The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (2024)
THEDEVIANTONE -2 points 7 months ago.

Why did Disney not release Sound of Freedom?
But when the Disney-Fox merger went ahead and the House of Mouse took over the rights, the media giant shelved the project. What ensued was an alleged battle for the filmmakers to set Sound of Freedom, well, free.27 Dec 2023 please do your home work there was so much controversial stuff involved in this movie that lots of pedos came out the wood work spreading things like its all a conspiracy.. conspiracies are started by the culprits basically like all the brainwashing going on in the world

~Dime~ 2 points 4 months ago.

Because of rights issues. That is why Disney did not release it. Also, they did not see it as a movie that would make profit. There was no conspiracy about it.