Humane (2024)
Hans Zarkov 2 points 29 days ago.

My suspension of disbelief does about as well as the old Tacoma Narrows suspension bridge did when the idea of controlled euthanasia of a large segment of the population is the major plot point - but only because of the “controlled” part. The reality is the wars that would be fought over the dwindling resources and/or the massacre of ecological refugees fleeing to places where it’s not as badly devastated is our version of population reduction. Or if it’s internal within a country, more like Soylent Green than The Road Warrior.

It’s more of a nitpick than showstopper for me though - some of my favorite SF stories are the ones where the authors come up with unique post-apocalyptic societies (not including “young adult” orientated stories where a single teenager changes the entire world order by being plucky and self-confident).