Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S5 E8
Boraes 4 points 4 months ago.

Book is such a pointless ancillary character now that’s just shoehorned into every episode. No reason to be in it until suddenly ‘O there just happens to be a familial kind of relationship with one of the people they’re chasing’. ‘Oh this place just happens to have an artefact from their world’. His only function is to be the Capts love interest so we can have those lovely long story detracting conversations about feelings and tense pauses. The show seems solely focused on them as the only people who ever undertake away missions. At least all other series mixed it up more with who was the episodes main charcaters.

ct451 2 points 4 months ago.

I think by this point the writers know the series is cancelled so they grab whatever character is easiest and go. They tried a bit of character development with some of the crew but there’s no point really.