My 600-Lb. Life: Where Are They Now? (2015) S9 E3
Peace2yaa -1 points 4 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I don’t care for Cindy. I don’t want to see these people who don’t GAS anymore. They know they will die if they continue eating like that, but keep on doing it anyhow. Almost worst than an addict on drugs. We HAVE to have food to live, so it’s not like they can stay away from it. And I don’t want to sit for an hour and half watching someone continue to eat and lie to Dr. Now. I want to see someone who is ready to change their life and want to LIVE. Not people like Cindy. Wasted time. She don’t care so why should Dr. Now. She ignored him and went home. Until she needed him. Good thing I’m not a Dr. bc I’d told her to seek help else where bc when I say I’m done with someone? I’m done. I don’t go back and forth.