The Butterfly Effect (2004)
PersephoneNightingale 2 points 23 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

See…. I absolutely LOVE this movie, but I admit, this is only my SECOND favorite ending. I got the DVD when it came out and, fortunately, all four endings were included. In order from my most favorite ending to my least favorite ending it goes:

  1. Happy Ending
  2. Director’s Cut
  3. Open-Ended
  4. Theatrical Cut

I HATE the theatrical release ending, where Evan sees and recognizes Kayleigh on the sidewalk, but keeps walking. Like, at LEAST give them a chance if you’re going to let them come in contact again!

My favorite version is what everyone calls the “happy ending.” In that version, Evan and Kayleigh stop on the sidewalk when they cross paths and they start talking, given a clean slate. 🥰

As I stated, I his is my second favorite ending, which is the “Director’s Cut.” I like this version because Evan, by killing himself, gives everyone else the opportunity for happiness. I also like the Director’s Cut beccause it gives us an inside look that implies that Evans mother had three miscarriages before Evan, who also made the same decision and just took their own lives (note how the doctor says, “he’s strangling himself,” and Evan’s mother, in anguish, says, “not again!”

The Open-Ended Cut, like the Happy Ending and Theatrical Cut, occurs after Evan goes back to Kayleigh’s birthday party and cuts ties with her. I am fine with this cut because, after Evan passes Kayleigh on the sidewalk and keeps walking, he then decides, now that they are past all of the times of drama and turmoil, to
turn around and follow her. This allows us to make our own inferences as to how the story might turn out. 🤷🏾‍♀️