Playlists > Favourite Animation

Favourite Animation

A growing list of classic animation.

Creator: cyberfox
Posted: 4 years ago

50 favorites


Movie: Riding the Rails ( 1938 )
Pudgy the Pup follows his mistress, Betty Boop, when she goes downtown on the subway. YHe gets on the train and them his misadventures begin. After almost disrupting the train system, he gets thrown off and his forced to walk the tracks back to the station. When he finally arrives back home his is cured of wanting to trail around town with Betty.
Movie: The Swing School ( 1938 )
Betty Boop is conducting the animal-students in as singing lesson, in her School for Pets, but Pudy the Pup keeps hitting sour notes. Betty sends him to the dunce's stool, where Pudgy's cute sweetie comes to console him. Her kiss gives Pudy a new lease on life and music. He leads the class in a swing version of Betty's theme song.
Movie: Thrills and Chills ( 1938 )
Betty Boop and her pup, Pudgy, board a ski-train for a winter sports resort. Betty goes skating, but is annoyed by a skier. Meanwhile, Pudgy had been playing and prancing on the ice and gets marooned on a cake that breaks off and floats toward a waterfall. The skier picks up Betty and they rescue Pudy.
Movie: Musical Mountaineers ( 1939 )
Betty Boop runs out of gas in Feud County, and wins over the initially hostile hillbillies with her dancing.
Movie: Hey There, It's Yogi Bear ( 1964 )
As the movie opens, Spring has arrived in Jellystone Park. Just as fast as tourists arrive, Yogi is up to his usual act of stealing their picnic baskets and any other food he encounters. Ranger Smith is quite used to this by now so he is already there to stop Yogi at every almost every instance. Meanwhile, Yogi's friend Cindy has decided to confess her love to Yogi in...Read all
Movie: Yogi Bear's All-Star Comedy Christmas Caper (TV Short 1982) ( 1982 )
Dear Jellystone Visitors, Happy holidays from the Big City! Boo Boo and I left Jellystone Park to spend the most wonderful time of the year metropolitan-style, with friends Snagglepuss, Quick Draw McGraw and the gang! Luckily, I outwitted Ranger Smith with my department store Santa disguise. Our adventure led me to Judy, a girl who wants to spend more time with her workaholic dad. Who knew my love of pic-a-nic baskets would reunite them at a big city Christmas picnic in the park? Join the merrymaking, but get here before the basket is empty! The Flintstones, Huckleberry Hound, Auggie Doggie, and more friends also join us, making this Christmas caper full of our favorites. -- Yours Truly, Yogi Bear
Movie: Yogi Bear and the Magical Flight of the Spruce Goose ( 1987 )
Yogi and the gang mistakenly board the famous Howard Hughes' plane The Spruce Goose. They accidentally start the plane, so they decide to take it for a spin, helping animals and people along the way.
Movie: Paddington Bear Goes to the Movies ( 1982 )
The incorrigible Paddington, inspired by the magic of the Silver Screen and a sudden rainstorm, follows the famous footsteps of Gene Kelly and in his own way "dances in the rain" with hilarious consequences.
Movie: Yogi's Great Escape ( 1987 )
After hearing Jellystone Park might be closing, Yogi Bear, Boo Boo, and three orphan bear cubs flee the forest, so they will not be put a zoo.
Movie: Yogi's First Christmas ( 1980 )
Yogi, Boo Boo and Cindy are awakened from hibernation and join their friends' Christmas activities while interfering with two villains' efforts to ruin the holiday.
Movie: Dennis the Menace in Cruise Control ( 2002 )
While on the cruise ship Dennis, Joey, Margaret, and Ruff find a princess who is being hypnotized, meanwhile two crooks are after the ring the princess wears.
Movie: Dennis the Menace in Mayday for Mother (TV Short 1981) ( 1981 )
Mischievous Dennis Mitchell wants to give his mother a gift for Mother's Day.
Movie: I Heard ( 1933 )
The miners at Never Mine go to Betty Boop's Tavern (a jazz-jumpin' place) for lunch; back in the mine, Bimbo delves into weird realms.
Movie: When My Ship Comes In ( 1934 )
Betty Boop wins the Irish Sweepstakes, and fantasizes about what she'll do with the money.
Movie: Halloween ( 1931 )
Toby organizes a Halloween celebration. Some witches and elves join the party.
Movie: Animaniacs: Wakko's Wish ( 1999 )
The Warner Brothers (and the Warner Sister) go on a quest to find a fallen wishing star.
Movie: Gold Diggers of '49 ( 1935 )
The gold rush. Beans finds gold in the mountains and rushes into town with the news. Soon, everyone (except Porky's daughter Little Kitty, who Beans fancies) has rushed out to the mountains, but because Porky takes Beans in his car (!), they get there first. Porky finds a gold nugget, then keeps taking it from his pocket. Beans finds a treasure chest that contains a book, "How to Find Gold." A bad guy spots a sack near Porky's equipment and lassos it; Porky tells Beans that if he retrieves the sack, he can have Porky's daughter. Beans gives chase in Porky's car; there's a shootout. The car runs out of gas, so Beans refills it with moonshine and it takes off like a shot. He snares the bad guy, the sack, and Porky and races back to town. Porky gives Beans his daughter's hand and reveals the contents of the sack.
Movie: I Love to Singa (Short 1936) ( 1936 )
A spoof of Al Jolson's "The Jazz Singer", a strict piano teaching owl is cursed with a son who "loves to singa", but only jazz.
Movie: I'd Love to Take Orders from You (Short 1936) ( 1936 )
Quitting time for a scarecrow. He gets home, and his little boy scares him. To the title song, he teaches his son the basics of scare-crowing. Bedtime for junior; he prays to be a big scarecrow, just like his daddy. The next morning he sneaks out before anyone else is up and practices scaring a rooster, a squirrel, and a rabbit. He takes up his father's place, but the crows are not impressed; in fact, the crow goes on the attack. Junior finally thinks he's found a pose that works, but in fact Dad's come up behind him. Of course, in the telling, he's much more heroic...
Movie: Milk and Money (Short 1936) ( 1936 )
Porky's father is going to lose his farm. Porky goes to town with his horse and works a milk route, with a warning that if he breaks a bottle he's fired. As he's delivering, cats follow along behind draining the bottles. Meanwhile, Hank Horsefly follows them into town. He stings Dobbin, who crashes and breaks many bottles. They happen upon a horse race and accidentally enter; the horse is merely plodding along until it gets stung again. Porky wins the $10,000 race and drives home in a limo just in time.
Movie: Page Miss Glory (Short 1936) ( 1936 )
A bellhop in the No 1. hotel of a smalltown awaiting the arrival of Miss Glory dreams he has to page Miss Glory at a first class hotel in New York, and this turns out to be a nightmare. Finally he is awakened by the manager, because Miss Glory's car has arrived, but instead of a beautiful lady, a child star a la Shirley Temple steps out ...
Movie: Plane Dippy (Short 1936) ( 1936 )
Porky Pig joins the Army Air Corps. After overcoming the problems caused by his small stature and surviving the rigors of basic training, Porky gets his first assignment, as a janitor for the experimental "robot plane." When a boy standing in front of the command microphone for the robot plane starts to show off the tricks his dog can do, Porky's wild ride begins...
Movie: Porky the Rain-Maker (Short 1936) ( 1936 )
The farm is suffering through a terrible drought. Porky's father sends him to the store to buy some feed with their last dollar. Outside the store, a huckster is selling pills to create all kinds of weather, and they really work. Porky buys them instead of the feed, but when he gets home, his angry father throws them on the ground. The animals eat the pills, and are afflicted with lightning, earthquakes, fog, etc. Finally, Porky explains, and he and his father go looking for the rain pill, but before they can get it, a duck (still afflicted by a wind pill) eats it. Fortunately, the wind causes the duck to eject the rain pill into a cloud and the farm is saved.
Movie: Ain't We Got Fun (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
"When the cat's away, the mice will play." The cat is taking a nap, so the mice invade the pantry and start having the time of their lives. The cat soon wakes up, however, and the mice must act quickly to keep from being eaten. Will they just run and hide, or will they stand up for themselves?
Movie: Egghead Rides Again (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
City dweller Egghead dreams of being a cowboy, but his bouncing around gets him kicked out of his boarding house. He sees an ad for a ranch looking for a cowboy and applies. His tryout includes tests of marksmanship and use of a branding iron, but most of it consist of chasing down and roping a troublesome little calf. He passes the test, but the job isn't exactly what he dreamed of.
Movie: I Only Have Eyes for You (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
The iceman is in love with a pretty girl, and an old spinster is pining and cooking for him. But his dreamgirl prefers crooners like Bing Crosby, Rudy Vallee, or Eddie Cantor. After leaving her, he spots the sign of an imitator, and thinks he could ask him to do the crooning for him while he is trying to date his girl. The imitator accepts, and at first the trick is working, until the imitator gets too cold amid the ice in the back of the van and the girl gets suspicious.
Movie: I Wanna Be a Sailor ( 1937 )
A young parrot, against his mother's wishes, wants to become a mariner like his no-account father, runs away from home, and heads for the ocean with a young duck who wants to join him.
Movie: Little Red Walking Hood (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
Red walks past a pool hall; the wolf sees her and pursues. But Red is oblivious to his come-ons. The wolf short-cuts to granny's house; when Red arrives, granny lets the wolf dress as up and attack. The action pauses for a phone call (granny places her grocery order), some late arrivals, and egghead meandering along.
Movie: Porky the Wrestler (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
Porky, along with everyone else, is hitchhiking to the big wrestling match. He gets a ride from the challenger, but at the arena, Porky is mistaken for the challenger and gets thrown into the ring. The champ is making mincemeat of Porky when Porky crawls out and has the champ tying himself in knots, then swallowing a spectator's pipe and doing a steam locomotive impression.
Movie: Porky's Duck Hunt (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
Porky tries out his new hunting gear and blasts a hole in his apartment roof (and neighbor's backside). At the swamp, neither he nor the other hunters can hit anything. Porky sets out decoys, then can't tell the real duck from them; he wades out there, but his shotgun gets waterlogged. He shoots a barrel of rum, and some fish get drunk, get in a rowboat, and sing "Moonlight Bay". Porky thinks he's shot Daffy and sends his dog out to retrieve him, but Daffy brings the dog back. After some more shenanigans, Porky breaks out his duck call, which gets him (and his dog, after he swallows it) shot at. They go home, dejected, where the ducks taunt him some more and his gun jams again.
Movie: Porky's Garden (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
A small town agricultural fair is giving a prize for the largest home grown product. Porky sets to work planting a garden; his neighbor tries a feed mix for his chickens. But the chickens won't eat the feed, so he sets them loose in Porky's garden (one eats some spinach and does a Popeye impression). Porky rescues a pumpkin that they missed and takes it to the fair. The neighbor's chickens eat a huckster's reducing pills on the way in, and just as they are winning first prize, reduce back to eggs, and Porky wins.
Movie: A Sunbonnet Blue (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
Two mice in love are joking and playing at a fashionable hat shop. But a rat tries to play the old fashiomed villain who kidnaps the girl. So all the other mice there are helping her lover to find her. Hiding under all the hats they finally get her back...
Movie: Uncle Tom's Bungalow (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
In this parody of Uncle Tom's Cabin, Little Eva and Topsy try to rescue old Uncle Tom from the clutches of the evil slave-dealer Simon Simon [sic] Legree.
Movie: Cinderella Meets Fella (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
A partial updating of the Cinderella story. When the fairy godmother is late, Cinderella calls the police, who put out an APB and find her in a bar. Her first attempt at turning the pumpkin (canned) and mice into a coach produces Santa. Cinderella gets to the ball (in a stagecoach) and meets Prince Charming Egghead. They dance, and spend some quality time on the balcony. Midnight, dropped slipper, and all that; Egghead finds her house with the help of some neon signs, but all that's there is a note that she got tired of waiting and went to a Warner Bros. show. She pops up from the audience, and they head off to the tenth row together.
Movie: Daffy Duck & Egghead (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
A very early appearance of a barely recognisable Daffy Duck, seen here tormenting Egghead, a prototype Elmer Fudd who is just as unsuccessful with ducks as he was later to be with a certain wascally wabbit.
Movie: Daffy Duck in Hollywood (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
Daffy Duck wreaks havoc on a movie set at Wonder Pictures ("if it's good, it's a Wonder"). Daffy's creative editing impresses producer I. M. Stupendous.
Movie: The Isle of Pingo Pongo (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
A travelogue spotlights the tropical island of Pingo Pongo, showing the unusual flora and fauna and the lives of the happy natives.
Movie: Johnny Smith and Poker-Huntas (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
Johnny Smith enters an America where the Indians behave like 1930s average Americans. When he is arrested, the girl Poker Huntas rescues and elopes with him.
Movie: The Mice Will Play (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
The mice are on the loose after hours in a doctor's office, playing with the various pieces of medical apparatus. Susie Mouse is caged for research until her lover Johnnie frees her. A mouse orchestra plays a swinging wedding song. But throughout, a cat is stalking...
Movie: The Penguin Parade (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
An evening at a night club for penguins, (and a walrus or two). The stage show includes an appearance by a penguin incarnation of Bing Crosby, who sings a jazzy version of, "When my dreamboat comes home". The band's three singers do a scat version as well. This is followed by a full swing band instrumental of the song which works the band into a "Hot Jazz" frenzy, literaly melting some of the instruments.
Movie: The Sneezing Weasel (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
Mama hen takes her chicks out to breakfast, but little Wilbur can't get any worms. Finally, a big worm escapes, and he runs after it; meanwhile, the rest of the family has gone inside to escape a thunderstorm. Mama realizes Wilbur's missing and goes after him, just before the weasel (hidden behind a tree) gets him. He's caught a cold and is put straight to bed. Mama runs for the doctor; the weasel disguises himself as doctor Quack and the chicks open the door for him. Wilbur sneezes off the disguise and they recognize Willy the Weasel. The chicks prepare for war: bottle-cap helmets, popcorn ammo. The weasel corners Wilbur, who sneezes in his face and gives the weasel a sneezing fit. His powerful sneezes, among other things, blow the pages out of a book, which closes to reveal the title Gone with the Wind. Wilbur finally beans the weasel. Mama returns home with the real doctor, whose castor oil scares a revived Willy off.
Movie: Believe It or Else (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
In this spoof of the newsreel series, we meet a man who drinks large amounts of milk, a snake charmer, a man building a ship in a bottle, the world's loudest hog caller, a man who hasn't left his room for years, a human basketball, an optical illusion, a new giant telescope showing life on Mars and none on the moon, a wishing well in Egypt, the world's fastest woodcutter, the country's most accurate knife thrower, the sounds made by ants, and a man who saws people in half. Egghead keeps saying he doesn't believe it.
Movie: Dangerous Dan McFoo (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
An arctic saloon. The tiny dog, Dan McFoo, is playing a pinball-like marble game in the back. His girlfriend, Sue, sounding like Katharine Hepburn, stands by. A stranger comes in with eyes for Sue; he begins a boxing match with Dan. After Dan gets knocked down, he accuses the stranger of having something in the glove; the ref finds four horseshoes and a horse. After the fight goes on a while with no conclusion, the narrator tosses a couple of guns, the lights go out, and Dan is shot or is he?
Movie: A Day at the Zoo ( 1939 )
A tour of the zoo, in typical Tex Avery style: a series of one-liners and sight gags, punctuated by Egghead teasing a lion at intervals, despite the admonishments of the narrator.
Movie: Detouring America (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
This travelogue across America is filled with sight gags such as the 'Old Reliable' geyser spitting into a spittoon, cliff-dwelling Indians who walk horizontally up and down the faces of cliffs to get to their homes, and a Texas cow puncher who really punches cows. Also featured is Mr. Butter Fingers, a 'human fly' who climbs the outside of the Empire State Building.
Movie: Fresh Fish (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
A tour of the waters near a South Sea island, introducing us to the various kinds of marine life, including the pickled herring, the hermit crab, the starfish, a seahorse race, and many other puns. Among the running gags, a two-headed fish who keeps asking for directions to Mr. Ripley and a professor in a diving sphere looking for a rare wim-wam whistling shark.
Movie: Land of the Midnight Fun (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
A cruise to Nome, Alaska, starts with some cruise-ship jokes: the ship pulls out of the harbor like a car, raising anchor also raises the front of the boat, the ship follows the coast by curving around it. On arrival, we see some local scenes: A penguin eats two fish, then is eaten by the third; the dogs of a dog sled stop (behind an iceberg) at a telephone pole; a timber wolf goes around shouting "Timber!" Two Eskimos rub noses: in preparation, the woman applies lipstick to her nose. Finally, an Eskimo nightclub (after all, the nights are six months long) features a rotoscoped ice skater. The ship leaves, and gets caught in the fog near New York; when the fog clears, we see the ship is perched atop the World's Fair Trilon.
Movie: Screwball Football (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
A series of gags hung on a football game. The running gag is a baby licking an ice-cream cone; the portly man sitting next to him keeps stealing licks. We see the warmups (a kicker punts sitting in a chair; three other kickers break into a chorus line). The coin flip: the players pile on. The kickoff: the ball stays put and the man holding it is kicked. A re-kick: one player is used like a golf club by another. Some razzle-dazzle on the scrimmage line. The QB fades (literally) for a pass. Half-time: a quick show by the marching band; the team beats up their coach; a cheerleader rallies his team's supporters: one man. Second half: A touchdown run is interrupted for a commercial announcement; when completed, a cheerleader literally yells his head off. A quick montage of action, then the final gun which comes from the ice-cream tot, finally fed up with his neighbor.
Movie: Thugs with Dirty Mugs (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Killer and his gang are robbing every bank in town in numerical order, except they skip the 13th National Bank. The police are unable to catch them, despite their predictability (and their endless sight gags). Finally, they get help from an unlikely source: the guy in the front of the theatre who sat through the picture before. They capture Killer, and he gets a long ...Read all
Movie: The Bear's Tale (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
The bears go out for a bicycle ride while their porridge cools. Goldilocks comes along, but stops at grandmother's house instead, where the wolf is waiting. He sends her away, then realized she'd do just fine, so he rushes over to the bears house. Red gets to granny's house, finds a note from the wolf, and calls Goldy.
Movie: Ceiling Hero ( 1940 )
A series of blackout gags parodying aviation and aviation films. Gags include a parchutist whose parachute reads "Good to the last drop", jokes about LA's expanding city limits, and a satire of test pilot and their bravery.
Movie: Circus Today (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
A barker guides us through a sideshow, a menagerie, and on to the big top, for a series of typical Avery gags. For example, the trapeze artists, the Flying Cadenzas, literally fly; the lion puts his head in the tamer's mouth; and the human cannonball flies around the world.
Movie: Cross Country Detours (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
A series of travelogue gags, focusing on national parks and wildlife. In Yosemite, we meet a bear and a deer; the bear enforces his own "do not feed" sign; the deer greets us with "hello, big boy." A desperate scoutmaster asks to use a gas station washroom, then calls his troop of hundreds. A fire ranger spots a discarded cigar and races to pick it up - and smoke it. Alaska: A husky dog reads a mileage sign and sets off for California (beginning a running gag). A ferocious bobcat stalks a cute defenseless baby quail. The desert: we see our dog again; a lizard sheds its skin like a stripper. Because the next scene is scary, the screen is split: for the grownups, a scary gila monster; for the children, a little girl reciting "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and snarling at the reptile when she finishes. The Grand Canyon: A tourist testing the echo hears an operator: "I'm sorry, they do not answer" (and the dog, again). Beavers build the Hoover Dam. The dog reaches California, where he makes for the giant redwoods.
Movie: The Early Worm Gets the Bird (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Mammy blackbird puts her three little ones to bed, but one of them stays up reading "The Early Bird Catches the Worm." Mammy throws the book out the window and warns the little ones about the fox, which will surely get them if they try to be an early bird. The reader pays no heed, and gets up at 5 AM. Alas, the worm has seen the book, so is alerted and evades the bird. And sure enough, before long, the fox shows up and soon has the bird in his grasp. The worm takes pity, though, and lures a bee into stinging the fox so he'll release the bird. The bird heads home to safety, but unlike his brothers, he's not interested when mammy asks if he wants worms for breakfast (and the worm pops up to say, "neither does I, mammy.")
Movie: A Gander at Mother Goose (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
A collection of short gags based on classic nursery rhymes and fairy tales. Mary, Mary Quite Contrary, in her best Katharine Hepburn, tells us how her garden is really doing. Humpty Dumpty doesn't completely crack up. Jack and Jill go up the hill and have too much fun to come down. Little Miss Muffet frightens the spider off. The Three Little Pigs give the Big Bad Wolf a bottle of mouth-wash. A parade of wooden soldiers, in perfect formation from the waist up. Starlight, Starbright: A dog gets his wish a tree. Jack be nimble but not quite nimble enough. The old lady in the shoe made the old man very happy. (A gag involving Hiawatha, trimmed from the TV version.) Finally, the night before Christmas, and one stirring mouse tells the other to be quiet.
Movie: Holiday Highlights (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Blackout gags about the holidays. New Year's (the baby speaks to us). Valentine's Day (it's Leap Year, so the girl turns to the boy) Washington's Birthday (the cherry tree story). Arbor Day (a dog directs the placement of the tree). Easter (the bunny is menaced by the fox, who turns out to be a softy). April 1: no picture. Mother's Day: a decidedly low key reunion. Graduation day: the boy gets his diploma, and promptly joins a bread line. Halloween: the witch rides her broom, towing an advertising banner. Thanksgiving: A turkey for dinner, in more ways than one. Christmas: Santa's sleigh is an ice cream truck. New Year's: The Tournament of Roses parade; we see some floats.
Movie: Of Fox and Hounds (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Willoughby, a big dumb hound, is repeatedly tricked by George, the fox, into jumping off cliffs, among other things.
Movie: A Wild Hare ( 1940 )
Elmer is a dimwitted hunter who's "wooking for wabbits." Bugs proceeds to confuse, bamboozle, and otherwise humiliate the poor simp.
Movie: Aviation Vacation (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
One of the prohibited Warner Bros. cartoons, short course of history, pygmies, gypsies and presidents.
Movie: Hollywood Steps Out ( 1941 )
A tour of Ciro's Nightclub packed with caricatures of many top stars, including (in order) Cary Grant, Greta Garbo, Edward G. Robinson and Ann Sheridan, Johnny Weissmuller, James Cagney, Humphrey Bogart and George Raft, Harpo Marx, Clark Gable, Bing Crosby, Leopold Stokowski, James Stewart and Dorothy Lamour, Tyrone Power and Sonja Henie, The Frankenstein Monster, Larry Fine, Moe Howard, Curly Howard, Oliver Hardy, Cesar Romero, Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland and Lewis Stone, Kay Kyser, Peter Lorre, Henry Fonda, J. Edgar Hoover, Ned Sparks, Jerry Colonna, and Groucho Marx; many more just get sight gags, such as Claudette Colbert, Norma Shearer, William Powell, Don Ameche, Wallace Beery, C. Aubrey Smith, Boris Karloff, Arthur Treacher, Buster Keaton and Mischa Auer.
Movie: Porky's Preview (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
The audience enters Porky's movie theater, with a collection of quick gags: A firefly acting as usher, a kangaroo taking tickets and putting the stubs in her pouch, a chicken buying child tickets for her eggs. A skunk tries to buy a ticket, costing a nickel, but he only has one scent. He looks for a way to sneak in. Meanwhile, Porky introduces the show: a collection of cartoons, drawn as stick figures. At the end, the audience is all gone because the skunk managed to sneak in. Porky's cartoons include: Circus Parade, Choo-Choo Train, Soldiers (Marchin), Horse Race, and Dances (hula, Mexican hat, and ballet). All accompanied by a self-parody musical score.
Movie: Aloha Hooey (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
Sammy Seagull and Cecil Crow have stowed away on the same ship. Cecil, from Iowa, wants to see a hula dancer; fortunately, they've just come within flying distance of a tropical island with a lovely dancer. They take turns trying to impress her, with such stunts as skywriting hearts (Cecil almost drowns) and fancy dives (Cecil almost crashes, then gets into a fight with a shark, a turtle, and a starfish). Just when you think Cecil hasn't got a chance, a gorilla shows up wearing a shirt labeling him the villian (in case you didn't know); Cecil grabs a shirt labeling him the hero, fights off the villain, and gets the girl.
Movie: Blitz Wolf ( 1942 )
Yet another variation on the Three Little Pigs theme, this time told as WW2 anti-German propaganda (the US had just entered the war), with the wolf as a thinly-disguised Hitler.
Movie: Crazy Cruise (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
A travelogue, stopping in a southern tobacco plantation, the Swiss Alps, Egypt, Central Europe, Africa, and others, long enough for one joke per location. Bugs Bunny makes only a cameo appearance at the end.
Movie: The Early Bird Dood It! ( 1942 )
An earthworm living in a hole in the ground is a nervous wreck since a nearby bird does believe the old adage "the early bird gets the worm". Every morning, the bird lies in wait to nab the worm, so far without success. To help protect himself, the worm enlists the help of a cat, albeit a somewhat dopey cat. As the bird chases the worm, and as the cat chases the bird, the worm thinks he's got the solution to all his problems, which may sacrifice his new relationship with the cat. But the cat's not quite as dopey as he first appears.
Movie: Dumb-Hounded ( 1943 )
The Wolf escapes from prison but is hounded by the police dog named Droopy. Wherever The Wolf goes, the little fellow is there, too.
Movie: Red Hot Riding Hood (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
The characters of the traditional fairy-tale absolutely refuse to do the tale in the same old way. Instead, Little Red Riding Hood is transformed to the hottest singer in town, the wolf becomes The Wolf, and grandma turns into a man chaser.
Movie: What's Buzzin' Buzzard? (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
This cartoon is a 1943 American animated short film directed by Tex Avery, produced by Fred Quimby, with a musical score by Scott Bradley. The short film pokes fun at the WWII-era food shortages. The plot focuses on two turkey vultures struggling to find food in the desert. When they can't catch the rabbit, they try to catch and eat each other.
Movie: Who Killed Who? ( 1943 )
A man is murdered, and the detective tries to find out whodunit. But the house he's investigating is decidedly haunted, and he never knows just what's round the next corner...
Movie: Big Heel-Watha ( 1944 )
To prove he's a true Indian Brave, Big Heel-Watha decides to catch a squirrel - but wouldn't you know it; Screwy Squirrel is the first one he sees...
Movie: Happy-Go-Nutty ( 1944 )
The screwy squirrel escapes from Moron Manor, and is chased by the watch dog.
Movie: Swing Shift Cinderella ( 1945 )
Bored with chasing Red Riding Hood, the Wolf decides to go after Cinderella, but her fairy godmother takes a shine to him instead - and has an arsenal of magical powers to help achieve her ends.
Movie: Henpecked Hoboes (Short 1946) ( 1946 )
George and Junior are two hungry bears who try to make a meal out of a not too bright barnyard chicken.
Movie: The Hick Chick ( 1946 )
Clueless country rooster Clem's plan to marry his sweetheart Daisy are ruined when city slicker Charles sweeps Daisy off her (hen's) feet. When Charles takes Daisy to the big city, Clem follows and tries to win her back (while get punched a lot by Charles).
Movie: Lonesome Lenny ( 1946 )
Screwy Squirrel is bought in a pet shop to be the companion of a daft dog so strong that he squeezes his playmates to death.
Movie: Northwest Hounded Police ( 1946 )
A virtual remake of 'Dumb-Hounded' (1943), in which Canadian Mountie Sergeant McPoodle (aka Droopy) relentlessly pursues the escaped wolf, who tries everything (including plastic surgery) to shake him off his tail...
Movie: Hound Hunters ( 1947 )
George and Junior decide to get a legitimate job as dog catchers. The problem is that Junior is afraid of even the tiny (and surprisingly fierce) dogs. George tries dressing as a female dog to lure the dog to the truck; when that fails, he tries dressing both him and Junior in a giant cat suit. Then Junior tries a mouse trap baited with a hamburger from George's lunch and catches George ("a bad thing"). Finally, they dress as fireplugs and get far too much attention.
Movie: King-Size Canary ( 1947 )
A mangy cat on the verge of starvation finds a tiny canary and a bottle of 'Jumbo-Gro' fertilizer, which gives him an idea that leads to giant cats, dogs, mice and canaries chasing each other round Lilliputian towns and cities...
Movie: Red Hot Rangers ( 1947 )
Forest rangers George and Junior try to snuff out a frisky flame with a sparky personality that threatens to set the forest alight...
Movie: Slap Happy Lion ( 1947 )
The king of the jungle, after a well-spent day terrorising the rest of the animals, is petrified by a mouse...
Movie: Uncle Tom's Cabaña ( 1947 )
Uncle Tom tells the blood curdling story of how the evil Simon Legree tried to foreclose on Tom's simple log cabin.
Movie: The Cat That Hated People (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
A black cat explains reason after reason why he cannot stand people, and opts to relocate to the moon. When he does, he finds characters there that make him realize people aren't so bad anyway.
Movie: Half-Pint Pygmy (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
George and Junior hunt for the world's smallest pygmy.
Movie: Little 'Tinker ( 1948 )
B.O. Skunk finds himself attracted to various other animals, but one whiff and they run away. He tries some extreme techniques, including a Frank Sinatra impersonation; that gets the stage mobbed, but they still run away. Finally, he tries camouflaging himself as a fox, only to meet and fall for another skunk disguised as a fox.
Movie: Lucky Ducky ( 1948 )
It's hunting season, and all the ducks are wisely staying undercover - apart from this freshly-hatched little duckling, who turns out to be more than a match for two inept would-be hunters...
Movie: What Price Fleadom ( 1948 )
A dog lives in harmony with Homer the flea. But Homer spots a lady flea on a passing dog, and soon he's being attacked by that dog. And he just can't leave the lady flea alone. Meanwhile, his original host finds a goodbye note from Homer and goes looking.
Movie: Bad Luck Blackie (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
A cute and very tormented kitten is bullied by an incomparably evil bulldog, who lives to know better after a black cat crosses his path.
Movie: The Counterfeit Cat (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
A cat steals the headpiece of a dog to deceive the bulldog Spike and get a chance to eat the canary Spike is guarding.
Movie: Doggone Tired ( 1949 )
The hunting dog is haunted by the rabbit after the rabbit overhears the hunter telling the dog: You'll never catch that rabbit unless you get a good night's sleep.
Movie: The House of Tomorrow (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
A narrator takes us on a tour of the dream house of the future, and its many innovative appliances.
Movie: Little Rural Riding Hood ( 1949 )
The last of Tex Avery's variations on 'Red Hot Riding Hood' (1943), in which the country wolf visits his city cousin, who tries to teach him the rudiments of civilised behaviour when watching girls in nightclubs - without, it has to be said, a great deal of success...
Movie: Out-Foxed ( 1949 )
Droopy is an unlikely fox-hound, but the highly civilised (and resourceful) English upper-class fox makes even more unlikely prey...
Movie: Señor Droopy (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
Droopy and the wolf compete in a bullfight; the winner can get anything they want from all of Mexico. Both are inspired by the photo of Lina Romay on the cover of a magazine. The bull at first finds Droopy laughable. Of course, the bullfight is anything but boring and traditional.
Movie: Wags to Riches ( 1949 )
A millionaire with two dogs (Spike and Droopy) leaves his fortune to Droopy with the stipulation that should he be killed the entire fortune will revert to Spike. Guess what Spike is up to?
Movie: The Chump Champ ( 1950 )
Droopy and Spike compete in a series of athletics contests, and no prizes for guessing who starts cheating...
Movie: The Cuckoo Clock ( 1950 )
While this could very well be a germ-of-an-idea parody of an Edgar Allan Poe story, The Tell-Tale Heart, there is no way on this earth that Mr. Poe, credited or uncredited, had anything to do with this cartoon, in spite of the fact somebody has given him an (uncredited) as a writer. Bottom line, a cat is more than a bit annoyed at the cuckoo in a clock, and sets out to get rid of it, but ends up getting blown to the hereafter while the clock plays an fitting tune.
Movie: Garden Gopher (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
When Spike tries to bury a bone, he finds a belligerent gopher, setting off an escalating battle.
Movie: The Peachy Cobbler ( 1950 )
A poor cobbler feeds his last crust of bread to some birds that are really elves, who show their gratitude by finishing all his work while he sleeps and giving 'Tex Avery' a chance to show off lots of shoe gags.
Movie: Ventriloquist Cat (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
A cat learns the art of ventriloquism in order to play a series of practical jokes on a slow-witted bulldog...
Movie: Car of Tomorrow ( 1951 )
A humorous look at the possible future of automotive technology from the Tex Avery team of animators. Predicted developments include gadgets aimed at children, female drivers, young drivers, backseat drivers, tailgaters, road hogs (and their victims) and parking-space hunters.