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Stacey and her gang, organiser Dilly, carpenter Rob and cleaner Iwan, challenge the Lloyd family to sort their life out in seven days. To achieve this, they'll have to embark on a mammoth declutter. They ask the family to try and let go of half their possessions, so that they can then beautifully reorganise their life and home.With Stacey's help, the family start packing all their possessions into boxes. Every single item is stripped from the family home, revealing how much space there is under all their things. We get to know the family behind the clutter – Venicia and Elisha, their sons, little Elisha, Zechariah and Josh, their daughter Faith, and Venecia's younger brother Samuel, who joined the family two years ago after Samuel and Venecia's mum sadly died of Covid-19.With the house all packed up, the family's possessions are laid out in a giant warehouse like an art installation of their entire lives, including 118 blankets, 116 hair accessories, 51 hats, 31 mobile phones and tablets and 52 bottles of perfume. With everything displayed in front of them, the family are shocked to see how much they really own and are left to wonder how it all fitted into their house in the first place.There are emotional moments as the family go through their most treasured items. Mum Venicia shares memories of her mother, and Samuel finds a broken tablet with treasured photos of his late mother. Venicia finds it hard to let go of her beloved blankets, but eventually the items they do decide to give up are put into piles to recycle, donate or sell.

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Title: The Lloyd Family
Air Date: September 21, 2023
Runtime: 60 min

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