Earth" sign which the weasel smashes on the parrot.
Movie: The Spider and the Fly (Short 1931) ( 1931 )
A kitchen is filled with houseflies. A spider wakes up and plays his web like a harp, attracting a pair of them; the female is trapped, and the male summons the cavalry, which arrives riding horseflies, riding dragonflies to drop pepper bombs, firing champagne bottles, and ultimately setting the web on fire and catching the spider on flypaper when he falls.
Movie: Space Adventure Cobra ( 1982 )
In deep Space, the United Galaxies Federation of Justice set bounties over all kinds of criminals. Cobra is back in action to help bounty-hunter June find her two sisters, and save planet Myras. But Lord Nekron, leader of the Galactic Guild, a powerful criminal organization, is following their track with the same goal ...
Movie: Riding Bean ( 1989 )
A superhuman outlaw courier and his female partner/manager are framed for the kidnapping of a millionaire's daughter.