Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver (2024)
Smeagol 2 points 11 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Wow, where to start. lets make a couple movies about a technologically advanced empire that rapes, pillages, and plunders countless other advanced empires. planet killers extraordinaire. Can even heal a dude that was stabbed multiple times, broken limbs, then chucked off a platform hundreds of feet to the rocks below. (apparently he survives SMH). BUT, they get humiliated and wiped out not once, but twice by Amish wheat farmers, (with help of course from Yul Brynner and his gang).i especially like the body armor that’s as effective as the covid shot (not). And i hear there will be more of this tripe in the future. Come on people. raise your standards. Low B movie at best. Can’t wait for all the downvotes from……You know who you are. And thats my opinion on this trash and i’m stickin to it.